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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 18, 2021 6:08:04 GMT
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A picturesque Route 117. The connective tissue between the bustling city with its teeming masses and media economy, and the quiet town, whose clean air made it a must-visit for people who spent too long in Fallarbor. This route is marked by grasslands and meadows, occasionally flanked on one side or the other by a lake.

The mission was the sort that he'd taken for granted, time and time again. A group assignment skirting the line between manual labor and pokemon battles.  He'd had a number of these, between rearranging Slowbros for smuggling on the sub, and his recent battle with Zarude, whose fallout nearly landed him 13 years in jail.

"Well, here goes nothing." He said, deciding to dwell on the mission brief for no longer than he already had. The assignment ahead was obvious, with an above-average sized congregation of Pikachu clogging the stretch of land between Verdanturf and Mauville.

Truth be told, he flinched when he heard a stranger approach. It was... some kid? He'd already had his fair share of indignities, but now he had to set a good example, too? Giona had to tamp down his desire to break out a cigarette and slowly whittle it down. This left him a little restless, and extra talkative. He put on a weak grin, calling forth his Trapinch. "Hey. I'm just about to get started. You're here for the uh... wildlife preservation work, right? We have to stop the Pikachu from running roughshod on the population of the lakes nearby."

Giona said, quickly spinning his attempt to bag and tag Pikachus with a nearby shipping pallet of pokeballs into something noble. He hadn't met her yet, and had learned his lesson when Lulu stared daggers at him for even mentioning the Rockets. He whistled, and his Trapinch used Bulldoze. It kicked up dirt, bowling over and stunning a few Pikachu clustered together. He threw a pokeball at each of them, and then kicked the pallet so it sat between him and Ms Vela. His element of surprise was gone, but now he was slightly less outnumbered.

TL;DR: It's the mission where they wrangle pikachu!!!
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POSTED ON May 18, 2021 6:27:12 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]It's weird, being in the open air and feeling wind on her neck. It's not bad. Just weird. She can't remember the last time she had short hair. God she must have been . . . Doesn't matter. Now's not the time to be daydreaming. Right now she's got a job. It's been a while, and she can't afford to make any stupid mistakes.

Especially not now.

"This is gonna be quick and easy Thomas," she speaks to the Palpitoad toddling along beside her, he gives a low croak in answer, "just keep knockin' down Pikachu 'n' I'll keep pickin' 'em up. It's that simple."

Around the time she finishes instructing her pokemon she manages to make out a silhouette in the distance. A spike of anxiety runs through her, which sends a flush of irritation through her system right after it. What the fuck does she have to be jumpy about?

She throws up her hood to hide her mottled cheeks and smooths some hair over the healing bruise on her forehead anyway.

Thankfully, Plank's partner for the evening does a good job instantly disarming her. What the fuck is he going on about? She breathes air hard through her nose, lips twisting into the slightest of smiles.

"What? No, I'm here t' poach some Pikachu," she says plain as day, walking passed the young man and directing Thomas to get to work, "ya know ya can save the alibi for civvies 'n' the police, right?"

Meanwhile Thomas wastes no time waddling up within firing range of the Pikachu. Without any ceremony or flare he sucks in a breath and then pop pop pop fires off several MUD SHOT that whistle through the air before bursting and knocking Pikachu to their knees. He inhales again before letting out a croak that makes the air vibrate, a HYPER VOICE that knocks out several of the weakened Pikachu.

Plank pulls out a few of the pokeballs issued to her for the mission and tosses them casually into the lot of them.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON May 18, 2021 6:53:30 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

A picturesque Route 117. The connective tissue between the bustling city with its teeming masses and media economy, and the quiet town, whose clean air made it a must-visit for people who spent too long in Fallarbor. This route is marked by countless triathletes, as well as gardeners and kids from the neighboring Verdanturf town.

The Pikachu were countless. Some even tried to flank Trapinch and hit it with Thunderbolt, but to no avail. The little bug blinked, and tried talking like the grown-ups in the room, mostly by moving its jaw and chirping. Giona then whistled, behaving like a little league coach.

"Good hustle out there, little man. Now, use Sand Tomb to try and group them for her!" He said, followed by Trapinch kicking up a spiral shape of sand, presumably by the same force that allowed even smaller pokemon to use Power Gem. A number of Pikachu were caught and pulled together, and stunned momentarily.

Truth be told, he got over the momentary flinching of being met by a stranger walking in on him. He'd already put the pallet of pokeballs between the two of them, and just now noticed her tugging the hood over her head. He then discarded his black beanie, and closed the distance between the two of them. "I appreciate that you wanna be up-front. I really do. I also got the most mean death-glare on the planet from another one of us by talking to her about the job openly."

Giona said, offering the beanie to her with an outstretched hand. He hadn't noticed that one of the Pikachus nearby tried to wrest control of the pack for itself. It did so by using Iron Tail on the ground, unearthing a Thunder Stone. It seemed to absorb the mineral deposit, and flashed white as its metamorphosis into Raichu took place.

TL;DR: It's the mission where they wrangle pikachu!!!
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POSTED ON May 22, 2021 1:47:22 GMT
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[attr="class","sunshine"]Thomas watches the Pikachu disappear into pokeballs with little to no response. The Trapinch's gibbering is met with similar apathy. He croaks, a low and lazy sound, before getting back to the task at hand. As the Pikachu are sucked up by SAND TOMB he fires off a few more rounds of MUD SHOT that dirty their coats and leave them unconscious on the ground.

"I guess I get it," Plank replies to the man's explanation for his pointless lie in the meantime, "depends on the place though. I can't speak for whoever gave ya an earful before, but out in an open field like this with no one but us here . . . I just don't see the point of all the theatrics."

After a short stretch she reaches down to the pallet of pokeballs, pausing as she notices the beanie held out in the man's hand. Apparently offered to her. She raises an eyebrow before waving him off.

"Ah, thanks for the offer?" she says, the barest bit of confusion seeping into her tone, "but I'm all good with my hood."

Again, she adjusts her bangs and hood. Self-conscious that awareness of the injuries she was trying to hide prompted the gesture.

Her attention is pulled outward again by a few more urgent croaks from Thomas. Not panicked, but delivered with the obvious intent by the Palpitoad to get his trainer's attention. Plank shoots back up to standing, a few pokeballs in her hands, just in time to see one of the Pikachu's silhouettes glow and shift. Body becoming fatter, ears and tail longer.

"Good on ya for noticin' Thomas, but the plan is still just the same! Knock it down so we can round it up!"

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
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POSTED ON May 22, 2021 4:43:24 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

A picturesque Route 117. The connective tissue between the bustling city with its teeming masses and media economy, and the quiet town, whose clean air made it a must-visit for people who spent too long in Fallarbor. This route is marked by the daycare, a must-visit for people who like doing donuts around the place to make your pokemon level up instead of playing the game.

The Pikachu were starting to wise up, and the ones that weren't blasted started to use Iron Tail on Trapinch. Still ill-advised, but less-so. The big-headed ant chirped, and turned to Giona for instructions.

"We'll leave Raichu to you, if that's okay. We'll keep the rest off you. Okay! Use Bulldoze!" He said, followed by Trapinch charging into a crowd of Pikachu, kicking up dust and an inch-thick layer of dirt all the while. It bowled them over, scattering the group.

Met with an raised hand to block him, Giona pocketed the beanie, and tucked his single braid over one ear like a pencil. He looked away sheepishly, noticing that he'd made her self-conscious. "Truth be told, she wasn't that mean to me. If I said what I said to a stranger... I could've very well gone back to jail. And I had the feeling that she knew that,"

Giona said, looking back to the Raichu. He was starting to clench his teeth together and suck air past them with discomfort. Even worse, the big rat grinned devilishly at him! "--Use Sand Attack!" Moments later, a wide swath from the inch-thick layer of dirt pulled up was powderized and flung at the remaining crowd of Pikachu. Giona moved fast to bean each of them that were stunned by Bulldoze with the pokeballs in the pallet.

TL;DR: It's the mission where they wrangle pikachu!!!
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POSTED ON May 23, 2021 2:50:54 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"The others wouldn't make a damn bit of difference t' us, would they Thomas?" Plank calls across the field to her pokemon. He does not reply.

"Thanks for the assist, though, it'll help us finish things a bit faster," she continues, as if her pokemon hadn't left her high and dry, "No fancy shit! Drown it in mud!"

Plank's Palpitoad takes in a big breath of air. His cheeks bulge comically large and quiver they're so full. Thomas doesn't listen to small talk for shit, but he's good with orders. Good with directions. When he lets loose that breath of his it's filled with MUD SHOT after MUD SHOT that whistle through the air and home in on the Raichu.

But it's no sitting duck. Raichu's not caught off guard and there's no SAND TOMB holding it still so it moves. AGILITY strengthens its legs and increases its mobility. A couple of the MUD SHOTS land, and when they do they hurt, but not enough to keep it down. It starts closing in on the living mortar assailing it.

"T' be honest? I couldn't care less whether she was mean or not," Plank replies to the man as the action unfolds, "I just didn't want ya wastin' my time with double talk we don't need."

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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giona ferrara
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POSTED ON May 29, 2021 4:05:47 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

A picturesque Route 117. The connective tissue between the bustling city with its teeming masses and media economy, and the quiet town, whose clean air made it a must-visit for people who spent too long in Fallarbor. This route is marked by a number of ponds, and a conspicuous lack of fishermen. The area is typically dominated by ice-chewing sicko triathletes and pokemon breeders. The unlucky souls who keep this society running by knowing things about babysitting and animal husbandry.

The Pikachu were starting to lose track of time. Their purpose was thwarted by the large swaths of dirt thrown around, effectively making the task of digging for buried thunderstones all the more taxing. They hadn't yet wised up and started keeping Raichu from being hurt, though that would make the battle more complicated for the two sent from Rocket.

"Okay! Use Bulldoze!" He said, followed by Trapinch charging into a crowd of Pikachu again, kicking up dust and an inch-thick layer of dirt all the while. It bowled them over, scattering the group. Their only ranged moves were the by now unreliable thunderbolts, so they were forced essentially to stay within range.

Giona then dug the beanie back out of his pocket, and pulled it tight over his hair. He had to maintain the cover of a concerned ranger-- lest any passersby recognize him as the guy at the bistro. "Point taken. That being said, it was important that you atleast know the cover-story I had cooked up, incase someone stopped us."

Giona said, looking back to the Raichu. The large and imposing rat had already moved on. With muscles strengthened after minutes of doing Agility, it was ready to attack. With its body bombarded with Mud-Shot time and time again, it was back to square one in terms of speed. It could take off like a motorcycle, but the traction simply wasn't there. Once Raichu had a way of standing without tripping over its feet, it leapt and tried to swing a flashing Iron Tail at the Palpitoad bearing down on it.

TL;DR: in the second season of prison break, they've already broken out of prison. the name still works if you consider society to be a prison.
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POSTED ON Jun 2, 2021 23:32:20 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]"I'm gonna keep bein' honest with ya," Plank replies to her partner's caution, lowering her voice and leaning closer in towards him, "If anyone comes sniffin' around, especially if they try t' stop us, I'm not gonna need a cover-story."

"When a Rattata shoves its face in a mousetrap, well . . . It doesn't go scamperin' off very often does it?" She straightens back up and shrugs. She thinks the implication behind her words is clear enough. If someone wants to stop what they're doing they're welcome to try, but it won't end well for them. Not if Plank has anything to say about it.

Without missing a beat she switches back to directing Thomas.

"It's closin' in on ya! Brace for impact!" she shouts to the Palpitoad and he takes a few hops back. It's not enough to shake the speedy Raichu, but it is enough to buy room for an AQUA RING. The Raichu finally gets in range for an IRON TAIL, but it doesn't hurt all that bad when it smacks against Thomas's rubbery flesh; and within moments the AQUA RING is cleaning up the scrape it left behind.

"Make it regret gettin' so close!" Plank continues to bark orders, and Thomas is quick to follow them. His cheeks swell again before he spits out a veritable shotgun blast of dark detritus. A point-blank MUD SHOT that blows the Raichu back and covers its limbs with sticky, debilitating sludge.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 5, 2021 21:18:51 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

The Pikachu were starting to lose track of time. Their purpose was thwarted by the large swaths of dirt thrown around, effectively making the task of digging for buried thunderstones all the more taxing. They hadn't yet wised up and started keeping Raichu from being hurt, though that would make the battle more complicated for the two sent from Rocket.

"Okay! Use Sand Tomb!" He said, followed by Trapinch kicking up a swirling pit of dried dirt and sand from the banks of nearby lakes. This'd grab the crowd of Pikachu infront and occupy them for a minute. Some would turn tail and run when they had the chance, some would use Iron Tail on the ground, trying once again to aspire to more.

Giona then nodded, getting the picture. He shuddered with anticipation, but ultimately he'd trust her. "Point taken. I'll try to wrap this up so we can go."

Giona said, looking back to the crowd of Pikachu. Trapinch did a good job of burying their coveted stones, but ultimately it'd have to scare them all off one more time. To that end, it kicked up more sand and bone-dry soil, doing Sand Tomb again to ward them off. It then came down to the Raichu, trying to lick its wounds and act tough.

TL;DR: Burying the stones to ward them off.
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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 0:25:54 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]The Raichu starts to rise, hoping to mount some kind of counter-attack, but it's tired. The MUD SHOTS it took on its run-up compounded with the one it just took to the face have it feeling heavy. Its coat is caked with mud and the attacks have chipped away at its stamina -- leaving it a dirty, panting mess where it struggles just to stand.

"We don't play with our food Tom, knock it out before it can catch its breath!" Plank commands and Thomas obeys. He waddles up to the Raichu. The movement is less than graceful and far from fast, but the Raichu is in no shape to keep running around. All it can do is growl and send off weak sparks in warning. Neither deter its opponent.

Thomas is not prone to jumping away from harmless threat posturing.

One last MUD SHOT like an executioner's bullet lays the Raichu out. It still breathes, but this time its eyes stay shut. It does not move. A moment later it vanishes into a pokeball.

"Ready t' go when you are. Things are all done on my end," she says to Jonah simply, waiting for Thomas to carry the pokeball back to her. While she waits she shifts her attention to her partner's work. That Trapinch is pretty damn impressive. It's an unfortunate matchup for the Pikachu no matter what, but not every pokemon can work a crowd like this.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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catello casimiro
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jun 7, 2021 2:49:13 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar

The battle seemed to wind down. Some Pikachu were trapped in the shipping pallet of pokeballs. Some fled, knowing the risk to be far greater than the reward. Especially since Raichu was knocked out cold infront of them. It must've been maddening for them. They must've declared lifelong grudges against these two, if they had such a level of awareness.

"Well, it's time to pack up." He said, followed by Trapinch looking at him and stomping its little feet. The ant opened and closed its jaw to mimic talking, but it didn't form words. Giona scooped it up into his arms, then brought out a pokeball after rocking it to sleep on one bicep.

Giona then withdrew it, and looked to Plank. "Thanks. It means a lot that you'd be here."

Giona said, stepping aside and kneeling down. He picked up the shipping pallet full of pokeballs. Rows of capsules that were kohl-black, but the candy-red R was scratched off. Giona walked over to her, arching a brow. He held the pallet in two hands, expecting her to drop the ball holding Raichu.

"I run the safehouse in Mauville. I can walk these back, and get a truck out in a day to pick 'em up."

TL;DR: Packing up.
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POSTED ON Jun 21, 2021 17:47:41 GMT
peggie vela Avatar
[attr="class","sunshine"]The gratefulness from her partner throws Plank a little bit. An awkward laugh bubbles up and she plays a bit with the drawstrings of her hoodie.

"Don't get all sappy now, a job's a job," she deflects, but she's smiling, "you're not half bad yourself, though. Was worried I'd be stuck with some brainless idiot. So thanks for not being that I guess."

Plank tosses the Raichu's pokeball into the pallet as the man gathers things up in preparation of leaving. Thomas waddles up to her, looking bored but something simmering under the surface. The way he runs right into her leg and settles his face against her bare skin lets her know he's tired and getting grumpy.

"Sounds good t' me," she replies, nodding along to Jonah's plan.

[newclass=.sunshine]text-align: justify;font-family:calibri;font-size:14px; margin: 0 auto; width: 300px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.sunshine b]color: #f9993d[/newclass]
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POSTED ON Jun 22, 2021 6:32:07 GMT
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