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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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27 years old
november 8
saffron city
tell me; are you going to bark or bite?
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reyes de la fuente
[s] survey
POSTED ON Aug 17, 2021 18:02:00 GMT
reyes de la fuente Avatar
 since arriving in Hoenn, Reyes had stuck to Sootopolis mostly. he socialized with fellow Rockets and got caught up on what was going on in the region. then he left. his pursuit would take him to the mainland, where Slateport's community was. it was still summer so many people were at the beach. he joined them. the tournament was done, a shame, but he didn't really care much. it would have been good opportunity to gather intel, not battle.

Reyes would stroll along the walkway, hands in his pockets. he saw nobody he knew - but at the same time... nobody knew him either. chances like this don't come along often. but before he could do something about it, he spots a Wingull. the bird was struggling against some beer can plastic near the walkway. it was dusk; hardly anyone was around. he could watch it struggle with amusement or do something about it. not even looking around once, he bends and unhooks its webbed feet.

the Wingull caws in thanks before flapping its wings, taking off with its brethren. he watches them go as he straightens, throwing the plastic into the recycling.
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