Century of Blood

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Century of Blood
POSTED ON May 24, 2021 10:46:02 GMT
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For whose crown and title are you ready to spill blood and fight? Choose a side and feast with the rebels or stay loyal to your oath to the King today!

A strategy Game of Thrones themed interactive roleplay game on Reddit.

Dive into a plot in Westeros, where you play the game of thrones to either win or die.

Let the dice decide your fate as the ruler of your house, a lord, a lady and anything imaginable to unravel before your eyes.

Controlling the house of your choice, you build armies, create alliances, do personal events, hunt for creatures, duel, scheme and plan to win the Game of Thrones as a King or Queen, or partake in the winning side of a war. A homebrew mix of dnd (we use dice as the judge of fate), ck2 (army formations and families) and roleplay.
  • Multiplayer, social, active game
  • Event system
  • Battle and combat system
  • Character free roam
  • Our custom made game bot, with training and market system

Perfect combination for those who wanna see the world burn.

Pls don't kill the gm, she tries her best to please 'em all.

Find our forum here!


it's a long life full of long nights