i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 11:09:17 GMT
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great, the old hag became enamored with her brother. her disgusting hand had come to interact with her cheek, just after it was done canoodling her brother's body. it didn't matter to songbird--no--evelyn who he dated or even slept with. his tainted body was but a stain, dirty you could say, and was embedded with something not just physically, but mentally, incurable. and from just a single touch did she become corrupt.

in the back of her mind she saw the woman as nothing more than a cougar who was after any hot piece of young buttocks that caught her eye. evelyn, staring directly toward the woman, stated, "how deplorable." with a monotonous reply. using her brother as some despicable ruse for excitement, truly despicable. swiping the woman's hand away from her cheek, she'd allow a sigh to escape her mouth, "i was taught to respect adults who knew what the word 'consent' meant, not inappropriate adult-sized children."

never backing down. the girl stood up to the bold, or rather old, woman. "harassing men younger then you won't replenish the youth you've lost," evelyn said, adding with a small grin, "you old hag." if the supposed "old hag" knew just who evelyn was underneath her disguise, and the background with which she was raised in. she'd understand that, just by being related to the monster she stood in front of, evelyn was no different. with a sharp retort, and reflex, evelyn was prepared to play the childish game this woman thought of.

she was in no way, shape, or form one to gamble, but when it came to a risky situation? she was all in. "'causing a scene with a mere child in this open public space is truly beginning to show your age by the way..." evelyn's gaze, though quick, took a peek at those who were near the trio at the front entrance to the building. whispers and murmuring gathered to create a sound filled with curiosity. evelyn's eyes remained sharp, her body firm and prepped for it all. reputation did not matter to her, and perhaps neither for this woman; if she thought she was going to getaway with her disrespectful? the woman best prepare herself for a match she'll regret.

notes: your post was amazing, you literally had me fucking dying b/c i was so caught off guard. @devo1 why're you doing this to me, LOOOL.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 16:54:41 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar
Thomas would look down at Reila, continuing to smile. The fact that she looked to be happy and excited made him genuinely happy in turn. While he didn't care for people calling him Tommy, he found himself making an exception for the shorter blonde. But in any case, he himself wasn't sure of what to do, taking a moment to consider where they could go first.

It was then that a blonde had made a scene at the security gate. A Magneton would "pin" the boy by his arm, something the Interpol Agent found strange. Thomas himself was among those watching him, being ready to act, should things get ugly.The incident would prompt Fernando Silph himself to come down and greet the boy, who ordered the Magneton to release the hold on him. In any case, Thomas' intervention wasn't going to be needed, as it turned out the boy tripped the Magneton because of metal prosthetic limbs. Rather than greeting the blue-haired man, Thomas turned back to Reila.

"Did you want to check out the Rose Gardens, by any chance?", he would ask Reila.

In truth, it was only one of the things he wanted to do, but it was the first thing to come to mind. A part of Thomas wondered if it was the right all, considering they just got inside the venue, and couldn't help but wonder if she preferred to look at something inside. But when she would accept the suggestion, Thomas walked with her towards the Rose Gardens.

Upon reaching the garden, Thomas couldn't help but admire the beauty of the gardens. It was then that Thomas would be greeted by a Poochyena in a bow tie playing around. Thomas would kneel down and and sniff his hand. Once it was satisfied, Thomas would pet the Dark-type in a way that indicated he had experience with this particular species of Pokemon. After a moment, the Poochyena would run off elsewhere.

It was then that Thomas would notice a woman who seemed to be in some sort of distress. She seemed to be looking for someone, or something. "Excuse me, ma'am, is everything alright?", Thomas would ask her. Unlike his way of talking to Reila, the way he addressed the woman was far more professional and formal.

@reila @ryusuke @molang

  • Thomas witnesses the incident at the entrance with Ryuusuke, Fernando, and the Security Staff
  • Goes with Reila from the Front Lobby to the Rose Gardens (with her permission)
  • Arrives in the Rose Gardens, is greeted by one of Kyle's Poochyenas
  • Sees Lily searching for something, asks her what's going on.
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who knows
27 height
27 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @daniel
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 17:46:39 GMT

he can't say he's not a little bit disappointed at the rejected offer, but he shrugs it off almost instantly, instead taking a keen interest on the people dancing because truth is: he's ever only done it once, and that was in high school.

she averts her gaze and he finds it cute to see her flustered, shy, he can't find the right word but he knows how he feels and his feelings are what urges him to down the champagne. he sets the glass on the table beside them. there goes the pacing for the night he so vicariously planned around.

"it's okay, me neither." he tugs her towards the crowd. "come on, we'll improvise." because that's what they do best!

and, gods, do they improvise the shit out of it. he's seen enough movies to know the very basics: one hand on her waist, and the other intertwined with her hand. it's a slower song which grants them some leeway to familiarize themselves with the movement.

"it's easy: just move with me." 

he makes it out to be simpler than it is but truthfully, it's not all that hard. once the swaying starts and the back and forth stepping begins, he finds himself adjusting comfortably. maybe it's him, or maybe it's because she brings out the best in him.

he prefers the latter.

@nice winter ball
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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
1350 height
1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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Stormy Silph DOLLARS
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Stormy Silph
POSTED ON Nov 29, 2018 21:07:03 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

0000 words @arthurwright @elinda

She's made an enemy, she's good at that.

Stormy's angry red eyes stared him down, unwavering in their heat, as he wiped his mouth with the napkin. It reached every corner of his mouth, removing every bit of crumb or cream or sauce from his previous desserts. Her eyebrows narrowed in disgust.

What really sent her over the edge was the response she got. Of course, she hadn't been expecting him to apologize. The way the kid sat and observed and ate suggested he had absolutely no shame or interest in anyone but himself.

"What the fuck did you just say, punk?" she seethed, her voice coming through surprisingly calmly. She hadn't really begun to raise her voice yet. She wasn't really here to make a scene, after all. Stormy didn't outright try to make trouble, she just always managed to find it.

Not only that, he decided to egg her on by releasing more of his Pokemon. The Skitty, Growlithe, Glameow and Whimsicott all scattered after a brief moment of looking confused. Stormy clenched her fists as she watched one or two of them take off.

"Who do you think you are? This is a charity event, not for homeless, ratty children to run amok in," she said, trying to insult him. He probably wasn't ratty or homeless, but that didn't matter.

Just as she took a step forward to beat his ass for calling her fat, she felt a hand settle on her shoulder. The weight threw her off, and she whipped her head to growl at whoever was interrupting her fight.

Her face relaxed just a bit from her previous outrage as Elinda whispered reasonable advice to her. Stormy's fists unclenched, and she turned away from the boy she had been harassing. She had been so ready to show him who was boss...

It appeared that Chu-e had begun to walk away from her, and she felt herself brace herself - as if ready to run up to him again. She didn't however, and instead took a step back.


The other young man that had been entertaining her target earlier looked vaguely familiar. Stormy narrowed her eyes, but this time in a calculating, 'where do I know you from?' sort of way. He offered her one of the brownies on his place while also ushering Chu-e away from the potential throwdown.

She stiffly shook her head.

"Thanks, but I've lost my appetite."

Chu-e had probably hit a sore spot as she glanced down at her body to make sure she wasn't as fat as the young man had earlier suggested. With that said, however, Stormy let her feud go and decided to break free from the food table.

She was no longer hungry, and no longer enjoying herself as much as she had earlier - although that wasn't saying much.

Stormy is also not outright avoiding Elinda, but isn't really conscious of where she's headed either. She is likely heading out of the dining room and towards the rose garden, outside where she might be able to breath a little bit easier.

In the meantime, it's entirely possible she bumps into once again.
deltra of gangnam style
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 2:01:26 GMT
fernando doesn't shy away from her touch. he lets it happen, deducing her intentions as a plan formulates in in his head. it's not a matter of how to handle her but how to do so with tact. unlike the rest of the urchins, fernando knows how to handle the waves of the ocean. causing too much of a fuss is an easy way to get swept away in the tides of scandal and gossip. not that he minds - a king worries not about the concern of mere peasants - but it's additional pressure that has no merit in hassling him.

"you--" the accusatory tone surfaces from the foundation of a recognition he has from the frame of her features. he never forgets a woman of such beauty, and never one that poses such an acute danger. their skirmish in lilycove is not easily forgotten. the boldness of her confrontation is startling. fernando's caught off guard, momentarily snapping back with sharp, observant glare.


the third time is a charm. he warns her not out of some faux pas concern but as a prelude of what's to come should she dare exceed her boundaries. what had been a purposeful clemency will not be interpreted as some haughty assay of seduction. her hands tidy up his crinkled attire but her hook is as sloppy as this event. his hunger for carnage is as palpable as her lust - they always want what they can't have.

he never gets the chance to maneuver around her advancement. another woman, one who reeked of a reminiscence that goads him into taking her bait. something about her screams a need to dominate and to be dominated - a person who succumbs to true might but ravages all others. the situation unravels and he's left speechless.

fernando fears few things and women scorned is one of them.


assemble. wills, wits, perception. they all come together and in a brilliant flash of cognizance fernando realizes the last piece in this puzzle. he's flanked by both sides by enemies he cannot afford to ignore. so, he opts for taking on the child he has a history of handling. "excuse me for a moment." he takes evelyn by the hand. there's no asking, no compromise, no negotiation-- he demands her audience and carries her off like the doll she is. "i apologize on her behalf."

as to who he's addressing? it's ambiguous. picking sides in a scrap between women is a fool's folly. fernando intends to make it out this alive.

private matters must be resolved away from prying eyes. pulling themselves outside puts too much distance between fernando and the rest of the event. instead, he chooses the only viable option that serves his needs: the second floor. a steady, purposeful pace marches him up the spiral staircase with evelyn in tow. as to where they end up is a specific room fernando had saved with someone else in mind. the hotel room is oddly furnished and radiates a comfort that's meant to loosen prohibitions.

tonight's going to be a long night.

› recognizes athena
› watches the exchange 
› grabs evelyn away
› apologizes to both of them 
› leads her to his special room


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he / him
january 4
saffron, kanto
become as fire, eat the woods. eat the dark and show where i stood
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dominic sinclair
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 2:54:32 GMT
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he looted the suit from slateport - a little crushed shop he'd heard much lavished praise for. it is as though tailored for him; obsidian, with the vague hint of ash and dust clinging to the fabric as well as it clings to his frame.

dominic has to rest his hands on the marble staircase railing because otherwise his hands itched for a cigarette and it was all he could do to smooth the permanent snarl from his expression, jaw tight, shoulders raised; like a coiled spring waiting for something to happen.

he heard the voices below and was intending to head down, but they decide to come to him.

commotion at the steps, he turns to watch with a smile and a fluidity that seems unnatural for someone of his stature.

"i thought i heard kanto dialects."

his smile shows his teeth.

≫ dominic who?
≫ was observing what was going on from atop the staircase
≫ sees being... abducted?
≫ intercepts

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 3:29:04 GMT
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There were whispers and rumors around the place that people were already starting to get their panties in a twist about things here and there. Really she was uncomfortable with more than one thing in this entire situation but the biggest part of it was that she couldn't seem to find the dining room. These parties were supposed to have huge amounts of food right? Well why couldn't she get her mitts on any of it? Maybe if people stopped fighting for like five minutes she would be able to ask someone for help.

But instead she was trying to find a way through the ball room without disrupting someone's dance. Or shouting match. Depending on who you were looking at at the time. Maybe she could find some sort of staff around here that would be able to help her out? That was if she could find any of them. Hina knew that she should have just stayed home and stuffed her face with food from her own kitchen.

in the ballroom
she's trying to avoid the drama of the ball to just get some sort of snacks since there seems to be a big commotion that she doesn't care about.
                           hina's dress
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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 4:46:24 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar

a feeling, one not quite unfamiliar, was felt against his leg. a glameow had uncoyly brushed against his leg, promptly making its way over to the less appetizing treats. he’d hold himself back from petting the pokemon, afraid of the backlash from its unseen trainer. it’s not like it wasn’t inclined to eat, his gothorita was chowing down on whatever sweets she could get her hands on after all.

as his eyes wandered the ballroom they would set on the girl he had interest in from earlier, stormy! but from the looks of it, she didn’t seem to be in a good mood, understandable with everything that happened before they had split, and from the visual context of where she left from, it seemed her night has only gotten worse. guess now he knows where all the cream puffs went to, at the very least.

he would take a moment to finish his cake, tossing the napkin into the trash, then quickly grabbing two filled glasses. one for him, which he would halfway drink on his way over, and one for , which he promptly offered to her after catching up to the downtrodden girl.

here. he’d say with a smile as he leaned in front of her, pushing the glass into her hand. “it’s a ball, try to have fun and live a little; don’t let some sour grapes spoil the vine.

tossing the rest of his drink back along with his head, he’d set the empty glass onto a passing waiters tray, giving a wink to the girl before merging with the dancers, his aim to continue what he had started.

and what luck he would have, his swift movement pulling in a passerby, him leading the dance as he moved in sync with the music.

you look lost. he’d say with a smile as he swayed to and fro, a hand on her waist as the opposing one intertwined with hers. “can i help you in any way?

his words were as smooth as his suit, careful to avoiding others as he moved through the dance floor gracefully, a new partner in his care.

ღ almost pet that cute cat but held back ( )

ღ left his gothorita to gorge herself on sweets while he went to try and cheer up the youngest silph girl

ღ gave a glass of... whatever he picked up, then finished his own glass before going back to dance

ღ grabbed @verbatim2 and is currently dancing with her, asking if he can help with anything

-gothita's dress-

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 4:56:31 GMT
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as it turns out, open bar + doug = disaster.

doug had already drank himself through a fifth of a fifth of straight liquor, eaten some fancy-looking seafood appetizers that had done absolutely nothing to calm his stomach, and then promptly returned to the bar.

honestly, who invited him. he wasn’t even dressed for the part, a pokemart polo and some khaki slacks. he’d come straight after work and slapped on a tie.

anyway, at some point he had needed to use the bathroom, which entailed making the difficult trek away from the bar counter and through the mass of twirling bodies. looking at them made him dizzy with both vertigo and also a slight twinge of social anxiety. wasn’t alcohol supposed to make you more outgoing?

instead, it just seemed to make him clumsy. he stepped his way around a couple doing the tango and another doing a waltz (why were they doing different dances? to be totally honest, doug had no idea what either of those were.)

and then he walked promptly into a short red-haired blob. who might be a girl. it was hard to tell. but the nice thing was, she was also not dancing. they did the awkward dance of one person steps right to let the other person through but the other person mirrors and then repeat on the other side.

and then he walks straight into a purple and dark-haired blob. they were twirling so fast (or maybe he was twirling too slowly). maybe if he was less drunk they'd be a really cute couple.

“o ooh- oops, hic,” doug slurs, “scuuUuuuUuuseee me,”


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 9:22:43 GMT
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[attr="class","twobeelyric"]NO ONE ELSE

[attr="class","twobeelyric1"]IN THE


[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]LEFT FOR ME





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]THE ROAD GOES EVER ON


lucie wasn't normally the type to attend such extravagant balls. she earned a modest living at the moment, mostly living off her father's savings in addition to the little odd jobs she could do, and so she didn't usually go anywhere or do anything that'd be considered too excessive. in this case, however, lucie had made a distinct exception; it was a charity ball, after all, and as she wasn't able to do much else to support the displaced after slateport, she figured that travelling to lilycove and attending this function was at least a good start. of course, her home was back in petalburg, so she had to get a hotel room in the venue. she wasn't a big fan of travelling alone in the dark, after all, and it would've been far too long a trek to go to lilycove and back again in the same day.
lucie walked around the edge of the ballroom, taking in the sights around her. it was really amazing to see everyone dancing like that. even some of the pokemon were dressed up, their outfits were so cute! mareep had stayed in the hotel room - so many people moving around at once would have charged the electric type's wool far too much to be comfortable - but curious, yet timid deerling walked in close quarters to its trainer as they circled the room. deerling's winter coat had come in fully now, and lucie had gotten him a little bow tie to match, tied loosely enough round his neck but still making him feel quite proud and handsome.
"stay close by," she reminded the pokemon. "i don't want you to get lost. in the crowd."


++ lucie is wandering round the edges of the ballroom with her deerling, watching people dance and appreciating the decorations ++ a little too caught up in everything around her to realise something is amiss









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[newclass=.twobeelyric2]font:bold 29px Montserrat;letter-spacing:-5px;line-height:28px;color:#84a35f;margin-left:-3px;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.twobeelyric4]font:25px Oswald;font-weight:300!important;color:#eeeeee;line-height:20px;text-align:right;letter-spacing:.15px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeelyric4 b]font-weight:400!important;color:#84a35f;line-height:20px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeeline]margin:20px 0px 20px 175px;height:1px;background-color:#252525;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeenotes]margin:44px -44px -44px -44px;padding:24px;border-top:solid 1px #252525;background-color:#2d2d2d;font:11px Roboto;text-align:right;color:#5f5f5f;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeetagged]float:right;border:solid 1px #222222;background-color:#333333;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:8px;padding:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-55px 25px 0px 0px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeetagged a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:8px;color:#84a35f!important;[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 9:44:06 GMT
Deleted Avatar




[attr="class","twobeelyric"]BUT IS IT TRUTH?


[attr="class","twobeelyric2"]ON YOUR

[attr="class","twobeelyric3"]POINT OF VIEW





[attr="class","twobeelyric4"]SEEING IS BELIEVING


jade was not attending the ball on behalf of team rocket, not really, in spite of what some of them may have thought. no, she would have attended regardless of their wishes. events like this she simply could not pass by. after all, crowded events where most people were drinking provided the perfect opportunity to strike gold - usually literally. jade did not concern herself with pocketing money in these events - a waste of time and space, that was. really, the value was in jewelry and similar items during events like this. so many people bought new, expensive items well above their own worth for the sake of standing out and looking like they belonged... others would break out their great-grandmother's antique rings for the occasion, attempting to showcase some amount of class and lineage. they were stupid to do so, of course, but it was their stupidity that provided jade with a hefty sum of money by the end of the evening, so she would not judge them too harshly for it.
jade's eyes cast down at the glittering bracelet that had been newly attached to her wrist, admiring it in the starlight as she skated round the rink. hm... she might keep this one. it was rather nice. and it suited her much more than the original owner, too. jade smiled and looked around as she heard a swooping noise near her head; gengar was somewhere, probably inside the ballroom, watching from the shadowy, dimly lit corners of various places. flygon was the one who had swooped overhead just then. letting jade know, likely, that all was well.


++ jade is currently 'alone' - her pokemon are watching from elsewhere[break]++ has pickpocketed several people since arriving, and tends to wear jewlery she's stolen[break]++ currently skating in the ice rink









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[newclass=.twobeelyric2]font:bold 29px Montserrat;letter-spacing:-5px;line-height:28px;color:#7A378B;margin-left:-3px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeelyric3]font:22px Oswald;font-weight:300!important;line-height:20px;padding-bottom:24px;border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeeright]border-right:solid 170px #252525;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeeright1]border:solid 1px #252525;border-right:0px;padding:44px;position:relative;overflow:hidden;[/newclass]

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[newclass=.twobeepost]position:relative;z-index:1;font:11px Roboto;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeepost font]font-weight:700!important;color:#7A378B!important;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeepost b, .twobeepost i]color:#cccccc;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeelyric4]font:25px Oswald;font-weight:300!important;color:#eeeeee;line-height:20px;text-align:right;letter-spacing:.15px;white-space:nowrap;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeelyric4 b]font-weight:400!important;color:#7A378B;line-height:20px;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeeline]margin:20px 0px 20px 175px;height:1px;background-color:#252525;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeenotes]margin:44px -44px -44px -44px;padding:24px;border-top:solid 1px #252525;background-color:#2d2d2d;font:11px Roboto;text-align:right;color:#5f5f5f;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeetagged]float:right;border:solid 1px #222222;background-color:#333333;font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:8px;padding:10px;letter-spacing:1px;margin:-55px 25px 0px 0px;text-transform:uppercase;[/newclass]

[newclass=.twobeetagged a]font:bold 7px Raleway;line-height:8px;color:#7A378B!important;[/newclass]
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songbird, eve
september 5th
to be a flower you need rainy days.
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evelyn silph
POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 10:44:27 GMT
evelyn silph Avatar

and thus she was tugged by her brother away from the older woman. was this his way of trying to keep the peace from being obstructed? as if, there was no way that valued peace. he had something more sinister planned, and she was merely a pawn in the making--a doll told to sit and wait for the big tea party to happen.

nonetheless, it wasn't until she caught sight of , a fellow member of team rocket. he, too, should have been aware that this was nothing more then a disguise, and hopefully he wouldn't give her away. "dominic..." she whispered underneath her breath. snatching her hand away from her brother and placing it over her heart, she'd clear her throat and collect her thoughts. what should she say, what should she do? hopefully her brother didn't intend on making a scene. she watched her back to make sure no one was watching the possible trainwreck that may or may not unfold.

notes: o-oh, well, this was an unexpected dilemma. is currently on (or by?) the stairs with in front of her and in front of them.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 11:52:50 GMT
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reila would smile to thomas before her eyes starting scanning the place around them. her heart was just fluttering a bit as she stared at everything pretty around her. she didn't even notice the things going on with the people she didn't know despite it seeming interesting to her partner.

when she heard his voice, her blue eyes snapped back to him. they sparkled happily as she gave a nod. "oh yes! the gardens would be lovely, tommy!" she gave a giggle as she walked beside him towards the outside from the lobby.

it wasn't long until her eyes once more just started looking about excitedly. it was as if she was in a beautiful winter wonderland and she was able to spend it with this handsome male beside her.

wait, handsome? what was she thinking about. of course, it wasn't wrong. in her eyes, thomas was the most handsome one there.

then she noticed that once they got to the gardens, she looked down to see the poochyena. she grinned a bit as she also moved to crouch down. "hey there, cutie!"

when she heard thomas talk, her eyes looked up towards the woman. it was odd but a small bit of jealousy started to boil within reila, which made her feel really weird.

what was going on with her lately?

tags: @molang
notes: reila would have walked with thomas to the gardens, honestly ignoring everything going on until she noticed him go over to lily and she got a little jealous. oh, and she greeted the poochyena!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 13:28:20 GMT
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Events like these were far too formal for Sebastian, especially since he was not the type to follow suit. While his selection of an ascot-style cravat tied outside his stand collar shirt under an unassuming vest may have seemed ceremonial for someone who grew up in the streets of Goldenrod City, it was not too far off from his usual attire. He refused to invest in a suit for the occasion, let alone some shoulder-broadening jacket that he was sure to lose track of. Noir, on the other hand, seemed to have much finer tastes than his trainer. The sneasel had convinced Sebastian to sponsor a tuxedo so eigengrau that it almost meshed with Noir's fur. Almost.

"Now that I think about it," Sebastian began while stroking his chin and carefully observing the faint sheen of the tuxedo. "I'm pretty sure that tux is midnight blue?"

Noir winced, trembling with anxiety as if he understood the implications of Sebastian's statement. The trainer shook his head and chuckled before giving his sneasel a scratch behind the ears.

"At least that tie is fire~!" he teased as he leaned his back against a wall along the outer area of the ballroom. It wouldn't be incorrect to call him a wallflower, but it would be very incorrect to assume he was uncomfortable with social interaction. Sebastian just preferred not to waste time on people that did not have an obvious benefit to him. He had only considered the event as an opportunity for some reconnaissance, and also a chance to witness quite a diverse gathering of pokemon. Speaking of which, a well-groomed deerling caught his eye and he couldn't help but whistle.

"Damn Noir, I think his tie is spiffier than yours!"

Noir scoffed.

→ bas is in the ballroom
→ noir is his wingman
→ bas basically catcalled 's deerling
→ noir is jelly

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Nov 30, 2018 15:43:28 GMT
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perfect paradise
tearing at the seams

she's far too old to deal with childish behavior from an entitled brat who thinks the world revolves around her -- who thinks they can simply drag a person away, interrupting conversation, simply by saying the magic words of excuse me

"run along now, mere child. know your place." 

not much else needs to be said because not much else can be said. the brat's dragged away and with that, their interaction comes to an abrupt end. not that she minds -- this isn't considered a failure. just a setback. an unfortunate one, too. because she's still hungry. and only something very specific can satisfy her.

through the ballroom she ventures, once again lost in the rhythmic movements that sway through the room. like waves cascading along the ocean, she soon breaks at the other end and flows towards shore.

her hand finds a glass of champagne, idle in her movements as her eyes regard the rest of the room. she lands on a face that's all too familiar -- it almost makes her freeze. but athena doesn't get intimidated.

she takes a step forward, closer, and lets her gaze spike across the small vicinity. when their eyes meet, and she knows they will, she coaxes him over, calling for him with a slight smirk that draws him in.

her hook's in the water, bait laying in wait.

@tags in post!
- leaves and - i love you, light! sorry for coming after you but just know that ilu ♥
- tries to coax while completely ignoring .
- waits on the balcony with a glass of champagne!

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