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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 2:38:22 GMT
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[newclass=.buythestars] --buytsAccent:#7b6678; [/newclass]

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wren haykov




thread title

basic details here

living dead

i haven't lived life, i haven't lived love, just a bird's eye view, from the sky above.



top 10 people you don't want in the same room

with . a star is born mission (turned wren getting threatened).

fear and loathing

and now i see it for the first time, there is no crime in being kind.


you never told me what it was that made you strong, and what it was that made you weak.

the family jewels

welcome to the family jewels, coal to diamonds, sold to fools. welcome to the family jewels, simmer and suffer, can't keep his cool.



how to be a heartbreaker

rule number one, is that you gotta have fun. but baby when you're done, you gotta be the first to run.

hermit the frog

i was the wrong damn girl in the wrong damn room, i broke my glass balloon.

i am not a robot

you don't always have to be on top. better to be hated than loved, loved, loved for what you're not.

the state of dreaming

i live my life inside a dream, only waking when i sleep. i would sell my sorry soul, if i could have it all.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 10, 2021 2:45:20 GMT
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Spicy jalapeno bacon ipsum dolor amet jowl kielbasa tongue, biltong ham tenderloin fatback turducken pork cupim bresaola porchetta shoulder. Chuck bresaola tongue, swine ball tip ham hock rump ribeye. Cow tail frankfurter jowl rump salami. Capicola shank beef, hamburger doner pig burgdoggen ball tip chuck corned beef bacon ham hock pastrami. Pastrami short loin shank pork pancetta, fatback corned beef bacon spare ribs sirloin. [break][break]

Strip steak venison meatloaf tongue pork belly, cow pork loin kevin porchetta chislic spare ribs andouille. Swine cupim chicken shankle, short loin buffalo salami corned beef capicola burgdoggen drumstick leberkas chislic picanha filet mignon. Alcatra doner chislic, salami tri-tip cow frankfurter. Pork belly shankle ribeye biltong alcatra cupim. Brisket burgdoggen rump, cow pastrami andouille cupim tri-tip doner tenderloin ham turkey. Venison prosciutto porchetta kevin chuck spare ribs. Corned beef brisket jowl short loin hamburger pork belly capicola sausage jerky ham tenderloin pork chop.


you + tag

made by gimmick

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