Land In The Stars

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Land In The Stars
POSTED ON Feb 4, 2019 10:02:46 GMT
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Plot | Rules | Getting Started | Wanteds

An Original Science-Fantasy RPG

The Avalon Star Cluster, a backdrop to endless wars and courtly intrigue perpetuated by the centuries long feuding of the Noble Houses. Where once stood a grand Star Empire, now are fiefdoms carved out by the most powerful warlords. In the Three Systems Era the families of the ancient Nobility game to see who will sit the Ancestor Throne and become the next Emperor of the Stars.

LiTS is an original game inspired by the likes of Game of Thrones, Frank Herbert's Dune, and countless other epic stories of personality. We are a no word count game with open rules on Face Claims, Animanga Images, and neither are required. Come and join the Sovereign Game and make your name in the eyes of the Stars.



it's a long life full of long nights