triumphant: a traditional warriors roleplay

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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triumphant: a traditional warriors roleplay
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2021 2:47:43 GMT
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For moons, the clans have warred with one another. Shedding honour and blood, but at what cost? For land? Glory? Are ancient rivalries and the cost of life worth the sacrifice? These recent moons have shown the forest that it craves change, needs change. Nothing will ever be the same, for our new way of life has already begun.

“Only when the blood of Thunder, River, Shadow and Wind combine, can the Sky be truly alive.”

Key Points:
  • Inclusive and diverse site-wide plot with multi facets & approaches, including the revolt of a clan, the rise of a new order, and the introduction of a new clan to the forest.
  • Set in the traditional forest, with the four core clans.
  • New plot will introduce Skyclan to the forest.
  • Opportunity & openings for multiple high ranks.
  • Active & friendly community and freedom to plot individually on the character level.