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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 17, 2018 22:05:17 GMT
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It seemed they were getting a new Gym Leader in town.

The whole town had been abuzz with it for days. The Gym was being remodeled on the inside, too, which meant a lot of movement for the quiet little town. Luddy thought it was interesting. What kind of person would they be? Would they use Fire types like the last few who had set up root here? Shame they never lasted that long. This place was small and quiet; most enterprising Gym Leaders saw it more as a stepping stone to bigger things.

It was midday, time of Dapper's walk, and Luther was still in his work clothes as he guided the canine pokemon on his leash. A few of the people on the street stopped him to ask how he was doing, how were his parents, what about his sister? Others gave him nods or waves or smiles as he passed, which Luddy did his best to answer when he saw. He loved how peaceful this little town was.

Their trip didn't end as it normally would. As Luddy was passing by the Gym on their loop it seemed to be crowded up by a gaggle of people moving in furniture and other assorted odds and ends. He stopped to take it in, letting Dapper sniff at one of the bushes, but that was apparently his mistake.

"Finally!" Cried out a young woman, grabbing his arm suddenly and dragging him with a lot more force than her tiny body looked like it had. "We've been waiting on your to arrive all day! This interior isn't going to design itself! The new leader has been waiting for-ev-er on you!"


"This is really important, ya know!" The lady went about chattering his head off, not really giving Luther much of a chance to reply or get a word in edgewise. No one had certainly called on him and Luddy really doubted the new gym leader needed his specific expertise.

Luther and Dapper were pulled through a maze of dark hallways before he was shoved into a larger room, which was apparently where whoever was waiting on him was.


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 19, 2018 16:34:57 GMT
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No one told him that getting a gym ready would be this much work. He didn't even have a blank slate to work with. Instead he had to clear out all of the rocks and heating elements that made this place blistering hot. Just because you lived near a hot spring didn't mean that you had to go all out and always have a fire type gym. He didn't do well with constant heat so redoing the entire thing was necessary. Not to mention none of the layout made any sense whenever he had a dark type gym.

That was why he was on the phone right now trying to get an order through to replace the flooring with something that didn't look like it had been dragged out of a cave. "I don't know how much I need that's why I need you to send someone over to measure things... It's a lot though. Gym's are usually all pretty much the same size, right?" It wasn't until someone else was pushed into the room did he stop talking on the phone and click to end the call.

He wasn't sure who this was but he hoped that it was someone here to help him out. "Are you the designer, carpenter or the guy whose supposed to be here to help me move boxes?" Any of those people would be a welcome sight right now. And so would the takeout that he ordered. Honestly anything or anyone that was here to lend a hand would probably make him cry from relief.

> @luddy

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 7:37:33 GMT
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"Ah, well..." This was kind of an odd situation to explain. "I think I was brought here by mistake... I'm a mortician." Luther gave a sheepish smile to hopefully clear up the awkward air. This was... not he had expected his day to go. "But, if you need help moving things, I can lend a hand. I don't have any, er, 'work' today." Which was good since that meant... well, given his job, the other could probably figure it out.

"I'm Luther, and, uh... this is Dapper." He motioned down to the Herdier who was almost as round as he was tall; Luddy maybe liked to give him a few too many treats. The dog pokemon gave a little 'boof' at being mentioned and started to wag his tail before he approached Cray and took the very long time to get himself positioned and on his back for belly rubs. Seemed like the new Gym Leader already had a fan, at least.

fat dog

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2018 18:03:07 GMT
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His eyes were wide whenever he saw the big fat dog Pokemon that waddled into his future office. He loved Pokemon a lot and when they were pudgy and rotund it was all the better. Sure it wasn't his type of Pokemon for the gym but he definitely loved them a lot. With a happy squeal he leaned down to pet the soft Pokemon especially since he seemed to be so keen on it. "You're such a good boy aren't you Dapper? Such a good boy." He was less than interested in the fact that all of his plans were crashing down around him at the moment.

"It's a shame you aren't the interior decorator... I could really use some help putting together this place." He sighed and kept petting on the Pokemon while he tried to figure things out. "I don't want to bother you too much though..." With holding him and his Pokemon hostage with work. "My name is Cray." It was obvious that he was the new gym leader but that didn't really seem to matter. "It's a pleasure to meet you." After all he was going to have to get to know the people around here at one time or another.

> @luddy

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Dec 28, 2018 2:18:24 GMT
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Dapper let out another soft 'borf' and started to whine, a pleased sound as he rolled around to get his tummy rubbed the best he could get it. His tail was dusting the floor and from this close Cray would be sure to tell how well cared for that the pokemon was. He was clean and his coat silky and brushed, even if he was overweight. Luddy cleared cared a lot about the pokemon.

"I don't want to impose, either. It's just as nice to meet you, Cray." Luther started, nodding to the other. Dapper gave a little whine and rolled himself back over so he could get himself back into a standing position. He really was a sausage of a pokemon. "People have been excited to have the Gym open again. It brings a lot of young faces through town." Which the elderly who lived her seemed to like. The hot springs drew their own crowd but those types mostly stayed to the resorts or in their hotels when not luxuriating in the spas. Trainers brought revenue to the more common folk and Luddy figured that the older types liked to see the fire in the younger. That it reminded them of when they were young.

"I'm guessing you won't be Fire type like most of the others?" Since he was renovating the gym and all. Luther really didn't want to overstay his welcome but he found Cray easy to talk to for whatever reason.

fat dog

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2019 20:19:22 GMT
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It took Cray a moment to really and actually look at the man who had brought in this pudgy delight of a Pokemon. After all it seemed more important to give the dog attention than to gawk at his owner or partner or however the blonde addressed himself whenever it came to Pokemon. "I'm new to this whole gym thing so I'm hoping that I won't be too much of a disappointment." New was an understatement. One moment he had been teaching preschool and the next he was trying to renovate an entire gym while not having the faintest idea how to move along with it.

He was good with fashion sure but everything was so much more than that. It was making sure it was accessible to people yet not making it so easy that they breezed through everything. Not to mention having to hire gym trainers in order to properly test competitors. Everything was a lot of work. But he had made a commitment and he was going to see it through. "No I'm afraid not. I prefer dark type Pokemon." His entire team had been dark before he came here and he saw no reason to change that sort of thing. He wasn't about to replace his team just because he became a gym leader.

"I suppose that might be strange in a place like this though." He offered a small smile and sighed. He hadn't wanted to shake things up and change tradition but he was firm in his choice. That was all there was to it.

> @luddy

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