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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Aug 11, 2021 19:54:36 GMT
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"s-so cute!" she, unintentionally, said aloud assuming that it was said within her head. the thought of being called such an adorable nickname was hard to not find cute. she became flustered as one hand would touch the side of her face, the other holding the sleeping piplup. she'd walk inside to find a booth for the trio.

once inside, she'd come to have a seat. once they were seated, she'd set piplup down to allow them their continued rest. "well, in my bag, i found this..." it was a journal. but this was no ordinary journal. it possessed a mechanically complex lock. "it doesn't seem as though i tcan be opened, but...this black book was all i could find inside my bag." maybe it had information regarding her past? regardless, "it must be important to have such an odd seal." she'd examine the lock.

"it's missing the key, but..." the hole was shaped like no other. it had a flower-like shape. she'd hand the journal over to .

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2021 6:31:10 GMT
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she would come to accept his hand with grace. bluebell stood, once grabbing onto her necessary belongings. "thank you, sam." she softly called.

bluebell stared at the man for a short time. she would look down past the piplup in her arm, "sammy." she whispered. his name was too adorable not to nickname. she couldn't contain it within and thus needed to say it a little out loud. so, for a short second, it was quite awkward. heck she still held his hand with her own.

"oh, i should take that back."

it was then her stomach growled. the awkwardness becoming curbed by the intrusion of her need for sustenance. "oh! by the way samm--sam, there was one thing i found." but before she could discuss that finding with him they would not to get a move on toward the cafe. whenever he was ready to take the lead bluebell would follow.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 20:38:17 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
it stung.

her heart felt heavy at the thought not being known. and, not only that, but she wasn't being searched for. "how cruel," she casually said with a smile donned. she was despondent from the information being given. but, quickly, like the sun she'd beam. "well, that's quite alright." bluebell spoke.

his offer of hunger was enough to bring her a smile. "nothing a bit of food can't fix, right uhm..." she'd ponder on the male's name. "i don't exactly know your name. then again that should be the least of my concern, huh?" bluebell chuckled. "you don't have to tell the girl with amnesia. who's to say it'll stick?" she jokingly said. attempting to hide the wound on her heart.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 20:00:51 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
"i have some memory."

she would gently touch the side of her temple once more. her vision closed upon attempting to remember her past. a small flash came into her mind, but with each attempt to remember only made a migraine spawn. in the end she would shake her head, "i don't know. but there was one thing that came to mind." she'd look at the piplup who remained asleep, "this pokemon is my partner." she smiled softly.

turning her attention toward the male, she'd say, "the card said that i'm a trainer and is registered to 'hoenn'? do you know where this place is? maybe this place has someone who might know of my origin?" she'd ask with a hopeful glimpse within her gaze.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 14:59:03 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
the sudden appearance of had been a small startle for her. she wasn't able to discern her location or understand her situation. she barely had an idea of her identity. but if there's one thing she could say? it would be...

"no, no i am not."

hands softly massaged the side of the sleeping piplup's head. "but..." she hesitantly spoke, "...i'm not sure of anything, right now." soft, icy blue orbs became transfixed upon the piplup as she attempted to remember something, anything. upon removing her left hand from the piplup's head and onto the flowerbed, she would come to touch something that felt leathery.

it was a purse. small, but there was definitely some stuff inside. she'd pick up the blue bag in order to unzip. inside she would come to find a trainer card with her name on it and identification number. this trainer card looks to have been administered sometime ago. a cellphone, a journal, and capsule sized pokeball.

"bluebell..." she said, "montague, bluebell." she would look innocently to the newcomer. "do you know who i am?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
— sleep well, my flower..
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2021 1:44:57 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
for the sun has followed. the sky became bathe within a surreal hue, it was pink and orange. this change signified that evening came to be.

a flowerbed was in tenure. she was fair skinned and gently slept with her pokemon, piplup. upon softly awakening from her deep slumber. she would come to find herself and piplup within a place of unfamiliarity. the young woman would slowly press the tip of her fingers upon the side of her temple.

where were they? how did she get here? who—" i?" she said aloud. the grass beneath her rustled as she stood. the piplup, remaining unconscious, looked as if it had yet to awaken. she would return once more to place herself upon the ground. the piplup's head had been placed upon her lap.

"there..." she said with a smile.

she would come to take in her surrounding. within her view was a deserted playground. there were also park benches, trashcans, a water fountain, public restrooms. she would then come to take in sight the location of a park sign.

"a park?"
@open, random social.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
bluebell's pc
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2021 22:00:47 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar







i looked back once, and all i saw was his face smiling - the needle crying. walking out of his room with mirrors, afraid i heard him scream, "you'll never get away!" cold and shaking, i crawled down alleys to try and scrape away the tracks that marked me. slammed my face into walls of concrete. i stared - amazed - at the words written on the wall: don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle. it lies. don't ever trust, don't ever trust the needle when it cries, cries your name.













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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
POSTED ON Jan 9, 2019 8:21:23 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
"an only child, wow! you must have been pretty lonely..." she commented. continuing on with the conversation, she'd add, "oh! actually, i got a pokemon on the way here!" bluebell responded joyfully. a hum in the middle of showing eliard the pokeball. she'd nuzzle the ball against her cheek.

"two pokemon already, hehe." though, for a moment, she thought about eliard's response on being an only child. how lonely such a life it must've been. ceasing her nuzzle in the middle of thinking about such a lonely time.

notes: hi.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @bluebell
Bluebell Montague
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2019 7:48:35 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
perhaps it was awful to assume, but bluebell took it as a sign that she was allowed to order anything. the moment she was given permission, she did not hold back. "i'll have a mocha cappuccino with a plate of dango's--mitarashi flavored--a Neapolitan pizza, with a side of fries don't forget the fries, a bowl of your finest spaghetti--hold the meat--followed by a plate of some of your finest desserts! i was thinking of going for a strawberry shortcake with some neopolitan ice cream on the side, and red bean sweet paste dumplings!" a large order indeed. she was a growing girl, with a big appetite, it was a mystery of how she kept the figure she possessed, "and if it's not too much to a-ask..." she hesitantly spoke, "...a salad would be nice if it's not too much." bluebell blushed.

and as the woman finalized her order, she scurried off in complete shock. "so!" she ecstatically spoke up should eliard not have a comment or concern for what just occurred, "for such a short battle, i definitely have a long way to go before i can even think of earning the title 'champion' or challenging another gym leader," she chimed, "hoenn has been treating me quite well since i've arrived. the people are so kind and lively." admiring the restaurant the two sat within, she'd continue, "i'm actually from black city, which is in unova." looking down with an earnest manner, her expression ran from jovial to one of a sadden expression, "as you can tell i'm pretty new to the whole concept of being a trainer--" quickly she'd look up, "--not new as in a rookie or anything! i've done my fair share of studying, but i'm not like my older sisters." bluebell nervously chuckled.

"do you have any siblings, eliard?" she asked.

notes: hi.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2019 5:27:29 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
"i can't believe it's our first day here and we're already being treated to delicious food!" hands together, fingers entwined. bluebell's expression exhibited a look of joy. "i hope he doesn't think that this is a date; i'd hate to have to lead a man on unintentionally!" releasing her hands and slamming her palms against her face. she'd release a short scream, piplup mimicking her in the process, and said, "is this the curse of the montague women's bloodline?! no, no, no! i'm too young to get married!" shaking her head in the midst of daydreaming, she'd turn to piplup, whereas piplup to she, and continued, "maybe we should ditch him while we can! he won't mind, right--no, that's unladylike. mother would be furious..." though her father was no different if he knew she were out with a man.

sucking it up. they weren't too far from the location they were set to meet. "well, there's no turning back now. the worst thing i could do is reject him, right? but what if he goes off the deep end and threatens to blow the restaurant up over me!?" the back of her left hand met with her forehead, ready to faint. bluebell was unsure as to how she should go about introducing herself--again--to a man she just met. "alright, piplup. it won't be easy with you present, so i'll toss you into your ball for now. if anything happens, i'll call you out!" and so piplup returned and had been placed on standby.

as the female made her way into the restaurant, bluebell searched for eliard. only to find him casually sitting on his own, "eliard!" she softly called. casually making her way toward their table, she'd come to find her seat. "sorry to keep you waiting!" she chimed, "i can't thank you enough for the battle from early and for the meal, i'm definitely indebted for the hospitality!" though she wondered if they would be swinging toward his gym sometime later. aside from that, bluebell also wondered to what did she do to even earn such a treat. then again why ask when it's free? "i have so many questions about this region, the people, pokemon, and its trainers! this is a discussion i simply can't let go to waste!" bluebell merrily spoke.

notes: hi.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
003. a coordinator's name [ s. wild | invite ]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 7:31:40 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
"for now we're going to work on the physical aspect rather then the execution at this time. so with each clap i want you to jump and spin, jump and spin, jump and spin--don't forget to straighten your arms out!' she responded. it wasn't until a wailing cry was heard that she, and the pokemon with her, directed their gaze elsewhere. "did you hear that? let's go check it out!" venturing toward the wailing sound of a pokemon, she and her piplup would come to cross paths with a flaffy!

"are you okay?!" the flaffy's leg seemed to have been injured. the wound was a nasty bruise, but she wasn't able to tell exactly what could've placed such a blunt force injury onto the flaffy's leg. "stay right there!" she exclaimed, piplup kneeling toward the flaffy's side to reassure it that everything was going to be fine. "alright, i got my bag!" bluebell shouted, having ran off for no more then a second to gather her belonging. "i should have some bandages in my backpack!" pulling out a first aid kit, she'd begin to perform first aid upon the wounded flaffy's leg.

"it's not everyday you find a wounded pokemon," bluebell spoke, attempting to comfort the flaffy. "you'll be fine, don't worry." the flaffy was enamored with how kind the blue haired female had been, blushing out of sheer embarrassment with how dazzled she was with the kind woman's help. "your sheepskin is so flawless up close, m-may i..." bluebell, blushing, hesitated to ask, "...t-touch your coat?" the flaffy, in response, also blushed. hesitating to grant her permission flaffy, no longer hesitant, nodded. "s-so fluffy!" bluebell continually blushed, turning practically red in the face with how infatuated the flaffy's sheepskin made her.

"i-i have to ask immediately! please flaffy," in the process of finishing the wrapping of flaffy's wound, she'd ask, "please allow me the chance to take you on our quest! you're beauty is practically what i'm looking for on our team! i-i'd understand if you were hesitant or totally didn't want to befriend a stranger like me, but flaffy..." clasping the palm of her hands together, she'd bow, "...i'm begging you!"

notes: attempting to persuade the injured flaffy.
tag: ---

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
002. we met a gym leader, i think?! [ invite | spiral ]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 3:20:52 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
was he ignoring her?! some gym leader he was. a pout was made out of spite toward the neglect on her deduction as to what sort of gym leader he'd been. but that was all said and forgiven the moment he began to educate her on quagsire's ability to absorb water, all while learning about raw power. "totally far out..." she replied in awe.

dinner offered, she'd exclaim with glee, "no way!" the jovial expression she'd given, all while still holding her piplup as if he were a newborn. bluebell was ecstatic that shed been offered a meal, "i could so eat after that match, both piplup and i! along with getting him cleaned up!" as excited she may have been, she wanted to know more about this stone cold gym leader, "ah, by the way," twirling around with piplup in her arms, she'd lean forward with a kindred smile and spirit, "i'm bluebell montague, learn the name of the girl who's going to take your badge and become the next champion of this region; as well as the number one top coordinator!" standing straight back up, she'd nuzzle her sleeping piplup who slowly began to awaken, "and my number one partner, you've already met, piplup!" drowsy eyes and a heavy body, piplup arose to find itself awakening in the arms of bluebell. talking to the man she had just lost against.

notes: free food? hell ye.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
002. we met a gym leader, i think?! [ invite | spiral ]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 2:36:08 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
was he not a water-type gym leader? well, onto the next guess! "i don't think it was unwinnable!" bluebell responded, "water had no effect on quagsire! and most of piplup's techniques are water-based aside from drill peck, bide, and mist. the only chance of winning i had was with drill peck, but there just wasn't a way for me to get quagsire to budge! so i thought a relentless assault from bubble beam would get it to do something." she pondered once more, "i thought it'd get tired being hit with water-based techniques and eventually make a move, which it did."

if anything, bluebell wasn't aware, due to being unable to hear or, led alone, see the quagsire yawn. her vision was blocked and the noise from the whirlpool diverted her the two most important senses. "oh! ground-type?!" she exclaimed the next.

notes: :I

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Bluebell Montague
002. we met a gym leader, i think?! [ invite | spiral ]
POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 2:18:13 GMT
Bluebell Montague Avatar
"eh?" a confused state was shown by the sudden surprise of his question. "what did i learn...?" she lowly repeated. looking down toward the sleeping piplup, bluebell began to ponder for a moment. ]"ah! i was a bit too aggressive and led my piplup into an unwinnable battle; although, we were also careless as well." sadly it was too late to deliver a plan she'd concocted. if she wanted to pursue an opening she needed a decoy, "in the end i think there was a chance for us to turn the tide, i just didn't think fast enough!" a pleasant smile had been given to the man she still believed to be a gym leader.

as she stared at the man who bore nothing but an expression one would call "cold", she'd say, "water..." and continued, "...type?" bluebell uttered with a questionable tone.

notes: :I