Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 13:38:33 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






Taking back his whistle before one of his one on tried to break the public’s ear drums. The ranger does what he can to accompany the tauros as the march through the festival as he was told that the last time this festival was around some punk tried to get away with catching one of them which. Thankfully this time around didn’t seem too eventful, the only incident being taken care of by one of his superiors so he was free to roam around again and just keep watch. Part of him wondered if he’d be able to find Chloe again but he figure he should leave her be so she could actually have fun. Though everything felt way to crowed still and it was wearing him down. [break][break]

Salem seemingly on him the whole time as the cat kept close to ensure that his trainer wouldn’t have a sudden attack while in the mix of all this going on. There was music something more slow it seemed and honestly wanted a break from everything else that was what he headed toward. He could do this, he could relax and enjoy himself like any other here. Maybe... Or maybe volunteering for work when he was as tired as he was wasn’t the best idea. [break][break]

As he walked the young ranger just rubbed his eye trying to get out of his own head for a bit, though walking in a crowed area with eyes closed didn’t help. Salem tried to yelp at him but in the end Razz found himself bumping into a green hair woman . ”Shit.. ah... s-sorry,” the young man was quick to apologize. Inwardly he was kicking himself for not paying attention, he was half blind as it was why would he make himself fully blind. Though thankfully the unknown was accompanied by someone he was more familiar with , and just beyond him.... ah... ... his shoulders slump some. [break][break]

So much for trying to relaxed. [break][break]

Notes: Post #7/15 [break] | I hope you guys no mind



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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 14:32:51 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
It feels cheesy, like some scene in a movie. For what is entirely too long, even with people bustling around him in the crowd, Chu-e felt like the only person there. Just him and playing that beautiful music. That evil little thing fluttered in his chest, slowly, slowly, and Chu-e wondered how, months ago now, he could look Jayden in the face and honestly think he was empty as a doll. With how he played now, with how his hands had been so gentle when he found him in his house, how he had looked when Chu-e had gifted him the Luvdisc- something. Something was there, on the edge of some fleeting realization.

Then 's voice tore him from his own mind, made him blink in almost confusion as he glanced over. Pompom, his Igglybuff, was still in his pocket. She seemed to notice Razz about the same time he did, eagerly yelling out to the younger man and raising her paw above her hand to wave, excited to see him. He blinked, noticed a familiar shock of red and matching green, as well. He felt oddly vulnerable, as if by staring at Jayden he had been caught in some lewd voyeuristic act. The three of them would see something rare- Chu-e unguarded and for a moment frazzled, cheeks heating up pink and averting his eyes as he tried to gain some sense of control back over himself.

But, these were people he liked, even considered friends if you stretched and warped the definition a bit, so after taking a moment to try and smooth his expression back down he did give a little smile and wave before approaching. A quick glance over his shoulder at his Mismagius, still singing with Jayden's piano, and he stepped over to meet them.

"Hey, nice to see you!" Pompom took this as he chance, pulling out of Chu-e's pocket and floating up a bit, aiming to try and land in Razz's arms so she could give him a hug. "Razz, are you working?" He glanced at . "You're both rangers, right? You know each other?"
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played by


Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 16:14:20 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
6/15 posts TAGGING and

"well if she's up first then we'll referee from the sidelines." kaz said as he pushed his irritated incineroar to the side of the ring where they would wait and watch the match unfold, "oh settle down tiggs you'll get your shot, heck you'll get the winner outta this. don't that sound fun?" the incineroar pursed his lips as he mulled it over before giving a thumbs up to his trainer who responded in kind. as the two settled down on the side kazimir approached the ring with a raised hand and looked between the two combatants.

"machamp in the blue corner, dragonite in the red. let's have a clean match everybody ok? aaaaaaand begin!" with that his hand came down to signal the start of the fight before bouncing back with his incineroar letting out some cheering roars from his seat.

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played by


he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 18:11:39 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“So—we get another try?” he clarified, looking ‘round.

Well, at least that first swing wasn’t going to count—was it? Either way, once the hammer was free again, Lars took another breath. The earlier attempt had him rushing into the damned thing which ended with him hitting it all wrong.

Well, here goes—

Down the hammer went. High or low, it didn’t matter anymore to him—because he saw that Skyler was looking for some mischief. Mischief she would get!

“C’mon let’s go somewhere else,” he muttered, passing by her and plucking her arm. “I know you want to be a big kid so—how about tree climbing?” he suggested to the ship captain, weaving through the crowd towards a nearby clump of trees that didn’t look too occupied.

“Go on,” he added a few moments later, taking the pipe out of his mouth and blowing another stream of vanilla-scented smoke before looking at it.

It looked sturdy enough…


his thematically-appropriate festival get up


had a second swing, but proceeds to yoink towards some trees and be a big kid (feel free to see what they doin’ )

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played by


The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
3,796 posts
Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 18:14:18 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

“Nice ta meet ya! I’m Eva,” she introduced and then motioned to the Machamp beside her, “And this is Syah,” a small smile twisted over the fighting-type’s thick lips. She was ready for a challenge! Things had been quite boring for the pair. Well, besides Team Rocket resurrecting itself and threatening to take over Hoenn . . . That was kind of a big deal.

Eva relished in the subtle judgment of . She was small but feisty. If he knew half the crazy shit she had done in her lifetime he’d probably fall over in shock, “Alright, Syah! Let’s give ‘em a taste of pure fighting-type power!” Eva gave the female a good slap on the back before she walked forward to enter the ring with the roaring Dragonite. She rolled he four shoulders, thick, steeled muscle rippling under her blue skin. Her toes curled into the ground, steading herself. All four arms stood at the ready.

gave the go and Syah stepped forward to meet the Dragonite head on.


Notes: 5/15

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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:08:51 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Through all that joy, through all that excitement, Hideo didn’t even think that maybe his lucky performance could be attributed to something other than luck. His Hatterene still had a confused look to her face, and he was completely unaware that Andy was doubting his blindness at this point.

He could barely hear those fists whizzing by his face over the hustle and bustle of the festival, and the slight brushes of air were attributed to the wind. The faux assaults earned no reaction from Hideo, apart from making him wonder what was taking Andy so long to respond - or if he’d approached the wrong person by mistake.

It did get an annoyed look from the Hatterene, even if she could already tell Andy wasn’t actually trying to hit Hideo.

The question about lottery tickets was the only thing to get a reaction from the boy. “I’m...not really sure,” he said, his eyes still looking forward, his stare only broken by intermittent blinking. “If you mean festival lottery stuff, I don’t think there’s an age limit. Dunno about the official lottery, though I think we’re both too young for that.

Completely missing the point of the question. He was still too enraptured to think things through fully.

Why? You thinking about taking a shot at it?” Maybe that was just Andy’s way of trying to move on to something else; he did just get outdone by a blind kid, after all. “Or we can try something else if you want. See anything around here you wanna try? Or something you saw when you were scouting?

Post 10

Hideo does not react to 's faux-beating
Hideo suggests they go do something else (completely missing 's point)

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
2,384 posts
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:23:43 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Angelo doesn’t say anything when steps up to take her turn at the strongman game, standing off to the side to create space between them; distance doing little to ease the humidity against his skin. Curiously, he watches out of the corner of his gaze with a slow, languid smile as she picks up the mallet. Purposefully placing himself in the captain’s peripherals, so she knows he’s there. [break][break]

Her muscles tense as she readies herself for the competition, dishevelled yukata slipping from the motion of strong arms and Angelo takes note of a familiar scar that peeks just out of the fabric; subconsciously remembering the shape of discoloured skin that reaches down her back. [break][break]

Ocean eyes are drawn away however when a smirk materialises on the corner of her mouth; curled, magnetic and infectious. Angelo smiles back, flirtatiously at first, before twisting into something incredibly self-satisfied and amused. Her strike barely making it a quarter of the way. [break][break]

Whether he’s a little tipsy or he’s just addicted to the danger, it doesn’t matter; Angelo maintaining eye contact as he lets out an amused, singular, “hah..” [break][break]

“Skill can replace luck. If you have the technique.”[break][break]

Says and Angelo turns his attention back to him, watching as Skyler’s position is replaced by the betting man; Angelo unaware of his position in the political world. He wasn’t one to really pay too much attention, nor care, about such things. “No, you’re right, it can. That’s a fair point…” he responds, in reference to Fernando’s previous comment. His lips curl intentionally. Repeating. Bantering. “Good luck, then.”[break][break]

The first strike is a miss and Angelo tips his bottle back in a victory sip, feeling confident about his upcoming promotion to the Elite Four.


post #8[break][break]
+ [break][break]
+ is currently your noodle champion. for the deal, fern has to beat @simone 's 89 [break][break]


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:25:43 GMT
Deleted Avatar
jinhai was comfortable, relaxing on his little bench finally. if he had thought he would be here this long he probably would have brought a book as well. but unfortunately it seemed like he lacked that critical thought when he was leaving his apartment. nonetheless he could at least people watch a little bit. though it seemed like he was doing that more and more recently. his activities with rocket were difficult considering they were all wrapped up in a bunch of different projects. he was sure now that he'd met face to face with an underboss he would probably be getting more work. even if the underboss didn't know who he was at the time.
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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
5,130 posts
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:28:01 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

“Everything is a learning process—hell even the Gym Leaders learn more about the world through all the battles we go through,” he nodded sagely.

Just what was taking so long to get back down on the ground, anyway? Either way, there were still some taiyaki patties with him on the platter he was carrying around. He plucked one of them and offered it to .

“Here, try this one. Another one of the many festival snacks they offer. Why they don’t sell them more often is beyond me,” he mused as he finished off another stick of dango before placing the empty stick on the plate.

Scouring the crowd, he wondered where the other man had ended—what the flying fuck?

He spotted a head of familiar hair, but how in the ten circles of Hell did Remiel end up at his current position?

“Okay either I am seeing things, or did Remiel appear over there?” he said, squinting for a few moments and rubbing his eyes, pointing in the general direction of where the other games were set up.

his attire + a fox mask as described. Also no scarf? What is this madness


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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:45:58 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
"I don't trust the League to have a handle on anything." His tone drops low, as if he's trying to avoid being overheard by the patrolling officers. He laughs, a low sound that rasps in his throat. "Did you watch the press conference? They couldn't get through a public event without incriminating themselves and squabbling amongst each other."

He's talking, of course, about the live back-and-forth between and @selena. He and Katherine may not always see eye-to-eye, but he'd taken a sadistic pleasure in watching her go for the reporter's throat.

"If I thought their real concern was keeping people safe, I wouldn't have a problem with it."

Conscription seemed a convenient excuse to leash potential dissidents. They'd denounced once before, avatar of Solgaleo; no doubt they'd have preferred to keep the steel-skinned strongman within their ranks, supporting their ideals. Though much of Gavin's small-talk was directed toward disparaging the League on principle, he possessed a very real concern for what they might use their allied avatars for — with Rocket's reveal, they'd been offered the perfect screen of keeping the public safe.

laments their grim discussion, and Gavin's canines flash sharp with a grin. "Who says we're not having fun?" His amber gaze follows hers to the array of games. "I'm down to try whatever."

Post #6 / outfit
Hanging out with and .
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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
6,601 posts
kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 19:47:27 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he had only taken his sights off of for a moment and the next thing kyle notices is that people are crowding over her. a finger pulls a collar of his shirt as to let himself breathe. hanging out with a friend was one thing. a crowd was another thing entirely for an introvert.

"wow. popular, aren't we?" he quips, seeing both and head ranger approach his chaperone for the night. kyle is visibly surprised, most of it acted out as part of the jest.

he starts to move away, though he pats skyler by her shoulder before he goes. "i'll let you have my prize then," he says, a smirk on his lips visible. "i'm claiming that free food later when we see each other in the festival again. don't think i forgot about it."

as he waves goodbye to her, kyle proceeds to venture out to the rest of the festival, looking at other stalls with the objective of finding which one sells the most expensive food to get the most value from skyler.

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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @plank
peggie vela
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 22:11:40 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","spiral"]Most of the conversation between the two men goes right over Plank's head. Just as Priam promised, they're obviously friends and they fall into a natural back and forth Plank can't quite (doesn't even especially want to) fit herself into.

Thankfully she's thrust back into the interaction when Priam graces her waiting hand with the lighter. The feel of it in her hand re-ignites her anticipation for what comes next and she can't help grinning like an idiot while giving it a few test flicks.

"Let's do it then!" Plank cheers, the excitement of her current companions infecting her and firing her up even more.

"Bombs away!" She says in a tense whisper, a smile plastered on her face as she flicks the lighter one last time and places the flame on the fuse.

"Bombs away!" Her Chatot echoes from her shoulder while her Vaporeon winds tight around one leg.

ooc: post 7/15

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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 21, 2021 22:28:02 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




He could only stare quietly for a moment as he schemed some manner of way to get his hands on a few lottery tickets. This kid was too lucky for him to just forget about it. Hideo didn't seem to get it though. The Blackadder boy didn't care that he had lost, because clearly something weird was going on here. This was like some cheating that he would do at... pretty much anything.
''Something else,'' he said slowly, the wheels of his flabbergasted mind turning. Perhaps another game would help in testing if the blind boy had something peculiar going on about him. Andy thought back to his time in the air. A part of his thought process wished he had had more time to look around before being interrupted.
''You know, that ain't a bad idea. I saw a hoops game nearby. Why don't he try that?'' While not the same thing as target shooting, throwing the ball into through a hoop required a similar visual coordination. For a moment he almost reached for Hideo's hand, but then gave the hatterene a look. No. She could do it. Andy didn't want to scrub off whatever magic was on the other boy.
Turning, he led the way, his ghostly entourage following him. Epitaph handed off the stuffed pysduck to the phantump who lovingly snuggled it. The gengar looked slightly unsettled that he had made another living being happy. Weaving through the crowd with an occasional glance back to make sure he hadn't lost anyone, they were soon in front of another stand.
''Two tries please,'' he said, once again paying himself before turning his attention towards Hideo. ''This time you can go first.'' This was less about scouting his competition and more about seeing just how many times lighting could strike for the younger trainer. If he aced this, Andy would do whatever it took to make it into something profitable.
For the both of them of course.








[attr="class","dangercredits"]cyan of pixel perfect

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[newclass=.dangercredits]margin-top: 6px;margin-left: 420px;font-family: raleway;font-size:8px;[/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 0:15:04 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo nodded. He did really well with that last game; maybe his luck would last and he’d do really well with the next. “Haven’t really done much basketball,” he said, “But it can’t be that much different from throwing a Pokeball, right?” Wouldn’t even need much luck in that case, though a basketball was bigger and weighed more than a Pokeball.

He waited for a moment, expecting Andy to guide him along again...and was disappointed when he didn’t feel a hand or elbow-tap again. Probably still miffed by that loss, huh? But that was fine; his Hatterene grabbed one of his hands, leading him towards where he assumed Andy was going. His free hand was occupied with holding the stuffed Golduck - which he wasn’t aware was a Golduck yet.

Along the way, Hideo closed his eyes again; he only needed them open to trick the worker, and they starting to hurt a little. The little group stopped by another stand, this one also fairly modest; just a small area with a pair of basketball hoops, surrounded by netting.

Hideo smiled when offered to go first. “Gotta get my luck in while it’s still strong!” he exclaimed, handing off the stuffed toy to his Hatterene before walking forward until he felt the wooden stand. The worker at this stand gave him a quick lookover and shrugged, pressing a basketball against the boy’s hand.

Alright, kid: you got ten throws. You start when I tell you to. No help from your Pokemon with your shots, alright?” A smaller explanation than the last game, but throwing a ball wasn’t as complex (or risky) as using a BB Gun.

Hideo nodded, waiting for the cue. Which was a pretty blatant “go!”.

And he already ran into his first problem; he didn’t know where the basket was. He knew it was forward - where else would it be - but he didn’t know how far or how high it was. He took his first throw, tossing it forward with two hands. A clean miss, undershooting the basket by a good distance.

The ball landed on some netting, rolling back towards Hideo. The netting was low enough that it wouldn’t roll right into his chest, instead hitting the wooden stand with a hard-to-miss noise. “A little higher!” the attendant said.

Hideo took another shot, same as before but aiming higher up. He heard it bounce against something wooden, but it didn’t sound like it went in a basket.

A moment later, he heard a little *thump* in front of his face. The ball had bounced back, and would have hit him right in the nose had his Hatterene not extended her head-hand and blocked it (keeping the stuffed toy she’d been tasked to hold up with her Psychic power). “Yeesh, might want to use less power there,” the worker added.

Whoops~” Hideo whimsically said, the ball dropped back in his arms. He took another shot, hitting the wooden backboard again. The ball harmlessly fell back down into the netting, rolling back to him. He took a few more shots, each one getting nearer to his goal, but ultimately missing. And his Hatterene was ready to catch any more child-seeking balls, which there were no more of.

But his seventh throw managed to hit the mark, falling right into the basket. “Nice one!” the attendant said, clapping for the boy. Which did serve to encourage him on as he took another shot, this one just barely missing the basket.

With a good enough idea where the basket was, his next two shots were much better - both managing to score. But those were the last two shots he had; “Three out of ten ain’t bad,” the worker said, “Here, something for your good work!” Hideo felt another stuffed toy pressed into his hand: a stuffed Voltorb.

Even though a nearby sign said you had to get at least 5 out of 10 baskets for a prize.

He happily took his reward, turning towards Andy. “Guess I can't be lucky all the time!” he exclaimed with a smile, stepping back so he wouldn’t be in the way.  "Your turn, Andy!"

Post 11

Hideo goes first
However, he only gets 3 out of 10 baskets (once again due to the rng)

He still gets a stuffed Voltorb as a prize

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stormy, bronwen
she / her
july 25
saffron city, kanto
elite four
avatar of moltres
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1350 height
if you could only see the beast you've made of me
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TAG WITH @stormy
Stormy Silph
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 0:17:55 GMT
Stormy Silph Avatar

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petalburg woods

if you could only see the beast

you've made of me

Another roll of her shoulder and the world moves on wthout her. That's just how it went, right?[break][break]

Kyle mentions how it was a feat she'd pulled Fern out of his office for the festivities, but Fern is quick to correct that. Stormy's voice is lost to the wind and the ding-ding-ding of the bell being rung by a few more contenders. Even Fern seems to take up arms, or is about to.[break][break]

"Wait, you're handing out promotions over a hammer-arm contest?"[break][break]

No wonder there were so many people.[break][break]

"Here I thought people were just happy to see you, Fern."[break][break]

Stormy's attention lingers longer than what might be normal before glancing away. Arms are thrown around her in a warm greeting from , and she returns the gesture with a chuckle and pat on the back.[break][break]

"If you win, Kaz, you could be my next partner."[break][break]


notes: joining the strongarm challenge - post 7/15


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