Shiny [Open- Mission]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shiny [Open- Mission]
POSTED ON Nov 24, 2019 8:08:21 GMT
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[attr="class","SMASH-topquote2"]"TOUGH TIMES DON'T LAST, TOUGH PEOPLE DO."

How did this work again? It had been such a long time since Caius had gone on a date that he had barely remembered the motions in getting ready. He had tried his best to look presentable, a red jacket, a white undershirt and jeans. At the very least he was comfortable enough for his date. Speaking of... [break][break]

Not along ago an acquaintance had questioned why he didn’t go out when he was working a shift at the stray, it was an odd conversation but the result had been Caius being put on a date with a a friend of an acquaintance’s friend. It was sort of weird, but he was always one who liked to meet new people and who knew? Maybe he’d get a new friend out of the experience. [break][break]

Sitting on a bench just outside of one of the city’s Pokemon centers he had been relaxing as he waited for his date, mostly thinking about what they’d do first. Maybe he could take them out to eat? That was fun right? Or a movie? How in the heck did people do this dating thing so casually? He’d figure something out or they would.








[attr="class","NOVACRED"]made by nova

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