Hyacinth [WW]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Jan 17, 2022 22:50:16 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]It's hard to come to terms with the truth when it's placed before her. Happiness and love for everyone else? Safety and blessings? For her family, for the people around her, but what about her?
Seize your wants. Claw them from reality with your own bare hands. Be utterly and ruthlessly selfish.
What do you truly desire? Are you willing to stake your shirt and breath to make your dreams come true?

He had taunted them with a calling seal, jeered at their naivety and prayers to a god that hadn't listened for years. And perhaps, he was right in doing so, in calling out her guises and telling her to search deeper for her deepest, darkest desire.
Power to protect all the she loved - That thought had been running in her head repeatedly ever since she first came to know what loss meant, or at least, encountered this being named death. It haunts her, stealing away from her at every turn and holding them so far out of reach. Through the meandering cave tunnels and creeping shadows, she senses hostility... or perhaps, those are simply traces of paranoia.
Still, she can't stop here. Pushing deeper and deeper leads her closer to the source of all these fluttering thoughts, all these mixed emotions that scream and swirl within her and threaten to make her lose her mind. Nevermind that Cheshire grin or that shady look, ignore the fact that she's here on her own without a companion or a single plan of escape if all goes wrong.
What do you want?
A greater power that would grace her with the ability to protect, a god that would listen to her prayers instead of letting her slip through the cracks at every turn. One that would grant her the ability to heal the injured and save those she truly cared for.
What do you want?
The ability to make people listen, to bring them to their knees and tear those who've hurt her so. It slowly drags its claws into her mental state, restlessly awaiting the day its chains finally snap.
No, Eris.
What do you truly want?

When she tries to open her mouth to speak, her voice falters just for that very bit, expectations crashing down upon her and pulling her down below.
"I don't need any ultra beasts, or shadow pokemon, or greater deities like the rest."
Ideals without power may be pointless, but power without ideals is rubbish. If she obtains such a thing, where will her will lead her towards? Chasing endless daydreams that still lie so far out of her reach, goals that she'll never be able to share her wonders with others.
No, her real answer is pure and simple, filled with such desperation and loathing towards her useless self.
"Give me my pa... bring back."

Raw, cracking and bruised - Those memories that can never be scrubbed clean from her mind, that heart that can never be glued back together.
"I could only watch when he died. I just- It was my fault... If I could have stopped Matias..."
Ah, but this wasn't a confessional session. She's here to stake her shirt and breath on her wishes, cold and misted as her mind remains.

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 5:38:41 GMT
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"LOST A LOVED ONE? AW, SO SAD." Father Winter takes note of the coin toss' result with discerning eyes. He continues to smile, betraying little. "ONCE YOU'VE RECOVERED YOUR PRIZE, HEAD BACK. THE PORTAL WILL BE WAITING FOR YOU."

As the swirl of the portal consumes you, he snaps his fingers. Immediately, his UNOWN-D swirls around and seals the dimensional door, the cycling strokes of black dissipating in mid-air. On the other side, you would notice the deception immediately. The portal remains open behind you. You must fend yourself against the foreign elements of this new plane.

You have WON THE COIN TOSS. Father Winter will hold the portal open for until she comes back; however, he will be absent when she returns.



TO CONTINUE, make a post or several posts detailing your character's adventure into an alternate universe or timeline.

Below this post are prompts that you must fulfill during your post or posts. Although there is no minimum word count, please write something meaningful, whether it is a poetic drabble, a concerted narrative, or an experimental foray into storytelling.

Once you are done, TAG SHIV in #wintry-wagers on Discord or on Proboards. Afterward, will post a small follow up to end your thread.

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POSTED ON Feb 20, 2022 5:38:44 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","hoennstarconstellation"]ERIS HALLA







[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]CHU-E CHOI

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Loss is difficult. Are you prepared to lose Chu-e again? Save this alternate Chu-e from his fate in this realm: alternate Kanto. You can choose the scenario, whether it is stopping an alternate version of Matias, saving him from illness or a rabid Reiner, etc. You are allowed to bring this alternate Chu-e into the original Hoenn. However, he will only last for 12 hours.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]SAVE ALT. CHU-E CHOI.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]ALPHABET ORIENTEERING

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Navigating an alternate universe is jarring. Using your own Unown or benevolent Unown, find a way back to your original universe.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]USE & BOLD 3 WORDS FROM THE UNOWN REPORT.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]MEGA DISCOVERY

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]During your travel, you will realize that mega stones and evolution exist in this universe too. Confiscate a mega stone of your choice to defend yourself against the perils of this land.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]FIND A MEGA STONE & USE IT.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]REINER'S END

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]You are not meant to be here- but you are not alone. Encounter an alternate version of Reiner that has been recently killed.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]REFERENCE DEATH OF ALT. REINER.



[attr="class","hoennstartitle"]HOME SWEET HOME?

[attr="class","hoennstardesc"]Bear witness to the old Halla home, before it was burned down. In this realm, the Halla family lives happily ever after. Just with no Luxray. Perhaps, Eris' memory will be jogged.

[attr="class","hoennstartask"]WITNESS HOME.






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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2022 5:54:21 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]"Thank you." She murmurs, gathering her wits and readying herself to walk through the portal. It's a trap, she can sense the strange intent behind his placid smile but can't quite discern what he gains from such a thing. "Oh, and happy new year, Father Winter."
The moment she steps through the swirling portal, she doesn't look back - She doesn't have to when she's feeling that rush of emotions trickle through her veins. It numbs her sense for danger, leads her deeper into a universe vaguely similar to her own but feels far too different all the same.
"Kanto..." She breathes, her hands instinctively fluttering towards comfort as a flash of black fur brushes by her side.
The trees flourish for miles on end, buildings in the distance standing high and grand as they'd once done in the past. The pokemon haven't fled the woods, no scent of rust or gunpowder lingers in the passing breeze. This has to be an alternate version of history, a promised land where the nightmares had never occurred and the region continued to thrive...
Before they continue to head in, she makes sure to call upon her own Unown, letting it gain a glimpse of the portal and Unown-D behind them.
"I think we can make it back as long as you can sense this one here, Elysia..."
Unowns had odd properties, didn't they? The ability to sense space-time distortions and gravitate towards other Unowns. This would remain their way back to their own reality, a promise that'd be kept between her and .
"When you're ready, let's get going."
It'd be unwise to linger in a space that wasn't their own.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Mar 20, 2022 5:56:02 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The descent down the cliff into the woods is a familiar climb drawn so deep from her memories. With every step comes a worried grunt from Reiner, a careful eye kept on her every step as she struggles to gauge the distance between each foothold. Standing close allows him to grab her by the scruff of her jacket, keeping a hold on her with his tail entwined around her arm. Though it takes a while, they eventually reach solid ground, to which Reiner immediately insists that she grabs on for the sake of their trip through these untamed woods.
There's close to no words shared between the duo as they wander further in, each seemingly far too taken in by their surroundings. The humming of Scyther wings, the clicking of Pinsir's pincers, the fluttering golden and red plumes of Pidgeots - More and more pieces of a traditional summer fall into place, decorated by a never-ending spread of sunlight across the evergreen woods.
But a blissful peace can never last, she already knows this by heart. A familiar scent wafts right through the clearing, carried upon a painfully calming summer breeze. Sour, metallic yet sickeningly sweet, she urges Reiner to make straight for the source, hanging on tighter as he rushes through the undergrowth.
What they find isn't what they expect - A bloodied Luxray bound and laying on the ground, struggling and snapping against his restraints as his claws dig deep into the ground. Large gashes have been left in the tree trunks around him, bush leaves and branches singed as electricity constantly surges through the area.
Against better judgement, Eris immediately leaps off Reiner's back, ignoring the jolts of energy leaping onto her skin as she rushes right towards the large feline. "Who did this?" Her knees drop straight to the ground, her hands shaking as she desperately grasps at the ropes and chains. "What did they do to you?" She doesn't know, but she knows all the same. "Reiner..." She chokes, her fingers beginning to hurt as she struggles and fails to untie the knots.
"Help." She sobs, begging for Reiner to come over and break these chains. "Reiner please! Help him!" But the Luxray hesitates, pawing nervously at the electrified ground as he growls and bares his teeth.
The snarling grows louder, the thrashing growing stronger as alt!Reiner begins to take their presences in. His maws open wide, chipped fangs dripping with dirt and saliva as he harshly twists and bites right down on her arm. The edges sink straight into flesh, a scream let fly before being promptly muffled by her sleeves. Reiner roars, claws outstretched as he charges at the other, canines tearing right into his throat and forcing him to let go of Eris.
His trainer, his family, his sister, his friend.
He had once lost and he would not lose again.
The two begin to rip and tear into one another, a swipe across one snout leading to fangs sinking into the other's flank. Louder and louder, their conflict grows, their yowls snapping a fragile silence and echoing in her ears.
"No, Reiner! STOP! We can help him!"
Oh, but what does she mean by help under these circumstances? Alt!Reiner seems far too frenzied to listen to her words, frothing at the mouth as his eyes dart all over the place. Then, they lock onto her, his body turning to face her as he snarls. But Reiner quickly knocks him away, batting at his face as he shoves him to the ground.
What can they even do to help him? Without ever knowing what happened to him, without understanding why he's suffering, she can't do anything that might just bring him back. It's Reiner, but it isn't hers. It's Reiner, but he's not who he's meant to be. As the duo continue to fight, alt!Reiner's shackles begin to quiver, shake then crumble and break. Upon yanking his neck free of its shackles, something seems to switch in the Luxray's head, causing him to turn tail and run as blood pools in his footsteps.
"Reiner, come back!"
Soil presses under her nails as she scrabbles to her feet, her mind ignoring the way her warm blood trickles down her arm in favour of keeping track of the fleeing Luxray. Every step is heavy and unbalanced, but she has to keep moving, chasing after that fleeting image.
She has to find a way to help him.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Mar 26, 2022 6:59:18 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She doesn't remember how far she's run or which direction she's come from. All she knows is that her eye is trained on the trail of broken branches and bloodied foosteps as she trips and stumbles through the overgrowth. She doesn't even remember how many times she's snagged her clothes nor how she's gotten each of these new scratches on her skin. All she knows is that Reiner lies ahead, that he needs her help and that she can't stop or she might just lose him forever.
The blood trail grows darker, the pawprints more closely bunched together and deeper gashes littered all over the forest and yet always in a somewhat straight path, as if the Luxray had been desperately scrabbling towards a certain destination. Is he heading back to the other Eris? This route didn't seem familiar at all... Her lungs hurt and her vision feels a little blurry. The sunlight seems to be fading but perhaps, that's because the trees are growing more wild and twisted. When she finally thinks she might break out into an open clearing, she sees a swirling spire of events she wishes she didn't.
Chu-e and Matias at each other's throats, readily bleeding from open wounds and screaming at one another as they tumble through the dirt. It's feral, it's raw, it's madness, it's grief - Emotions surge over her and press on her brain, the migraine growing as she freezes on the spot.
His voice rings out, familiar yet distorted as it burns her ears.
What's going on? She doesn't understand... she's scared... it's happening all over again...
"And you know I'd do it all over again if it meant getting the chance to kill you."
Oh, that cursed grin: Lopsided, filled with greed and a taste for blood. Matias is quick to draw back a fist and deliver a punch straight to Chu-e's face. There isn't any time to think things through, there isn't a working train of thought in her head. In an instant, she finds herself crashing into him, hands desperately grabbing at the gear on his belt.
Her palms dig into the edges of a serrated knife but it's pulled away just before she can tighten her grasp. With a yell, Matias grips her arm and yanks harshly, throwing her to the side as he roars. But he'll find no companion to help him when his pokeballs have been snatched away, her hold on his companions tightened as she crashes and tumbles against the ground. No more Charizard to save him... no Virizion to grace him with her protection. At least, that's what she thinks until she hears that gutteral roar. Shadows loom overhead, scarred wings tainting the skies as fury rumbles from the depths of an ignited throat.
A herald of the end, the harbinger of a merciless fate.
Oh, how history begs for an encore.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2022 4:51:21 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
Trigger warning: Gore and violence

We sing to Arceus with prayers and hymns, we beg they give us grace and offer us mercy.
Flames dance overhead, pouring down bloody wounds and searing old scars. The Charizard screams and readies a Flamethrower, its wings flapping harder as a Hurricane begins to form.
We are birthed into disorder and coexist with their creations beyond our comprehension.
The sky bleeds a vivid red, flaring with a vicious life that seeks to take. It plummets towards them, dances in the storm and rises with the wind. It kisses her cheeks, traces old burns and promises an end that she's always seeked. It tears into her lungs as hot air floods her chest and calls upon darker demons that lurk in her memories. And all throughout, she's rooted to the spot, unable to move, unable to speak, unable to shake with the fear that grips at her throat.
To survive, we've bonded with said creations, treated them as equals and watched over their generations to come.
When her lips finally part, only one word sits upon her tongue.
These bonds gift unto us powers we could never reach, result in the creation of new desires to overturn the balance of the lands.
Darkness swallows the skies as lightning pierces through the Charizard's wings, ripping tender flesh asunder and knocking the mighty dragon down to the ground. Its roars echo through the clearing but it soon grows into haunting cries that entwine with a merciless yowl, claws tearing into an exposed chest cavity and teeth crunching down upon a spine.
Gurgling, choking, gasping for air and drowning as blood fills its windpipe - The more it struggles, the harder the Luxray pushes down, shaking his head vigorously as he attempts to pull the muscles apart.
Anger pours out with every gash he leaves on the dragon, electricity warping through its veins and boiling the blood. And as the Charizard begins to falter, he digs deep into the stomach; Deeper and deeper till he finally tunnels through.
And it is when these bonds are threatened, that we turn into the true monsters we are meant to be.
Fangs glisten with rust, ivory claws hacking at limbs and rending them to shreds. The ways of this Luxray isn't one that she recognises, the way he mangles his opponent whisper of a mind long gone. Does he rage for the sin of touching his family? Or does his wrath stem from almost losing his prey? When he finally looks up, his gaze drapes over her, his mane dripping with blood as he takes a step closer.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 13, 2022 7:09:25 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]White noise washes over her in waves, the world around her bleeding into mere shapes and colours until all that's left is the haunting visage of Reiner.
Alt!reiner, she has to whisper to herself. Not hers, never been hers.
His claws squelch against the limp body of the fallen Charizard, his chest rapidly rising and falling as his gaze bores into her skull. But all it takes is a 'Bang', all it takes is that sound of a metal shell hitting the ground for her to notice him stumble, for him to whip his attention around.
Pained, struggling, a breath cut short as the gun is knocked right out of his grasp and clatters straight to the ground. The adrenaline in her system had made her blind to the brawl going on between Matias and Chu-e all this time. But it too helps her to view the situation now with an uncanny clarity, clammy hands spurring her to get back to her feet and attempt to do something,

Alt!Reiner limps forward, breaking into an uneven sprint then lunges at the duo, red dancing in his trail as he readily opens his maws once more to claim yet another victim. And with his leap, he tackles the both of them into a heap, hungrily snapping at their necks but being barely denied by the shaky resistance of Matias. Chu-e takes this chance to attempt to wriggle away, only to be stomped on in the guts and find claws threatening to break through skin. He yells and cusses, opting to shove Reiner off with all his might but he soon finds Matias holding him back.
To share a fate, to span a death across multiverses. To witness it happen once, to bear the weight of having to prevent it from happening again.
Weak, useless, an accomplice to the murderer who'd taken her pa's life... She doesn't freeze, she doesn't let her burns hinder her, she doesn't let the pain claim her consciousness. Screaming, crying, feeling the world shatter all over again as she reaches for the light fading ever so quietly.
Not again... I can't...
Hands reaching out, her footsteps failing her as she trips and stumbles.
I'm not letting it happen again...
Barely having the energy to crash with enough force, barely having the courage to run headfirst into danger.
If you're there...
It oozes from her pockets, seeping up from the ground and dancing through the puddles of blood - Metal gathers and grows from a drop to an ocean, a vast lake congregating into one body that towers above them all. Its body shudders from the vibrations of its roar, iron dripping off its body as it swings an arm at the frenzied Luxray and bats him to the side. Then, it turns to grab hold of Matias with a sickening crunch, forcing him to let go of Chu-e before tossing him to the other side.
She's seen this before, an giant Melmetal gathered from the fragments of metals strewn about and soon rampaging through a dusty field. Something hums loud in her ears, something glows dull in Matias' satchel, something that fuels the Melmetal's anger and evolution. She's felt this energy before, surging through the air and eating away at her nerves.
Rummaging through the satchel, Eris finds it - A strange orb that shines and burns in her hands. It sings of heartache and simmers with determination, it knows of her struggles and begs she heeds its call. As Alt!Reiner gets up and readies himself to charge again, as Matias grunts and attempts to call out to his patron, as tears blur her vision and her heart crumbles, she knows there's no other choice left for her to take.
Her cries are heard by the heavens above, the Melmetal swirling into motion as it raises its arms. Then in one swift, unrelenting movement, he slams both arms down into the ground, roaring as waves of metal rush towards both Reiner and Matias - Looming over them, crashing down and swallowing them whole.
And with that, the world grows quiet all around.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 26, 2022 1:42:57 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]She doesn't remember when she lost sight of reality. When she next opens her eyes to a blinding light, all she hears is a quiet sobbing ringing through the clearing, all she sees is a tiny figure huddled over a pile of blackened fur as a large creature dips its head to the ground. Then comes sensation, the chilling morning dew seeping into her clothes and eliciting a quiet groan from her. The creature perks up, quickly coming over to her side and nudging her cheeks.
"Rei- ner..." Her arms feel so numb as she reaches up to touch his snout, her fingers brushing over matted fur. "I'm alright... I'm not hurt."
Much, would be a key word and she feels the pain streaking through her system as she forces herself into a sitting position.
"Hey, hey. Easy now, kiddo. You went for a hell of a tumble there."
Comfort overtakes her in a soothing blend of lavender and cinnamon, ungodly pink locks dripping with sunshine as she squints at the blurry figure.
"Pa... no, Chu-e... wher-"
"Right here, Eris."
The world snaps into focus, her gaze meeting those ever-familiar amethysts.
Her eyes widen, her lips moving -
"You didn't."
Following his gaze allows hers to rest upon the pinkette, then the sniper holstered across his back - Still tainted with the smell of gunpowder. But it then switches over to the pile of blackened fur he's pacing back towards, his coat carefully taken off and draped over the shoulders of the golden-haired child.
Herself, another version of her.
Broken and crying over another Reiner.
The man quietly crouches down next to her, gently pulling her close as her wails grow louder. And a bitterness begins to well up from her throat.
"It wasn't your fault." Chu-e murmurs, carefully picking her up from the ground and nodding at Reiner to follow.
"It really wasn't your fault."
She awakes to the warmth of cotton blankets and handknitted quilts, the starry-painted ceiling staring back at her as sunlight filters through wavering curtains. Looking to the right, she spies a cupboard stacked full with books, papers scattered messily over a crayon-graffitied table and a worn carpet. And when she looks down to the weight gently pressing on her stomach, she spies Reiner uncomfortably curling up on whatever empty spots of bed there is left and the remaining of his long limbs spilling over the sides of the bed.
Then she hears it, that gentle humming of a calming lullaby, her gaze turning to the woman seated on the beanbag in the corner. Her fingers are ever so delicate as they turn the yellowed pages of a leather-bound journal, her eyes tracing every line written and her expressions dotted with a gentle smile.
"Morning, sleepyhead. You were tossing and turning in your sleep... were you having a nightmare?"
She can't help but jerk up into a sitting position, the pain shooting through her system most definitely confirming that she isn't dreaming.
"Yes, Eri? You should be a little more careful... Concord took a long time bandaging those wounds you got. I'd never seen him so upset before. Did you go out and fight a Gyarados without telling me?" Lenore lets out a quiet laugh, getting up from her seat and dragging it a little closer to the bed. Her hands reach out and slow when Eris flinches, an unreadable expression tugging at her lips as she waits.
It takes a second but the girl soon relaxes, letting Lenore's fingers gingerly trace the scar over her left eye. And she can't help but reach out to hold that hand, smaller fingers running over the grooves in her calloused palm.
"Wanting to prove yourself isn't bad, but you should always make sure you know what kinds of trouble you're getting yourself i-"
There's no stopping the hug, the tightest embrace given as Eris sinks her head into her chest, seeking safety in a sanctuary and drowning in her warmth. A moment of silence passes between the two of them, one that is brushed over with Lenore returning the hug.
"It wouldn't stop... I couldn't wake up..."
How gentle her touch is as she pats Eris' head.
"It must have been a horrible nightmare, huh? You're okay now..."
How loving her gaze is as she cradles her youngest child.
"But it won't be later... I... don't belong here, do I?"
How heartbreakingly familiar her voice is as she whispers sweet nothings.
Dreams are beautiful, whimsical creatures and therefore, they'll never last long. She doesn't allow herself to lose sight of her own reality, she knows this isn't her home when she bears scars from another world.
"Chu-e and Concord are making breakfast downstairs if you'd like some." It isn't an answer but it's an answer all the same, that pained sadness bleeding through her gaze as she pulls away. "You can't have an adventure without having breakfast first, can you?"
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 28, 2022 0:41:13 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]"You can't have an adventure without having breakfast first, can you?"
Those words linger in her head long after Lenore has left the room, cajoling her from the warmth of her bed and leading her to take her first steps. When the door opens, she sees the corridor - Same as ever, walls decorated by carved murals and waist-height crayon drawings they'd never bothered to wash out. Immortal dragons and gods dance around their humble abode, each telling a story unbeknownst to man.
Each having nurtured and sparked a desire to uncover the secrets of the world.
The banisters are well-polished, inviting her to slide down them like she has so many times before. And there remain minor nicks and scrapes upon the bottom where she makes the hop off. Claws marks upon the corner of the steps have been set in through time, growing from small markings to ones with larger spaces between them - And yet, Reiner's own footsteps still overshadow these ones, comfortably placed and covering all his previous trounces.

Crimson eyes meet her gaze, an elbow crutch quietly tap tap tapping against the floor.
"I- uhm... goo-"
"Momma's gone to help Chu-e and big brother out. Something about making a special breakfast today."

There's an uncomfortable silence that passes between them, alt!Eris' eyes darting between her and the Luxray slinking down the stairs. Then she sighs, nudging her head towards the lounge and turning to walk back in.
"C'mon, they'll be a while."

No room left for discussion it seems, with how Reiner takes hold of her arm and begins to lead her through the doorway. But she can't help but resist, stopping in her tracks for a moment to let her fingers run over the doorway.
Straight lines etched into uneven spots, one coloured with red and another with blue. The red always seems to rise higher and higher, the blue marking always lagging so far behind. And as her eyes continue to trace up, the blue markings disappear.
A weak whistle cuts through her thoughts and all she feels is Reiner's warmth gently tugging her along, her footsteps unsteady as she tries to keep up. It isn't until they stand right by alt!Eris' side that he stops, settling right down and tucking his front paws in.
"You can sit too, you know? You live here too."

As she sits on the ground and glances back at alt!Eris, Eris realises she can barely read the expressions on her own face. Is that what people see in her sometimes? An enigma of an expression they must attempt to unravel as she spouts contradictory beliefs? But they are two parts of a singular entity and in turn, she recognises the next few questions to come.
"Rocket destroyed Kanto. Reiner and I were the only ones to make it out alive."
The squint beckons for her to provide more details, but is it really a good idea to tell another version of herself of the happenings of another world? A minute goes by without another word, then another. And finally, alt!Eris takes a deep breath, pressing her palms so hard against her thighs that they begin to burn red.
"Reiner... he-"

"I'm -"
"Don't be sorry. You helped put him to rest..."
Her words feels so fragile, as if the wind's just been punched right out of her lungs.
"That day... it was our birthday, you know? Chu-e was gonna take us to see something before the party. But we were ambushed by... that monster." Her snarls feel so defeated, her eyes filled with such pain as her fingers thread through Reiner's mane. "Reiner was just a Luxio, against a full-grown Charizard. He kept trying to fight them off while Chu-e took me and ran... But I didn't want to leave, I couldn't just leave him behind..."
Her breath is heavy, her eyes closed as she rests her head against Reiner's mane.
"I saw him stab Reiner with some vial... and Reiner suddenly evolved. But he was screaming, crying out in so much pain. I tried to run back to him... to recall him but he wouldn't listen... I was desperate and I broke free from Chu-e. Next thing I know-"
The other Eris taps upon her left leg, moving it slightly and producing the quietest of creaking noises.
"Your friend since you were just a baby, your closest friend and sibling you'd ever have... there's this kind of shock that numbs you even when you see it happening, when you feel it. And he was crying the entire time... like he was begging me to make him stop... but I couldn't...
How could I?"

How could they ever?
She shudders to think about it, her cold hands resting upon Reiner's warm ones. To feel him now makes those fears seem so unreal, to hear his quiet breathing fills her with peace she's never really felt before. A world without him... a world where she has everything but him...
With all that's she's been through, would she ever make that choice?
I'm so sorry... I couldn't protect you... I couldn't make the pain stop...

Her thoughts resonate in her head, her regrets sinking deep into her flesh. To wish she could go back, to right every wrong in their lives, to have changed the world they faced now. Was there an Eris out there that had everything? That had faced no hardship and lived a life free of quandaries and sins?
Death was the end, the loss of control.
T҉̸̀͜͟h̡͜e̕ ̢͝p͝e̸r̸̡̨̛m͏̡̛͜͟a̵̸ń̵̛͜ę̷́͟n̵̸͝t̀͘ ̴̡şo̡l̴̵̨̢u͜͟͞t̨́í̸̶̡o̡̧n̡̧͝ ̴̡̛t̕͠ơ̢̕͏ ͠͡͠t̴̴̀h̵͏e̵̶ ҉́́t̢́͝͝ȩ҉m̷̛͢͢p҉҉o̶̧͞ŗ̷̢̡͘á͟͢͞͡ŕ́͜ỳ̷̸͡ ̧͘͡p͝r̷͞͏o̡b̨͟l̶̛͝e͘͝҉͡m͟͏̸̧.̸͏̀͡

It would haunt them till they too, would one day cross the boundaries themselves.
And when they did, just what would there be waiting for them on the other side?
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2022 7:07:12 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Breakfast comes a while after with the clattering of plates, bitterness and sadness swept away by the salty sweet smells pervading their senses.
From the doorway, she sees glorious pink locks of hair, confusion clouding her judgement when she hears their voice.
"Concord?" Her eyes flick to her other self, her brows furrowed as she points to him. "No way, right?"
Alt!Eris shrugs, "I don't know. We found him in the garbage can out back."

"Keep this up and your books go on the top shelf for a week." The man sighs, walking over to reach for alt!Eris' extended hand and pulling her up to her feet. She snickers with a quiet whistle, one sounding uncertain as if it hasn't bee used for long but Eris recognises it immediately - That signal for come along. Reiner tilts his head, deferring judgement to his own trainer and letting her make the first move before following.
When she first catches sight of the table, her footsteps carry her over to the seat beside and she takes it despite the look Concord gives her. Reiner quickly settles behind her, popping his head in the space between their seats and greeting the man with a friendly nudge. Chu-e seems startled, his eyes widening as he freezes but it soon melts into an look of sorrow, a quiet 'morning' murmured whilst his hands pat the Luxray's head. Alt!Eris, on the other hand, seems happiest to sit right across them, eliciting a quiet wince from the man when her elbow brace knocks right against the table.
"I just remembered I have something to do." His chair scrapes against the ground, his fists clenched tight around the hem of his shirt. "I'll eat later, I promise."
And with that, he's gone.
The rest of breakfast goes by with idle chatter, tales of adventures once told to an empty tombstone now listened to in person. From how she's met various legendaries, to how she's joined the fights to quell their anger and protect them from harm. She shows pictures that they've taken together, the minor nicks and bruises her own team of mythics have left on her. With every piece spoken, she garners a softer smile from her mother, a note of concern laced with mild frustration at her antics from her brother.
She grows into it, happy to retell the story of how Groudon knocked her out of the sky or how she's fought against a giant Rillaboom far bigger than any other they'd ever seen. That day she'd met Mercury for the first time, the way she'd found Mitts, Azzy and Dain after the tournament... Alt!Eris calls her out several times for some of her choices, but they both know she'd do the same thing if she had the chance to.
For a moment, she feels so at ease, so blessed and relaxed as she lives the life she was once meant to have. But as the wishes to stay in a world like this begin to awaken and grow, she has to pull herself back to reality, her eyes drifting over the empty seat beside her as her words trail off.
"Where did pa go?" Her fork taps at the bubbles in her pancake. Alt!Eris raises a brow, swinging her own fork and pointing it towards the corridor (much to Concord's audible dismay).
She's certain that they don't think of the same people but she nods nonetheless at the help. When she stands to take her plate to the sink, she finds nothing as Lenore sweeps it up.
"Go do what you want to. I'll clean up~"
She sings, helping alt!Eris up to her feet and clearing her plate as well. For a moment, Eris stands in her spot, teethering with her steps as she loses herself in thought. She thinks for a second but then clutches at her own elbow as she steps back and smiles.
"Alright, thanks for breakfast momma!"
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 29, 2022 13:18:25 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]The front door looms down the corridor when she steps out of the kitchen, pairs of shoes neatly stacked and raring for an adventure. She... doesn't ever remember it being that well-arranged. Most days, there would only be three pairs of shoes instead of the six pairs she sees today.
That had been the time where Concord was off aiding the army, hadn't it? Where he would stay out till late, come back when the sun began to rise up over the horizon and leave when it sits high above their heads... She recalls staying up too late at night, laughing under kitchen lights, sneaking snacks from the cupboards and being reprimanded by him when she got caught.
A͟͏͘n͞͠d̵̡̡ ̸̨t̷҉̶͡͝h̴͟͏e̵̸̛͘͠r͘͜e҉̡͟ ͟͡h̸͢͝͞a͏̵̢̀͜d̸̡͜͝ ̨͘҉b҉̷̶̢e҉͡ę́n̵̴̢̧ ̧̢́͞a̶̶̧͠͡ ̨̀t̀̀͝͠i͜͞͏̕m͘͏͞e͘͢͡ ̶̀͘͜͝w̢̡͢͝h̨̨͜͞ę̶͜r̡̧͢e̶͜͜ ̡̛̀͡i̧͢t́͞ ̶͟͟h̢̀͜͢a̸͞͠͡͝d̵̵̀̕ ̛͏͞a̶̧l̢̀l̷̨̀ ̸̕b͟҉̢̧́é̴́̕e̸̢n̢͞҉ ̨̀̀͡͡m͠e͡҉s̡͠͏s̡̧̀y҉̴̢͟,̧͘͠ ͘͟͏̶h̨̨͡a̵͝͠ḑ͢ ͢͏̷ţ̀͟͡h̷̨̧͞e͏̧͟r҉̡̢̨e͢͜ ͘͟͢n̨̡o̡͏t̨̕͞?҉̧́̕

She's drawn to the door, carefully tracing her hands over the scarred wood.
The windows had been covered by shadows, Noctowls cooing from outside as the moonlight trickled in.
W҉͏h̷͢͝á̶͞t̢̨̧ ̸̨̡̛͘h̸͠a̶͏͏̕p̵̸̷̧p̡̕͠ȩ̶n̴̛͞e̶̶͟͠d̢҉̧ ̴̵̷̀͠t̶̛̀h̀a̵̶͝t͘ ̵̛n͏̨̀́͘i͝͏̴̨͜ǵ̸̸͟h͏̴̡͡t҉͢?̨͢

She remembers... walking out of her room with her hands holding Reiner's growing mane. Up those stairs, she'd seen something... her mother holding a backpack and telling her they were going on an adventure...
Her memories lead her to the stair, her hands clutching at the cold banister as she takes the first creaking step up.
Ẃ̨́͟h͘a̡̧̡͜t̨̀ ̴͢͠h̷́a̵̴̸̛p̷͘͡p҉͏e̶͟n̸̢̛̕͝e̢̧͜d͘ ̴̷̧n̷̴̕ȩx̸̧̢͝͡t̶̶́̀?̀

There had been someone standing in the doorway... , if his confession was to be deemed truthful... Standing over...
"What are you thinking about, Rosie?"
Eris jumps, nearly falling had it not been for the steady hands that hold onto her. Calming blue eyes enrapture her with their gaze, brandy hair pouring down his shoulders as he strains to keep his own balance.
"Woah there! Didn't mean to scare you like that. You okay?"
Finneas Halla, her dearest pa - To see him in the flesh, well alive and most definitely warm to the touch... When she blinks, shadows flicker over his visage, then promptly vanish without a trace. The buttons of his sleeves click against the banister -
The gun clicks as the barrel is pointed true.

"Yeah, I'm uh-" She finds herself at a loss for words, "I just..."
No matter how she tries, there's just no way to put it other than giving him a tight hug. And she doesn't even realise she's lost control until she hears an ugly sob slip from her lips.
"Hey hey... everything's alright, Rosie. I'm here now."
His gaze softens, his head rested upon hers as he pulls her close.
"I'm here for you..."
And though she knows it's not for long, her heart feels just that bit lighter as she remains in his embrace.
[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

[newclass=".adrie-cover"]background:#2B2B2B;border:solid 1px #2B2B2B;width:450px;padding:10px;margin:0 auto;[/newclass]
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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2022 6:28:17 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]As she lies on the couch with her eyes glued to the ceiling, she comes to realise that she's rather easily distracted. Between the aimless pacing around the house, the small conversations made when she sees her momma or pa in the hallways... Her emotions have forced her to take breaks between what she needs to do, her heart telling her to stay around even though she knows she doesn't belong. It isn't until sundown that she hears the front door open again, the sound of light banter and weak laughter travelling through the halls.
Reiner perks up and so does she, readily poking their heads out into the hallways. And they're blessed by the sight of gently batting Concord's hand away, a beautiful smile illuminating his presence -
One she'd so rarely seen near the end of it all.
He lacks that smell of medicine, the dark circles under his eyes or the fragile look her own Chu-e had. In fact, he seems a little buffer... Much healthier than she'd ever seen him. And for a moment she wonders, would he go back to suffering if he were to enter her world?
"Welcome back." She hums, arms draped over the side of the couch. "So what have you two been up to?"
It feels so weird asking that question instead of being the one to answer. And it feels even weirder when she sees Chu-e flinch, requiring a pat on the shoulder from Concord to even begin moving close.
"Stuff." Kept vague and obviously meant to tease, her brother crosses the threshold to snag a seat right beside her. His smile tells nothing, only invites Chu-e to take a seat with a gentle pat of the couch. But he refuses with a polite shake of his head, his eyes creasing with an apologetic look before he scurries away.
"Why does he..."
Actually, doesn't she already know the answer to this? She's seen their interactions, she's heard the story but in the end, there's still a piece missing.
It's an unfamiliar name that she's given, an unfamiliar look plastered over Concord's face.
"He's the host to Necrozma, a kind of parasite... That parasite is the reason why Matias attacked them all those years back, why Reiner lost control..." His hands are crossed over his chest, his posture leaning back into the couch. "You're a Rose yourself, one who has a close bond with her Reiner too. You can probably figure out what happened next, right?"
She really could. If the same thing had happened to her, if Chu-e's actions or circumstances had ever led to the death of Reiner, they would have lost all they had together. With all that happened, she'd be more surprised if her other self were to simply forgive him...
"I... came here to save him."
"You did a great job defending him agai-"
"From Necrozma, I mean." She cuts Concord off, unwilling to look him in the eyes. "It was killing him in my world... but here?"
"He's healthy as a spring chicken thus far, says he's coexiting with it pretty well. But the crystals he has growing on his skin at times... it's poisonous to everyone else. Drives them mad, as you've seen."
"Is it hard to remove it?"
"We've tried."
Trust is the absolute thing that allows that conversation to end there.
Along with a hacking cough that wracks her body. Concord immediately sits up, rubbing her back as he holds her hand. And perhaps, it's a blessing that he does, her senses growing dull as the world seems to warp and melt around her. It blurs into mere shapes and colours, silence growing into a continuous crackling that gnaws at her brain.
Á̴̛̕s͠ḩ̧͢͠e̵̴̛͞͝s̶̢͟,̕͟ ̴́̕͞҉a̸͟͏͏s͏͏͞҉̸h̶́͢͡͝e͢͟͡s̸,̕͟͢ ̷́͢͠͏ì̷̧ţ̷̸͏ ̡̕a̢͘l̶̀͘͝͝l҉̵̢͜ ҉̶̸͢͡f̶̢͜͢͡ą̷̸͜ĺ̴l̡̧̕͠s͏͜͠͝ ̶̧͢d͟҉͢o̕͟͢w̴̡ņ̵͢.̢̧͢͞

Her body had been lying still on the ground, her gasps growing weaker as she shoved the child into the Luxio's care. Even when she carressed her daughter's cheek, she had tried to brush her hands clean on her own clothes before doing so.
"Run, Eri..."

"-se... -os..."
Steady hands shake her shoulders. She's falling into those ocean eyes, she's drowning in the smoke.
The world rejects her presence, it tears at her memories and rips them right up to the surface.
W̸̡͠h̵̴̢͘a͘͟t̀͢͝҉͏ ̡̢͟͡h͏̸̴̀͘a̴҉҉̸͡p̡͏͏̛p̶͏è͢ņ̀́̀͢é̢̕͠͡d̸͘͠ ̸̀͡͞͞t̛͡h̶̡̛́̕a̶͝t̛͡ ̸̸̧ņ̷̕i͡͡g̕҉̴ḩ̴̀̀͝t̡̛́?̵̀

Her hands had been clawing at something, anything to grasp onto. She couldn't feel her legs but she could most definitely feel the pain as fire washed over her skin. Her cries had gone out but no one listened.
"Momma! Momm-"
Concord never made it back home that night.

She resurfaces - Her lungs scream for air, hurting each time she coughs and wheezes. Her hands are everywhere but still, desperately flailing and attempting to push her brother away.
"We need to leave." She sobs, her face buried in her hands as she curls up into a ball.
It's just gonna be another adventure... alright?

[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON Apr 30, 2022 8:04:12 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Her bag is packed within the hour, her eyes red and puffy as she quietly waits by the door. Finneas is busy placing last minute supplies into the backpack whilst Lenore gently pulls her into a hug for the last time. Concord, on the other hand, seems to have gone upstairs and disappeared into his room.
"You'll stay safe, won't you?" She murmurs, looking over Eris and sweeping the fringe from her eyes. "Make sure to... well, you know the code, don't you? Follow it to the best of your abilities, okay?"
When Lenore pulls back, all Eris sees is that same kind smile. But this one is filled with ache, a longing that she can't quite explain.
"You've grown into such a wonderful adventurer. You've even seen things that I've never gotten the chance to." She's shaking her hands in the air, movements that aim to distract her away from the way her eyes start glistening. "I'm so very proud of you..."
Finneas butts into the scene, handing Eris a now slightly heavier backpack and patting her head.
"I'm sure we'll be waiting for the next time you tell us of your adventures!" He grins, his attention cast to the staircase every so often. And perhaps, he'd been waiting: Waiting for the sight of Chu-e and alt!Eris being ushered down the stairs by Concord. "For now, we have to take a picture!"
One for the memories, one to make up for all the pictures she'd lost in the flames.
The polaroid clicks as soon as they're settled, several photos taken with everyone within the frame. Both Erises stand by Reiner's side, surrounded by a smiling Lenore and Finneas as Chu-e snickers at Concord giving his sisters bunny ears. And she's handed the best one once they're developed, one that's carefully tucked into her pocket before she turns around to give each of them a hug.
"I love you." It's quiet, it's fragile and sacred. It's returned with such tenderness from her parents, from her brother, (a little hesitantly but genuine nonetheless) from Chu-e and probably a little awkwardly from her other self. As she steps through the door, she receives a Corsola doll from Concord, littered with fond memories - That day she'd been gifted the present, it had been his apology for losing her in the woods.
I'll find you, no matter where you are. He'd promised.
Chu-e's just about as silent as he's been throughout the entire day, but this time he approaches, kneeling down to her eye level and pulling something out of his pocket. "You dropped this. Don't lose it anymore, okay?" He then reaches around her neck, carefully tying something and finally letting it rest upon her chest- A chipped mega stone that shines in the warm corridor lights.
Alt!Eris, on the other hand, showers her attention upon Reiner, draping a warm coat over his shoulders and tying it just right. She embraces him and seems to share a few quiet words, resting her forehead against his as she hums a lullabye. Perhaps, she'd spoken the words she always wished to tell her own Reiner. Or maybe it'd been prayers for his health and safety. Whatever it had been, Reiner nuzzles her cheeks, letting out a soft growl of farewell before returning to sweep up his own Eris.
There's so much more she could have said, so much more she could have done. It would have been a blessing to stay in this realm forever, living the life she was once meant to live. But she'd promised that she'd stay safe, that she'd come back home. So she has to wave goodbye, stepping into the glowing moonlight with just an Unown to lead the way.
And as she travels back towards the portal, as she watches her home shrink out of view, she finally remembers what had been lost to fear.
"Go out and see the world, Eris..."
That quiet last breath that had been drawn, a mother's gentle smile as she gazes into her child's eyes for the last time.
"I'll always love you."

[attr="class","adrie-note"]father winter

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TAG WITH @shiv
Hyacinth [WW]
POSTED ON May 1, 2022 23:10:27 GMT
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YOU RETURN TO THE QUIET OF GRANITE CAVE. "Father Winter" and his Unown-D is nowhere to be seen. At first, you wonder if you're truly home.

But the shrill cries of Zubat echo in the darkness. The periodic thud of a Nosepass' slow ambling steps punctuate shrouded cavern tunnels and paths reassure you in their eerie rhythms, that you are indeed where you need to be. Your home. Your own dimension.

Will you fight to protect it?


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