i know what i am

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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emilee, vivian, brianne
october 17
Castelia City, Unova
151 height
151 height
It ain’t easy being mean. In effete morality, I maintain a masquerade of earnestness and modesty.
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marie jules
i know what i am
POSTED ON Dec 26, 2018 4:44:20 GMT
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even criminals need actual friends, and marie was no different from any person her own age. she enjoyed spending time with actual friends and talking as you would with them just as anyone else would, no matter how much she would otherwise let on.

while there were few she would consider herself friends with, there is one that she can safely place that title upon. one whose identity is just as concealed as hers, the heir of devon; emma stone.

out of all the people marie has swindled into friendship, she’s one of the few that has made an actual connection with the beast. one whom she can put trust in. one who’d proven time and time again that her loyalty is not one to be questioned; her situation drawing pity from one unable to feel such emotions.

but pity was not the reason she aimed to meet the heiress this day, they were out for a shopping trip. a break they both needed from their everyday lives.

and while pity was not something she dared to do. it had been thrust upon her anyways.

the way emma had disguised herself to hide from eyes aimed at her was something that would only bring pity to her mind, a slight smile staining her face as she looked over the girl.

i hope you’re comfortable.

she said with a bubbly voice.
