i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She / Her
January 2
Goldenrod City
Ex-Rocket Beast
your blood and tears
5'10'' height
5'10'' height
Going to hell cause it feels like heaven.
1,179 posts
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Alexandra Briarwood
POSTED ON Mar 17, 2021 16:45:27 GMT
Alexandra Briarwood Avatar

As Lex prayed Balthazar could keep them safe long enough to make a run for it, she glared over the electric-type's shoulder. In a daring move, the associate casted Declan an icy, threatening glare whether he noticed it or not. This was all his fault. She did not approve of this tactic. There was no plan, no strategy, just unfettered chaos. That’s how mistakes were made.

He baited them with power. And like Sharpedo drawn to the single drop of blood, Rocket took the bait. They lost their damn minds trying to prove something that, she thought, was nearly impossible: that they were stronger than Darkrai. A couple dozen pokemon taking on a Legendary seemed like pretty good odds, but it didn’t prove anything except that together they were powerful but stupid (well, at least in Lex’s mind). Power wasn’t everything and meant little without direction.

“Balthazar,” she growled, encouraging the Electivire to hurry up and get them out of here, as if he had forgotten.

After the initial barrage of attacks, Rocket was either regrouping or waiting to see what happened. Balthazar took the opportunity to scoop Lex up into his arms and rush off the battlefield. Aubie swooped down to protectively fly over them. Long, quick strides swiftly brought the duo to the side of the field, well out of danger’s way. Aubie landed beside them, carefully inspecting Lex as she stood back up. She reassured the Braviary with a gentle stroke on the side, her eyes again glued to the chaos.

Notes: They get out of the way and she’s just watching.

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Rocket Daddy
he / him / his
thirty eight
october 29
Hammerlocke, Galar
History repeats itself—first as a tragedy, then as a farce
789 posts
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TAG WITH @valerio
Valerio Dachev
POSTED ON Mar 18, 2021 5:54:31 GMT
Valerio Dachev Avatar
Valerio frowns as his eyes travel with the shadow baby mime's ball: perhaps he can find a friend in to have his Eggnog come play with it despite Declan's warning that they are not playthings.

The presence of the Darkrai, however, excites him. Having experienced sparring with 's Lugia, he is now more fervid of having the opportunity to come head to head with the Rocket's own legendary. His beast ball weighs heavy, as if telling the redhead to come pick them. He smiles as he watches everyone else parry with the shadow creature.

Despite Lunala's type disadvantage, the pokemon will prove strong in the eyes of the many. Besides, this will be the first time he can showcase their strength to the entire organization.

“Come now, Voldemort!” Amidst the daylight, the legendary chiroptera's presence is akin to an eclipse. Its wings are round and regal as they shimmer against the sunlight, preparing for its attack. “Transform for me.”

Orbs of light begin to gather around Lunala. These energy, however, do not hit the Darkrai. Instead, they merge with the creature's body as it glows with a blinding light that competes with the sun itself: a transformation for the creature of the unknown. The sky dims for a little, preparing the stage for Voldemort's other attack.

“Do it!”

The light it gathers transforms into a massive ball of energy, glimmering before it bursts and attempts to hit Declan's pokemon.

TL;DR: Valerio summons Lunala and stores power from a premature MOONGEIST BEAM to utilize its ULTRA BURST.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @rocketnpc1
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 6:20:38 GMT
NPC Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]A TRANSFER OF POWER PT. 2





THE BATTLE WAGES WITH ALL THE GRANDIOSITY expected from a clash with the pitch-black legendary. As 's Milotic offers SAFEGUARDS against DARK VOIDS, others try to workaround the surge of slumber that threatens everyone involved. Some avoid sleep through abilities like 's Hatterene's MAGIC BOUNCE or 's Ariados' INSOMNIA.[break][break][break]

The battle serves as a simple lesson. Legendary Pokemon are not invincible, unstoppable forces. ENCORES, TORMENTS, even PETRIFICATION can affect the Darkrai; however, curiously enough, SLEEP fails on this umbral creature. Perhaps, it is due to Walsh's connection with the legendary itself...[break][break][break]

When approaches Declan, he laughs deeply. "you tickle me, marie. by all means. cotillard is in one of our holding cells. we've prodded him enough so that his tongue is loose." within the submarine, velmos is also housed in a neighboring pod.[break][break][break]

Walsh sees 's Lunala gather energy. His brows furrow, eyes scrutinizing the scope of the attack— and as the ball becomes more massive than originally expected, the boss is quick to flick his finger toward it. Before the ULTRA BUST can manifest to completion, the Lunala falls ASLEEP. The bat-like Pokemon descends slowly to the ground in slumber.[break][break][break]


DECLAN CALLS OFF THE FIGHT. Although he asked for full fervor; there is still tact required. Their remote location provides privacy, but the change in weather and lighting is too much. Excessive. After reaches the front of the stage, he is quick to speak:[break][break][break]

"well done, everyone. my apology for ceasing the festivities so early, for it seems like we do need to exercise some restraint after all. those who are hiding away, please come back." declan looks to darkrai— and as the legendary shakes off some rock crumbs from its shadowy wisps, it seeps into a pool of shade.[break][break][break]

suddenly, a shadow surrounds head scientist 's feet. it erupts, engulfing her in the umbral geyser— and from it, darkrai appears once more.[break][break][break]


darkrai has chosen lulu, the revenant, as their avatar.

receives the following perks:

  • lulu receives 10 infamy.
  • lulu can phase into a shadowy form, and shift in and out of shadows as a form of stealthy transport.
  • lulu can also use DREAM EATER on sleeping targets.
  • lulu and his pokemon suffer from INSOMNIA, and are immune to the SLEEP CONDITION.
  • darkrai can land a guaranteed sleep on ONE POKEMON or HUMAN once per thread (subject to change).
  • feel free to add darkrai to your party and choose its moves like a gachapon pokemon.

The Boss claps his hands. The Revenant's successor has been decided— and he congratulates with the promise of conditioning her to her new powers. For now, he opens the stage for questions. Statements. There is little time before this meeting concludes.[break][break][break]


IF YOU POSSESS A TEAM ROCKET CHARACTER, you will be able to post in this thread! Feel free to reply to one another. For this ROUND OF POSTING, have your characters react or ask questions that Declan will try to answer! Not all questions will be answered (although will try to do his best to answer most. Maybe he'll answer them all, we'll see!).[break][break][break]

There will be rewards for participating.[break][break]

There are no deadlines to post yet; however, will publish moderator posts when appropriate. The next moderator post will be the final one.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 8:19:37 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

Fear had kept her shackled since Team Rocket had turned her away the first time. Not eight months ago, but rather seven years. , specifically.

Then, she’d left for Galar to find her own mafia, settling into a niche unit that would raise her into precisely what her older brother had meant for her to avoid. Above all things, Lulu had always had a point to prove. 

Perhaps now that the fear had been removed, she would do so.

Legendaries collided and colors flashed and Declan’s hand came up. Just like that, it was all over.

Disappointing, for a moment, until the ground at her feet began to darken. Shadows swirled, licking at her ankles, climbing up her legs. She looked at her hands, turning them and inspecting the darkness weaving around her shapes; taking them over. Then, she looked up to find Darkrai, looking back at her. Closely.

At first, she was somewhat spooked, and then she wondered briefly if it had heard her thoughts, after all. Her jaw hung open, face decidedly less devil-may-care, although the energy hadn’t completely fizzled out from the pinch in her cheek.

Despite her prizeworthy brain, the scientist could scarcely summon words. She’d tempted fate, and it had answered.

Hi, there. Stunned within the palm of such power, she was less eloquent—but, there would be plenty of time to get to know each other.

When the darkness dissipated enough to see the crowd again, without thinking, her eyes fell on and Shadow Lugia. As no one except knew their relation, to anyone else, it would perhaps look like the acknowledgement of their new connection, as Avatars. Only her brother would know her well enough to catch the challenge that flashed there in her stare; the wryness in the smallest wrinkle of her brow, poking out from between her bangs.

’Look at us, Cil.’

Then, she turned back to Darkrai, feeling an instantaneous chill run up her spine. It took the woman no time at all to become lost in its icy stare—wholly unprepared, despite asking for it.

Her pokemon remained out of their capsules, momentarily forgotten. They watched the display, each one of them sharing looks of alarm and concern. Oh, dear.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 11:42:12 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
As Gavin steps back from the battle to allow others their space, rainfall slows to a drizzle and then halts. Wind from Lugia's wings offers a comforting caress as the legendary holds position above its avatar, watching the battles unfold with its ruby glare.

Gavin watches, too, the fervour in his own stare softening to pride as makes her stand. Though he does not know that Darkrai itself is to blame for many of the nightmares that plague her, he recognizes the strength in her decision to stand against a legendary. He offers a nod to when the Beast steps up in support of her; a surprise, but a welcome one. Not all of Rocket were too selfish to aid their own.

It's who draws the most attention.

When the battle concludes prematurely, Gavin anticipates Declan's disappointment — or perhaps Darkrai's, or both. But as the Rocket boss shifts his gaze to the umbral legend, it sinks into the earth and swallows Gavin's sister in its shadows. This time, when he watches her shadow spike around her in the shape of its spectral form, the underboss does not feel trepidation. In spite of the recent tension between them, Saoirse was family; not the family who'd cast him out, but the one who'd hunted him down across regions.

It's pride in his gaze as it locks with hers, acknowledging her fully under Rocket's watchful eye. "Congratulations, Flint." In his head is a different name, a different thought to mirror her own: Imagine the looks on our parents' faces, Saoirse. "Darkrai has made an excellent choice."

He does not turn away from her as he would have turned away from the lowly grunt he could not be seen associated with. He smiles at her, instead, and there's a promise behind it: We'll talk later, away from all of this.
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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 12:51:56 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

She should say something.

When the mysterious Darkrai remained silent, she turned back to , first. He was the second most important being on the island. “Thank you, Mr. Merlino. As has Lugia.” Her eyes cut only a hair before she checked herself and turned to Declan Walsh. Did they share some sort of connection now? She hadn’t considered that possibility. That could be… not good.

Willing herself to a presentable level of composure, both her hands made quick work of returning all but the legendary at her side. She addressed Walsh, internally wondering if he'd had anything to do with it. The man was mysterious as all hell. “And thank you, Sir. I won’t let you down.” Whatever the fuck that meant.

Bogged down with a sudden laundry list of questions that did not necessarily involve Rocket, Lulu fell silent, forgetting her earlier inquiries altogether.

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the Harbinger
october 28th
circhester, galar
the harbinger
I want corruption, I think I'm the devil in disguise.
8,431 posts
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TAG WITH @gavin
Cillian Quinn
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 14:10:02 GMT
Cillian Quinn Avatar
Eyes of cool amber trace the path of his sister's gaze to Declan Walsh, and there is a frightening degree of loyalty within them. Rocket had taken an impressionable youth and hammered him into a weapon against his will, but new Rocket has seen that weapon forged anew. Sharper, deadlier, and wholly devoted to their cause.

Gone is any trace of regret for the path he'd chosen, the decisions he'd made along the way. There is only an unwavering certainty — in Rocket, but more importantly, in himself.

"The public is aware of us, now." Had he once doubted such a reveal? It's hard to believe he'd doubted anything. Wisps of miasma curl around his silhouette. "How will we conduct business, going forth, while maintaining... a certain image?" Videos of Kanto had been shown to provoke a very specific impression. "Or is that image temporary, a trap waiting to spring?"

He's sure the implied question is one that will be asked by many: what's next?

this man is a zealot
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
1,740 posts
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 17:50:13 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar






Bryan didn't have much else to say or ask, his time had come and pass at the meeting. He watched as lulu flint became the avatar and gavin approaching her and speaking with her. He didn't pry since it was a private conversation and refocused himself on Mr. Declan Walsh.

Bryan bowed to Mr. Declan "Thank you for your time sir, if you have anything you'd like me to do you need only ask." he said as he began to walk off offering a wave to as he was headed to the closest bar in the submarine and figuring out how exactly he was going to learn how to control this kommo-o...good thing he had fairy types, something tells me he was going to have to rely on positive punishment to train this thing.


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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 18:47:21 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

As the battles began, rather than joining in on the fighting, Dorian instead decided to hang back and watch. The Mad Dog would produce a pack of cigarettes from his coat pocket, pulling out one and lighting it up. He had no interest in becoming Darkrai's Avatar. Though the power was tempting, he wanted to see if he couldn't become the Avatar of a Fire-type.

Finally, when the shadow of Darkrai erupted from underneath , Dorian grinned. "Congratulations, Miss Flint!", Dorian called out to the woman, with genuine applause.

As brought up the public awareness angle, Dorian grinned. Now was the time he would bring his contributions to the table. "I'm glad you asked, Underboss. Because as we've been creeping in the shadows, I've been cooking up a little something for the team. Miss Flint can attest to my activities, of course.", he'd begin.

"In the time between my return to Team Rocket as an Admin, and the boss announcing our presence to the world, I've been a busy little Bidoof. You see, I've been dealing with the various street gangs operating through the Hoenn Region, liquidating them, and uniting them under a single banner. Those who cooperated, whether through their current leadership, or their successors, found themselves with a new boss, known only to the very upper crust of the gangs. Those who refused found themselves being mercilessly purged from Hoenn."

The Moto Dragons would've been one such gang, had it not been for them coming after . In that case, she had catalyzed the process, and did most of the dirty work for him. By the time he had reached their compound, Dorian and his boys were only there to clean up what little remained of them. But given that they had come after her in the first place, it was a transgression he would never forgive. Should there be any remnants of them in Galar, when they came for Galar, he'd be sure to wipe them out with prejudice.

"Now, all of these surviving street gangs answer to me - no - answer to Team Rocket, with most of their ranks being unwitting pawns to our cause! Acting as our muscle on demand, we can use them as our own attack dogs, with the bonus of plausible deniability, should it be necessary."

Getting ahead of asking how this would help them, a devilish grin manifested upon Dorian's marred face.

"One way they can be used, and one way I would propose using them, is to have them engage in gang warfare against one another, in districts that can't immediately be bought up. All we have to do is equip them from the shadows for a while, allow them to cause chaos, and show those living in the area that the League is powerless to stop them. Then at the right moment, we buy up property while it's cheapened from the violence and chaos, then swoop in to clean up the streets, acting as the knights in shining armor that the people need, succeeding where the League failed them.", he would continue.

"In short, what I propose is using these gangs to show the people that the League are failures, and to build off of the image we presented at their press conference.", he concluded.

tags: @tag
notes: Laying out the plan

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Ji-Hoon Ki
twenty seven
june fifteenth
solaceon, sinnoh
smells bad
5'8" height
5'8" height
words drip like honey dear how sweet it is to hear
2,652 posts
Chu-e Choi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @choi
Chu-e Choi
POSTED ON Mar 19, 2021 20:04:45 GMT
Chu-e Choi Avatar
The end result of the fight itself was... disappointing.

Chu-e had wanted to bare his fangs, clash, taste the proverbial blood in his mouth and press bruises into skin. Instead it was over before he even got to really do anything, all of them building up and working themselves into frenzies for close to nothing. His pokemon were called back into their balls with a click of the tongue.

Maybe he could convince , , or perhaps even to let him throw himself into a fight with their powerful partners. Chu-e had no doubt he would lose but he wanted to see their power for himself. Wanted to press against it even if he led him to be crushed.

He still clapped for Flint, was pleased with her acquisition even if the battle itself had been hollow for him.

Gavin raised a good point. also had an interesting plan. What Blackwell had done in Kanto, an overwhelming force of power, wouldn't work this time. The League wouldn't be taken by surprise again. If they wanted to win Hoenn, and other Regions in the future, they needed to get the backing of the populace. If you could seduce the chickens out of the hen-house you wouldn't need to worry about the roosters, so to speak. Rocket needed to show they could do things for the people that the League couldn't. They needed to besmirch them with grand public displays as well as smaller ordeals like what Dorian spoke of.

Perhaps more important than that they needed power. With the list of Public Avatars or League members with strange and powerful pokemon growing an an exponential rate, Rocket needed an edge. The Shadow Lab had been a start but it was unwieldy and slow even before it had closed due to malfunctions. Rocket needed something to properly keep up with the Jones.

While Gavin and Lulu helped tilt the scales in their favor it didn't level it out enough for him. They needed more.

"Sir, how do you feel about psychological warfare?" He raises his voice above the din, joining the questions. "I'll have more detailed operations on your desk for review and discussion soon." While an Underboss, Chu-e could throw his weight around in some places... but it was always good to keep carefully in line. No asset was too precious it couldn't be replaced if one didn't watch themselves.
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 5:17:36 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It was over before it actually began. She didn't know if she was upset that she didn't get to show off her pokemon's abilities or that she wasn't picked by a less than legendary pokemon. Jealousy wasn't something that she was used to but she understood very well why Darkrai didn't even look her way. Genevieve smiled in lulu Flint"s direction and nodded once the shadow show ended to signify that she would be his avatar. Her silence showed just how much of a grunt she was when she didn't speak up after more prominent members spoke. Standing soaking wet she kept her pokemon close to her and only perked up when Chu-e spoke up about psychological warfare. Now, this was her lane, no matter how salty she felt about not getting Darkrai at the moment.

It's nothing unusual and could only net a positive gain for us.

She spoke up for the first time since she had been here. She figured it was better to attach herself to someone, so why not someone who she at least agreed with?
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the wolf
october 30
lumiose city, kalos
bisexual demi-romantic
rocket beast
Are you strong enough to stand protecting both your heart and mine?
1,571 posts
Emma Wolfe DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @wolfe
Emma Wolfe
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2021 23:48:42 GMT
Emma Wolfe Avatar

[attr=class,image-back accentbg]




a transfer of power pt.2

never be more than a wolf

at your door

The fight ends and the shadows recede and she feels.. nothing.[break][break]

Darkrai's malevolent stare does not fall on her, and the collapsed, exhausted bodies of her Pokemon are the only indication that they've even put in any effort. The woman's Ariados retreats to settle at her side, and Emma feels cold and uninviting as she watches the legendary Pokemon disregard her rage. It leaves her empty.[break][break]

Emma meets 's gaze briefly, however, given the turn of events and the turmoil she faces, she says nothing. That, and she's witnessed the glance between the siblings, read between the lines. She's staring into the face of their lust for power, their mutual satisfaction. Where there should be pride for the people she cares about there is only unease, the cold fingers of dread spilling down her spine.[break][break]

The topic discussed is also something of little interest to her - and so the woman chooses to tuck herself back into the shadows to ultimately disappear from the meeting altogether when an opportunity rose.[break][break]


notes: ...



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march 19th
pacifidlog town
rocket grunt
what's wrong? does nobody here love you? do you feel alone? need somebody to hold you?
313 posts
peggie vela DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @plank
peggie vela
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 1:49:36 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]The chaos subsides and somehow Plank and Baby are able to leave their little corner without a scratch.

Maybe "somehow" is a bit melodramatic. All the big threats were shooting at each other. So long as they're not in the path of all the trouble why bother with a grunt and her fish?

The anointing and conversation that follow have little and less to do with her. Her eyes watch the interaction between Gavin and the head scientist dispassionately. It's weird to see him so openly supportive, so genuinely pleased, but beyond that it's hard to pull anything worth noting out of the sight.

Discussion of gangs and public image, paired with big words like psychological warfare, go in one ear and out the other. Plank's just a grunt, and a relatively fresh one at that. If she had any input to offer it wouldn't matter. Which of course she doesn't.

She moves things and hits things, topics like strategy and psyops are too big for her to get her head around.

So instead she stands around and pets Baby's fins, occasionally splitting her fingertips on her ROUGH SKIN when they skate too close. She can't wait to leave. Hopefully they'll be dismissed before some more horror movie shit can happen.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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december 18
vermillion city, kanto
anything goes
errand boy
lost in thoughts
843 height
843 height
Embrace the dark you call a home, Gaze upon an empty, white throne
2,452 posts
priam conrad DOLLARS
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priam conrad
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 3:59:13 GMT
priam conrad Avatar
interactions with the previous darkrai avatar has made priam aware of what entails being the legendary's choice. he recalls the pokemon he released to showoff and then moved on to greet its new avatar.

"looks like you won't need coffee anymore for those all-nighters in your lab, huh?" priam jests as he approaches to congratulate her for the honor of receiving darkrai's blessing. "i think you'll like it more than dom did! he complained a lot about not being able to sleep."

before he can wait for a response from the head scientists, he spots from the corner of his eye waving at him. his head turns to him for a moment, before whipping it back to lulu.

"just wanted to congratulate you personally. looking forward to the thing you'll do with your new powers!"

priam waves goodbye to lulu before moving to where bryan is with a light jog. "hey! what'cha want?" he inquires with a curious tone in his voice.

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Mar 21, 2021 19:45:38 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

It was such a drastic change.

Questions swirling in her head soon subsided, hushed by a deafening, otherworldly silence. As the darkness around her settled, it pulled into her, disappearing away from sight to sit in the empty place of her heart and speak to her its influence.

The result of this would do, perhaps, the opposite of what was expected.

Unbeknownst to the woman who had called out to it, Darkrai was neither fooled nor bound into staying at Rocket’s side. Rather, it was willingly, and loyally allied with them. Not unlike Lulu, Darkrai had been saved by Rocket, years ago. Here it would remain, at their side. And now, so would Lulu Flint, shackled as fate would have it, time and time again.

Like an odd drug, the effects washed over, perhaps even visibly. Her crazed demons cowered in the face of one so powerful when it found them.

This time, she allowed her brother ’s words to enter her head as he addressed their boss; their shared leader. Listened to , who had ultimately saved her life as well. Nodded to congratulations, ignored the words of her past, felt gratefulness—one which she had somehow forgotten, somewhere along the way.


What was next for them?

Pitting street gangs against one another was a strategy Lulu might have found herself very conflicted over before, but the spurs bit and the reins held her true as soon as she might try to shy away.

Psychological warfare, maybe, per 's suggestion. Little did they know, a strike of that nature had already sort of been made, albeit maybe an unintentional one. Luckily, Darkrai had been able to deactivate ’s ticking time bomb.

Her alignment had been solidified.

When came over to address her, she dropped her sunglasses back onto her face, aware of the mysterious minor bruising that still lingered. “I've never slept a day in my life, Priam.” She assured him with a nod. “I’ll always need coffee.”

Only at his congratulations did her teeth then flash, as though she'd been serious. “Congratulations on your recognition and new mission. Looks like I may need a new errand boy, regardless.”

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