i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 2:39:09 GMT
Deleted Avatar
hemlock's flaming whip can only provide so much light. other sources dot around their vision, but they create dancing shadows, obscuring faces as her fellow rocket-goers harry the muck, upturning earth as assailants from the shadows swing down upon them. 

she's safe, for now, but she intends to keep it that way. she keeps her eyes trained on the way ahead and orders hemlock to stick close to her, holding the line. 

the salazzle's reptilian gaze follows the combat. the grass isn't dry enough to light a wall ablaze, as they've done in the past, but the purple marks upon her body glow as she prepares to drench any foe with poison should they stray too close for comfort. 
// moving up the RED PATH
/ / does not help rockets fight rillaboom
/ / hemlock (salazzle) prepares venoshock in case one comes near
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July 9th
Little Root
Rocket Beast
Priam conrad
nappy pals
637 height
637 height
Well if it's war that you want then you got it, if it's pain then I got what you need.
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TAG WITH @bryan
bryan delarosa
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 2:49:10 GMT
bryan delarosa Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.



Grimmsnarl noticed the Rilaboom before Bryan, his connection to Priam via a hair tendril as the Rilaboom came in swinging and made the ground shake. Bryan looked back over at the other rockets as he saw that the Rilaboom was being attacked by the other rockets. He panicked, was priam going to be- oh he summoned his guzzlord. He had to act quickly, he was going forward. But not without helping Priam first. [break][break]

He recalled his Grimmsnarl and released his support Audino. "Audi, helping hand his Guzzlord. Give him a boost!" he ordered " im going ahead to make sure it's clear, don't stick around to fight that thing! There might be more!" he warned him as the Rilaboom didn't seem to leave this swamp, maybe it was their territory? Whatever. [break][break]

While moving forward though, Bryan tried to shine his light in Rilaboom's eyes if it continued to try and follow the rockets who wanted to run away.


notes about this post

wah [break] [break]


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Hz_SQtiF [break][break]

TLDR: Bryan decides to move ahead to ensure the path doesn't have more rilabooms. [break][break]

Grimmsnarl in Audino out. [break][break]

Audino uses helping hand on Priam's belch to boost it's power. [break][break]

Tells the rest of them to run, there may be too many monkes in the swamp to fight.

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 3:12:00 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Navitas did a little too well at avoiding the other trainers. He floated forward, its gaze fixed on the path ahead. Its introverted focus was only broken by the thunderous arrival of the rillabooms behind it. Navitas pulled Piñata-Oscar close, worries that it would have to dive into action on behalf of its master.

However, thanks to its tunnel vision floating, it ended up well out of harm's way. Looking around, Navitas noticed only one other soul nearby. It did not know who was, not as well as its master anyway, and if it was being honest it was reluctant to trust the steely looking bastard. Navitas looked between Theo and the rillaboom, and as it made its choice it made a deep 'whirring' sound to gets his attention.

It held Oscar close, before feverously shaking its bulbous head. It had no attention of contributing toward the battle effort, and it was best Theo knew if he was hoping to rely upon Navitas to help. Navitas turned away, surging with an electric current to keep his Magnet Rise fresh. It then decided to keep floating forward, toward the top right path to be specific. On the surface this way seemed clear of obstacles, so in Navitas's mind it would be the best way to proceed.

Despite holding Oscar's cocoon close to its wiry body, Navitas would fail to notice something within the grass encasement pulsing--like a heart relearning how to beat.


--Navitas is avoiding the fight and heading toward the TOP RIGHT path on the BLUE SIDE.
--Navitas is keeping its Magnet Rise fresh. 
--Something stirs within the Feebas piñata. 

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march 11th
human resources
829 height
829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 4:21:21 GMT
a quick look around confirms it.

"looks like it's just you and me, oscar."

whatever chaos is happening behind them is left to the others to deal with. their focus lies ahead, on the mission at hand.

still, he looks back, doing his best to peer through the fog of war. the opening of pokeballs briefly illuminate the space around them.

"find her."

sableye slinks forward, attempting to ALLY SWITCH with to bring her to relative safety.
- with
- going to the TOP RIGHT BLUE PATH
- sableye using ALLY SWITCH on

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March Twenty-First
Vermillion City
League Turncoat
Should I bite my tongue, until blood soaks my shirt?
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TAG WITH @king
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 4:36:15 GMT

arceus fuck what was with this place?

king's attention turns to the giant monkey as it emerges from the swamp, noting the strange resemblance it has to and his roleplayer, but tossing that aside in the favor of self-preservation. as others around him turn onto the creature, intent to bring it down (though king can't imagine how), he quickly DIVES OUT OF THE WAY of it's strike (or attempts to.)
"target that fuckin' barricade. give us some god damn breathin' room!" his voice does its best to rise above the conflict, but the intended target, his lucario, hears it. that's good enough. dodging the lumbering monkey's strike, he kicks off a nearby boulder, summoning an AURA SPHERE to toss towards the barrier.
king wastes no time moving towards it.

[attr="class","ooc"] | | [break][break]
⊕ DIVES out of the way of the monkeys strike.[break]
⊕ Orders lucario to AURA SPHERE the BARRIER above the BLUE MONKEY.[break]
⊕ speed racers towards the newly (?) created hole.[break]

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-lucario"]

[newclass=".snubis123"]--accent:#b0c4de; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".snubis123 .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 5:06:40 GMT
Deleted Avatar








Rayne had at first been a little more peeved at just how poorly he was faring in the marsh, whether it was his newfound sandy constitution or just how slick the marsh had been, it was clear that he'd had some difficulties navigating through. Yet such a thing would have to be dealt with and promptly, a sight he hadn't expected greeting the eccentric as a giant Rillaboom emerged from out of the water, gnarled and haunting, he hadn't even been sure if it was a Rillaboom. Yet he'd quickly jumped out of the way, aided by his Inteleon who'd swooped in to dash further to the side and avoid the brutal swings.[break][break]

Nonetheless, it was clearly aggressive and letting it run rampant hadn't exactly been part of Rayne's plans, whether or not his Inteleon had had the chance to fire off his Snipe Shot or not, Rayne had quickly commanded, "Tireur, Whirlpool, the less this thing gets to move, the better!" pointing at the gargantuan swamp beast. Yet as he did, it seemed his own body followed his intent and commands, black sand leaving him and seeming to multiply around the beast, bolstering his Inteleon's own Whirlpool with a Sand Tomb![break][break]

He'd taken a few steps away though, as much as he'd hoped the trap would last, he wasn't one to bet on such a miracle, yet he'd paused when he'd noticed seeming to be entranced on something behind the Rillaboom, and ultimately, he'd hedged his bets on his acquaintance's plan.


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- Dodged out of the way with the help of his Inteleon![break]
- (OPTIONAL) The Snipe Shot held from before aimed at the Rillaboom? If not applicable, ignore this! Please and TY![break]
- Rayne used Sand Tomb and his Inteleon used Whirlpool in an attempt to confine the Rillaboom's movements.[break]
- Rayne was about to run for it but noticed , and has decided to stay back to see if Mint's plan'll work out or not.
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December 29th
Cyllage City, Kalos
Motorcycle Dealer
fearless hearts ablaze, no more time to waste
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Dante Telos DOLLARS
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Dante Telos
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 5:37:30 GMT
Dante Telos Avatar

But of course things couldn’t be simple.[break][break]

It never had been, and as the newfound adversary surfaced from within the water’s murky depths, the man couldn’t help but allow his focus to drift towards the aforementioned beast, all while hues of a bicolored, illuminated brilliance narrowed instinctively upon note of the beast in question. Immediately and effectively, his gaze strayed towards as the smoke began to settle in, and within an instinctive manner, he turned towards her within a more profound manner as she (and soon following, he noticed ). His jaw clenched lightly at the sight of the two, and after some shorter amount of deliberation, he inhaled deeply; focusing his attention upon the silhouette of the ape as it became enveloped within the smoke as he made a move up and towards his anomaly of a beast. Seguili, Amore,” he said, hoisting himself atop its back and patting its head before pointing forward. ”Quickly! Stai atteno![break][break]

And with that, he braced himself. Leaning further upon the creature he stood upon for the sake of balance, his rested his hand atop one of its shoulders as it sped into the smog. Lashing his tail within their wake, the Rocket member glared intently amidst the murk (though not without sparing a glance towards the direction he remembered and the others to be at the sound of defensive buzzing surrounding them), eventually catching sight of a familiar two others stationed briefly atop a fellow water type before it burst forth into the fray.[break][break]

They were safe for the meantime.[break]
Their chances of continuous safety would remain constant with aid.[break][break]

So, with a quick line of thought, he leaned over slightly as the Dracovish (swift as ever with its numerous Dragon Dances) bounded through to the best of its abilities, guiding his tail into the ground as they proceeded and furling it lightly. Keeping a hold upon the beast’s shoulders, he rose his voice amidst the slam of ice as to make sure his companion heard, barking a quick, ”Scudo!” as they passed by. Rearing around the ice produced from the attack, Dante kept a close eye upon the Rillaboom, lashing his tail with a hefty amount of dirt towards the primate’s eyes in a Sand Attack as a sudden Protect simultaneously enveloped both Pokemon and trainer with their close proximity.[break][break]

He leaned back following the gesture, his eyes occasionally shifting towards the ground once more as he dug his tail into the dirt for a second time, though with a rustle of movement from his waist, he momentarily glanced down in time for one of the capsules upon his belt to burst forth with the image of a familiar Unown, seemingly antsy and gravitated to the anarchy happening beyond its confinement. It fluttered rapidly around its trainer, eying the aforementioned ape for a small while before seemingly seeing fit to unleash a Hidden Power in addition, as well.[break][break]



dante mounts dracovish (atk/spd x4) and runs into the smoke[break]
dante notes the defend order (def x2) from mielle's vespiqueen[break]
dante uses sand attack on the rillaboom in attempt to further distract it from mars and eris[break]
dracovish uses protect on itself and dante[break]
unown breaks free from its pokeball and uses hidden power on the rillaboom[break]


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she / her
december 9th
lumiose city, kalos
poacher / smuggler
rocket beast
paralyze me
169 height
169 height
kerosene hearts carry the name that my father gave me
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Remi Cassel DOLLARS
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Remi Cassel
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 6:05:58 GMT
Remi Cassel Avatar
From behind, somewhere in the near darkness where 's WILL-O-WISPS can't reach, she can hear shouting and arguing and the sound of a very large Pokemon approaching. Far enough away that the dread only reaches the nape of her neck instead of the bottom of her boots, she holds fast to her wits and dutifully decides that really? the Rillaboom in the back of the line isn't her problem.

You snooze, you lose, right? Every man for themself?

Except.. that just isn't who she is. Lone wolf or not, single mamma bear sure, a familiar-looking Sableye sporting the same sharp edges as its trainer, Mr. darts past her. Say she sees the sharp edges of the creatures red jewel eyeballs on the way by. Whatever the case, it is enough of a prompt for her to get out of her head and do something useful.

That being, the only two souls near by her are and , and either or both of them appear to be turning around to help the stragglers. Or maybe Bryan went ahead to meet up with Theo. Honestly, it didn't really matter. What mattered was that Remi herself was turning back and following the blinking silhouette of her Unown.

Somewhere along the way, she had lost both and . She could only assume that Sableye was looking for the woman. And so, the only thing that comes naturally to her is her newfound animal instincts for survival. She DRAGON RUSHES, using all of her senses as best as she can, to single out Mr. .

In the off chance she bumps into him and all of his Rillaboom-fighting glory, she'd shout: "Hang onto me!" and promptly turn tail to leave. Because she isn't here to fight off a gigantic deranged monkey defending its swamp. She was here to get the fuck out of here and bring her team along with her. No man left behind, not even guyliner.

Hopefully Theo found Lulu, because she only had the room for one extra side-car passenger. Teddiursa snoring with her tiny claws hooked around her neck was already one too many if she was being completely honest. Damn bear was too damn cute though, SNORING away. That's right. No one likes to listen to someone snore, so back off!


- turned around to look for and retrieve
- using DRAGON RUSH to find him (and any and all pokemon senses she might have. smell/hearing/sight/sound. FIND THIS MAN GODDAMNIT
- going to make the attempt to pull him out of harms way and reconvene with the
- teddiursa is still sleeping and is SNORING. hopefully deters unwanted guests?
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Feburary 14
Celadon City, Kanto
15 height
15 height
let's game!
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TAG WITH @cossack
Cossack Kurama
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 6:25:22 GMT
Cossack Kurama Avatar

as they make their way it seems that the forest is still filled with beasts who's slumber were disturbed by trespassers. this was going to be a reoccurring pattern wasn't it? "i also suggest that you prioritize one's own safety as well!" he cries out as he stumbles out of the path of the rillaboom as it rampaged with his magneton abandoning him with a magnet rise to the sky, "tch, traitor."

as he scrambled to safety he took notice of others that seemed to either do the same but at the same time launch their own counter offensive on the giant monkey. would it work? who could say, but he figured it was probably a decent way to get the monkey off their back.

as feathers fell off his body his transformation to his avian form allowed him to spread his wings and soar above the rillaboom and join his magneton who he shot a cross look at before flapping his wings. "well then, why don't i help dry them off?" with a final flap of his wings a hurricane spread across the swamp. as he pushed the wind agianst the giant ape he pushed himself to try and fly over the obstacle ahead of him along with his magneton to put some distance between them and their giant new friend.

    [*] magneton uses magnet rise to float out of danger's path.

    [*] cossack becomes an ugly duckling and uses hurricane on rillaboom

    [*] cossack and his magneton attempt to fly over the first breakable obstacle to escape the rillaboom



[newclass=.cossack] [/newclass]
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catello casimiro
he him
june 20th
Mauville City
ask him
rocket member
125 height
125 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @jonah
giona ferrara
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 8:19:27 GMT
giona ferrara Avatar


Eventually, everyone settled into a rhythm. They were all to head towards the end of the swamp and keep moving, right? Right? Wrong! What sounded like the howling of apes followed people who lagged behind. Despite being stronger than ever before, despite using GROWTH and soaking up swamp nutrients and even getting a little taller... a Rillaboom could punch the soul right out of Giona's iron-deficient body.

What looked like a... Gabite looked to him, before turning back and trying to help the others. made a beeline, then a sharp u-turn, trying to head to the front of the pack again. Giona sent his Skarmory forward to try and have it rendezvous with et al... while he followed Remi.

He was still not in a million years gonna fight that thing, but he would've looked like a coward if he didn't do something. He was something of an annoying little brother to them all... now of all times he'd be able to prove himself. So, he settled for using PIN MISSILE to try and slow Rillaboom down. 5_6ksorh


A series of descending quills rained from above, trying to hit and pin Rillaboom. A few of the others were already trying to subdue it, he merely didn't want to hurt them or get in anyone's way.
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Dr. Kano
22 height
22 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Kano Iyona DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kano
Kano Iyona
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 12:23:13 GMT
Kano Iyona Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
when i knew the world wasn't meant for me,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
you rescued me, you rescued me


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go


The ear-deafening drumming from the emerging Rillaboom made Kano flinch slightly due to a surprise, Gen suddenly jumps back to his own Pokeball and refuses to come out. However, the surprise doesn't stop there as an attack from that overgrown gorilla with a cheap imitation of super saiyan is coming right toward her. Kano quickly calls out Gem and exploit his speed and launch FAKE OUT to make the rillaboom flinch while Kano sneaks up north wanting to know what is hidden by the Rillaboom. [break][break]

tl;dr: [break]
-Gen, gengar, return to the Pokeball [break]
-Gem, Morgrem, come out and use FAKE OUT to flinch Rillaboom [break]
-From her current position (blue path), she goes upward where there should be breakable obstacle [break][break]




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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jan 6, 2022 19:37:51 GMT
Deleted Avatar

hover for info
okay. okay. so this tree fucking hated prince too, because that was the only explanation they could think of for something like this. because the light reveals a rillaboom, way too fucking close for prince's comfort. and an ugly bastard, too, but honestly that's the least of their problems right now. as the pokemon howls, and lunges for them, prince releases an ungraceful yelp as he tries to get away.

fuck fuck fuck.

, bless him, has the right idea, and prince struggles for a pokeball, blindly- he doesn't give a fuck what it ends up being, just as long as it can help him. the claydoll lady () releases a pokemon, too, and prince releases their own with a beam of light. the poor cutiefly released into the middle of the chaos seems just as scared as its owner, until- "go help the houndoom!" the pokemon is small, and prince feels a little guilt for sending it directly into harms way, but he doesn't have much of a chance to think about it before he himself is trying to get out of harms way.

he keeps going ahead, like he had been, only pausing for a second once he (hopefully) has enough distance between himself and the rillaboom. from there, he can see his cutiefly try to use draining kiss on the much larger pokemon. and, despite the whole half-pokemon thing being weird, prince tried to summon a hydro pump to aim towards the rillaboom.

hopefully, if anything, his attempt didn't bring him too close to that thing again.

- he's fucking running (and deciding this tree hates him too. mutual hatred)
- releases cutiefly to use draining kiss on the rillaboom
- tries to put distance between himself and the rillaboom, then use hydro pump


[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

[newclass=".prince"] [/newclass]
[newclass=".prince b"]color:#7b6678; font-weight:lighter; [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
part of
Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2022 0:19:10 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]So what if you can see the darkest side of me?
no one would ever

change this animal

I have become

Unfamiliarity with his new body caused Rowan to fall behind the rest of the pack, no longer presenting himself in a leadership position despite his best efforts. Thick mud threatened to drag him deeper below the surface of the water, but aquatic form presented a series of boons that made this a non-factor. That was, until the Rillaboom appeared. "Oh, what the fuck!?" The words came exasperated from his blue lips, quickly looking for an escape from the Pokémon that threatened to pound him into a Prinplup paste.

Almost instinctively, Rowan exhaled a thick Mist from his mouth, providing temporary cover in the obscuring fog. "Goliath, we need a quick exit!" The Golisopod stomped over and scooped up Rowan in it's large arms, propelling them both through the swamp with the rapid pace of Liquidation, almost like a jet-ski with how it had cut through the murky depths.

Hopefully that would be enough to put him out of harms way for the time being.


(tagged)⏤ @geomancy

(notes)⏤ Rowan used Mist to obscure himself. Goliath (Golisopod) grabbed Rowan and used Liquidation to hopefully make a quick exit into the next area.

used Salac :-(
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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Jan 7, 2022 5:28:24 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar


[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
the red path


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
rillaboom attacks the vanguard!

[attr=class,bulk]Trotting forward at a leisurely pace, Adrian cannot help but hear the churning waters as a colossal ape rises from the depths of the marsh in the distance. Such a commotion is not like to go unnoticed, and so he turns his eyes to the rear party, noticing that he has far outstripped Rowan's pace. He was just here...[break][break]


Bringing up the rear with the rest of them was Rowan, finding himself in harm's way. The massive upheaval of water sends the tepid spray everywhere as the goliath thrashes about, making its way for the stragglers. What a fuckin' monster...[break][break]

"Glastrier, let's go!" Heels dig into its rime-coated flank, spurring it forward with a compelling sense of urgency. Sloshing through the waters in a hastened dash, Adrian hopes to intercept the gargantuan foe alongside other members of the vanguard. Many move in tandem and it is impossible to recognize all their collective efforts; he can only hope each of them is accounted for while doing what he can.[break][break]

As they arrive at the final stretch, Adrian dismounts, pushing with his arms while bringing himself horizontal and throwing himself over one side while the Glastrier continues rampaging forward with a righteous fervor, imbued with a DARK AURA: Nimbly scaling the remnants of SUBZERO SLAMMER, Glastrier rises to the Rillaboom's height before gashing at it with an augmented THROAT CHOP. Will it be enough?[break][break]

Experience has taught him better than to expect as much.[break][break]

His eyes flicker across the arena as the many trainers scramble away from the thrashing beast, to those attempting to break open a new path, and the others seizing the opportunity for some fair turnabout. With dread anticipation, he reaches for another pokeball while watching the conflict from a seemingly safe distance.[break][break]


tags @ tags[break]
Recognizes Rowan and company being attacked[break]
Rides GLASTRIER to get closer before dismounting (+DARK AURA)[break]
Glastrier uses THROAT CHOP to gash its jugular[break]
Yveltal begins crossing Route 126 headed towards Sootopolis[break]





template by punki

[newclass=.yveltal .accentbg]background: #a1b6d7;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.yveltalcredit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]
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Ian, Dicker
June 9th
Goldenrod City
People are a resource
1,374 posts
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TAG WITH @kill
Killian Decker
POSTED ON Jan 8, 2022 22:07:42 GMT
Killian Decker Avatar



i am the astro-creep, a demolition-style hell american freak. i am the crawling dead, a phantom in a box shadow in your head.



At some point during the trek, his traveling companions got swapped. One moment he's beside and @ari. The next, he's with several of Rocket's other higher-ups. [break][break]

's order to clear a path is met with a frown. Leaving Lex to face the Rillaboom without him knotted his stomach like a pretzel, but it's not like she's alone. Plus, there's the whole 'Pokesona' thing. [break][break]

She'll be fine.[break][break]

Killian followed after and , swapping out Espeon for Naganadel. The draconic beast growled as it floated by its master's side. "Dragon Pulse." Killian ordered, pointing to one of the roadblocks ahead of them.



notes about this post

Killian swapped out Espeon for Naganadel[break]
Used Dragon Pulse on this Object

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing