halloween for christmas [misson]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2018 19:40:33 GMT
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There was some work to be done on My. Pyre. The couple at the top had requested Drake come and look at some of the wiring of some things as well as do some odds and ends work. The two were important in their own way and Drake was more than happy to help. Why did it have to be so dang spooky up here, though? He was a man of science but the cold temperature doubled with the ever present fog and all the graves.... the calls of the wild pokemon.... it was very eerie.

Which made Drake glad he had asked for one of the Cadets for assistance. He would need as much help getting up and down the mountain as he would in doing the actual tasks requested of him. So he waited, having shown up just a bit early to check over his notes and make sure everything was in place.

time for hina 2 suck up
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 9, 2018 4:29:47 GMT
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Hina had been chosen to help out on one of the League missions with one of the higher ups. Something she was sure had probably happened because of the help she had totally been prior. While she had been briefed on the mission slightly whenever she received her orders it was still a bit on the complicated side. So they were supposed to escort a Delibird up the mountain then? To another village? It was a good thing that she had a fire type at least then to help keep things warm.

Still she was bundled up nicely as she approached the man who was supposed to be her partner for this mission. Or rather he was supposed to be her boss. Whatever it all worked the same. So long as she got some sort of reward for it she would be more than willing to listen to the orders. Plus it would definitely make her name a little better known. "Hina Ito sir, reporting for the mission." This was going to be a piece of cake.

> @drake

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2018 4:32:44 GMT
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"Pleasure to meet you, Miss Ito." Drake nodded to her, offered his hand to shake. "Drake Cohen. Thank you for assisting me today." Looking over the list he had been provided, one thing stuck out to him. "The first thing we should tackle is the Delibird problem. No one really knows where it came from but the poor thing has been struggling nonstop for a few days. It's probably almost worn down. I've got some special nourishing food and some water. We need to figure out where it's headed and why after we help it."

After his short explanation, Drake moved to start up the mountain to where the pokemon was located. He started to speak again, expecting Hina to follow. "I'm not much of a battler. Keep an eye out for wild pokemon, okay? I'll assist where I can but they'll mostly be left to you."

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 17:22:29 GMT
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Her eyes lit up at the idea of meeting a Delibird. They were from Johto but occasionally they saw a few fly over in the winter in Kanto. She loved seeing them with their round bellies and soft white plumage. She couldn't wait to see another one. But the idea that one of them could be struggling so badly was upsetting. She wanted help it no matter what. Carefully she unclipped one of the Pokeball's from her belt and released Spitfire. He was the only fire type she had but he would do well enough probably.

"It's alright, I have a fire type that should be able to help out!" After all in the cold like this it would be easy to take out any ice types that would give them a problem. Plus there was a source of heat now for the two of them with the flame body magby. "Lead the way sir." After all he was the one in charge now and she would have to listen to him in order for the mission to go off without a hitch.

> @drake
> released spitfire for help
> waiting for instruction from drake

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2018 2:49:05 GMT
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"I'm sure I can. Please, call me Drake. 'Sir' is a little too formal for me." Drake gave a soft chuckle as he walked. It felt like the mountain side was closing in, trying to push them off, it had such a foreboding aura about it. It was getting darker and the fog was thicker, too. This place was creepy and they had already passed most of the areas with the graves....

At least they had the heat of Miss Ito's Magby or he thought he might freeze. The Ghost pokemon were certainly active. One could see the wisps of them hovering and circling something up ahead. He quickened his pace to find the Delibird; a rugged old fellow who looked worse for wear. He had a massive sack that he was carrying, bulging with who knew what. He was doing his best to pull it but it was clear from the drag marks in the ground he wouldn't make it very far very fast, especially not with the shape he was in.

"That poor thing." A quick glance showed a Shuppet and Gastly nearby, along with some other ghost types that were lurking about. They didn't seem malicious, though, just concerned and worried about the flying type. There probably wasn't much they could do to help. "Here. These nutrient pills will help until we can get him a proper meal. If he's violent we might have to take him out first...." He had brought a few shots in that case. Drake would prefer not to go to those measures, though. "Are you ready to approach?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 13, 2018 20:48:51 GMT
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His request to cut the formalities took her a bit by surprise. After all he was a head scientist and she was just a cadet. But she would do her best to comply she guessed. For now they had other things to worry about with the Pokemon ahead of them being so tired looking. They needed to do their best to help him out. After all that was what they were here for wasn't it? "I'm ready!" Both her and Spitfire were ready for their very first mission and she wasn't about to let him down. Especially since the Pokemon in question needed their help so badly.

With the goal in sight and instructions clear she decided that if was now or never on her taking a little bit of initiative. With a bout of determination she headed towards the bird with Spitfire close at hand. The light the little magma Pokemon put off helped  a lot in this sort of weather and the fact that he could melt a bit of the snow helped even more. "Excuse me! Mr. Delibird!" She wasn't sure if the bird would listen but at worst he would just ignore her and continue trudging on.

"If you don't mind for a moment I have a snack for you on your trip!" The nutrients would hopefully help reinvigorate the bird. But of course Hina was slightly discouraged when it seemed as though he wasn't listening at all. They weren't even sure where he was going to be completely honest and that was one of the biggest issues.

> @drake
> approached the delibird
> tries to offer some of the food to the delibird

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 14, 2018 22:05:19 GMT
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Seeing the reaction the Delibird had to Miss Ito wasn't encouraging. The bird wasn't outright violent, which was good, but it seemed that his single-mindedness wasn't allowing him to stop even for a quick bite to eat. It felt wrong to attack the pokemon when it wasn't being aggressive even for it's own good... maybe if they could help it to where it was going they could force some food into it then.

"Stand back, Miss Ito. I'm going to try something." Taking out one of his pokeballs, Drake released Sprocket. The Metang made multiple metallic sounds as he took in the area around them. "Sprocket, can you use your Psychic to lift that sack up and carry it for the Delibird?"

Sprocket glanced over to the bird, floating closer. The Delibird didn't seem too happy with that idea, pausing to say some very rude things had Drake or Hina understood. He didn't do more than gripe, though, as Sprocket started to glow and the bag lifted off the ground. Delibird still had a hold of it but now it was much easier for the old bird to carry. He grumbled at this but started to tug it along, Sprocket following, in a hurry to get to wherever it was going.

"Ah, Miss Ito, I trust you to protect Sprocket and the Delibird. Maybe we can figure out where it's going and help it when it stops?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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halloween for christmas [misson]
POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 23:37:30 GMT
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She felt like a failure that she wasn't able to get the Pokemon to eat anything. But that didn't mean she still wasn't going to do her best to make sure that everything went well. She wasn't going to stop from helping out that Pokemon no matter what it cost. It didn't really look like any of the local Pokemon were interested in attacking at the moment so she was worried that maybe, just maybe she wasn't doing enough to help out. But at least Spitfire seemed to be on his guard while they did this... But maybe there was another way that she could help too.

"I have a psychic type that can help too!" Grabbing Data's Pokeball she released the Eglyem in order to help lift the sack as well. She didn't think that it would be too much help but at least it wouldn't put too much strain on Drake's Pokemon either while they were doing it. The Delibird didn't seem particularly pleased by this either, by any of it. But it was their duty to make sure that they got him to his destination. "Did you know that Delibird love giving presents and food to people trapped in mountains?"

It was a fun fact she had learned back when she had actually dealt in learning about these sorts of things. Right now she was more concerned about learning how to stop Rocket though.

> @drake
> approached the delibird
> tries to offer some of the food to the delibird

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