Vital Spirit Festival

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 0:42:39 GMT
Deleted Avatar
chunhau seemed to be a little more bored with just sitting there than jinhai was. the sunflora finally let go of his hand and began to wander a bit, though not too far. until she hit a small pond. it was pretty to look at her reflection in the water with all of the lanterns reflecting like big stars in the pond. with an excited noise she splashed in the water a little bit, much to the annoyance of a few people who were simply trying to enjoy their time by the pool of water.

"chunhau, be courteous." he wanted to scold the sunflora and probably should have. but instead he just gave her a small warning instead, much like he always did when it came to disciplining her or correcting her.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 1:03:17 GMT
Deleted Avatar

Chloe also placed the bracelet around her hand, smiling being content with the purchase. "Yes yes of course" The response was eager and she nodded happily. Fish type takoyaki? Chloe never had that before, just the regular ones but the fish ones did sound good. "I've only had the plain ones too! She briefly mentioned and led Melody towards the food stall. Fortunately the line wasn't long. Her eyes scoured the menu, unsure of what to get - Chloe didn't see any fish takoyaki listed so she just went with the one she got last time. Smiling a grin as the worker handed it to her. She took a bite of the takoyaki a little startled when Melody had apologized randomly.
"Don't worry! I like talking with you! And I didn't get a chance to say this earlier but I also liked your performance. " She could partly relate when it came to not knowing many people since most of her friends lived in castelia city and there weren't many here in Hoenn especially with all the crazy events. "Lillycove huh? I'm from Castelia! Been to Lillycove a few times for ranger work and it's a really nice place"
Just as she finished her statement, overhead in the dark night sky an array of pokemon faces blew up in fireworks - each in a variety of bright and vivid colors. "Woww! Fireworks are so pretty" She said with a smile her eyes twinkling with amazement.



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Eye of Staraptor
october 19
camphrier town, kalos
pr strategist
437 height
437 height
1,218 posts
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TAG WITH @lancelot
Selena Desmarais
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 1:07:51 GMT
Selena Desmarais Avatar
Selena is surprised would recognize her abilities as a contest runner. The fact that most of them are really her initiative makes her irritated because there is no way she would have agreed for such a setup if not for her father's blackmailing.

But this time, it's a different case.


After all, it doesn't help her fostering so much enemies.

“Are you sure, though? People would have get the wrong impression since... you know what happened to me.”

But deep inside her head, she is looking at this as a positive publicity. One that she needs the most especially after what happened.

TL;DR: Selena is in the festival ground! She is near the stone shrine.
Talking with !
Open to additional interaction.

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January 29th
Castelia City
Hot Springs Employee, Media Personality
1 height
1 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
20 posts
Logan Ferris DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @loganferris
Logan Ferris
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 1:10:02 GMT
Logan Ferris Avatar



Dragonite growled eagerly, his competitive spirit clear as day just from the look in his eyes alone, as he stepped forth, his foot claws digging into the ground as he extended his own sturdy, powerful arms to meet those of the incoming Machamp. Granted, there was a disadvantage or two right from the get go; Dragonites were powerful but were not known for their strength in the same direct manner as Machamp were, as well as the fact that Machamp also has four arms, whereas Dragonite had two - the only compensation for the dragon-type was his strong tail, which he had elected to use as a makeshift 'safety net', using it to maintain his balance and to try and hold his position, while pushing forward.
From the sidelines, Logan watched with an excited anticipation as the two burly Pokemon went head to head with nothing but their raw strength. A minute or so into the clash, amidst the equally-hyped spectators, Logan clambered back up onto the podium of the statue he mounted his camera on, checking to see everything was working as intended. Thankfully it was, and much to Logan's relief, comments from viewers unable to attend the festival were flooding and rushing up the side of the screen, as they too were caught up in the energy of the venue, let alone the two powerful Pokemon having a shoving match.
For quality of life purposes, Logan briefly dismounted the camera to pan it around and show the viewers the sight of the festival from Logan's somewhat elevated position on the tall stone podium. After, he turned it to zoom in briefly on the trainer of the Machamp, Eva, as well as Kazimir and his Incineroar. He felt a grin creep onto his face again as he felt the sly and snarky self-confidence she truly had slipping through her expression. Logan liked trainers who had faith in themselves, their Pokemon, and the bond that they had created and shared for who knows how long, such as Eva herself.
At the risk of missing something eventful, Logan placed his camera back on its mount upon the statue, ensuring it was once again pointed at the ongoing sumo match. Sitting himself down on the edge of the podium, he cupped his mouth to cheer and holler towards his Pokemon, as his Mudkip sat upon his lap and mimicked its trainer, also crying out in support of its friend. "C'MON, BUDDY! SHOW 'EM WHAT A DRAGON CAN DO, HAVOK! HAHAHAAAA!" Logan's eagerness was infectious, as after he cheered, some of the spectators near him got a little louder themselves.
TAG(s): +


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[googlefont=Holtwood One SC][googlefont=Roboto][googlefont=Playfair Display]··
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sab, bean
june 1
hammerlocke, galar
polyamorous bisexual
artist, art collector
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
165 posts
part of
TAG WITH @sabine
Sabine Calcifet
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 1:28:24 GMT
Sabine Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




vital spirit festival

is it really a surprise if i'm playing

with your mind?

Sabine's smile curves into something devious, and her attention does not stray from the woman's face. The background quite literally melts away until it is just the two of them, only coming to the surface when her hand stretches out to encourage her to choose.[break][break]

She tugs the woman along then in a random direction, though the 'festival' scene in general is foreign to her. The actual participatio of 'games' was a ruse- Sabine Calcifet was a princess, not a commoner graced with the ability to leave her tower to play games. She spent her childhood dressing up and impressing royals and participating in galas.[break][break]

This was way out of her area of expertise.[break][break]


notes: :festive kiss: - post 8/15



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[newclass=".punkianger-sabcredit a"]font: inherit;[/newclass]
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Sovetskii Soryuz

Little Bastard
June 6th
Wyndon, Galar
Ace Trainer
Gonna dig this hole until I fall in. Until there is no end. Until there is no anything.
615 posts
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Andy Blackadder
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 1:34:45 GMT
Andy Blackadder Avatar




Watching with an unusual intensity, he couldn't believe it as the boy flubbed shot after shot. His eyes narrowed. Was this some trick? An index finger tapped on his chin. His paranoia baking his insides until they squirmed. What if Hideo was some agent of darkness, the same that made off with his parents? Had their meeting been a coincidence after all?
Had he been sent to drag Andy off to hell?
''Drif! Drif! Drifblim!'' The balloon lifted and lowered his four appendages. ''Phan-tump! Phan-tump!'' It spun in midair waving its arms. His pokemon cheered the boy despite the abysmal performance. Gengar kept shifting his eyes between his trainer and the other. He could definitely tell something was bothering Andy.
Finally Hideo finished, and still got a prize despite only getting three out of the ten baskets. That charm... was it... otherworldly...? Chocolate eyes carefully studied the younger trainer as he returned to him. Just as before there was a silent moment of study before Andy responded, his move carefully considered before he committed.
''Best two out of three? If you do good on this one I will... uh...'' Ah damn. Being generous was harder than it looked. ''Well, I'll... buy you anything you like.'' That seemed a bit excessive. ''Within reason,'' he added a disclaimer. Now he had to see if his friend would be as enthused to do it again. Maybe it was all nothing.
But maybe it wasn't nothing!








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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
part of
TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 3:49:31 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar






Razz just tilted his head at the smaller man as he seemed red for some reason. Part of him wondered if he were sick or something, it was chillly for Hoenn right now so made sense. Because why would the guy who had no real sense of personal relations understand the other was checking out the one playing the music. [break][break]

The ranger was slightly caught off guard as suddenly the little ball of fluff decided to come into his arms for a hug. He gives a small smile to the other service pokemon, "Nice to see you too," as he pats the Igglybuff on the head. Salem welcoming the pink ball as it did help with his trainer's stress levels if just a tad. [break][break]

Razz nods about working, "Wouldn't be here otherwise as these aren't really my thing," he explains lightly though does become slightly nervous about the question of knowing . He wonders if knows about the other or vise versa. From his memory Senon wasn't as involved in a lot of things so his recalling people would most likely differ from his own. "Yes, I met Game pretty early on while working with the Rangers, I hope you're all enjoying everything so far," he is quick to say before the other ranger could say anything, with a small attempt to change the subject. [break][break]

Who this was protecting who knows in the end, but in his head it was for the best. [break][break]

Notes: Post #8/15 [break]



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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 4:41:47 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar


Lulu followed after, allowing herself to be pulled along. Her eyes sparkled—not due to lingering effects of the princess’s kiss, but rather the effects of feeling ironically free for a moment.

While some craved things like intimacy, Lulu craved something as simple as a game of cards. That was it. All she wanted was someone to play with; someone to give her a challenge, really. Surely, anything further was just a result of confusion amongst both parties.

Sad that Sabine would pull a ruse, but as Lulu would know, such was the way of rich people.

As they passed by the games almost entirely, she pursed her lips and cut her eyes at the back of the woman's pretty head. Liar. Where was she leading her to now?

She would echo the words she'd spoken as they'd left her apartment days ago. “Where are we going?”

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august 12th
silph co. ceo
council member
9,099 posts
part of
TAG WITH @silph
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 4:52:33 GMT



What? [break][break]

That went better than expected. The fact that the bell dings several notches higher should leave most satisfied but Fernando is not 'most'. In victory there is failure—his calculations are off and therefore his last attempt is one left up to fate. Expectations demand another dud round, hereby confirming that the 'sweet spot' could only exist in the other quadrant. Without reassurance, Fernando feels his frustrations mount as he tries to rise to the occasion. [break][break]

"People aren't allowed to be happy to see me," he spits out with a triumphant 'hmph'. Being the butt of 's jokes have taught him to accept them in stead, more than happy to disregard his company in the same manner they discount him. All he needs is victory. That in itself is good company enough. [break][break]

"..." [break][break]

' quits, unable to match his prowess, which brings a small grin to the Councilman's face. That's the encouragement he needs to proceed. [break][break][break]


"Battle! Routine! Set!" [break][break]

Each chant comes out in an encouraging crescendo. The entirety of his concentration is put into the way his fingers squeeze the life out of the mallet's handle. His eyes never leave the 'sweet spot' and he brings down the hammer with full force. [break][break]

"Execute!" [break][break]

Regardless of the result, the sound of the mallet making contact rings with a resounding 'ding'. [break][break][break][break]

One Salac used![break]




made by gimmick

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
part of
TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 5:29:35 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar
As soon as 's IM reaches her phone, her face twitches to project glee reading her message. However, another IM catches her immediate attention: this time, it comes from one of her underlings.

“Splendid! I want to finally celebrate Mr. 's victory, even though I did not take a bet on it, but I have some pressing matters to attend to.” She sends them off a flying kiss, finally glad to leave the company of high-tier league officials. “Later, lovies!”

Vanessa walks out of the strongman game, her attention drilled into her phone as she type in a response for both the grunt and , with the latter inviting her to a stall "Valerio" finds amusing.

Her strides lead her to the personless stall that some Rocket grunts set on the festival. This is supposed to be a prank: a petty way to earn money knowing only a few are capable of winning it. However, it seems the dark humor that revolves around an installation of blacephalon head balloon pop stall leaves a bad impression to the passersby.

Whoever decided it is a good idea, Vanessa will give them a good spanking at the end of the festivities.

Right now, her attention is focused on manning the game station. With almost all the grunts assigned in this stall leaving the place to enjoy the festival, Vanessa is just a bit too considerate for her grunts to take over. She just considers this a silver-lining of being able to flaunt her dress for the passing crowd.

“Good evening, Oldale! Try our balloon pop stall and get a chance to win ginormous prizes!”




  • HIT THE BLACEPHALON BALLOONS by rolling the same number as the rolls above. Your character has THREE attempts per post.
  • Hitting at least two will grant the contestant the GRAND PRIZE. Rolling with at least one will award participants the CONSOLATION PRIZE.
  • Characters with pokemons that have the ability KEEN EYE, COMPOUND EYES or the move LOCK-ON can add or subtract 1 to one of their rolls by summoning them beside their character during the attempt. These modifiers can stack as many as you want, as long as you have enough pokemons that fulfill the requirements. Consider also that the stall is just a small one LOL.


[newclass=.festival .vdice-box] border-radius:100%; background-image: url(; background-size:80px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.festival .vdice-value]color:#303030;[/newclass]··············
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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
ex-elite four
6 ft 3 in height
6 ft 3 in height
victory is in the pocket!
2,604 posts
part of
TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 6:12:48 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar
7/15 posts TAGGING and

unfortunately for kazimir had already left her alone to deal with the strongmen in favor of another type of test of strength, even if it wasn't one for his own strength at the very least. still it was pretty fun watching two pokemon going at it in a test of strength, kaz was pretty absorbed by it all as he watched the machamp and dragonite go at it. he honestly couldnt' tell who would come out on top if he was being honest so...might as well cheer for both of them at this point. his incineroar was already doing it anyway, "c'mon you two! i know each of ya got some better muscles than that! really put some oomph behind it!"

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 7:40:10 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]





silver leaves in the air

of starseedlings


"Is that a person on that thing's back?"[break][break]

"Are they allowed to be up there?"[break][break]

"Maybe it's festival security."[break][break]

Realizing he was drawing plenty of unneeded attention from the festival goers below, Remiel blushed in shock before spurring Mephistopheles to move. The phantom lizard wasted no time in diving downward and swooping away. Within moments, they landed in a small garden area hidden behind the game tents and a traditional Oldale shrine house. Remiel slid off his mount, and patted its side.[break][break]

Having no need for his trusty Dragapult any longer, the royal then returned it to its luxury ball and clipped it back onto his belt. There was still the matter of finding and Thorgrim, of course. But he could do that on foot, and simultaneously explore a bit of the festival as he did so. So, after smoothing the wrinkles in his hanbok out, he set off.[break][break]

The moment he reentered the throng of people inhabiting the carnival game area, however, he felt a splash of water strike his cheek like a bullet. Nonchalantly, the prince turned to regard the source of this unwanted prank: a snickering nine-year old manning one of several Squirtle water cannons at a 'hit the bullseye' stall.[break][break]

"Now, now, kiddo," The host of the game spoke, wagging a disapproving finger at the child. "That won't win you a prize!"[break]


notes: Remiel landed somewhere discreet and dismounted his Dragapult, returning it to its ball. He reemerges in the crowd filling the carnival game area, only to be struck on the cheek by a water cannon. Some naughty kid at one of the game stalls did it.[break][break]

wearing: blue and white hanbok[break]
post count: 9/15[break]


open to new encounters!


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 8:30:11 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

    Rowan hadn’t ventured much out of Slateport City since arriving in Hoenn, intending to get himself established there before venturing out into the rest of the continent. However there was an allure to a festival that he hardly could resist, the idea of being a nameless face in the crowd that no one cared about or even knew. Back in Galar he would have been subjected to being followed by bodyguards, worried that he would be kidnapped for ransom or something possibly worse. The Wrynn name hardly meant anything in this place, and there was a comfort that came from knowing no one at this festival could possibly recognize him as anything other than a young trainer. Moving through the crowded lanes, weaving through people like ocean waves with the smell of food wafting all around him, the sounds of his thoughts drowned out by the sea of voices. Something about this experience made him viscerally happy, as though even being here was a testament to the new life he’d begun. It took everything in him to keep the smile off of his face, turning his head to peer at the Piplup riding along in the hood of his jacket. “Everything alright back there, Mistral?”

    Mistral shuffled slightly in the fabric nest before letting out a trill of frustration, turning his head away to look at those passing by. Rowan knew that he didn’t like being confined to the hood, but seeing as Mistral was prone to disobeying him, he wasn’t going to take a chance on having his beloved companion get lost in the crowd. Any sense of joy drained from Rowan’s face as he spotted something familiar in the distance, icy blue hair that he hadn’t seen on a person in many years. It had to be coincidence, right? The chances of this being the same girl was astronomical, there was almost no possibility that it was truly happening. Rowan told himself all of these things but couldn’t stop himself from advancing further down the throughway, drawing closer to the young woman with each step. A moment of hesitance stopped him from going any further, wondering if this was a door he should open considering he was just basking in the anonymity this new continent provided him.

    Yet, he had to know. “Excuse me.” Rowan began as he started approaching, hoping he’d be able to get the girl to turn around and face him. “Do we...know each other?” If she was who he thought she was then this question didn’t need to be answered, but he had to know for sure.

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he / him / his
august 1
silently judging everything
112 posts
Adam Lycaon DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @adam
Adam Lycaon
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 13:44:26 GMT
Adam Lycaon Avatar

It had taken him a long bloody while to find something that didn’t make him feel like a clown.

And now that Adam had secured his Johto-inspired outfit, he was ready to go. Wearing the summer-weight clothing felt—strange, surreal—bloody hell he was used to being in traveling clothes all the time!

“Weird,” he muttered as he slid on the wooden—yeah, he’d never worn wooden shoes before. Or were they sandals? It was time to see if these things would last him an entire evening.

Coming in from the direction of Petalburg, he was not surprised to see that the entire place was in full swing already—and then he felt something buzzing in one of his sleeve pockets. Reaching in, he looked and checked what was causing the noise.

‘Just got here. Had a bit of a wardrobe disaster,’ he replied back to the message.

‘Anything you need us to do while we’re here at the celebrations?’ he followed up afterward.

First things first—time to look for something to eat.

he's wearing the attire on the left and is HELLA weird about it


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The Robust
October 30th
Bevaridge Town
Pokemon Educator/Vlogger/Biome Enthusiast
Avatar/Gym Leader/Elite Ranger
See ya later, Feraligatr!
1,591 posts
Zac Ramsay DOLLARS
part of
Zac Ramsay
Vital Spirit Festival
POSTED ON Feb 22, 2021 13:53:19 GMT
Zac Ramsay Avatar

    "I heard a bit about what happened. Suspended, right?"
Zac shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me. People put too much stock into their job. You're not a gym leader. You're Selena."
    Zac turned to look at the pink haired woman. He didn't have a great grasp on the details, having not been invited to the press conference, but in all honesty it didn't matter. He may not be Selena's biggest fan, but she was still human. And Zac was a fan of humans. 
    "You may have worked as a gym leader, and you may so again, but that's not who you are. You're a person first, and anything else second."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing