Wherever You Are

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Wherever You Are
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2019 23:28:53 GMT
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#league cadet


[attr="class","icarus_tab"][attr="class","ion ion-ios-cloud-outline"]



education was everything.[break][break]

faith was one of the people who didn't have to worry about anything. her mother was a lawyer, where her father was a doctor. a well off family and, though faith was pressured to do well in school, she grew up in a relatively loving household that was lenient on her as she grew older. she got her first pokemon, a ditto, from her father for her fifth birthday, solely because her father didn't want her to be lonely being an only child. when she was six, her mother's law firm was having troubles, hence they took out a loan from loan sharks. as a result of her mother's desperation, and ultimately failing to keep the firm afloat, she resorted to drinking and gambling in hopes that she could "win the money back". [break][break]

faith witnessed the gradual degradation and fall of her mother until she was eight years old. her father left her mother, taking her with him and fighting her in court or custody over their child. as a result, her mother fell into even more of a pit and took out even more loans to get into debt. faith, despite being forbidden to meet her mother, eventually began visiting when she started high school. faith lived a regular life with her father after the fact, but still dearly missed her mother. [break][break]

she visits her mother at eighteen, hoping to invite her to her high school graduation. she is met with the vivid image of her mother's corpse. after grief, shock, denial and many tears, she calls the police to report the body. her mother's death was ruled out as a suicide, and there were many things to back it up. yet, no matter how much evidence there was, faith could never believe that her mother ended her own life.[break][break]

she studies sciences and criminology in college, taking internships and the like during her studies. she graduates with her diploma, then chooses to work in an apprenticeship under different researchers across the region.

she is


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[attr="class","icarus_tab"][attr="class","ion ion-ios-plus-outline"]


quiet and initially meek, but fair.[break][break]

faith will return what she is given, responds to kindness with kindness. she is (surprisingly) dependable, silly, compassionate and understanding in whole. she dislikes conflict, but is not a pushover. her soft voice irritates her, it makes it difficult for her to communicate effectively. a heart of gold, always willing to help those in need and offer support or assistance. a great listener, genuine words and care that will value the friend first. [break][break]

but petty and childish. complains about the smallest things, and will join in to complain about another person's problems with said person. she likes to vent, even if it isn't her own problem. an opinionated woman, who occasionally gets a little nosy. unfortunately, when she spends too much time with people, she feels drained and exhausted. she cannot stay out for too long, otherwise her health will take a turn for the worse. [break][break]

of course, she will hide this fact to many people, and continue to silently push herself for the sake of another's happiness. only if she cares enough for them. she is clueless about the outside world, for the most part. it matters not how infamous someone is, nor do their alignment matters so long as she isn't aware.


vent pals
debate pals
battle teacher
pick up off the street

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[attr="class","icarus_tab"][attr="class","ion ion-ios-close-outline"]



optimistic and polite, but grounded and realistic. [break][break]

she has little tolerance for those quick to judge. she will return insult with insult, and expectation with that same expectation. she dislikes hypocrites, narcissists and liars the most. she will treat the same way she is treated. if she is left off the wrong foot with someone in her first meeting, she will, with all due respect, return that same wrong foot by making them trip. [break][break]

naive she may be and innocent she may come off as, she is intuitive. filled with booksmarts and no street smarts, she relies on her gut feeling when speaking to others. the few times she does, at least. she can tell when somebody isn't into the conversation, and she will feel the judgemental glare. [break][break]

it's a fifty-fifty shot as to whether or not she will call out or leave it be, considering her habit to give others the benefit of doubt. however, actively or visibly wrong her and she will not hesitate to retaliate. the only exception to this rule would be someone in need of genuine help, where her desire to assist overpowers when her eyes contradict another's words.

don't like

debt collectors
loan sharks

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[attr="class","icarus_tab"][attr="class","ion ion-ios-heart-outline"]



the only experience with romance she's had is in an otome dating game. [break][break]


put stuff here
or whatever
try not to go
super overboard, but it'll scroll after 2 lines

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