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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Jul 22, 2021 20:41:07 GMT
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it was nice to take a step away from her cabin in  in favor of exploring a region untouched by the wars of recent memory. she could feign absolute normalcy at that point, taking in the sights with wide-eyed wonder as she played the part of a tourist. her social media was flooded with pictures of the places she visited, as well as new outfits purchased alongside an overabundance of images featuring both herself and her beau. 

even now she was in the midst of taking pictures of the buildings of ecruteak city; mt. silver visible from where they presently stood. garbed in a bright yellow sundress and wide-brimmed straw hat, she kept one arm looped around her mate's while her phone was raised in the other.

"i almost wish we could pick up everything and move here," she remarked. "
it's so peaceful."

it was also the place her ancestors had settled prior to fleeing the region in favor of hoenn. 

'a little ironic. but times have changed.' 


cait's gaze wandered, considering the multitude of shops and the pleasant smells that hung heavily within the air. they were three days into their trip, with the subject revolving around her pregnancy left largely untouched. the woman had requested they delay discussing the subject in favor of enjoying their time spent here.

'we can worry about that later,' she had said, curiously dismissive. 

oh! kabobs," she said, gesturing toward a street vendor. "i wonder if they're any good."

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 3:31:55 GMT
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He almost didn't let go when he hugged her for the first time seeing her off that helicopter. He couldn't squeeze too hard but how much he missed her was hard to hide.

"I think they'd have to be." The street vendors here were competitive if this guy was the one here he was the best in the area. "Lets find out."

He bought a kabob tasting it first to check for flavor mostly and poisons a little, which was stupid because Cait was probably immune to poisons.

The thought of it made his mind jump to her worries about being poisoned by whatever killed Bailey Cooper. Just like before however he rejected the notion entirely. "Ithfinkits good." You could count on Sénon to talk with his mouth full if he was eating while standing.

Something about working as a cook.

He gave the remaining the kabob to Cait and bought more for the both of them. "Could you though... move here?"

There was a big secret he was planning on finally sharing with her. Once she learned she might not want to go back to Hoenn.

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 5:10:23 GMT
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she mulled over the inquiry, imagining herself in such a setting. she'd raise her children in a region where she needn't fear the threat of rocket - focusing the majority of her attention on mothering instead of the war at her doorstep. 


cait took a bite of the kabob once sénon had sampled and surrender it, favoring the roasted vegetables that had been speared while nibbling daintily at the meatier portions. 

maybe," she said. "but i'd hate to leave everyone else behind. and gaining citizenship here would be difficult considering the amount of immigrants they've had to sort through following kanto and hoenn's ordeal."

in an absent-minded fashion, her free hand settled over her belly, the woman admittedly in awe at the slight and barely perceptible swell there.

how about you? could you move out here?"  

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 13:29:23 GMT
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The fact that she didn't shut down the thought outright meant she could be convinced.

What was a life in Hoenn's familiarity when both motherhood was about to make everything so unfamiliar to her anyway. The warm smiles of her friends and allies were just as easy to see over a video call.

She wasn't part of A.Q.U.A. she didn't owe the league any calls of duty. "I got the hotel last night because I wanted you to have an in-town rest after your flight-in." There was no draft they could mandate to will her away from her nesting/resting place. So why not Johto? "Don't forget though, I've got a condo paid for over in Goldenrod." He'd only told her once before, a fleeting detail that had no weight at the time.

"It belonged to my uncle but, its mine now." 'He lost it in a bet' was the real end of that sentence but it was better Cait didn't know that.

His uncle got real sore over mentions to losing his condominium, even if it was to his favorite nephew.

Sénon held the extra kabobs wrapped and bound together by a big leaf in place of plastics. Johto seemed far ahead of the curve in biodegradable solutions and cleaner living.

This whole region was playing Cait's song. How could she not be tempted.

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 21:04:45 GMT
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he was hinting toward her settling here as opposed to remaining in hoenn. she wondered why he wanted her to move - but it was fairly obvious it was to ensure she remained safe and whole. the pregnant woman risked far more living at fortree's border than in the region of johto. 

"a condo is nice but - "

she shook her head.

i have so much property and acres of land that i own. i don't mind the idea of visiting..."

cait paused briefly, taking another bite of her meal and chewing it slowly to consider her next words. 

... but don't forget i work for fernando silph's company," she reminded, her voice gentle. "by the time i could consider seriously moving, our baby may just be in their elementary school years."

the woman hated to deny him this one thing - especially since he likely considered it to be important - but she had to. she had obligations outside of the league, her loyalties keeping her stationary.

we'll be fine, sénon. you know we will."

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 21:18:19 GMT
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He chewed the meat and veggies slowly, considering the details of what she put forward.

All of them things he accounted for as best he could understand them.

It seemed she didn't at all consider the possibility of her assets being transferred and her obligations being mitigated. The fact that he had the power to do those things wasn't something he could hit her over the head with at once.

"-and if you owned as much land here?"

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 22:23:15 GMT
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"be open with me, baby."

she quickly polished off the remainder of her first kabob, her body craving far more than it usually did. the stick was tossed into a nearby bin, her aim precise despite her gaze fixing itself upon her man. 

how would you be able to afford as much land as i have in hoenn? it cost a small fortune and chewed up at least two-thirds of my bank account.

the ranger was building up to something - she just didn't know what that was. 

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 22:27:04 GMT
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He had a terrible feeling in his gut.

The bottom of it had fallen out and there was a blackhole in its place pulling him down to his knees. "HHHHNRRHMMM" He groaned like he'd been kicked in the nuts. He even put his hands on his knees.

He took a sneak-peak at Cait while he was doubled over.

She was so pretty she only made it worse. "Ohgod."

His forehead was starting to sweat. He only just that second realized he was being outwardly strange.

But maybe...

Just maybe.

It wasn't too late to compose himself and play off this whole thing.

So, he stood back upright, straightened his shoulders and tried to smile at his belle to reassure her.

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POSTED ON Jul 26, 2021 23:22:53 GMT
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she'd move to immediately press her hand against his forehead, her touch not at all dissimilar to a caress as she  sought to check his temperature. his behavior hinted toward a sudden surge of sickness, which resulted in her worry and the light examination of her male counterpart. 

"what's wrong? are you feeling sick?"

even as he stood tall, she didn't appear entirely convinced; her brows deeply furrowed and her gaze searching. she'd reach for his hand to give it a reassuring squeeze, gesturing toward a nearby bench as she spoke to him.

let's sit down and rest for a little while. okay?

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POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 1:10:52 GMT
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He deserved the light anxiety he felt trying to wrestle this truth from the darkness of safety suppression.

Safety for the family from the problem of attention and bad circumstance brought on by braggadocios behavior.

He wasn't supposed to talk about it. The people who knew, knew. The ones who didn't were kept in the dark unless they became family too.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Cait, it was that his psyche was hardwired not to brag about his status. The family decree to keep the family business secret made him almost ashamed of said status.

He never felt hot under the collar thinking about this moment, but now that it was here it was hard to get the words out.

He supposed the only thing he could do was show her. He looked like someone had beaten his tirtouga's shell in. Once he let the genie out the bottle, there was no putting it back in. He trusted Cait enough to hope she could learn to live with the genie's power.

"Cai..." He'd feel better when it was all behind them, one less secret to carry. "I'm... I'm rich." Ugh. Even saying it in earnest felt gaudy.

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POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 6:55:01 GMT
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she parroted the words with open bemusement, uncertain of what to make of the declaration. from her perspective, her sénon originated from humble beginnings, doing his part to help maintain their land and home. but he had never once flexed an impressive amount of wealth, his wages allowing for a comfortable living - not a luxurious one. 

like 'i just won the lottery' rich?"

she verbally nudged him to elaborate. cait squeezed at his hand lightly, her eyes rounding a little as she awaited the following confession. 

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POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 12:39:27 GMT
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He tried to focus on the pleasantness of her touch.

It began to dawn on him that the way the family stayed aloof about their status was a little problematic for the kids as they grew up under it. As the first generation to grow up with that wealth Sénon and his cousins were the guinea pigs for coming of age while carrying such a secret.

It made his sweats cold and his face twisted up again.

Now he looked like he'd just beat his tirtouga's shell in, like he was four again and he'd been caught stealing cookies from the jar.

He was really trying to find the right words to contextualize it all.

"I, Sénon Gioco am the majority share holder of GAME CORNER."

Hmmm. Nailed it.

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POSTED ON Jul 27, 2021 23:53:00 GMT
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what softened the initial blow was that she had been around wealthy denizens before. her work as a gym leader had surrounded her by a great number of individuals who possessed various businesses and far-reaching company titles and brandings. 

'and apparently sénon's one of them too.'

cait sat there in silence, realizing that she was not only this man's fiancée but the expecting mother of his child. it was a strange thing to consider, but she wondered if it could potentially change the dynamic of their relationship.

"i see," she responded, plainly. "
thank you for telling me."

her expression was thoughtful, the woman still in the midst of actively processing this knowledge.

is that why you said you could afford having me leave and our pokemon leave hoenn if i wanted to?

it all made sense now, but - 


cait reached and claimed another kabob, tugging it free from its biodegradable package. she ate in silence, her gaze drifting toward the distant mountains.   

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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 0:23:49 GMT
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He could not take the twisting in the wind he felt when Cait became silent started to stare off into the distance.

Maybe she was in shock. He was in shock. ". . . ."

Now that he had gotten it out in the open it was his chance to put things in the proper perspective for her.

Coming around to the front of her he got down on one knee taking one of her hands into his. The small size of her hands and not-quite-soft skin was beyond familiar to his touch now.

"Listen, I am who I am."

". . .That's a stupid saying."
He shook his head to start over. "Money matters. ..but purpose and passion and people matter more."

He looked into her eyes, this was what it was all for.
"If you're staying in Hoenn, it should be because you choose to, not because you have to."

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POSTED ON Jul 28, 2021 2:08:38 GMT
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"i'm staying in hoenn.

there was a finality to her tone that could not easily be questioned.

i know with everything going on its risky - and even a bit selfish considering my circumstances. but my family, my friends, my allies and associates...? they're all in hoenn. and i'm not going to just leave them all behind when they need me.

she sucked in another breath and shook her head.

i don't care how wealthy you are, sénon. i care about you. this doesn't change anything."

either way they would have made it just fine. 

i want you - not your money.

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