i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 6:18:14 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 2





THE FLOETTE REMAINS affixed to the machine. As Declan deliberates, he pets the Flower Pokemon's head. Every swipe of his palm is smooth— but ends with a rough tussle at his fingertips.[break][break][break]

As appears, a slight smile appears on Declan's face. He responds kindly with two beats of a chuckle. Although he may not know of Marie's true aims— the topic of Cotillard is inevitably disturbed by 's inquiry. "YES, BY ALL MEANS YOU MAY SEARCH WITH CONRAD. HOWEVER, ABOUT YOUR SILVALLY. IT IS A SYNTHETIC POKEMON, CREATED BY THE AETHER FOUNDATION AND FURTHER TESTED WITH MOSSDEEP SPACE CENTER."[break][break][break]

Tired eyes scrutinize the creature curiously— and wonders how this particular one came to be. Skepticism lines his eyes as he continues, "COTILLARD, WHEN HE WAS THRUST INTO THIS WORLD, WORKED IN MOSSDEEP AS HE ATTEMPTED TO FIND A WAY BACK HOME. THESE POKEMON WERE MEANT TO HELP HUNT ULTRA BEASTS— AND WERE DESIGNED TO TURN AGAINST THEIR OWNERS WHEN THE MEGALOPOLANS CAME."[break][break][break]


AFTER MUCH DELIBERATION, Declan snaps his fingers. The grunts begin to return the Shadow Pokemon to their pokeballs. He calls upon several Rocket members to come to the front. With every decision, a ball is placed in his gloved hand before he tosses the capsule to the appropriate trainer. Underhand tosses, of course.[break][break][break]







UNDERBOSS 'S ADVICE IS WELCOME. Declan nods into the nook of his index finger. Pinching his chin, he hums— then fishes out a ball from his own pocket. Although the younger Rocket () possessed enthusiasm— to bestow a Shadow Pokemon to one too evergreen is rash. One misstep could mean a torn off limb. Mauled face. He still acknowledges her energy in an outward smile. Should she surprise him and her peers despite her age, perhaps, in the future, power will come her way.[break][break][break]





THE FINAL BALL that falls into Delarosa's hands is a pilfered one: a Kommo-o that had suffered during the fight against the first Celesteela that had attacked Hoenn soil. He crosses his arms.[break][break][break]



BEHIND HIM, Declan's shadow expands sharply. As if the boss came from The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, the stark darkness sprawls out from behind him like a mountain peak. Darkrai emerges from the umbral pith. Its white scarf billows in the sea winds.[break][break][break]


"OUR FRIEND HERE IS MISSING A PARTNER." Declan's body seems to shift and waver in the shadows as if he were sinking into that dark sea. "YOUR PARTICIPATION HERE WILL NOT GUARANTEE REWARD. I JUST WANT TO SEE WHAT YOU'RE ALL CAPABLE OF." Declan's Darkrai rises into the air and forms DARK VOIDS in its dark claws. "FOR THOSE CONFIDENT ENOUGH. CAPABLE ENOUGH."[break][break][break]



IF YOU POSSESS A TEAM ROCKET CHARACTER, you will be able to post in this thread! Feel free to reply to one another. For this ROUND OF POSTING, feel free to post with character reactions or introductory posts. A QUESTION AND ANSWER section will come later.[break][break][break]

Respond with your character and the Pokemon of their choice engaging in combat with the Darkrai. Of course, those who are not participating (alongside the NPC crowd), will most likely move to the side and away from danger. For those who received SHADOW POKEMON, you may refer to the SHADOW POKEMON THREAD for information.[break][break][break]

There will be rewards for participating.[break][break]

There are no deadlines to post yet; however, will publish moderator posts when appropriate.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 17:58:47 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Like many in Rocket, greed and ambition flow thick through Gavin's veins... but he is a man of reason, as well, and inclines his head in quiet acknowledgement of 's own. Though caution made him wary of trusting the untested, there was truth in the idea that much of their new blood needed fuel to fund the fires of their worth.

Thus, when he is passed over in favour of their young blood, he is not unhappy. He nods to , , , , and in turn. The ghost of a smirk plays across his lips at Declan's warning.

"Do not be afraid to reach out," says Gavin, raising his voice so that it carries over the wind. "Though I expect to be very busy with Rocket's endeavours," and he gives Declan a conspiratorial glance, "I will make time for those of you that wish to better understand their new charges."

Declan's Darkrai looms from the shadows, and Gavin's focus shifts.

Given its partnership with Dominic, and the animosity that had existed between the two underbosses when Sinclair had remained in Hoenn, Gavin had once viewed Rocket's spectral ally with a degree of wariness. Now, his amber eyes gleam at the invitation to battle.

Pushing up his sleeves, the underboss steps forward.

"I have the only partner I need," and he looks to Lugia, whose powerful wings occasionally beat to allow the corrupted legendary to remain airborne, before shifting his gaze back to Declan, to Darkrai. "But how could we resist a chance to test our mettle against a might such as yours?"

He grins, and the crowd is buffeted by a strong sea breeze as Lugia swoops overhead. As it comes to a halt above Gavin and the makeshift battlefield, he once again hears its reassuring telepathic timbre echo through his thoughts.


The dark fog that had pooled around Gavin swirls to life, spreads around them in a dark haze that partially obscures them from view. Within it, Gavin feels strangely invigorated — his heart pounds faster, reflexes balanced on a razor's edge. It fills him with a nervous euphoria, unknown energy thrumming at his fingertips. He does not yet understand the effects, but Lugia does.

When inevitably a dark void is sent their way, Lugia feints sideways to dodge its path. RAIN begins to fall, summoned by a flap of the diver's wings, before a rumble of THUNDER herald's lightning's strike.

Gavin chuckles, delighted, even as the downpour peppers his skin.

gavin is extra and i'm sorry :XD: he's doing this for fun
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june 5th
ex-gym leader
143 height
143 height
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TAG WITH @glitch
glitch maverick
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 20:57:12 GMT
glitch maverick Avatar
so what if he showed up a little bit on the late side? and so what if there was a bunch of shit going on that involved some people that weren't him getting rewards or whatever. if you needed to have a shadow pokemon to kick ass then how strong could you really be? how strong could you like... actually be? it didn't add up. it didn't make sense. if you were already a badass why did you need some hyper ass freak pokemon to be even stronger? it was fucking stupid. but whatever. he was supposed to be on 'good behavior' whatever the hell that meant.

but how good could his behavior be when the snacks sucked and he wasn't allowed to rob people blind at a rocket event? he was bored and hungry and really that was probably the worst combination of things. until of course darkrai showed up. that was at least a little bit interesting. climbing up on top of bug-juice to get a better look he couldn't suppress one of his nearly manic giggles at the idea of fighting whatever the fuck that thing was.

tapping the goliospod on the top of his shell he urged it a little bit. "fuck that thing up bug-juice!" this was more exciting than anything he was expecting really. "fuck it up!" bug-juice reciprocates the request by sending a pin missile at the dark type legendary.

 glitch is just, chilling and not wanting to ruin his boots with this bullshit tbh, he wants to drop kick darkrai with his gucci boots settles on using pin missile instead

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 22:18:59 GMT
Deleted Avatar

She was silent when she showed up to the Team Rocket function. She didn't have the standing to make a fuss or be noticed for coming in as late as she had. With that being said she was more than surprised when she saw what was unfolding right before her very eyes.  For all to see there was a god damn Darkrai and they were just given an open invitation to attack it and some people did just that. Now Genevieve had a few choices ahead of her and they would lead her to many different paths, but she could only choose one. Sliding a hand over her waist where one of three pokeballs rested she swiftly yanked it from her waist and released the Popplio inside. She was no longer hidden amongst the crowd but was at the forefront with those who dare take on the terrifying pokemon known as Darkrai.

Alright Siren, let's have a little fun ourselves. Moonblast the Darkrai, and try not to miss "

Pop Popplio~

The pair positioned themselves in a way that their attack wouldn't get in the way of the others but that they themselves were not the direct target of Darkrai's attention. For all, it's worth Genevieve had a feeling that she and anyone else that wasn't that shadow Lugia would be of no concern to the Darkrai, in fact, they were all but nuisances.

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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
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Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Mar 15, 2021 23:44:33 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




a transfer of power pt.2

never be more than a wolf

at your door

There is no sense of awe or wonder or even pride, to see Gavin be blessed by the most cursed being ever known. All she can feel is its power, its rage, its foreboding sense of doom like a dead weight over her shoulders. The Lugia's red eyes bore into her, into all of them like a thinly veiled threat. She can't help but doubt its blessing despite 's pride - if that was even what he felt. Normally she could read him like a book, but her own prejudices, her own doubts, fears, prevented her from seeing.[break][break]

This wasn't what she'd wanted for him. And there he stood, more powerful than she'd ever thought possible.[break][break]

It doesn't help that there is nowhere to run. She can feel the shudder of fear pass through the huddled Rocket gathering until it seeps into her own skin. Humility- that was perhaps what she felt. Though she had never run from anything, there was a desire to now.[break][break]

When Walsh presents offers for abandoned shadow Pokemon, Emma makes no effort to claim one. Not even when her attention passes over the morose visage of 's Gardevoir. There is a moment where she wonders if it was a mistake to not take it, for the sake of a friend. But the moment passes and it is in the possession of another, and the guilt passes.[break][break]

Her skin begins to crawl, however, and she finds herself tensing and bringing her shoulders back into a stiff, rigid posture. Walsh beckons the darkness to come forward, a shadow that had lingered in her peripheral that she hadn't fully noticed until now. The Darkrai poses a challenge, staring through the crowd as Walsh encourages a battle. It was a competition, she knew, and she could feel that crackle of intensity, of suspicion. Was this a test? Of course it was.[break][break]

Was this the temptation that Gavin felt, that he had pursued with such passion and intensity? This need to prove oneself, to put up a fight, to survive? Darkrai's attention is a vice that she can't escape from, and her fingers brush the edge of her belt, searching.[break][break]


She relents, her admission pointed. This was a hunter, and she was Rocket's best. It bore an emptiness, a hollow void, a hunger, and she felt it, felt that Pokemon before in a nightmare - a nightmare that had turned into a waking terror.[break][break]

This time, she would not succumb to Darkrai's influence, she would overcome.[break][break]

Several spiders spring from her side, eager to inflict pain and incapacitate. They carry out their duty as practiced: Galvantula emits a high-frequency BUG BUZZ to disorient or disrupt the dark void, at least temporarily, while Ariados and Araquanid utilize their AGILITY and their LUNGE to bite down, hopefully, on something corporeal with LEECH LIFE. At the very least, the Ariados would remain awake due to her INSOMNIA.[break][break]

And in the background, the SWARM begins to rise, anticipation hanging like bated breath.[break][break]


notes: ...



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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 0:40:29 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
As Oscar's name was called, he squealed a bit with joy. Sure it betrayed the gravitas of his speech, but he could not possibly hold in his excitement. He stormed to the front, giddily awaiting his turn. One by one the shadow pokemon here given out, and Oscar marveled at his own as its ball was placed in his hand. Another step toward becoming stronger, Oscar fully intended to keep his word and strive toward dominance for Rocket. Though first he'd like to go find a dodrio saddle. Would it still let him ride it? Eh, he'll just have to try it out.

Oscar remained on the stage as Walsh continued, standing to the side as not to disturb his spotlight. He just wanted a moment outside of the crowd, the chance to breathe without being packed in by all sides by bodies. His attention was pulled from his new pokeball to the sudden appearance of Darkrai. It would seem that the lord of nightmares sought a new companion, and was challenging the members of Rocket in battle. Oscar's eyes widened, his muscles nearly slacking to the point of collapse. Should he push his luck?

It might be seen as an attempt to have his cake and eat it too, but Oscar could not allow this opportunity to go to waste. His greed for strength was all consuming, he had to make an attempt even if he felt he wasn't yet worthy. But as he moved to pull out a pokeball, he saw step forth. In her visage Oscar saw pure power, a steely determination that he yet lacked. Oscar's shoulders slumped, he was not ready to wield Darkrai--but Emma was.

He has struggled to get close to his pseudo-mentor, her harsh exterior pushing back against his attempts to connect. Yet he felt a kinship with his fellow beast, and he would not hesitate to support her attempt. As spiders appeared beside her, Oscar would snap his fingers. One more spider would appear at Emma's side, a discolored Ariados that had up to this point stayed invisible. The shadow spider looked up at the woman that shared her name, nodding silently with respect and understanding. She then sprang forth toward the Darkrai, showing no fear toward the mythical nightmare.

Emma the ariados tore through the Darkrai's shadows, his Dark Void meaning nothing against her Insomnia. As she neared the god she would strike decisively, attempting to deliver her venom with a cruel slash of her legs Cross Poison. Oscar looked on, hoping that Emma joining in with the other spiders would help the beast's case.
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 1:21:37 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar

Killian was silent, too captivated by the horrific acts performed before him. The gears of his head turned as the Floette was hooked to the machine and drained.

How did it work? How did they make it?

Who did he talk to find out?

Why hadn't he heard anything about this until now?

The questions wouldn't stop coming. Killian couldn't bring himself to pull his eyes away, either. Not even Loveless's claws digging deeper into his shoulder broke his stare. It wasn't until spoke up that he snapped to his senses.

Killian felt the urge to say something. Try to advise her against taking one of the Pokemon, but it was too late. Now that she had, maybe she'd let him see the Gardevior if he asked. Killian was curious to know what exactly they'd done to it.

Darkrai's appearance forced his train of thought to switch tracks. "Two? They have two legendary Pokemon?" he still hadn't gotten over the first one. It was the offer to fight it that truly captured Killian's interest. A test to find a worthy partner or something?

He'd bite. He was too curious not to at this point. Killian wasn't the first to accept the challenge. The man with Lugia, had that honor, but Killian was quick to act. He released his Hatterene from her Pokeball and stepped forward with the others to attack.

With whispered words, Killian issued his commands. "Focus your mind and attack." Quiet nodded, her power growing as she CALMED her thoughts. Drawing energy from within, the tip of Quiet's hat begins to glow. She narrows her eyes on Darkrai and unleashes a DAZZLING ray of energy from the hat's gleaming tip.

Killian gave the other Pokemon battling a passing glance. He'd chosen Quiet for a reason. Her Magic Bounce meant she wouldn't need to worry about being put to sleep. Quiet had the added benefit of being able to wake others up as well.

Quiet used Calm Mind and Dazzling Gleam!
NOTES: Battle time.
TAG: too many people
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
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Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 6:33:56 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

The scientist caught the ball easily in her hand, a toothy smirk darkening her features. She swore she could feel the power emanating into her palm. Yes.

Still, her question had fallen to the wayside amidst others expressions of worthiness.

Even with this new specimen in her possession, her thoughts of exploration and science, and progress remained at the forefront of her mind. Her brother ’s words passed in one ear and out the other—selective hearing. Maybe she’d need to take matters into her own hands, then, permission or not. There was little that could hold her back, now. Lulu no longer possessed any fear of consequence. She was likely to play games with death until her undoing, be it by the hands of Rocket or by luck itself.

It was the appearance of Darkrai which ended all other thought processes.

Hesitation? Not here. Not anymore. Not ‘taking the winning shot’ was something that had nearly costed her life at the hands of Tapu Fini, although that memory had been stolen from her by —whom she should have shot when she’d had the chance, really. In his careless scrambling of her mind, however, he’d removed the hindrance of indecision. Much like fear, this hurdle, which had kept her safe as much as it had held her back, had evaporated. Impulsive as ever, he had only made her more dangerous.

It was 0 to 100.

She reached into her pocket to grab capsules to release several pokémon at once. A Ferrothorn, Blaziken, Porygon, and a shiny Orbeetle appeared between her and the legendary under onslaught, following seconds after the rest.

Lulu’s orders cut clear through the oceanside wind and the explosive sounds of first attacks. “Porygon, Ferrothorn: STEEL BEAM, SIGNAL BEAM! Blaziken, MIRROR MOVE against its attack!”

Metallic silver and all colors of the prismatic rainbow flashed from her team simultaneously. Blaziken would wait for the DARK VOID to come towards them, and attempt to meet it with the same energy. Darkness would then join the light in a truly dramatic show of colors if it worked, but their show wouldn’t stop there.

Within the seconds of all of this, Lulu activated a charm hanging from around her neck. A light came from it as well, and the purple Orbeetle suddenly glowed and took on a larger shape—one similar to that of a UFO. Fitting, considering her talk of space travel. It levitated over the crowd, whirring. “SOLAR BEAM!” If there was time, it would fly up, a third bright beam of light shooting from the bottom of its saucer as though it were attempting to abduct Darkrai itself.

Immediately following her commands, her mind was going, whether it would be heard or not, thoughts flowing quickly given the swift procession of combat.

‘Darkrai: if you’re here to choose—I welcome you, into my head, into my dreams, into my life. I ask you for one favor, and it’s all yours. We could leave this behind. All I’m missing is your power.’

The rain began to pour, and she hardly felt it. Her blood had become electric, her skin numbed by pure adrenaline. Legendaries all over the region were joining with others, right? The way she was looking at it, offered or not, here was her chance. Through all of the others around, she saw only one, now.

A hand went to pull up the sunglasses, revealing the bruises on her face. She glared through elements being hurled at it from all angles, attempting to somehow catch its icy blue stare amidst the utter chaos that had ensued. If not, perhaps the eye of its mind. If it was darkness it craved, it would find it in her head. Surely, she wreaked of it. She suffered endless nightmares, already. She was not scared.

‘Do you really want to fight for this scum human organization? Or are you here to end it, maybe? Surely you have a dream; a motive of your own. Show me; help me and I will not attempt to keep you from it. I offer myself to you. Let this be the only time we stand against eachother!’

TLDR cause this is long:
* Lulu releases Ferrothorn, Porygon, shiny Orbeetle, and Blaziken
* Orbeetle mega-evolves and uses SOLAR BEAM if there is time
* Lulu wants Darkrai; is attempting to talk to it via her mind whether it can hear her or not

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
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Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 9:55:38 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The shadow pokemon were handed out and Chu-e noted the choices keenly; he would need to keep an eye on these; had already proved to be reliable enough but he didn't know the other four as well. He was eager to see what they did with these scraps of power they had been given, if they could leverage it into more or would end with it ripped from their hands.

Then there was Darkrai. Chu-e had known, of course, but knowing was different than seeing. Even the brief demonstration of those powers during Walsh's not-birthday hadn't really been enough. It made him feel... something. Darkrai was a creature that was mostly relegated to fonder memories, of childhood fears hiding under the covers with his brother as they whispered prayers to Cresselia in the dark. Just another monster to hide under the bed. Seeing it in the flesh was.... different. Similar to when he had seen Lugia for the first time with , before his promotion. Simialr to two years ago when he had seen an Articuno interrupt a winter ball. Similar to Tapu Bulu at the festival, to the fever dreams of a god from back in October. You always felt something when you saw divinity. Only, Chu-e had never believed in Lugia or the Tapus or Articuno or even the Creation Trio; but he had always believed in Darkrai and Cresselia.

This made him feel want. Not in the same way that wanted Darkrai. No, it made him want to push himself. To throw himself at the pokemon like he would have done in year's past. People who knew Chu-e personally when he was a Beast, when he was a younger man, would be correct if they assumed he had lost a certain spark. In Kanto he had been violent and wild and it had cost him everything. He scraped from the bottom when he first came to Hoenn, building himself back up only to have it all slapped from his hands. This was his third time working himself from nothing but the first time he had felt like before. Like he wasn't on a timer that was ticking closer to an end every day with a crumbling body.

Chu-e wanted to fight it. Not to try and coax it into partnership, either, but just because he could. He just wanted to fight it, see what he could do against it, if he could even leave a dent. Plus, everyone was watching. What kind of Underboss would he be if he didn't at least put on a show? It was only a shame he had to share the spotlight.

A savage grin split across his face and a more unhinged light in his eye, Chu-e pushed forward and only paused for a moment. What did he remember about Darkrai, from the stories his mother told him as a kid....

The first pokemon he tossed out was a Slurpuff. Not for his fighting prowess, that wasn't really what Snacks was built for, but for his Sweet Veil. It would keep his pokemon awake.

Next he called out a shiny Lopunny. Really, he thought the people throwing multiple pokemon at the legendary had the right idea. But, he didn't want that right now. Creams squared up anyway, eyes wide but determined, taking a fighting stance and raising her fists up.

Desire made him want to hit Darkrai as hard as the others, with all that he had. Curiosity made him wait.


The Lopunny took in the Dark Void, eyes starting to glow as she did- and she tried to use Darkrai's own attack against it. Just to see if it would work. Just to see what would happen.

- Choi... joins the fight? Kinda?
- Has Sweet Veil Slurpuff out to prevent sleepy times
- Has Lopunny attempt Copycat on Dark Void just to see what the fuck will happen
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 15:28:10 GMT
Deleted Avatar

There was a glaring problem and Genevieve didn't care to notice it until she saw a woman who took her breath away. A woman whose presence commanded attention as a barrage of spider pokemon emerged from behind her in a coordinated attack against the truly terrifying Darkrai. Although she joined Team Rocket due to familia ties, was she really about what they did or what resources they could offer her for her little drug trade? She could see one by one as each trainer stepped forward that she wasn't truly taking this as seriously as she should. Genevie hadn't realized until she saw that woman that she could have a power that could open any door she wanted, given she knew what to do with it.

Before another pokemon could be released she quickly grabbed the remaining two pokeball from her waist and released the pokemon inside. Nymph her Milotic and Alice her Roselia both joined Siren her Poppilo. The dark void was a problem but a quick command to use Safeguard directed at Nymph protected everyone who was there from the Darkrai's attack whether they wanted it to or not. She wasn't done however as she wasn't about to let Alice slack off. Pokemon around her were falling asleep, including her own Siren after taking the Dark Void attack head-on but that wouldn't matter to Genevieve who had a cure-all up her sleeve when telling Alice to use Aromatherapy to get everyone back up and on task again.

There was no way she was about to become a faceless person in this group, she didn't care what the darkrai wanted as she knew that right now there were opportunities to be had and she would grab them whether she got them or not. With Siren back up the little Poppilo let off an Encore to lock the Darkrai into its assault of trying to put pokemon to sleep, her plan was to hold up that safeguard barrier until it was taken down but who knows what would happen in this dangerous game, she just wanted the key players to watch her shine.

- Notices Emma and is a whole ass inspired.
- After Emma's pokemon release Gene released her Milotic and Roselia
- Milotic used Safeguard to block Dark Void for all pokemon
- Roselia used Aromatherapy to cure sleep of any pokemon hit with Dark Void, her poppilo included
- Poppilo used Encore in order to force Darkrai to keep using Dark Void for a little bit

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Mar 16, 2021 16:51:08 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

The weight of the pokeball felt heavy in her hand. It was unlikely physically heavier than any other, perhaps it was the weight of the responsibility she felt now that she owned one of these corrupted beasts. She’d happily take up on his offer to work with him and her new partner. The one things Lex hated was unpredictability. It would take time to trust the Gardevoir but she had faith she had found a worthy partner.

Darkrai’s sudden appearance paralyzed Lex. She tensed, her heart racing as the shadow grew and expanded into the legendary. There was a sense of admiration within the fear. Darkrai was a shadow, a stealthy dark-type that valued the same strategies as the thief. Although a powerful alley, Lex had no interest in becoming the thing’s puppet; She was a puppet under Kaito for too long.

Everything happened to fast. Having literally just been called forward to receive the Gardevoir, she was right in front of the damn thing. These savages were quick to act and Lex found herself in the line of fire, “Oh for fuck’s sake,” she growled, gripping the pokeball tightly as she spun around to see what she was up against.

These fuckers didn’t even give her time to get out of the way.

Typical Rocket.

The Dark Void crept closer from behind and a plethora of pokemon lined up as they readied attacks, included with his Hatterene. A survival instinct kicked in. Aubie’s ear piercing screech could be heard from above. The Braviary was in a panic, his KEEN EYES always watching his trainer. He dove down to scoop up Lex but a wave of her hand dismissed him, much to his frustration. Aubie would be too late, anyway.

Instead, a flash of light brought out a large, sturdy Electivire. The beast roared in frustration upon the sight of opposition by Rockets’ pokemon. What had Lex released him into?

“Protect!” she commanded, burying herself in the electric-type’s chest. His hands rose, palms facing forward, as a series of attacks began to barrage the Darkrai. Rain began to trickle from the sky but the drops splattered against the glimmer of the sparkling PROTECT. The attack deflected some attacks while other rushed past to attempt to strike the Darkrai, “Get me the fuck out of here,” Balthazar shifted, wrapping an arm around her while the other held the Protect steady. He'd find them a moment to run.

Notes: Lex joins the fight, mostly out of necessity to have to Protect herself because y’all are savages

Balthazar the Electivire uses PROTECT to protect himself and Lex because she didn’t have time to get out of the way. It may look like she’s Protecting the Darkrai

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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 3:17:20 GMT
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its presence doesn't unnerve priam, besides the warmth of his legendary mark. he finds no temptation to take its avatarship like any other rocket around. there's no awe, or amusement, or any other similar feeling. the only thing in his mind right now is the need to prove himself.

the espeon quickly pops out of its pokemon and throws itself against the dark void, protecting his trainer with magic bounce as he steps forward to join everyone else's attempt to appeal to the legendary.

"you questioned whether my pokemon was good enough before, right?" he cheekily reminds from a previous conversation. "i'll let you have a sneak peek."

from his belt, he plucks out a stickered pokeball and releases the shadow beast inside. wings of the mighty braviary bring it overhead, a gust of wind blowing from below it. it sees its target clearly, with priam's command letting it pop off.


a devastating beam of energy shoots from the flying-type to the darkrai below, its oblivion wing finding its mark cleanly among the crowd with its keen eye.

whether the effects of petrification affects a pokemon of darkrai's status or not, it's sheer power is enough to show off, priam supposed.


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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
181 posts
marie jules DOLLARS
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marie jules
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 5:47:55 GMT
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Internally, Marie was having the time of her life, the cacophony of attacks ringing out into the air like music to her ears. If she were to put her feelings into expressions she would be dying of laughter, wiping tears from her face as she watched everyone slobber all over themselves for the blessing of a wispy deity with a malevolent factor she could not quite pin down.

She settled for a sly smile, her composure held as she looked over to Declan.

This is why I like you. You know how to stir shit up.

She returns her gaze to the mass of attacks that aimed for the Darkrai, releasing a Orbeetle to reflect the Dark Void with a Mirror Coat cast over it as well as Marie and Declan, just to be safe from the attacks effects. The smile that settled on her lips remained, her attention on the battles while she spoke to the man beside her.

You don’t mind me prodding Cotillard for introspection’s sake, do you? I have a theory I want to try out on avatars when I get my hands on one.

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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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peggie vela
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 8:34:52 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]It's hard to continue seething at Gavin for his secret in the face of . . . everything. The screams of the Floette are still echoing in her head, the fear from the still present Shadow Lugia still coils in her gut, and the discomfort with being connected to it all still leaves her feeling slick. Like she's suddenly found herself dirtier than she had been an hour ago.

She watches Gavin offer his assistance to the newly minted shadow trainers and flex his newfound powers and shivers. She's not really sure why.

That said, she's still got it together enough to know how much she wants to be involved with the Darkrai Declan releases; and that amount is zero. She wants nothing to do with it much like she's wanted nothing to do with most happenings of the afternoon.

Still, she sends out a single pokemon. Her Carvanha, Baby, appears beside her in a flash of white light.

"Cover for me, Baby," she requests in a hushed voice, "I think things are about t' get a bit crazy."

She runs a hand down the rough side of the pokemon as she speaks, finds some comfort in the familiar bite of her ROUGH SKIN on her hands. A moment later the pokemon shimmers, a PROTECT that covers them as they back away into the corner while the others engage the legendary.

And holy shit, do things ever get crazy.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 14:30:51 GMT
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Bryan bowed to declan "I see, then I guess I know who I need to pay a visit to then next." he said with a sly grin on his face as he silently watched declan toss a pokeball over to bryan. He scanned the pokeball with his pokedex, a kommo-o with a strange aura coming off of it. He didn't think very much of it at the moment as declan then gave a rather interesting challenge to the rockets in the room. A chance to prove themselves. [break][break]

He squinted at priam though when he talked about bryan's previous question...this dork misunderstood his statement...he...he wasn't surprised but he didn't really understand how powerful priam's braviary was until now. [break][break] 

the oblivion wing made bryan almost drop a deuce, a visible sweat broke on his head "Ah. that's what you meant."He sent out his morpeko as it happily chewed on it's seed. "encore huh? Well, let's lend a hand with that shall we? Morpeko! Torment! Silvally! Multi-attack!" he commanded as the pokemon's pink aura flaired from the fairy disk, there was a small opening after everyone used their attacks in which silvally skillfully leaped towards the creature and slashed at it with his claws.[break][break]

He then spoke directly to darkrai "I'm sure everyone is asking what can you do for them, as humans are selfish in nature. But I simply want to know what exactly you want from us. To earn your favor or do you grant mortals your power simply for entertainment?" he asked, wondering if the pokemon would even grace him with a response.


Silvally has a fairy disk and used multi attack. [break][break]

Morpeko used torment to try and stop darkrai from spamming dark void

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