my hero academia: polaris

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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my hero academia: polaris
POSTED ON Sept 28, 2019 2:58:19 GMT
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My Hero Academia: Polaris is a new and already quite lively site that looks to offer a streamlined and fun experience. We encourage creativity and plotting where every choice you make should truly impact the world around you. Form an organization of villains and destroy cities or create a hero to defend them. Go through hero school to achieve a hero license or take to defending the streets as a vigilante. The choices are yours to make in the AU My Hero experience where a new age of heroes roams the streets. Our stat system is simple, easy to learn, and only exists to help with aiding to a natural sense of progression which won't hinder your progress or leave you doing complex math for half the fight.

If you're interested at all, at least hop in our discord and get to know people! We're all friendly over here!


it's a long life full of long nights