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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 15:20:30 GMT
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"i recognize some of these ingredients, i think."

cait considered herself to be an 'aspiring herbologist' due to her still being in the midst of harnessing the skills needed to acquire such a profession. her learning had come to a temporary halt as a result of her aligning herself with the league - but she still very occasionally dabbled with what most considered to be a 'primitive' art of healing. 

'i think some of may be able to help.' 

she released a small sigh of relief as she tucked the list into the cushioned confines of her purse. cait had been called - last minute - to handle this particular job. she'd been given the task of gathering a few precious ingredients to brew into a herbal tea. and the young officer was very confident that it would work - the lore tethered to the mixture one she was somewhat familiar with. 

"i just need to wait for my partner to show," she murmured. 

cait had only just visited the patient who was in obvious need of a remedy, the pokemon visibly sick and refusing to accept any form of sustenance while only taking a few sips of water. it was obvious that they were growing weaker with each day - and she feared what would happen if they didn't return in time with the brew. 

"it shouldn't take us more than a few hours if we're lucky."  

standing before the home currently housing the ill creature, the girl fiddled away at her phone as she stood idly by. 

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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 18:11:51 GMT
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When Stormy had gotten word of a troubling illness ailing a couple of unlucky individuals in Lilycove city, she had immediately sprang at the opportunity to help. Granted, she wasn't anything of a herbologist, as she knew virtually nothing about plants or healing. She was really the 'rub some dirt in it and get over it' type of self-medicator.

But, leaving Lilycove to fend for itself with this strange illness wasn't in Stormy's list of things to do. So, when she had gotten a call that a fellow league member was working this case, and she was an experienced 'aspiring' herbologist, the young woman jumped at the opportunity. All she had to do was find the house in particular in the bustling city.

The trotting noise of diamond hooves striking the ground were quite loud as Stormy and her Rapidash paced the streets. Every once in a while the young woman would look up from her device, as if looking for a particular street or avenue. When she eventually found it, it was only because Cait was standing outside of the house looking maybe a little impatient.

Stormy very quickly spurred Rapidash into moving, and before she even fully reached Cait she was sliding off the back of her mount and apologizing.

"Hey, sorry. I'm not too good at navigating big cities like this. Anyways, what's going on? Do we have an idea of where to start looking for these ingredients?"

She peeked behind Cait to try and get a glance at what the house looked like and what exactly might be going on.

"Who's sick?"
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POSTED ON Jan 14, 2019 18:42:16 GMT
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"a young mareep," cait replied. "she's an ampharos's babe - that ampharos being the pokemon that man's the local lighthouse - and she's been too distraught and distracted to work since her baby's so sick."

the lamb had only just been weaned, but it had refused any amount of solid or even a liquid form of nutrient these past few days. 

'it's lost some weight, too. poor thing.' 

the green-eyed officer retrieved the list that she had been given, glancing over it with a quiet hum. 

"we need a few samples from a budew - and that honestly shouldn't be too much of a problem if we know where to look. that and there's some local flora listed here that i think i'm vaguely familiar with. i was thinking of going through a few shops that may sell these - oh!

she grinned sheepishly after abruptly stopping herself mid-sentence, having realized that she had skipped introductions in favor of talking business. 

"i'm officer alfric," she introduced, dipping her head. "but you can just call me cait. it's nice to make your acquaintance.

her gaze shifted from the woman to the creature she had formerly been mounted upon, the rapidash an undeniably beautiful specimen. she was half-tempted to extend her hand and pet its muzzle, but cait had been raised from infancy to be wary of fire-types and their destrucive potential. so she wisely kept her hands to herself whilst openly admiring the stallion, her painted lips pulled into a smile. 

"what a handsome rapidash you have there," she commented. "they're male, correct?

her knowledge of fire-types was, admittedly, limited. but the overall size of the rapidash and the length of its horn caused her to assume what their gender might be. 

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 3:01:00 GMT
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Stormy looks crestfallen at the news that the Ampharos' baby is sick. Despite not knowing prior to this moment that there even was a lighthouse Pokemon, let alone a baby of one, she's still saddened.

When Cait retrieves a list, the woman leans over her shoulder to take a peek. It seems to be scribbled notes of ingredients and footnotes. Nothing that she had any knowledge of. Her frustration was already beginning to trickle down her neck in the form of anxiety. How was she supposed to help if she didn't know a damn thing about this?

"Are you good at plants? That's a relief. I thought I was going to be out here in the dark."

It feels like a punch in the gut to admit she's useless to Cait, but she figures it's better she knows than to assume that Stormy can tell the difference between a Budew and.. whatever else other Pokemon there might be.

Her mood is broken by Cait's sheepish smile and her awkward introduction.

"I'm Stormy Silph. I just sort of started getting into the ranger business, but I'm not well versed in Hoenn's flora and fauna, unfortunately. It's nice to meet you, too."

Stormy follows Cait's gaze as she looks at her Rapidash. She can't help but beam with pride. Rapidash, feeling eyes on him, perks his ears in interest. He raises his head from grazing, making a short squeal of curiosity. He approaches the pair slowly, lazily, occasionally blowing hot air to stir the grass beneath him as he keeps his head low.

When he finally approaches the green-haired lady, he seems quite interested. She smells like greenery, and has been so kind as to compliment him.

"Thank you, and yes, he's quite the handsome boy. Actually, he seems to have taken a liking to you."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 3:34:34 GMT
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"he is quite the sight."

her gaze swept across his solid shape, taking note of his creamy coat and the brightness and heat that his mane exuded in gentle waves. despite his actions that could be perceived as friendly, she resisted that urge to rest her hand upon him.

"i've - um - never really seen a rapidash stallion up close before," she admitted, smiling sheepishly. "i apologize if i seem a bit nervous around him. fire-types aren't really my forte, if you get my meaning?

there was also some evidence that he was wild caught, too - cait having noticed the occasional scar that marred his broad flank. 

"so you're a ranger?

she shifted the topic of discussion toward the woman's chosen profession with a sort of practiced ease, genuine interest coloring the officer's tone as she questioned her.

"that must be exciting," she remarked. "i don't know much about them - i'll admit - but you all favor working in... severe conditions, i think?"

their reputation portrayed them as a hardy lot who enjoyed the unpredictability of nature and the missions they were typically assigned.  a ranger's respective companions were also known to be just as rugged and difficult to reign in. 

'if the few rumors i picked up are true, of course.' 

but the girl - at first glance - she really appear to be the stereotypical ranger with her pretty features and petite build. but what right did she have to judge based on appearance alone?

'i guess we should focus a bit more on gathering the ingredients.'  

"we should get started, then. we'll need to go to the nearest route to hunt down the budew," she said. "do you have any experience with grass-types at all?

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 7:13:17 GMT
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Stormy continued to smile a little bit as Cait's eyes washed over Rapidash. He seemed to be soaking in the new attention, adoring it. He didn't mind at all though that the new woman didn't reach out to touch him, he wasn't really the touchy-feely type.

"Rapidash are very sensitive to emotion, but they can pick out a good person out of the bad."

Her comment was trying to be uplifting or a compliment, to reassure her that her nervousness around him was normal or at the very least, nothing to be ashamed of.

Rapidash lowered his head back to the ground, snuffling through the grasses and losing his interest from earlier. Stormy's palm brushed against his hind end, a comforting gesture.

"Yes, or at least I'm training to be one. It's a little hard when I'm not doing too well with the field work, plants-wise."

She laughed nervously, to which Rapidash flattened his ears in response.

"Severe conditions, huh? I suppose that's probably right. We tend to dive right into the danger of it all for the good of the people, Pokemon, and environment."

Her thoughts jumped to her Castform, usually the bearer of severe weather conditions. It may not have been the example Cait was suggesting.. but it was the only one that came to mind.

There seemed to be a pause in the conversation, maybe even an awkward silence. Cait broke the silence by suggesting the pair get started on their ingredient hunt, and Stormy shakes her head to clear her head.

"Yeah, we should probably get back here before the sun goes down. I doubt that the Mareep babe with last long without our help."

Although, at the mention of grass-type Pokemon, Stormy's face flashed with mild panic or unease.

"Ahh.. not really. I tend to train fire-type Pokemon, and they aren't usually too friendly to plant-life."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 16:40:59 GMT
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"it's alright," cait said, smiling sympathetically. "you're a fire-type specialist - so it's to be expected."

her gaze settled upon the idly grazing rapidash once more, the girl understanding why stormy would be drawn to such a creature. he was magnificent in his own way - and was very likely a heavily relied upon member of her team.

"i'd honestly be in the same situation if we were dealing with any other type of pokemon - excluding bug-types. i'm not really the best at handling something i don't deal with on a near daily basis."

cait was thankful that such a mission allowed for her to rely upon her own brand of expertise, the officer eager to take advantage of her natural inclination toward grass-types and the art of gathering and mixing herbs. 

"i'll handle the budew," she continued. "there's a few that live on my family's property - so i'm familiar with how the wild variant behave. they're also usually found near fresh and clear bodies of water - so our best bet is to look outside the city limits and in the opposite direction of the sea.

there was still a considerable amount of light left in the day, which meant they had a considerable few hours to search for a particular breed of pokemon. 

"it's honestly going to be a bit of a walk. so i think we should ride to cut down on time.

cait fished around in her purse after tucking her list back into it, the young woman looking for the capsule containing a certain pokemon. once she located the searched for pokeball with a quiet hum of delight, she'd released its occupant - revealing a large male gogoat. 

"hello, boy," she crooned. 

she greeted the grass-type by stroking his muzzle gently and caressing his furred cheek, the look upon her face and her overall tone revealing her fondness for the beast.

"this is gogoat," she said. "he's not as fast as a rapidash - i'll admit - but he's reliable. do you mind helping me out, boy?

the gogoat leaned into her touch and released a grunt of affirmation. 

"let's go, then.

cait smoothly mounted the creature's back, her hands soon coming into contact with his horns to further balance herself. the pokemon shifted underneath her at that moment, turning himself to face the city's distant exit as he sensed her intentions. 

"gogoat and i will take the lead and set the pace," she said. "as soon as you're ready we'll make our way to the nearest route.

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 17:53:33 GMT
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Stormy smiled shyly, nodding a little bit in agreement. The two seemed to be polar opposites in this regard, Cait a grass-type specialist and Stormy a fire-type.

"Yeah, that makes sense."

There was a moment of awkward pause from Stormy in which she thought about what she wanted to say. Part of her wanted to ask Cait for advice in the herbology field, but the other part of her was too proud to ask for help. She chewed the inside of her lip thoughtfully as Cait continued to explain their plan of action.

"That sounds fine. Actually.. do you mind showing me a couple of tips? I.. I could probably benefit from knowing the difference between a couple of plants and stuff, if that makes sense."

She coughed nervously, clearing her throat. Her hand reached up to pat Rapidash on his hind again, trying to avoid eye contact.

Stormy looked up in surprise though when Cait suggested riding. She then glanced briefly at Rapidash's back, as if expecting the two of them to ride on him at the same time. Just as she opened her mouth to agree, her partner rummaged for another pokeball.

In a couple of seconds, a Gogoat stood. He was probably about half the height of Rapidash or so, and a bit stockier and heavier-looking, but sturdy. Stormy tilted her head, nodding in appreciation.

"I've never seen one of those before, he's kinda cute."

She smiled as the Gogoat eagerly agreed to help his trainer with this task, and she ran her hands up the side of her own mount in appreciation as she leaned into him.

Stormy watched in slight awe as Cait mounted the grassy goat. She herself reached up to lift herself onto Rapidash's back, to which he lifted his head and snorted. He began to pace in anticipation, shifting his weight as if prepared to take off.

After a couple seconds of soft words and encouragement, the stallion seemed to calm down a bit, turning to look at Cait and Gogoat expectantly.

"Ready whenever you are, we'll try not to race you."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 18:25:26 GMT
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cait appeared to be genuinely surprised by the request - having assumed that stormy had very little interest in something that was considered mundane by a majority. but she surmised even a little bit of knowledge could be of some use to the ranger if the lessons stuck. 

i don't mind," she said. "when we get where we need to go i'll try to teach you something.

she squeezed her gogoat's flanks with her legs and tightened her grip upon his horns, which successfully spurred the grass-type into action. he began at a slow yet steady trot, their small group traveling down the paved areas of the city at a decent enough pace. there was very little foot traffic to pass through - thank goodness - and once they reached lilycove's limits their path gave way to grass and earth. it was only then that gogoat began to gallop, allowed the space needed to do so. 

it required roughly ten minutes for them to enter an area comprised almost entirely of forest; the well-trodden path allowed for the pair and their respective companions to easily cut through the thick greenery. eventually, cait's gogoat slowed until he halted entirely, his mistress dismounting before giving herself a little stretch. 

"we should start searching this area - and we'll need to do so on foot," she said. "you're free to leave your rapidash out or return him to his capsule - but he can't come along, i'm afraid. both he and gogoat are too big and may scare off or even trample the budew if we aren't careful.

cait offered her companion a pat. 

"you stay here, boy. if i need anything i'll call - okay?

the woman stepped off the beaten path in favor of settling upon the grass, her eyes slipping shut as she breathed deeply the scents that hung heavily within the air. 

"how often have you worked in forests, stormy?

the girl reached down and removed her sandals, the light material easily slipping from her feet. the sensation of grass cushioning and tickling lightly at her freckled flesh causing her grin to broaden out. she dealt with her ponytail next, tugging at the band until her curled mane fell upon her shoulders in a thick wave of green. 

"gods, i love places like these," she murmured, absently running her fingers through her textured locks. "every time i'm in the forest it just feels like... home.

she'd smile sheepishly at stormy then, her features crinkled up in amusement. 

"silly, isn't it?

cait laughed airily to herself as she tossed her sandals nearest to her gogoat who presently lay at the path's edge after neatly folding his legs beneath them. 


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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 19:10:07 GMT
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Stormy breathed a sigh of relief at Cait's response. Part of her had been worried she may turn her down, though heaven knows for what reason.

Rapidash once again began to fret beneath her body, shaking his head from side to side as he waits impatiently for the Gogoat to set the pace. He matches speed with the grass-type easily, though doesn't seem all that thrilled to be held back.

The travel was met with silence, but it gave Stormy enough time to actually appreciate the surroundings. The sloping hills and trees and bush, and then the path leading into the densest, darkest part of the trees opened up and seemed to swallow her whole.

She remembered her first time travelling through Hoenn. She had rushed through Oldale forest and towards the Rusturf tunnel, tearing through the country blind, in a rage, in a panic. A month or so ago, she had been a lot more reckless and stupid, incapable of appreciating the here and now, only focusing on all of the loses and pain she had endured.

Before long, the pair came to a halt. The time had flown by, and soon enough Cait was sliding off the side of her Gogoat, taking off her sandals, letting her hair down. Stormy couldn't help but stare in awe, pink emotion staining her cheeks just the slightest bit.

She herself also slipped off of her stallion, giving him a reassuring and thankful pat. He shook out his mane, the flames bright and intense, but not burning her skin at all.

"Not a lot, to be fair. I'm from the Kanto region. I stayed away from Viridian forest. I lived in Saffron city for most of my life, so I was used to the city, and to the open fields. It's where I met him."

She gestures to Rapidash, who has since lost interest in her and has joined Gogoat in grazing and resting.

Cait seems to have become enthralled in her own little world at this point. Stormy watches quietly as the woman runs her fingers through her vibrant green hair, she watches her sink her feet into the lush grass beneath her. She really does seem to be at home out here among the trees.

When she turns, smiling sheepishly in embarrassment, Stormy's eyes widen in surprise. She blushes a little bit as a result, and shakes her head, laughing nervously.

"No! No.. not at all. Not silly at all."

She runs her fingers through her own hair, tugging on knots formed from their gallop here.

Cait begs the question if they're ready to continue on, and Stormy smiles a little bit, nodding.

"Yeah, sure. Let's get started."

She then turns to Rapidash, who seems quite content to be out here. Cait's earlier mention of leaving them behind seemed to have been the right idea, and her Pokemon doesn't seem bothered in the slightest. While the Gogoat lays down for a rest, the Rapidash stands not too far away from him, occasionally swishing his tail.

"Lead the way, Cait."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 19:26:19 GMT
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cait sobered the moment that stormy had revealed where she had originated from. her eyes had grown round with alarm - her painted lips parting as she stared at the young silph with a look of astonishment. 

"you're from kanto," she breathed.  

she couldn't help but pity the girl who had very likely lost her home to rocket's might. the thought of being in a situation where returning to your hometown was nigh impossible shook cait to her very core. 

'that could be me,' she thought. 'if we lose this war.' 

"i'm so sorry, stormy," she said, her tone apolgetic. "gods, i really am. i had no idea."

the girl appeared to be taken aback, having realized that the formerly casual air that had been held between them had been thoroughly disrupted. but she couldn't not bring up something as important as this - 

"your surname's silph," she said, comprehension dawning upon her expression. "you're related to  , aren't you? our councilman?

cait had an inkling of suspicion when stormy had been offered her full name in greeting, but she hadn't immediately connected the dots until now. 

"you're his -

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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 19:44:25 GMT
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A cold sweat trickled down Stormy's back at the horror and shock from Cait's voice. The way she repeated Kanto, like it was shameful, or horrifying, or.. or like a bad omen. It made her blood begin to boil.

"Yes, I am."

Her voice became a little harder, the previous softness and politeness beginning to immediately evaporate. She felt her chest tighten due to the influx of negative emotion and stress. She hated being pitied, and that's exactly what she thought Cait was doing.

Cait's apology, although sincere, didn't sweeten Stormy's mood. Instead, it encouraged the young woman to look at the ground, eyebrows furrowing in a mixture anger and grief. She was battling with her emotions, trying to figure out how to respond.

The pit in her stomach seemed to swim all the way to her throat, making it hard for her to speak without swallowing the lump over and over.

When she closed her eyes, the horrors of what happened in Kanto were alive in her memory. The fire, the screaming, the blood, the terror. Silph Co. went down in flames, maybe not physically, but metaphorically. And she ran away from it all like the coward she was always accused of being.

"I'm fine. It's in the past, and there's nothing to feel sorry for. You weren't the reason Kanto was lost."

Once again, her voice was hard, sharp like a knife. She was doing her best to keep her emotions in check, to not blow up and cause Cait to dislike her.

Unfortunately, the green-haired maiden just kept adding fuel to the fire by bringing up Fernando. Just hearing the name made her hands clench into white-knuckled fists. She was squeezing them so tight her hands were shaking, and she struggled to focus on her breathing.

"I'm not anything, Cait. He's a coward and a bastard, that's all he is. We may share the same family name, but I share no blood with that horrible excuse for a human being."

With that being said, the heated woman took off in a random direction, probably the wrong one, in an attempt to get away from the conversation and move things along.

"Can we just move on? I'd rather not talk about this."
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 20:04:24 GMT
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a pregnant pause settled between the pair, the woman's gaze fixing itself upon the slight strain present within stormy's facial features. the intensity of her green gaze remained for several more beats before she finally blinked and nodded her head just as the woman turned away. 

i understand," she said, simply. 

despite the multitude of questions niggling away at her mind she refused to press the woman on a sensitive topic that related to both home and family. cait would mostly certainly mull over her words at a later time, but for now they had a mission that needed accomplishing. 

"and i apologize," she continued, bowing her head. "i'm a bit too old to be badgering someone like that. i didn't think before -  ah - you're right - let's just move on.

stormy could have responded with anger and a raised voice - and the green-eyed officer would have understood; because she'd have likely done the same. 

'back to the task at hand,' she thought. 

despite the pair being a little bit put off by what had just occurred, cait had managed to recover somewhat as she steadied her voice and spoke.  

"the budew leaves are the key ingredient to this brew - actually - i speculate it'd be all that we need," she said. "so we'll prioritize locating the budew first. but something like that - the leaves i mean - don't go down easily - especially to an untried palate. that, and there's also the chance that the body may reject it since it can be easily mistaken as a form of toxin by quite a few pokemon. for example - a pollen allergy; while pollen is relatively harmless the body will still respond violently in an attempt to cleanse itself. bodies are finicky things - and their immune systems are highly varied when you go from one person to the next.

she walked through the forest at a steady pace as she followed silph, eyeing the clumps of greenery that they passed with a sharp and analytical sweep of her gaze. 

"how do you think one would go about solving that little problem?


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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 21:08:01 GMT
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Whatever Cait said to Stormy in the next couple of minutes was humbled and drowned out by the thundering pressure in her head. As she slowed her breathing and cooled down her temper, she eventually came back to reality as a less explosive human being.

Now, instead of continuing to pry into Stormy's private life and dredge up the past, Cait was moving onto the actual task at hand.

Stormy listened, if a little less enthusiastically than before, as she explained what Budew were and how they were used in this particular brew. She continued on, explaining that the leaves didn't taste good, and had the potential to cause more harm than good.

"Pollen allergies, huh? Are Mareep sensitive to that sort of thing?"

She glanced back at Alfric as she continued on deeper into the forest. Absently, she herself took the time to look around her, to really try and experience what Cait might be experiencing. She seemed quite at peace out here in the forest, and Stormy honestly envied that.

Her next question caught her a little bit by surprise, but only because she actually had an answer.

"We should sweeten the deal. If you're saying these Budew leaves are bitter or don't taste good, I can't imagine a newborn baby Mareep will be too keen on eating it, especially if it isn't eating much of anything to begin with. What about honey? I know honey helped me swallow cough medicine or the like when I was a kid."

As for where the honey might be.. she was at a loss. Out here, she was completely out of her element. The inability to see the whole terrain was quite scary for her if she was being honest. At least on the plains you could see for miles, and you'd eventually end up somewhere familiar.
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POSTED ON Jan 15, 2019 22:21:49 GMT
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"that's exactly right," cait chimed, satisfied by the answer. "we're muting the taste and overall presence of the budew leaves by making it into a drink as opposed to feeding it to the lamb in its purest form.

the girl hurried to stormy's side before gesturing toward a clump of herbs that she had only noticed a moment prior.

"we're in luck, stormy! do you see that over there," she asked, helpfully pointing it out with the prod of her finger. 

it was difficult to spot with the untrained eye, the wild herb partially hidden by the thick grasses that surrounded it. 

"it's spearmint," she said. "it helps with the digestive track - it's also listed as an ingredient.

she'd patiently wait for stormy to follow her lead before crouching before the plant. they were blessedly untouched specimens, not a hint of damage or contamination present within their stalks and leaves. 

'healthy - this is just what we need.' 

"it's perfect," cait commented, her smile returning in full. "almost as good as the garden variant."

cait pulled out a small plastic bag from her purse - the commercial sort with its very own seal attached - and popped it open. she nodded to stormy, deciding to make this into a proper teaching moment. 

"i want you to pull the herb from its roots.  we only need a few leaves - but i much rather they be attached to their stalks when they're pulled to prevent any unnecessary  damage. i'd much rather they be fully intact. i'll coach you through the process, alright?

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