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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 3:00:33 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Abner had noticed that recently he kept coming to Mauville for drinks. Something about this place made the liquor taste better. Be it the 'I don't give a shit' atmosphere or the fact that these days Slateport was filled with drunk sailors and drunk Rocket grunts. Either way, it was an escape, an invited one, and nobody knew he was a Rocket here.[break][break]

Most Rockets recognized him. That big scary guy who beats the shit out of people if Silas bats his eyelashes the right way. Which was fine, because, he liked beating the shit out of people. But sometimes he needed an off switch and this bar provided that for him. Provided it beautifully. And most of the time, in beauty. The one that usually served him was there and Abner found himself making eye contact and waving his hand.[break][break]

"Alexander my man." Abner took a seat at the stool and let a small grin turn up one corner of his mouth. "Let's get tonight started off heavy, hm?" He either drank his whiskey straight or with soda. Tonight? Straight. Why? Because he could use a quick buzz.



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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
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saffron, kanto.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 3:27:45 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
the shadowy fold was a reminder for the brief lapse of mornings star. when such light plummeted towards the horizon in a series of beautiful shades, it brought forth the dazzle of a clear, yet, chilling evening.

alex can see it from the crevasse of the alley. unlike the other workers which slip onto the scarce moment of a break, flickering switches and puffing upon their cigars, he remains in the clarity of another pass.

where his breath oozes past quivering lips, and his hands, opposite, knead hastily for warmth. which is a hopeless endeavor. by the time he shifted from mulling over nothing, and hoping for the brisk weather to past, he is already stepping inside.

music and chatter reach his ears, it resounds through the back--rooms and advises him of the flock. lavender had never been especially busy. with slateport however, entangled in the strife of rocket chaos, many had been forced from their homes.

stress was best released in drinks-- or so it seemed.

"abner?" unexpected arrival has alex blinking in surprise, just as quickly, he is smiling, "i haven't seen you for some time, how have you been?" shuffling hands were already gathering what had been ordered. a delicate, yet, simple notion, he placed the glass before the other. the bottle kept close by.

"i was worried something happened to you." he stated with slight jest, only, it seemed more genuine in the twinkle of his bright eyes.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 14:13:27 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



It was times like these that Abner wished Alex wasn't a Silph. Teasing comments like that, shimmers in those blue eyes, and that small body. Totally shaggable- save the fact that he was adopted into that family. He had to wonder if they were a real close family or not. His eyes narrowed as he thought it over, then he decided to instead answer Alex' question.[break][break]

"I've been busy working." He complained, downing his cup and groaning. He'd pay for the liquor, he always did, and he was sure to slide the glass forward to show he wanted more. "It's been fine, but all the little rookie's are getting under my skin," the grunts were being ridiculously cocky since Slateport, it was annoying. The stupid ones, anyway. "But that's what they're for, right? Like high schoolers, they just haven't learned that they're annoying yet. Think they're the shit."[break][break]

Half the time, they were the age of high schoolers.



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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
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saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2018 20:56:51 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
the bottle tilted, tumbling nearly colorless substance that swarmed into the barren glass. just as as quickly, alex was back to drifting against the opposite end, listening to abner as he grumbled about work.

truthfully, what it was that kept him busy was completely unknown. in spite of the mystery that it was, it was still just as comical to hear the man complain. alex laughed, a soft and velvety reaction that was barely heard in the bustle of their surroundings.

"you sound like an old man." he teased, arms enfolded to settled against his chest, "but, yes, i guess that's what the newcomers are for. we were just like them once." awkward days, where the youth for inexperience fluttered throughout his mind. unseemly moments those were, or lighthearted.

"i'm sure you teach them well." alex added, only after a sliver of this time to think upon. he was still smiling. from a dull evening of unfamiliar faces, to a presence that had once been so absent, made things just a bit more interesting. even if abner was truly shrouded in a life he could not yet comprehend.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2018 14:22:35 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Abner wasn't sure that he had ever been like any of the grunts... like, ever. He'd started out as a monster and was, indeed, still a monster. Nothing much had changed. He hadn't been a rookie monster then made it to mega-monster or anything ridiculous like that. He wasn't the only one in his field, there were other members of Rocket that would tear people apart just because it was something to do, or perhaps for their own twisted pleasure just like him.[break][break]

Either way, Alex interrupted his thoughts with mention of Abner being a good teacher. There was no way to stop Kipling from letting out a laugh.[break][break]

"Oh," he began with a smirk into his glass. "Dunno about that."[break][break]

After a long drink, he considered the possibility. There was that @amuro kid that he was constantly having to babysit on missions, but like hell that it was something he damn well did on purpose. Amuro just seemed to get stuck with Abner, or maybe it was Abner who got stuck with the twerp?[break][break]

"What about you? Any little rookie bartenders under your care?"



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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 18, 2018 11:16:18 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
unpredictable laughter had features tinged by the swift rise of red. abashed by the misinterpretation, that was either hilarity or delight in his words, alex itched the nape of his neck. an anxious gesture, it was, the query was a rescue. back into a place of normality.

"hmm, w-well?" it is drawn outwards, so much so, that he fumbles over such a simple utterance. loosely folded arms settle against his torso, glimpsing towards the rest of the area. it isn't much to consider, yet, he wonders how to voice the truth.

"i guess, now that you bring it up, i've never thought about hiring any other bartenders." a reckless notion it was, especially if the eventual pass for a flu decided to come along. "maybe, i just like working by myself." laughter trailed behind his words, as uncertain as the action before.

"the kitchen staff are plenty enough." he jokes, reveling with the handle of the bottle, wondering if abner was aware. not that it was ever unsurprising for the owner to work as a seemingly lighthearted barkeeper. the mention, was just never present.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 14:41:49 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



Seeing Alex get all nervous had Abner grinning like an idiot. How couldn't he?! Alex was a very attractive guy and Abner would be an idiot not to think as much. Namely with his ... flexibility being what it was. Well, he wasn't completely flexible. Transgenders still confused the shit out of him. Couldn't they just pick genitalia and side? Which was exactly why Abner should never be asked about his personal beliefs regarding anything remotely sensitive; he typically got in fights.[break][break]

No, the point was that Alex was cute when he blushed. Sticking to that point, Abner leaned forward on the bar after downing the rest of his drink, ready for more. That cute face reminded him of @amuro, who he'd just helped on a mission as well. Cute faces everywhere... he really needed to do something about those cute faces going untouched.
"Alex can handle himself, hm?" Abner was definitely trying to get him to flush a deeper red. "Just how much can you handle, there, Alex?"[break][break]



[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] width:575px; border-radius:5px; background-color:#2b2b2b; overflow:hidden; display:flex; flex-flow:row wrap; [/newclass]
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[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar:before] content:''; position:absolute; width:100%; height:500px; bottom:0px; left:0px; background:url(https://image.ibb.co/mZ7zmp/1_by_Cold_Love98_1_copy.png); opacity:.15; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody] width:300px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody b] font:700 10px montserrat; color:var(--rocketaofAccent); [/newclass]
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[newclass=.rocketaofBody div:first-child] width:272px; min-height:125px; margin:25px 25px 0px 25px; padding:0px 25px; border-left:1px solid #202020; border-right:1px solid #202020; font:400 10px open sans; text-align:justify; color:#cecece; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody div:last-child] width:325px; text-align:justify; font:400 10px open sans; color:#eee; padding:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofCredit] font:bold 7px roboto; margin-left:500px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 20:41:03 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
the heed from the valuable glass shifted in the adjustment of a slightly closer presence. abner, bent forth with a grin that was nearly shining, had him startled. if only for a moment, alex found himself immersed in the other man.

from every aspect that made up his captivating features, were seized in the piercing set of golden eyes. reality wavered, as though shown in another memory. one he couldn't quite recall till the low voice forced the thought elsewhere. blinking, he held onto the threatening rise.

"if i can handle you, i certainly think i can handle myself." surly spoken, the figure turned before the rosy display could be seen. he wasn't as good at hiding it as he may have presumed. from the notion of cleaning opposite counters or glasses, an evident blush had spanned as far as the ears. it was an uneasy feeling; embarrassment or had it been something else?

"are you teasing me, abner?" when he gathers the confidence to face the man and refill his drink, the blue does not falter this time. he holds his ground, inwardly refusing to flounder beneath the gaze of the other.

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 20:57:24 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



At first, Abner was a bit disappointed while also feeling slightly victorious. A very bittersweet feeling when he thought about it. But then Alex was turning and facing him. That had Abner giving that bright and snidely grin all over again.[break][break]

Oh-ho! Abner was being called out! And by Alex, no less. His grin didn't falter. As a matter of fact, it grew to be as wide as the blush on Alex' face. From ear, to ear. "Of course I am," Abner let a lingering pause form as he took a drink, just enough to be a real tease, all over again. "But that doesn't mean I'm not serious either."[break][break]

Once finished with his tease, Abner smirked and took in a deep breath. "Why? You want it to be a tease? Or maybe a promise?" Cue a wink and Abner was sure he'd have the kid blushing all over again... or he'd get kicked out.[break][break]

He really hoped he didn't get kicked out.

notes he cute


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[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar:before] content:''; position:absolute; width:100%; height:500px; bottom:0px; left:0px; background:url(https://image.ibb.co/mZ7zmp/1_by_Cold_Love98_1_copy.png); opacity:.15; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody] width:300px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody b] font:700 10px montserrat; color:var(--rocketaofAccent); [/newclass]
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[newclass=.rocketaofBody div:first-child] width:272px; min-height:125px; margin:25px 25px 0px 25px; padding:0px 25px; border-left:1px solid #202020; border-right:1px solid #202020; font:400 10px open sans; text-align:justify; color:#cecece; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofBody div:last-child] width:325px; text-align:justify; font:400 10px open sans; color:#eee; padding:25px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofCredit] font:bold 7px roboto; margin-left:500px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 21:35:01 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
it was that assurance for honesty that had him questioning his own. especially regarding the words which followed close behind. alex settled in turmoil for the real meaning. this anxious ordeal was the villain. unfortunately abner had always had that affect on him.

a weighty sigh withdrew; the irritable huff that seemed an only counter. "i'm not sure i understand." or maybe it was that he was unwilling. "you really drive me crazy sometimes." the hand instinctively, as always, scratched the nape of his neck. alex stepped back, just enough to lean against the ledge across the bar counter.

his face felt hot. in spite of the measly distance and the cool essence that lingered off of the many drinks behind him, it still would not fade. "are you like this with everyone?" he asked, endeavoring to ease the rhythm of his heart. there was a scarce furrow, nothing meant of hostility. the frustration behind trying to understand abner was, in-fact, harmless.

or was there more to it than he thought?

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 22:27:56 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



The fact that he got under Alex' skin so well had Abner smirking, chuckling, and officially definitely not like this with everyone.[break][break]

"No, actually, as a matter of fact, I am not. I'm usually only like this with the cute ones who aren't sure what they want yet." Hint: see Alexander Silph.[break][break]

Abner took that moment to take a drink, letting the buzz of the bar be completely ignored in the light of that red glow across Alex' cheeks. "And uh, what about you?" He just couldn't keep his grin to himself when he flirted and teased the bartender. "You usually like this when you're being hit on? Or am I special?"

notes w-wut? w-whut he do?


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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
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sooner or later the fire will die.
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alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 2:04:14 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
alex scoffed. he found whimsy in the response, and shook his head momentarily. the smile was there again; a faint twist that roused into place. despite all discomfort, there was a lighthearted value behind it all.

he wasn't sure if he was ready to admit that.

mischief twinkled in the icy shade, "that's a secret." he says, but maybe it has already been made obvious. abner is indefinitely handsome and alex is not shy of admitting that; within the safety of his mind of course.

the fickle persona of someone so fearful to let go, is not very wise in that regard. he has convinced himself that being wary is okay. that being alone is alright. yet, there is something nostalgic about the regular. something he wishes he could recollect. it leaves him lost in the absence of obscured memories.

"i'm glad," alex says after a moment, "you seem to be in good spirits." his voice is gentle and true, just as the eyes that glimpse forth. the jittery heart has yet to feel settled. at least in his mental panic for abner's devilish persistence; he took hold of eventual comfort.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 20:05:15 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



That mischief was twinkling in such a way that it fueled Abner. A grin spread across his features as he listened to that little shit say it was a 'secret.' Made him wonder how good he had to be to be allowed to hear that secret. Maybe even have it whispered to him. Slowly. With husky breath...[break][break]

Well, Abner needed to get off that train of thought before he got himself looking indecent. Not that he cared, but he didn't want to scare Alex off.[break][break]

"You are serving good spirits." Abner teased but chuckled only at himself before pushing the not empty glass away from himself for the moment. He wanted to be sober enough to remember the conversation he was having. Why? Because hopefully, he could convince Alex to go home with him... or something.[break][break]

"When's your shift end?" Oops, and there it went.

notes whoops


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[newclass=.rocketaofCredit a] font:bold 7px roboto!important; [/newclass]
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alex & story—seeker.
he & they.
august 9th.
saffron, kanto.
rising star.
i couldn't
make it right.
30 height
30 height
sooner or later the fire will die.
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TAG WITH @alex
alexander silph
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 21:14:11 GMT
alexander silph Avatar
silver strands swept over his eyes in the tilt of the crown. alex once again smiled; fleetingly the white caught the dim lighting which surrounded them both. fingers brushed the nuisance back into place, taking note of the untouched glass. unlikely it was for anything to be left behind.

just this once, there was a purpose he had couldn't surely say. he kept it to himself, like always. so keen on denying the truth, that in his books, it kept everything at level with this lonely reality. he didn't want to be alone, but he didn't want to destroy what fickle bond had been made.

"uh—" he arches left to check the time, just as suddenly another figure appears. "alex, what are you still doing here?" her measly pause doesn't give him the room to gather a reply, "i know you love this place, but take a break will you? you're off the clock now." gesturing to the object for time has him checking twice. certainly what was spent with abner had passed by more quickly than he thought.

"i-i didn't even notice," stumbling over his words a bit nervously, the woman rattles her head. it is a playful gesture, apparent in the gradual build of her beaming expression. "hurry up now, your friend is waiting for you." the glance is made towards abner. with a bit of hesitation the bottle is placed back onto the shelf.

"i'll be out in a second." blue eyes grasp the presence of the other before lurching off. he grabs his coat, phone and other small belongings. strangely his heart feels heavy and he traces a hand center of his chest before finally stepping back into the opening.

alex approaches abner, the gentle simper so slight it was a wonder if it could even be perceived. "lets go," he says, yet he ponders just where they will go and what they will do. unease for the unknown has his senses flooded.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 27, 2018 21:40:59 GMT
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[newclass=.rocketangelonfire] --rocketaofAccent:#765D75; [/newclass]
[newclass=.rocketaofSidebar img] animation-play-state:running!important;[/newclass]



As the fellow employee made her way up and spoke to Alex, Abner admired how flustered he got that he'd been so distracted by Abner that he'd forgotten the time. Wasn't that a neon sign that this was meant to be? Who knew, but Abner sure as hell wanted to find out.[break][break]

While Alex went to gather up his things, Abner took the time to finish off his drink, pay the tab, and lean against the counter. Somebody came up and asked him if he was free for the evening and he contemplated how to answer. It took about two seconds for Abner to decide and he promptly sent them away. He was going to go out with Alex that evening... which had him thinking, where would he take him?[break][break]

Now, Abner's no gentleman, but with the gentle there's a certain sort of precaution to take to make sure they don't run away, leaving one hard, with their tail between their legs. One such a way is to actually go out on fucking dates. It was a drag, but it was necessary. That being decided, he thought on a few places that he could consider a date. They could go see a movie, that was more date like than going to eat. Though he was honestly starving... probably due to the alcohol. Sounded a bit like they should go get a bite to eat from a local food truck and then go see a movie. Shit, that sounded like fun.[break][break]

When he saw Alex approach, Abner smiled. It was strange, sort of hurt his jaw too. It wasn't a grin, it wasn't a smirk, it was a smile. Alex looked a little frazzled though, and that had his small smile transforming a bit into a grin. It was still polite and not terribly predetorial like his previous grins.[break][break]

"You all set? I figure we could grab a bite and head to a movie, if you're interested." Despite how swiftly that was delivered, for whatever reason Abner felt a little nervous about that invitation. What if Alex said no? He supposed he could just say they could go home and fuck... but he had a feeling that might get Alex blushing himself into a cab and going home.

notes KEK uh-oh a real date???


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