zarude encounter! [ c ]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 6, 2021 15:09:35 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar
so many people from her past had been popping up lately, it was difficult not to get stuck in the memories. seeing sam’s face brought back the phantom of her feeling of panic, during the early days of her pregnancy with delta, fleeing illegally from war and duty. in retrospect, leaving her unit for dead.

in all familiar eyes, she saw her own guilt reflected back at her. did sam know what had happened? she wondered, and the better half of her guessed, yes, probably. it had likely been all over the news. how she’d missed it then was beyond her.

sagira nodded a little. “been better, honestly,” she admitted, but quickly attempted to clean it up. “but i’m back in the league, where i belong. things are looking up.” were they?

“how are you, sam?”

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the ferryman
october fourteenth
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2021 12:48:12 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
"i'm surviving." as the words fall from his lips, he's reflective, and it causes a silence to fall for a few moments after.

once it cleared, though, his eyes find her and he finishes his thought with, "i mean to say, i'm doing fine. not spectacular, but not terrible."

though he has met somebody, he doesn't feel the need to share that with sagira. a woman he knew for a time, helped her change her life, knew very little as his mother had handled most of the informational part of the operation and he'd just helped to quietly move her across the border. he'd literally smuggled her out of the region.

but then again, he'd done far worse, and he would do far worse, even if he didn't know it at this time during his conversation with her.

"are you relieved to return to duty?"
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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
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zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 8:03:38 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar
sam had broken the law for her—during wartime, even. she owed him, and here he was again, helping her.

surviving. she could relate to that kind of attitude, but she kept it mostly buried until the evenings after delta had gone to bed. life had always been difficult. still, she’d never been one to complain about much about anything.

“that’s something, at least, right? guess it’s kind of a difficult time to be much better…” this wasn’t to invalidate anything that was going on in his life, but she didn’t want to be nosy.

“i am. so relieved.” she shook her head. “i was so lost, sam. this is what i’m supposed to be doing.”

she looked down the road pensively, brow scrunching a moment.

“i’m guessing you probably heard about king? what he did i mean.”

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 12:45:56 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
truth be told, sam has only met king once. and maybe twice during a pokémon battle match of the star tournament, but that was still up for debate within sam's own mind. so he did not, in fact, know what king had done. or at least, he had not purposed to know.

"i know that he went against what he had been previously following out of grief."

that which had been more rumor than media coverage, so sam hadn't put much stock into it at the time. he also used a tone, when expressing this, that would lead sagira to believe he was not blaming her. it was not, in sam's eyes, her fault that king grieved ... violently.

also, their lives were not his business any longer. he'd done one job and that was it.

"beyond that i'm afraid the rumors gave little detail. you don't have to go into detail if you'd prefer not to, however, you do now have me curious."

his way of asking for more information but giving her the option of saying she didn't want to share. if anything, he'd ask king next time he thought he saw him.
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march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
ex lieutenant
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the whispers in the trees are getting near
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sagira mosse
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 17:38:46 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar
of course, sagira had assumed that everyone in that area of kanto had heard—but then again, the region had already been suffering so much intense loss that it was possible that even such a massive tragedy had gone mostly unnoticed in the media, or even, maybe, not even covered at all.

out of grief. “yeah.” she shook her head lightly. only more of a reminder that she was to blame to ’s rage. she gave a light, facetious huff at it.

she didn’t withhold the story. with the lives of so many lost, she felt it was the most dutiful to do to share the news of their tragedy, however old it might’ve been.

“he killed 106 people.” she swallowed, feeling indescribable. “my unit.”

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played by


the ferryman
october fourteenth
lavender town, kanto
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samuel carter
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 22, 2021 19:37:40 GMT
samuel carter Avatar
"it wasn't your fault," sam tries to explain. "because if it was your fault he acted out, it would mean it was my fault as well.

"the actions he took were his own decision. if it wasn't because of you, it might've been because of something else. you cannot blame yourself for the choices others make. if you do, then you'll end up an old hermit on a mountain with nothing to call your own but the ghosts that haunt it."

speaking from experience? maybe a bit, but mostly?

she looked much more content with a smile. everybody did. and sam honestly believed everybody had a reason for a decision, sure, but it wasn't fully another person's fault. takes one to cause a problem and another to make a decision about that problem.

even if he didn't really get that across right, he means well i swear.
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played by


march 14th
pewter city, kanto
retired soldier
ex lieutenant
52 height
52 height
the whispers in the trees are getting near
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sagira mosse DOLLARS
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sagira mosse
zarude encounter! [ c ]
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2021 7:21:55 GMT
sagira mosse Avatar
she blinked.

sam’s words surprised her, if only because he’d somehow cut straight through to her thought process—although it surely wasn’t difficult to piece together that this was how she’d been feeling.

towards the end, her brow furrowed a little. “that’s pretty specific…” sage wasn’t aware of sam’s status as sexton of mt. pyre.

he was right, though. it wasn’t her fault, and while deep down, she had reasoned with herself to this conclusion time and time again, she couldn’t internalize it. over and over, in the end, the started and ended her days with overwhelming guilt.

if it wasn’t for delta…

no. she’d always have things to fight for. no taking the coward’s way out—not again.

a sigh. “i can at least blame myself for my poor decisions.” she shrugged, regret in her eyes. “i’m alive to do it.”

her face then corrected a little into a curl at the edges of her lips.

“but thank you, sam.” it was genuine. no had yet told her it wasn't her fault, since she'd found out.

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