Dusk and dawn and Dusk [jomei]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Dusk and dawn and Dusk [jomei]
POSTED ON Nov 14, 2019 4:16:47 GMT
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[attr="class","SMASH-topquote2"]"Life is a bunch of ups and downs. It's how you handle it that counts."

“I got my cootie shot. You think that girl is hot…” Caius sung to himself as he opened the back door to the stray, backing out of the building into the cool dusky night that had swept over petal burg not long ago. With a trash bin in hand he made way for the dumpster out back as he sang to himself. [break][break]

Flipping open the lid he’d dump the trash, spilling it all from the bin into the dumpster. The stray was a pretty sweet gig, but boy did he wish he could have a house of his own. A nice house in the middle of a massive field, maybe a farm like the one he had back home. Something that he could call his. He began to day dream about owning his own farm now, looking up at the dark sky as he imagined all that he could have on it. [break][break]

He was so infatuated with his thought he hardly noticed the figure approaching him in the alley.








[attr="class","NOVACRED"]made by nova

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