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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 6:54:29 GMT
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"the weather's just miserable all over the region, isn't it?"

cait bemoaned the coming months, aware that warmth wouldn't seep back into her region of birth until late march. she'd be forced to trek through all manner of snow of varying depth just to complete her work obligations as an officer.  she doubted it'd make for easygoing, but she had little choice but to endure. 

"the location marked on our maps isn't too far off, at least," she said. 

she gestured in a certain direction. 

"scout ahead for me, decidueye," she said. "if there's any sign of trouble we need to know.

the great bird lifted his wings and managed a take off despite the constantly shifting winds. he'd disappear from view only moments later, passing over the snow-covered tree tops and out of sight of his mistress. 

"are you doing alright, kyle?

cait peered over her shoulder at her human companion, whom she considered a friend at this point of time. 

"keeping warm?

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POSTED ON Dec 21, 2018 17:16:11 GMT
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Kyle was all bundled up for the weather, covered with a coat that probably needed to be washed after a week straight of using it. If it smelled, at least he could blame it on his Poochyena that he kept stuffing inside of it. Charlie's head popped out of the coat's opening, his front paws hanging where he rested his chin. Kyle's hands were on his pockets, carrying two other Poochyena on his sides. His coat's hood was on his head, taking any other protection against the cold that he could get.

"I got heat packs at least," he grumbled. The heat packs, of course, pertained to the Pokemon he kept on close proximity of him.

Hunched over as he followed behind Cait, his eyes wandered from one direction to the other. He had just woken up from a midday nap when he had met up with her, remembering that he was just supposed to go somewhere with her but not the details concerning it. He did not mind it at first, thinking that it would come to him as time passed, though he could not stop himself from asking his companion upon nearing a suspicious area.

"What are we doing again?"

It wasn't just him that seemed curious. Charlie started to lean forward from his comfortable position, nose twitching as he sniffed for scents ahead. It wasn't the action that got the trainer worried as much as the timing of it. His Poochyena wouldn't just randomly get his nose in the air after all. get his nose in the air after all.

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POSTED ON Dec 22, 2018 23:36:33 GMT
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the young officer release a noise that came out as a breathy sigh, her emerald gaze having been fixed upon an unassuming cluster of trees before shifting toward the bundled up youth whom had accompanied her. 

"fossils," she said, simply. "there's quite a few of them roughly - mm - twenty meters from here, i think?

cait pulled her pokenav from her pocket, wanting to make sure that they were headed in the correct direction. it was ridiculously easy to get turned around in weather like this. 

"and we're here to make sure it's protected from a gang whom refer to themselves as the...

her gaze shifted toward kyle's pokemon, taking in the sight of their distinctive features and gray pelts. 

"... 'the poochyenas'," she supplied. 

her decidueye returned after she said this, the feathered creature being immediately questioned upon arrival. 

"is there anyone there?

the dual-type shook his head to indicate that the deposit was clear at the moment. 

"perfect," cait chimed, pleased. "we got here just on time. let's get moving, kyle.

she pressed on, her demeanor reflecting her desire to be done with this business as quickly as possible. cait was, after all, a woman who's nature was comparable to that of the pokemon she fostered in that she detested all things  related to the cold.   

"how have you been, by the way? i see your poochyena have grown a little. what were their names again?

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POSTED ON Dec 23, 2018 17:56:08 GMT
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"Poachyenas, huh?"

Kyle mused upon the thought, clearly entertained by the name of the poacher group they were supposed to protect the fossils against. A smile, the type one often had when they find themselves smiling for no reason, would appear on his expression as he watched Cait get a negative on her Decidueye about the status of their destination. His expression went back to its normal, bland one as he was woken up from his daze with his companion hurrying him.

"Yeah, we probably should,"
he'd agree with a certain tone of worry in his voice.

While her Decidueye may not have seen anyone else within the vicinity of the site, it did not exclude the possibilities of thieves simply hiding from plain view. He wasn't concerned about it at the moment though. His Pokemon should be trained enough to alert him should anything that needed to be notified to him was to appear, which included strangers and aggressors around him.

Deep thoughts were interrupted by Cait as she brought the topic to his Pokemon, which brought a confused look on his face before smiling fondly at the praise. "Have they? You sure you aren't just patronizing me?" he'd jest in return. Having spent almost every moment with his Pokemon, Kyle fails to notice any minute changes they undergo. "This one's Bravo," he'd pertain to the one on his left, and on the other, "and this is Delta." There were almost no physical difference between the two, however.

"Here one's Char-"

Charlie's bark sounded as they neared the site, cutting of Kyle's introduction of the Poochyena. He'd let go of both of the Pokemon he carried on his arms, both of them landing squarely on all fours and getting on a ready stance as they stared at a distance. Charlie, too, started to turn his head in a direction.

"Charlie has, like, the best nose out of the rest," he'd mention. "I think he's into something."

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POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 9:13:19 GMT
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charlie sniffs the approaching threat: discount cologne and doggy biscuits. it's not a pleasant concoction— but it announces their arrival nonetheless.[break][break]

they wear no winter clothing; instead, a heatmor blows a continual flame from its snout. the heatmor's owner snickers, not noticing the two trainers just yet.[break][break]

the two other men worship the ground she treads upon and fumble over their words:[break][break]

"v-veronica... i'll get you your omanyte quick and easy."[break][break]

"no, you idiot. i will."[break][break]

"no, i will!"[break][break]

the argument continues— what will you do?!






  • feel free to take control of the gang members and their pokemon or tag me if you're stuck/want a reaction post instead.
  • hover over the pokemon to see their movesets (but you don't need to strictly use those if you don't want)!
  • feel free to battle them or find other ways to creatively wrap this up - let me know if you have any questions! enjoy!!

[googlefont=Montserrat][googlefont=Roboto Condensed]

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POSTED ON Dec 30, 2018 13:50:03 GMT
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her dual-type heeded his mistress as he notched an arrow, the rabble-rousers having only just entered their field of vision. cait narrowed her gaze upon them, aware that they had the natural advantage in the form of a flanking position. additionally, they had yet to be discovered. 

"the gurdurr.

the hulking creature's was within range, its back turned away as it focused  primarily upon observing its squabbling masters. it very occasionally turned its head, its pinprick gaze seeking out anything that could be considered hostile.


decidueye's arrow flew true, the pointed tip embedding itself deeply into the creature's back only a moment later. the creature stumbled before toppling over, its round face having twisted into a bewildered grimace. her dual-type was in the midst of prepping another arrow as the poochyena gang reacted - violently

"decidueye - take the high ground!

the dual-type obeyed, beginning to position himself onto the thick limb of a nearby tree with several flaps of his strong wings. a flurry of gray began to charge toward cait and kyle as they followed their master's instructions, the mightyena and single poochyena seeking to lunge toward the seemingly unguarded pair. 

"they're fast," cait remarked, retreating a step as a nervous smile twisted her painted lips. 

her decidueye aimed once again, only for the poochyena he had targeted to deftly dodge his arrow. 

"de," the dual-type huffed, displeased. 

cait reached for her belt, considering her options before securing her hands around the capsule containing her shiinotic. the illuminating pokemon, once it had been given leave to exit his pokeball, would be commanded to attack. 

"moon blast, shiinotic!

the orb of power would form before the pokemon's presently gaping mouth before promptly being thrust toward the pack of creatures.

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POSTED ON Jan 1, 2019 18:53:15 GMT
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"You're attacking them. Without a plan. Admirable."

Words were painfully sarcastic as he stared at his companion do things on her own. It was a reckless and impudent act that he wouldn't even consider had he been alone. Watching her Decidueye ambush the opposing trainers with a preemptive attack was painful from his point of view, mostly because he wasn't prepared to get into battle almost as soon as they spotted what he assumed to be gang they were supposed to protect the goods from.

"Sounds good enough though, I suppose," he'd sigh, resigning to the situation.

He'd drop both of his Pokemon, scratching the back of his head as he take a glance of the chaos that his companion had started. The Gurdurr was down for the count, he supposed, which left them with only the dogs to deal with. The Fairy-type Pokemon Cait got out would be perfect for dealing with them, had the leader not erected a barrier to block off the attack. The Heatmor came in afterwards, attempting to hit both of Cait's Pokemon with Fire Lash.

Backing her up through battle should not to be expected from him, though Kyle knew it probably was the most direct way to help her right now. "The only backup you have right now is a guy with a team full of Pokemon that aren't fit for combat, by the way," he reminded her. Finally dropping his third Poochyena on the ground along with the two others, he backed away from the fights as he gave his first instruction for his Pokemon.

"Bravo, Charlie, Delta-- Howl."

The three howled in unison, bringing a solemn chorus in the air. True to their wild nature, the only Poochyena on the opposite side joined his Pokemon at first, with each Mightyena releasing their own soulful howl one after the other. It left the Heatmor alone for Cait to deal with, as Kyle jogged towards the direction of the opposing trainers, releasing his remaining Poochyena one by one as he went.

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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 10:04:00 GMT
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cait shot kyle a knowing look, her well-groomed brow arching high upon her forehead as he indirectly critiqued her approach. 

"the plan," she began, patiently. "is to incapacitate the opposing side.

hot flames licked at her bird and shiinotic only a moment later, the heat splashing against the pair who were very much vulnerable to the fire-based attack. they'd suffer damage - but it wasn't significant enough to incapacitate. 

"keep your distance," she'd instruct. 

his admittance that he lacked an efficient amount of combat-related experienced warranted a look of in-credulousness that would pinch at the officer's features. 

"just try your best, kyle. this shouldn't take long, anyway.

'at least i hope it won't.' 

still, she maintained a facade of the utmost confidence as she captured her decidueye's focus with a gesture. 

"you're going to be focusing on the heatmor, decidueye," she hollered. "shiinotic, you help kyle with the rest.

her companions obeyed her instructions, the decidueye veering his focus toward the fire-type before drawing another arrow quill from his plumage. he pulled taut the vine which hung limply from his hood, lacing this particular projectile with energy prior to release. the projectile effectively tipped with a surge of ominous power before it was thrust toward its pre-determined target. the heatmor grunted in response to the attack as it rammed into its shoulder, its future movements limited as a direct result of its shadow being 'stitched' to the ground beneath it. 

'they can't recall it now - good.' 


her shiinotic took advantage of the partly distracted poochyena and mightyena as they released their call. he'd conjure yet another orb of moonlight, focusing upon the largest in an attempt to remove them from the fight.

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POSTED ON Jan 5, 2019 17:12:25 GMT
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He deemed their Pokemon not trained enough if they managed to get distracted with a simple chorus of howls. It led Kyle to believe that they were incompetent trainers and probably did not have any stronger Pokemon aside from the ones they got out. He trusted Cait and her Pokemon to be able to handle the crowd of Pokemon they released after them.

"You got their 'mons right?" he would ask Cait as he made his way towards the poachers. "I'll take care of the apprehension part then." Kyle would whistle for the attention of his Pokemon to cease their howling, motioning them with a hand for them to follow after him.

The trainers would start to panic as they saw their Pokemon get defeated rather easily, trying to resist the urge to leave their Pokemon behind but nonetheless doing so. Fear had overcome their compassion towards their Pokemon, especially after they finally saw Kyle's own party of six Poochyena, who ran after them with their sharp teeth showing.

They started to sprint faster than Kyle, who was weighed down by the coat as opposed to their lighter clothing. Eventually, the cold had slowed them down, making it easier for the rest of his Poochyena to catch up to them. "Take Down." With the command, the dogs would pounce after them, knocking them out to the ground. "Yeah, follow that up with Yawn." Soon enough, the Poachyena poachers were knocked out from their consciousness as well.

All six of them, two on each poacher, would stand over the bodies of the poachers with their heads held high. Kyle acted like he did not notice and refused to give them the head pats they wanted though. Instead, he fiddled around his phone, attempting to contact the nearest police station where they could leave the apprehended criminals.

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POSTED ON Jan 12, 2019 14:33:38 GMT
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the heatmor proved itself to be more of a challenge than the officer had expected.  despite the fall of its comrades and the subsequent collapse of its handlers, it remained defiant in the face of opposition. 

'it's got spirit.'

"we need to keep our distance," she instructed. 

her pokemon obeyed, minding the flurry of flames that the fire-type was in the midst of spewing. the heat it generated was a blessing in disguise, the numbness that had seeped into her flesh only moments ago being replaced with a comfortable warmth. 

'no wonder they kept it around.' 

cait raised her hand and shouted out a series of commands, her pokemon obeying their mistress as they took advantage of their superior numbers. both of her companions suffered from the battle, though her shiinotic more so, a burn having been successfully inflicted upon his form in the process of felling the fire-type. 

"return, shiinotic!

she'd not allow for the burn to worsen, instead opting to return her pokemon early whilst allowing for her flight capable dual-type to finish off the heatmor. it was only when she had accomplished her task of rendering it unconsciousness that she'd shift her focus toward kyle. he was still in the middle of informing the police of their location, which she was very much thankful for. 

"the orders i was given said we weren't going to be payed directly," she informed. "but we are being compensated in the form of selecting one of the fossils kept here."  

cait gestured for her decidueye to keep watch of the limp forms of the criminals and their pokemon counterparts. 

"i'm going to take a look.

[ snatchin' an anorith fossil ]

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 2:02:00 GMT
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"That's lame," he commented as he started to rummage through the poachers' belongings. They have fallen asleep and were in no condition to stop Kyle from doing what he wants to them anyways. A bag of dog treats were tempting, though he did not go for them since his dogs liked a different, less cheaper brand. He found Pokeballs in their belongings though, two for each of them, which he decided to borrow.

"Get me an Aerodactyl or something while you're at it," he lazily requested from her. "Thanks!"

He left the raiders alone for a while, with his gang of Poochyena guarding over them. It wasn't like they can go far anyways with that clothing and the temperature anyways. A grin was given to Cait's Decidueye as he passed by the Grass-type as he went at the limp figured of the Poachyena's unconscious Pokemon. There was a huge pile of them, though it wasn't much of a trouble to do the clean up this time.

One by one, he returned them back to their Pokeballs-- a usual protocol they employed to confiscate any illegal use of Pokemon. He pocketed four of them however, the ones that had the Mightyena and the lone Poochyena, while the other two were to be surrendered to the respective officer in charge. Surely, the authorities wouldn't mind him giving their Pokemon a much better life and a respectable job.

> taking aerodactyl pls thanks
> also stealing those poochies if you don't mind

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 3:17:57 GMT
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[attr="class","reward"]mission complete!
you receive the following: 5 infamy[break]
receives an anorith while receives an aerodactyl (sadly no poochies...)
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