i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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the malevolent / kat
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 12:56:11 GMT
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#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
i already have one. iykyk.

#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
no one's earned that title yet.

#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
It's a kill or be killed world. Hoenn is lucky to have people in charge who won't jeopardize their lives for the sake of appearing kind.

#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
a blessing to some and a curse to others. frankly, the only thing it revealed is how many of these so called legends are morons. their choices should be put to question and their status as legendary pokemon, gods if you will, should be up for evaluation. it's never enough to be deserving, you have to be worthy.

#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I like the money and the perks that come with the job.

#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
I think the Ultra Beast war, for better or worse, changed the lives of everyone in Hoenn. Myself included. Not a big fan of aliens, but I am grateful for what I've taken from them.

#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
Lol. Next question.

#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I do believe in destiny, and yes, I've found mine already. Most of it, at least.

#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
Feeling powerless. I very much doubt I'll ever feel that way, though.

#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Jewelry. Diamonds, Tanzanites, Alexandrites and Red Beryls are my favorite gemstones. You're welcome.
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
...No. Thanks.

#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Hah. Yeah, right.

#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
I've been told I am intimidating, but I don't really see it for myself. I like to hum, too.

#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?

#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
I take what I'm owed and what I want when I want to.

SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
You could include pictures next time. I think some people will like it.

R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?

Let's see. Maps, atlas books, globes... Any one of those.

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
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Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 13:44:45 GMT
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Survey #1

My, what a bizarre rumour. What would the purpose to that be? Is there any special effect to those suits...? Well, in any case! That is quite a tough question! At least three wonderful companions come to mind...

Hmm... I suppose I would've to go for... Aegislash, in honor of my very first pokemon? But then, I was raised alongside my Gallade like a brother, that might be inconsiderate... Oh dear.

I'll have to give this one some serious thought, if it ever truly happens! Might just have to get two!

Survey #2

Hoh, a rival, eh? I cannot say I disagree! Sadly, the man I considered my rival has long since retired... Our battle record was woefully one-sided, too! Thinking back to it, I'm not sure if I should cry or laugh!

Survey #3

It's not about ethics to me, but about certainty. Entrusting the lives of thousands of citizens into yet untested technology seems unwise.

However, given the magnitude of the problem, and the timing of both of it coinciding with yet another inter-dimensional war...

Gods above, speaking of Hoenn sure is a surreal experience!

Either way. I'm not surprised it's come to this. Humanity has never known anything as 'too much' during times of war.

I do, however, feel somewhat irritated at the League's leadership.

If it is willing to engage in radical steps to deal with this new threat, one wonders why it is so reluctant to take any proper action or initiative when dealing with Team Rocket.

Survey #4

Across all lands and eras, Mythology has rarely ever painted those who fall within the sight of Gods as anything but the most unfortunate of heroes.

I would bet they're all mostly extremely unhappy folk.

Survey #5

Come now, that is a question that scarcely needs explanation. Regardless of its failures, The League is the democratically elected body of government of Hoenn.

If one finds issue with their governing, one has the choice to vote them out. And if the valot does not get them out- well then, the majority has spoken, has it not? That is Democracy in a nutshell.

The fact that Team Rocket is a band of thugs led by thieves, murderers and war criminals certainly doesn't hurt, either.

Survey #6

Well... the occupation of Sootopolis certainly made my new job much harder!

Survey #7

Um. What?

Survey #8

I believe we all have a path. Whether we forget it ourselves or it's laid out before us depends entirely on us.

As for me, my path was laid out and thread upon long before me.

Survey #9

A rather personal question, wouldn't you say? A difficult one, as well. I've seen many things in my life.

But I suppose nothing has ever hurt me as much as the loss of a loved one.

As for what I would do?

Experience tells me I would run away.

Survey #10

No comments.

Survey #11

Gallade. I believe it would be self-explanatory to anyone who's ever met me.

Survey #12

All men have a limited time upon this earth. My family is of a specially robust build, and has counted several centenarians amongst its roots. But, given my work, I cannot say an early death is not likely.

I think I've made peace with my own death. But if tomorrow was my last, I would spend it all with my daughters and pokémon.

Survey #13

My my, and here I thought this was supposed to be an anonymous survey! Well, I suppose I can give you at least something.

I've been told I speak in a rather peculiar way. In both lexicon and accent, it appears I'm a rather unique fella!

Survey #14

A true gentleman is always learning. I'm partial to the study of martial arts from all cultures and eras... but recently, I've found another subject to engross myself in, in light of recent events.

Survey #15





Oh, this is fun! Hm, what might it be...? Perhaps... A map?
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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 17:18:43 GMT
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#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
Huh. I wouldn't say no to a Lapras-inspired suit, if those really exist. I've been told that my singing makes the hardiest of souls perish.

#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
No one's been truly up to the task (cowards), but a few have come close. Lookin at you, . . Fight me.

#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
I don't like it. But if it saves our asses and there's no other option, I'm all for it. Hopefully AU Hoenns don't have the same idea. I'm sure they have their own meteorite, right? Can't doom someone who's already got a foot in the grave.

#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
I hardly think humans have a choice. Nature doesn't take into account morality or ethics, so why should legendaries?

#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?

#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
Hoenn's been though a rough couple of years, huh? The Ultra Beast War pushed me into a path I'm still walking to this day. Would life have been simpler otherwise? Probably. Would my hands have been cleaner? Definitely. But I don't regret it.

#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
Shit, I'm terrible with names. Uh...

#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Fuck destiny and fate. They're excuses for those that would rather be led.

#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
The loss of freedom. Violence isn't the answer, but sometimes it is a useful tool in your arsenal.

#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Actions, I suppose. If you're one of mine, I will fight the world for you or die trying.

#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
Galarian Meowth. Idk, I just think there's a resemblance somewhere. They used to be vikings, did ya know?

#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
Mortality spices up life. If I were to die tomorrow, I'd make sure to squeeze every last second of my remaining life, make 'em matter. Get drunk under the stars, laugh loudly and unapologetically. If death comes for me, it won't find me willing.

#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
I wouldn't know. I've been told that I'm bold, reckess to a fault and an idiot. Also a pain in the butt. Make of that what you will.

#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
I'm not the studious type.

#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
I want lots of things, from different people and pokemon. I think I have a knack for trouble, and perhaps that's part of it. The willingness to step over the line, to go after what you want, to keep up. For better or worse.

SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
Hobbies, occupations? Favorite ice cream flavor? Idk. I'm not doing these, you are. 

R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
Map. I've got enough of these in my living room.

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Paris, Rosa, Olivia
April 24
Mauville City
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39 height
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I’d take good looks and a bad attitude over smarts and education any day
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Zilla Dumay DOLLARS
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Zilla Dumay
POSTED ON Jun 15, 2022 19:26:28 GMT
Zilla Dumay Avatar



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
I'm not a fashion designer, but I think a Talonflame suit would look pretty cool! Its color scheme, pattern, and eyes are dope! Imagine a cape or something designed after its wings, or a helmet that looks like its head. I'm sure a tailor would have no problem making something super cool.
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
no answer submitted
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
I don't know anything about quantum physics or whatever, but that seems like a really bad idea. Doesn't the alternate universe have people living there too? Wouldn't we be dooming those people to death? It'd probably be easier to just destroy it with space Pokémon before it gets too close.
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
I haven't given it much thought, but it seems really dangerous. Wild Pokémon are dangerous enough as is, and that's not even talking about legendaries. Lots of red flags. And the fact that one of these "avatars" hasn't offered to destroy the incoming meteor is also super suspicious.
#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
no answer submitted
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, the Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
I don't mean to sound insensitive but I generally avoid the news if it doesn't effect me directly. I don't have the time to worry about what's going on in another region. But I remember the Ultra Beast War the most. I was living in Mauville City at the time, and the war was right on my back doorstep. I ended up moving to Lavaridge Town for a while just to avoid the conflict.
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
"Becoming Closer to Closure" is the one I'm most familiar with 'cause it was playing on pretty much every radio station when it first came out, so it's the only one I know really well. I hear they recently came out with a new album, though. If the songs on it are anything like "Becoming Closer to Closure" then I'll probably check it out.
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Isn't life kinda pointless and sad if you think everything's pre-destined? I'd rather believe in free will.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
no answer submitted
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
I don't believe in that "love languages" nonsense. Either you know how to express your feelings or you don't. It's as simple at that. (In reality, she doesn't know what the five love languages are and she's too lazy to look them up. Her love language is probably physical touch, followed closely by receiving gifts.)
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
I'm probably biased 'cause I've had my Mightyena since he was a Poochyena and we've grown up together, but I feel a real kindship with him. As intimidating as that Pokémon line is, they're really loyal and sweet when you get to know them. I think the same could be said about me~
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
no answer submitted
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
Kinda sounds like you're hitting on me, mister survey man. You really wanna know how vocally and physically expressive I am? Let’s find out the answer together.
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
I am, actually! I recently learned that Sneasel used to be a completely different species. They looked different, had different typing, and even evolved into something other than a Weavile. It's pretty neat, so I've been doing some research on it to see what I can learn.
#15 What do you need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do you go about getting it?
I think that humans and Pokémon are very similar, especially when it comes to building bonds. Trust and loyalty is a big factor. If you promise that you'll help someone then they're expecting you to hold up your end of the bargain, or if you promise to take care of a Pokémon then it's on you to stay true to your word. Back-stabbers and traitors are the worst types of people.
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
Maybe... "What was your first Pokémon? Do you still own it?" Etc. etc.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
no answer submitted
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november 14th
elite four
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i am born anew.
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1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Jun 16, 2022 9:36:10 GMT



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
i like the color red. so charizard, maybe.
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
none that matter come to mind.
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
better them than us. but i trust my commissioner and the advice of hoenn's esteemed council.
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
it's both, so those who wish to meddle should understand the risks prior. they'll ask something of you that you may not be prepared to give. i'm not speaking from experience, of course. not yet, anyway.
#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
one stands to protect while the other seeks to destroy. how is this a question? i joined to protect the people from the greed and ego of men.
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
i do hope the sootopolis takeover was a wake-up call for hoenn. it didn't affect me much, but i still wonder how exactly things got so bad there. i'd ask the gym leader, but the city seems to have bad luck when it comes to them.
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
the one with . she's great.
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
i believe we're all here for a reason. i've known what my destiny is for a while now. it's just a matter of what i can do before i get there.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
i don't have one.
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
what's the one with words? that one. i like being physical but nothing beats a "i'm proud of you" at the end of a long day, you know?
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
groudon. i like its markings.
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
i'd do too much and not enough. if you prefer a simpler answer, then i'd spend my last day with the ones i love. either that or i'd pay sootopolis a visit.
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
i'm trying to find a more tangible way to jump universes.
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
a purpose.
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
publish the responses online.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?

gosh golly i'm bad at this but...a map?
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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 6:49:01 GMT
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? ? ?

THE ANSWER TO THE RIDDLE IS "MAP". However, the answer of a "globe" can suffice. Upon sending the correct answer in, a brief image flashes on the screen: one piece of what appears to be a wider digitized map. There are six map pieces in total; however, your character will only see one.

In time, these various pieces may be released to the public in some unofficial manner. People may transcribe what they have seen onto physical paper, should their memory allows for that. Others may be quick enough to take a picture of the screen after hearing rumors of such a happening. When questioned, Passerby Analytics Headquarters will claim its a bug and state that they will patch it out soon.

STAY TUNED for a follow-up in another post by and a further follow-up in an upcoming event dubbed CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM.
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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
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angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 7:01:51 GMT
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#1. "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

Magical suits, huh? At least we'll be fashionable on Meteor Day. I'd probably go with Dragapult.

#2. "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

Thanks for jumping to the conclusion that I'm a skilled trainer - I'm flattered.

Honestly, the closest person I have in my life who challenges and pushes me (I'd list 'em but there's too many ways to count, and most of them you probably can't publish in your online survey results) is my wife.

If you’re reading this, step up your game, babe. What is it now 3-0?

#3. "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

Let's just say it wouldn't be my first choice of action. Or second. Or third.

There are alternative solutions, but it sounds like the League’s head honcho has made their choice. Funny they’re not this decisive in the handling of other League issues. 

#4. "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

From what I've seen of them, every avatar and their legendary partner, their relationship, is different. Who am I to say? That's their business.

#5. "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

Fuel is expensive.

But Hoenn is where my family lives. If push comes to shove, what do you think I'd do?

#6. "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

I was there during the Sootopolis Takeover. There wasn't much I could do. I don't want her, or myself, to go through that again.

#7. "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist Callan Young and Lead Vocalist Adrian Malcolm, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"


#8. "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

Free will. There are times where I've made decisions that I've wished were fate just to make it an easier pill to swallow but no. Every decision I've made is my own.

#9. "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

Obviously puppies. They're terrifying. Oh no, PLEASE don't shower me in puppies.

#10. "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

Physical touch. Actions. I like doing those little things for people important to me, y'know. Might seem mundane but shows you're thinking of them.

#11. "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

A bird pokemon. Guess a Wingull never goes hungry.

#12. "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

I'd make sure my family is going to be supported after I'm gone and then I guess just leave. Adventure until the end and find one last good sunset somewhere, y'know?

#13. "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

Apparently I come across like an asshole??? Guess it's a fine line between being cool as fuck and being too hot to handle.

#14. "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

I've been scratching up on my blossoming artistic talent. It's still a work in progress but I've seen an improvement on my maps lately which is kind of cool. I've always been more practical than studious.

#15. "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"

In my relationships? To be pushed and challenged, to be encouraged not to settle for anything less, even with myself. I'll push back but that's half the fun. Someone who chooses to be around because they want to be, not because they rely on me to hold them up.  

?? "Suggestions?"

Sure, I've got plenty rattlin' around up here. That'll just be 10PD per suggestion.

?? "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

C'mon, I thought these were meant to be a challenge. It's a map.
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October 13
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POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 7:07:15 GMT
shiv Avatar


? ? ?

WHEN PIECED TOGETHER, the map points to a particular location in Hoenn. Although the lines may intersect in what appears to be the vast, endless sea, may realize that this is the location of at least one MIRAGE ISLAND. In particular, this pinpointed location is located right at the edge of Hoenn's nautical border...

Those who travel to this location may not see a MIRAGE ISLAND depending on the time of day or the date; however, there are several whirlpools brave trainers must avoid.


But there is nothing here to note. Nothing yet.

Should trainers attempt to move past the border, they will notice that their boats or Pokemon hit an invisible wall. Wingull may occasionally butt into what appears to be an invisible dome, squawking in pain as they recoil in pain. Trainers or Pokemon who attempt to ascend can go skyward endlessly— but will find that they can not move out of the region.

Hoenn has been enclosed. Spatially.

STAY TUNED for a follow-up in an upcoming event dubbed CYBERCHASE CONUNDRUM.

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Alex / Lexy
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december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 8:12:44 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar
anonymous answers done ICly by

"Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

(originally the answer said ‘Tornadus’ but it’s been scratched out because it’s too improbable for someone like him, he can only WISH for that)

“Uhhh… I’d have to say Braviary. Or Salamence. Can I have both of them at once on one suit? Because it’s hard having to choose just one! Oh, and it’s gotta be shiny Braviary.”

"All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

“Can’t say I have any… well, anyone who comes by the Gym and wants a badge could technically be considered a rival!”

"Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

“Call me crazy but… if you’ve managed to visit another reality, and there are people still living there… well, isn’t that tantamount to genocide?”

"What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

(this question stays unanswered for the longest time, as this is the very last one that gets a reply)

“Well, I know there’s like a couple out there… honestly, though, I think it’s cool. Kinda like the Avengers. Be all superhero/ines and like, go save the world…”

"Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

“It’s either one or the other… but if one side can’t keep their promises, then who’s to say that a flip might be possible in the future?”

"Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

“The only one I’ve been on the ground for, and that still affects me to this day is the Three-Day War, specifically out at the Lilycove side of things. Because what fuck-ass, crazy [REDACTED] of a woman would kill an innocent Pokémon just like that?! You greedy—” [the rest of the answer is scribbled in Russian, but needless to say it’s NASTY]

"TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

“The song with in it!”

"Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

“It was my own free will that made me leave home. Because if I didn’t, then I’d be bedridden forever. Or worse—six feet under because they never let me see the light of day.”

"What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

“What the hell?! What kind of question is this?!”

(hastily crossed out is a mix between ‘deep water’ and ‘Ghost-types’)

"What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

“What is it with the tenth question I encounter on surveys like this asking about love life?! Anyway… does stability count as a love language? Like… just… just being there? A steady presence when you feel the world is falling away and you have nowhere else to hang on to?”

(obviously this answer is hinted at someone )

"If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

“Braviary. Because they’re fearless and brave. But reckless at the same time. Can’t have too many positives without a negative now can we.”

"How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

(there’s a moment of dark laughter before an answer is punched in)

“I always have that constant worry of my own mortality following me wherever the hell I go. If I only had twenty-four hours left, I’d spend it with [scribbled in Russian before it drops off to a nickname someone might recognize] Froggy.”

"How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

“Lemme get back to you on that.”

"Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

“More on looking into the viability of accessing a multiverse. Since there are other worlds out there, and I can personally say that they do exist, well… I’d want to know about how the multiverse functions.”

(scribbled underneath is a longer answer, written again in Russian, but a singular word appears over and over again after the entire thing: потерял)

"What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"

“Mutual trust, and stability”.

"I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

“Huh. A map?”
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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 9:40:00 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

All IC baby!

Survey #1: "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

"I would have to choose my trusty companion Dragonite, as for what it would look like, er I'm not in the fashion design scene. Um give me a moment." Amor goes to draw something on a loose piece of paper. "Ah here this should suffice I believe, I think it would look something like this." Stares at his drawing proudly.

Survey #2: "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

"Ah of course you ask me this. Hmmm I would have to say either , or . I'm well aware of both of their battle prowess, and think it would be a fun challenge. Besides I know how strong Josh is, you weren't there when the giant pokemon attacked that city the day after we got hammered for his bachelor party. He sobered up quickly at the very least, and put on a good show."

Survey #3: ""Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

"It's an assinine plan. Why should we make our problem another universe's? That only staves off the inevitable of when that other plane of existence grows to resent us because I don't know, we crashed a giant fucking meteor into their home. I don't know about you, but I'd be pretty miffed if I was going about my daily stroll walking my Growlithe, and then some giant meteor shows up out of nowhere, and nukes my home. So no I don't agree with it."

Survey #4: "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

"That is hard to say as I've only met one to my knowledge. Mr. Ramsay was an Avatar that I was well acquainted with, and he seemed a very good sort of man who wouldn't abuse his power. So if I was to base my knowledge solely off my interactions with him, I believe it to be a blessing, but that doesn't mean it can't also be a scourge. Zac was a good man, and I believe he never abused the power bestowed to him, if all Avatars followed that example then I am inclined to believe in the good of them. But people are stupid, and crave power, so the jury is still out."

Survey #5: "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

"I don't."

Survey #6: "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

"Thankfully I got to skip most of the horrible things that have happened in this region, but I would have to see the Takeover was irritating as it prevented me from doing business there in good faith. Not that doing business with some mildly corrupt people is off putting, you could argue that every CEO, or politician is corrupt to some degree, but people who kidnap, and murder are a bit much even for me. So it was sad to see that city go under."

Survey #7: "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

"I have no clue who they are....I am afraid to admit I'm a Lady Baba fan. She dresses up in different strange, and weird outfits usually with some Mareep theme, and sings some very entertaining music. A few of my favorites from her are Rain Dance on Me, Just Teeter Dance, Hatched this Way, And Attract Game. Definitely check her out."

Survey #8: "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

"Had I known this survey was suppose to induce an existential crisis I might have put a bit more care into my previous answers. That is a very loaded question, and is to silly to answer."

Survey #9: "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

"I already dealt with this during the Soiree under the stars with a wonderful woman by the name of near me. So this no longer applies."

Survey #10: "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

"There was a woman I liked once I liked her very much, and I would often take her out to expensive places, and buy her gifts even though she hated it. I am not sure if that is still the same, or not as I've been single for a while while I work through some things."

Survey #11: "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

"It would have to be either my Pikachu Adontis, or Draco my Dragonite. Because I think they both embody what I hold dear, and they have been with me the longest. I think I would be most comfortable with either of them honestly."

Survey #12: "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

"Grammatical Issues aside if I knew I was going to die tomorrow, nothing would change for me. I would just write my will today, and leave everything I own to the person who deserves it the most. But that is a secret."

Survey #13: "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

"Hmmmm that is interesting, I like to think I am a pretty reserved person for the most part. So it is hard to know, I just know my Butler, Walter, tells me that I can be a bit abrasive sometimes, or rambunctious. As for a catchphrase I do not have one, I am not some character on a saturday morning cartoon."

Survey #14: "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

"Researching anything in this god forsaken region costs an arm, and a leg sometimes. So no I'm not researching anything at the moment but I have been interested in certain myths, and legends since I was a boy perhaps I'll turn my fancy to them once again."

survey #15: "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"

"Hmmm another tricky question. If it was a relationship with a human I have a few friends that I trust implicitly so that is enough for me, unless you are speaking romantically, and that is a whole other can of caterpie. For humans just dependable people that don't vanish on you. As for Pokemon all of my Pokemon are my friends, I know they will never abandon me so I have found my lifelong friends in them."

Riddle: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

"I'm going to presume a map?"

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Jun 18, 2022 15:13:03 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar



"Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

That’s a good question. I think the obvious answer-- which is not always the best, mind-- would be Galarian Rapidash. But the question then becomes how do I go about making myself not look like a bad brony knock-off? No head horn, probably. I think second place would be Banette, but that might come across as slightly BDSM leather daddy. I’ll have to workshop it and get back to you.

"All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

I don’t know if I’ve been kicking around the region enough to have a real rival yet. My cousin, , would be a contender, but he’s currently waaaaay out of my league. The dude’s a professional badass. Or, maybe ; but she’s more of a friend-rival thing. Even if she did get us kidnapped by monkeys on a deserted island that one time.

"Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

No. No, absolutely not. The fact that this is even an idea that’s plausible to them is extremely concerning. There are-- antagonistic or not, those people are people. It’s bullshit. It makes me so mad.

"What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

I think it’s a blessing not to be taken lightly and whoever it falls upon should be very wary of the power they hold. I have it from good sources that not all of these individuals are the most morally coded. But, to quote a good friend, ‘“The strange and fantastical is what’s ‘normal’ around these parts.” So, you know. You kinda got take things with a grain of salt.

"Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

To be honest, I don’t always agree with or support 100% of the things the League does-- case in point, the meteoroid bit. But the Rangers have my utmost loyalty, always. They gave me a home and a second chance at a life-- and the tools and direction to do something with it. So i’ll have their backs till the last.

"Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

I wasn’t around for any of those, fortunately. I think I was still drifting somewhere in Alola at that point…

"TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist Callan Young and Lead Vocalist Adrian Malcolm, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

Listen, I take music seriously. I’ll have to have a real sit down with the album and get back to you.

"Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

This is a loaded question. Let’s just say I don’t believe everything happens for a reason, but I do believe that some things were meant to happen-- and some people were meant to be found, if you catch my drift.

"What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

See, that would be admitting to my mortality, and I’m note sure I’m ready to do that quite yet. He chuckles, because the joke was funny, to him. What I will say is I’m not the biggest fan of fire.

"What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

The question clearly startles him. He blushes slightly. Uhh, physical touch and acts of service. I took a quiz. And I’m not adverse to intimacy-- it just has to be the right person.

"If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

That’s a good one. I think I’d like to be a Milotic. They’re beautiful, for one, but they come from rough beginnings-- Feebas is ugly as sin. But you work with it a little and bam, you have a beautiful outcome. Kind of like me, hah. They also do this thing where they sing to soothe people’s emotions and I think that’s-- yeah. That’s cool. Be a great, big, beautiful peacemaker, you know?

"How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

Sorry, but my boyfriend says I’m not allowed to die.

"How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

How do I carry myself? I’d like to think that I carry myself with confidence. Like, maybe a sneaky confidence? I did-- there was a time when I had to. Blend in to survive, sort of, you know. Most of what I say and do comes from my upbringing. My parents. My sisters. It’s not always great to revisit.

"Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

I’m going on a-- potentially dangerous-- adventure with a cute boy and a magic drum. Does that count?

"What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"

He’s quiet for a moment but you can tell the gears are turning. They need stability. And patience, and kindness, and, most importantly, a reciprocated and overflowing fount of love. Love no matter what. Pokemon are better about getting it than humans-- Oona just bowls me over and lays in my lap, Zuzu enjoys quiet time, Shivani likes to go on adventures. Humans… are a little trickier, than that.

"I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 1:33:27 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar



#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
A shiny Roselia, I suppose. The black and purple petals are enchanting, are they not?
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
I try to avoid attracting notice in that capacity. However, I wouldn't mind reveling in the downfall of .

#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
To be blunt, the only survival I am concerned about at present is my own. The method of achieving that matters little to me, so long as we don't get invaded by unhappy alternate-dimension beings later.

#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
That depends entirely on the Avatar in question. However, I find unknown elements worthy of wariness, and there is too little known about Avatars for my liking.

#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
Better to be one of the monsters than be ruled by wolves in sheep's clothing. I have no interest in playing a hypocrite's game of imaginary heroics.

#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
Sootopolis is overseen by a pleasantly lower ratio of idiots than it was prior.

#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
I have honestly never heard any of their songs in my life. Should I know this?

#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I believe that fate is cruel, but destiny is chosen. Either you allow fate to decide your destiny for you, or you fight back and claw for the destiny you deserve. My claws have been unsheathed for some time now, but I have yet to achieve the destiny I want for myself.

#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
That he was right about me. To be under another's control. I would die first.

#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
Heh. Flowers. You might not like the gift you receive back, however. If you have to ask why someone might be averse to intimacy, then you are either too innocent to know or too ignorant to understand why. Vulnerability is weakness, after all.

#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
An Ariados seems fitting.

#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
The same thing I do every day. I expect I could die at any time. It doesn't bother me as much as you think it might. Gardens still need watering even if the apocalypse is nigh.

#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
I have been raised to hold myself with a certain poise and decorum. Expressiveness is uncomfortable, so I avoid it whenever possible in favor of a polite professionalism. I am told I have a high and elevated diction, or as others might put it, 'a funny way of talking.' I also prviately enjoy puns but the few times I have indulged, my audience has not been receptive.

#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Crystablooms. I believe the answer is self-evident.

#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
Pokemon are more loyal and reliable than people. We work well together. As for people, it depends on the person, doesn't it? What I want, I suppose, is someone whose motives I understand. Everything else stems from there.

SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
Broaden your horizons to passions of labor, not simply passions of the heart.

R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
A map. My father taught me this riddle a long time ago.
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jun 19, 2022 4:52:21 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar



Answered IC as

#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
That's a weird rumor. Though I guess a Mawile or Metagross themed bodysuit wouldn't look too bad on me. Or...wait, do they just mean regular suit suits?
#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
I used to have one. Though he was more a rival detective than a rival trainer. I wonder how he's been doing recently.
#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
Realistically, there should be another way. After all, we're basically pushing a major calamity for someone else, potentially less prepared, to deal with. That being said, given how a survey group like yourself are privy to this plan and how you're able to ask it without it being censored, it begs the question of whether it actually is the foremost plan or just a cover to keep the real plan clandestine.
#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
I think of it like a double-edged sword. It's not easy to direct the whims of anything deific, after all. It's really a matter of how to make sure that sword is held by the right side, so to speak. Of figuring out how to guide those whims properly. Suffice to say that's my complex way to say a whole lot of nothing. Is this really an appropriate survey question though?
#5 Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
A semblance of order is a powerful thing indeed.
#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
No comment. Was pretty distant from all those major events. Guess it goes to show even the largest of events has its own pockets they can't reach. Nothing permeates all. Yet.
#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
Never heard of 'em. Wait, was this supposed to be a stealth ad? Just for that, I'm tossing one back out. [REDACTED] will accept any cases. Overworld, underworld, there's no mystery [REDACTED].
#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Who's to say it can't be both? Fate is really only spoken of in retrospect and those who try to speak of it extrapolate the future tend to be far too haughty for their own good. Fate is really the course of events and Free Will is what allows one to take Fate into perspective and allows people to face an uncertain future that will slowly get woven into the next threads of Fate. I wonder how much of hypocrite I come off as.
#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
To have my wings melt before I reach the sun and to have all the blood I've seen go to waste. If that happens, I'll claw myself back up and try again. What? If you're allowed to ask these weird questions, I'm allowed to give weird, senseless-at-a-glance answers.
#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
No idea. I guess flowers? Sweets? Really depends on the moment. Call me capricious if you will.
#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
Absol. What else would you pick to represent someone who is synonymous with an omen of death and disaster?
#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
No further comment. That answer would probably get me killed today.
#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
There's a nice balance between aloof and lackadaisical. I just have to tip the balance the right way at the right time. Even simple changes in hand movements can trigger wildly different reactions though I think all of that tends to be something driven more by my atmosphere than by me.
#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Yes. That's all I can say.
#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
It really depends on the individual. If I had to pick a constant, I guess it would be a chance to be vulnerable. You want someone, man or Pokemon, who can bare their back to you and you can bare your own to. Poetically speaking, of course. And in some cases literally, too. Unfortunately, that's something that just takes time.
SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.
Maybe don't make the survey questions so off-putting next time? Just a thought.
R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
That's a simple one. A map.
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august 12th
silph co. ceo
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TAG WITH @silph
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 7:59:38 GMT




"Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"


"the pokemon i have bonded with is no more…

the next most suitable candidate is still out of reach…

it is a pokemon that can adapt to anything and i am the closest to it. our bond transcends time and experience. it is a part of me as i am it.

never one without the other…"


"All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"



the champions, past and present.

ah, and there's the selfish, the wretched, and the wild card."


"Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"


"at this point in time, it is the most reasonable and only actionable plan. while alternatives would be preferable, until we can act on them, and they prove consistent, we must proceed with the scenarios we can control."


"What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"


"people who have been bestowed powers by legendary pokemon are still people. whether that is a curse or blessing depends on the perspective. trading away half of your life span is a curse to most. however, if that is the only way to save those i care about, then i consider it blessing enough.

that being said, most should avoid meddling with avatarship. many lack the character and foresight to account for the responsibility of such great power."


"Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"


"because the league, for all its faults, is still an establishment that abides by some notion of accountability. it is easy to call for change but to usher it, through practiced means and with due diligence, is a task most can never ass themselves to do. to label the league as an organization that needs to be ousted, while positions of power remain open and therefore open to change, highlights their negligence.

once upon a time, i too disagreed with the league and its conduct. which is why i am now apart of it, correcting what i can, where i can. it is an arduous and frustrating task but to do anything less is nothing but short sighted selfishness."


"Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."


"the slateport rocket invasion was the only event i think that could have been proactively prevented. the fact that it wasn’t despite my best efforts was a slap to the face.

granted, it was a skilled operation from team rocket. even i wasn’t aware of when or to what extent they would attack with. everything else that happened later, such as the blacephalon attack and ultra beast war is too far removed to equate.

i suppose that’s the new standard."


"TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist and Lead Vocalist , from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"


"a beatiful lie; the volume of the singer was lower and more digestible compared to the rest of the album. overall, i quite enjoyed this release."


"Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"


"it’s a philosophical debate that i’ve changed my mind on throughout the years. with the recent trend of supernatural phenomenon—some which may take away said ‘free will’—i lean toward the former.

should destiny exist, mine is as it always was: to do my best."


"What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"


"bug pokemon. definitely bug pokemon. oh. wait. tight spaces? or maybe drowning. hm…

either way, the only way to handle fear is to be cognizant and address it accordingly. it is operating despite our fears that makes us brave."


"What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"


"love languages, love languages. hm. i think i used to know these.

acts of service probably fits the best. but my acts of service are usually physical touch. one or the other, i suppose."


"If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"


"if i was a pokemon i would be one that could adapt. one that has a need to protect the equilibrium of the world and do what it can to maintain it.

which is pretty much what i do now."


"How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"


"it is what it is. to think anything more or less would be disrespectful to those who have sacrificed so much for us already.

although, i suppose if i knew i were going to die tomorrow, i’d adjust my will and leave a plan of action for those who will take up my mantle. i mean, that already exist, but i can tailor it a bit more specifically since the originals were created without knowing when i would be gone."


"How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"


"ah. i’m basically an open book. you can tell what i’m thinking just by looking at my expression. people tell me that they admire my innate honesty.

i don’t think i have a catch phrase though…"


"Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"


"have you heard of the hollowed earth theory?"


"What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"


"love and respect. pokemon are our friends! they’re not so different from us once you get to know them."


"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."


"what is your purpose?"


"I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"


"a city with no people.

an ocean with no fish.

a land without life.

you are a map."

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played by


november 17
stay at home son
6'3 height
6'3 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
591 posts
aaron faust DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @aaron
aaron faust
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 19:56:11 GMT
aaron faust Avatar
(all answered icly + digitally)

survey #1: "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"
A charizard x suit would be poggers tbh
Itd be like black and blue and spiky lol

survey #2: "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"
cuz he wants to be me so fucking bad

survey #3: "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"
Does alternte universe me have his life together? Cuz if thats the case send 2 meteors lolol fuck that guy

survey #4: "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"
It seems pretty fucking sick ngl if any legendaries can read hit my line

survey #5: "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"
Their both stupid af lol but ig league is better cuz their only fucking everythng up by accident

survey #6: "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

survey #7: "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"
BCTC cuz it reminds me of my middle school days 🤘

survey #8: "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"
Destiny cuz theirs no way ive lived iwth this fucking long from free will
My destiny is to become rich and famous lol

survey #9: "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"
Dying a virgin lol ill prolly be pised if it happens

survey #10: "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"
Um i like to tease girls cuz its funny and cute when their mad lol
I like holding hands its nice

survey #11: "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"
Feraligatr cuz feraligatr is cool n im cool lol

survey #12: "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"
Get fuckin gwasted n [CYBER] sdomeone

survey #13: "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"
Im jst rly cool n confident ngl

survey #14: "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"
Ive been learning weight training so i can get fucking shredded lol

survey #15: "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"
I need a gf n iv been hitting the gym n playing less video games so if any1 at this company wants to go on a date hit my line


riddle: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"
aaron types out the riddle into google.
a map
The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing