i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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july 4
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matias silph
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jun 21, 2022 20:51:52 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
(all answered icly + in person)
survey #1: "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"
"wait, really? that sounds so cool! i'd have to go with altaria so i can match with my bestie, cotton candy. i'm not a fashion designer or anything but i'm kinda imagining a blue suit with white accents. i feel like there should def be some fluffy white parts to the suit but alsooo that might get super hot and uncomfy in the summer."

survey #2: "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"
"i don't think i have a rival, actually. and i are rivals for the shower sometimes but that's not, like, what this question is about."

survey #3: "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"
"absolutely not! if the league has the power to warp a meteor into another dimension, i think they should try to come up with an option that won't devastate a whole other world!"

survey #4: "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"
"it seems like a lot of responsibility — having so much power. in the right hands, power like that could do so much good, but i think it could do just as much damage in the wrong hands, too."

survey #5: "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"
"well, i wanted to help people and pokemon, so i joined the rangers. they have more resources than i would've had on my own, and i wanted to be a part of a team that can make a positive impact on the region."

survey #6: "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

survey #7: "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"
"hm, i'd have to go with for every life! you honestly can't go wrong with a song with in it!"

survey #8: "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"
"see, this type of question really gets me fucked up, like, i wanna believe i'm making decisions out of free will but, like, what if i'm only making those decisions because i was destined to make them. i really don't know, ugh, i'll just say free will so i don't give myself a headache over this."

survey #9: "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"
"the end of the world ... i — i think i'm faced with that right now." nervous laughter "i just try and distract myself. and, um, do what i can where i can."

survey #10: "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"
"quality time! i just want to spend all my time with my loved ones, even if we're both on our phones or whatever. i think i express my love through words of affirmation, though. i'm such a cheerleader for my friends."

survey #11: "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"
"that's ... that's an interesting question. um, hmmm ... maybe a kecleon? i like to think i'm pretty adaptable and kecleon can change its typing depending on the situation so, yeah, kecleon."

survey #12: "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"
"i ... " takes a deep breath. "i would probably cry a bunch. and call everyone in my phone to let them know i love them. a-and i would probably go home to be with my family."

survey #13: "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"
"um, i would say that i come off like a pretty confident, approachable person. and i'm definitely expressive. as far as tics go, i think i say 'um' and 'like' way too much in conversation, but i can't help it!"

survey #14: "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"
"well ... my semester is officially over and i'm bored outta my mind so i'm working on refining my filming and video editing skills!"

survey #15: "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"
"i guess ... companionship? i think you get what you put into a relationship, so i'm always putting effort into maintaining my friendships or, like, bonding with my pokemon."


riddle: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"
"ummm ... oh — wait! i think i've heard of this one before! it's a map. right?"
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jun 22, 2022 2:33:35 GMT
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all ic and not taken very seriously by adder.

Survey 1

I don't know, and I honestly don't want anything to do with whatever the League's doing. They'll probably find a way to fuck it up somehow.

For the sake of the question, though? Probably some kind of Poison type. I don't have a preference for which one.

Survey 2

Pretend I said something fake-deep here. I don't really have any actual rivals that I know about though. If someone considers me one and I don't know that's just kind of sad for them.

Survey 3

You know the "disappointed but not surprised" thing? That, but I can't even say I'm super disappointed. Didn't Hoenn deal with people from another planet or something? Why does League want to deal with that again?

Survey 4

If any Legendary Pokemon want to make me an Avatar, I'm free Friday night.

Survey 5

Did we just completely forget about Survey 3 in the span of two questions? At least when Rocket does stuff, they have a goal in mind. League just seems like they're trying to get everyone out there to hate Hoenn at this point.

Survey 6

Is "none" an answer? Because it is now.

Survey 7

Who the fuck is that?

Survey 8

You would have to pay me to answer this.

Survey 9

You couldn't pay me to answer this.

Survey 10

A what. I don't know what any of this means and I don't care to find out. Link a quiz or something next time if I'm supposed to actually answer this.

Survey 11

Oh this one is easy actually. Literally any snake Pokemon. It's kind of in the name, you know?

...I forgot these were anonymous. It'll be a mystery if this gets published.

Survey 12

Is this a threat? Like one of those chain messages where the girl shows up in your room to kill you at midnight or whatever?

Survey 13

I genuinely have no clue how to answer this one. If it isn't clear from these answers, I don't know what else I can tell you.

Survey 14

None of the above? Maybe you should be researching how to get bitches.

Survey 15

Do I look like I know? I just think my Pokemon are cool and that's it.


A map?

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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Jun 23, 2022 4:36:41 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
(all answered icly + in person)
survey #1: "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"
"hm. i think my shiny comfey would make for a unique matching suit. cobalt blue with some added color... wait, do you think i could rock pink?
survey #2: "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"
"a friend of mine used to be (). but, i think he's slacked off. goes to show you that women can sometimes ruin your life. he pauses wait, this is anonymous right? that was a joke. really, it was."
survey #3: "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"
"i think we're getting into a slippery slope territory. do i agree? no. i wish we had other alternatives. did they stop looking, or was it just settled? i know they attacked us, but do hundreds of thousands of innocents deserve to die? are they even innocents? sorry, i think about this a lot."
survey #4: "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"
"with great power comes great responsibility. uncle ben said that, y'know? still true to this day. i've seen avatars that work under the leagues jurisdiction impact a battlefield, and change lives. then i've seen others who use the powers granted them to oppress those around them. i don't agree with that at all. i'm making it my goal to find them, and put a stop to them."
survey #5: "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"
"short answer is i'm following in my dad's footsteps. long answer? the league has the capability to do good, and the resources to do it. i've seen first hand the things rocket has done to innocent people, and pokemon. you can't justify that in my eyes."
survey #6: "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."
"i wasn't there for the takeover of sootopolis, as their attacks coincided with the awakening of groudon. that seems too coincidental for my tastes, but we don't have time for that conspiracy theory. overall my heart goes out to those people under oppressive rule, and i'm eager to help them however i can.
survey #7: "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"
"sorry, i'm not up to date on music. i can tell you my favorite linkin park song, though? no? okay, moving on."
survey #8: "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"
"not sure we have the time to discuss it properly, but, yeah i guess i do. as for mine? i don't know. i just hope i don't let anyone down along the way."
survey #9: "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"
"scratches the side of his head "have you heard the rumors about ekans in the sewer pipes?"
survey #10: "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"
"for me, it's act of service. it's one thing to tell someone you love them, it's another to show it, you know? clears his throat. sorry, could move on?"
survey #11: "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"
"are legendary pokemon off the table? OK, i'll choose something easier, then. silence for a few long seconds. man this is hard. i think i'd like to be a zoroark, but i'm probably more of a boltund. mine at least runs around like it's on fire constantly and doesn't know what it's doing with it's life. you want to meet her?"
survey #12: "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"
"sits quietly for a moment. i'd probably go spend time with my parents one last time. maybe tend the family garden."
survey #13: "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"
"i'm quiet, and speak through my facial expressions often. this can kinda come back to bite me in the butt, too. or at least that's what my friend () has been telling me. i tend to stick back and support others, but am trying to take charge of situations more. that's kind-of hit and miss."
survey #14: "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"
"oh, it's actually quite interesting. i've been working with my friend () on some stuff. do you know anything about something called the 'hero duo?' no? you got a few mins after this?"
survey #15: "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"
"it's crazy to think about, y'know, that everyone is going about their own business, and down their own paths, yet they all need someone. i consider that sometimes, even when i think about those people in rocket that seem to be heartless monsters. do they have someone they love too?"
do i get paid if you use my suggestions?
riddle: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"
"hm. i'm not very good with riddles. is it— phone notification goes off one sec. reads it, the looks up guiltily as he clears his throat....—is it a map?"
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
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she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
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luka chêne DOLLARS
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luka chêne
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 3:57:58 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


"Wait really? That's so cool! I wonder if it's anything like the one I got from regular trainers could get one too! If I had one...maybe a Musharna design? Or a cute fairy type, like Sylveon or Clefairy. I think...a suit like that should be cute but practical, right? Maybe something like techwear! But cute, with a skirt and some frills and a ribbon of course..."

a small drawing has been attached


"Ummm, well I'm not much of a trainer, really. I guess my friend Sebastian might have been a rival at some point...but now we're besties!"


"No...I don't think it's right to endanger so many innocent lives just to protect our own. Surely there's something else that we can do! Maybe some kind of celestial Pokemon can help out?"


"I think they're cool! Kind of like, mysterious though...but I think to be chosen by a legendary, someone has to be pretty amazing, right? Though that kind of power can also be dangerous...I guess it depends on who's wielding it. I wouldn't mind that kind of ability if it allows me to protect the ones I love though, no matter what might happen to me."


"Even if the League isn't perfect, I'll always stand by them over Rocket's cruelty. I don't think every Rocket member is evil...but they condone it by being involved. The ends can never justify the means if it involves hurting innocents, Pokemon especially. I think it's more important to be kind in this world then to hurt others to get what you want."


"I hadn't arrived in Hoenn by then, but the fallout of the Sootopolis Takeover was so sad. So many people and Pokemon displaced because of greed and power's so sad."


"It's not my preferred genre, honestly. But I'm so happy for their success and I wish them all the best!"


"Ummmm. I don't know? I'm not very bright, so I don't really think about deep topics like that. I guess I think destiny...sounds cool? But maybe we have the free will to shape it still."


"I don't want to be alone."


"Hmm...words of affirmation and physical touch, I think! I'm kind of annoying about it actually...I want the people I care about to know I adore them always! And there's nothing lovelier than making a stranger smile with a random compliment. It doesn't really matter if it's returned or not, I'm happy as long as others are!"


"Sebby always calls me a little rabbit, so I think I would be a Buneary..."


"That's such a sad thought...I would make sure to spend time with my friends and loved ones though. I'd make sure my Pokemon are sent to good homes...and I think I'd finally work up the nerve to tell my boyfriend I love him."


"Ummmmm. That's kind of a hard question! I don't really think about my own mannerisms much! But I'd like to think I'm pretty friendly and approachable...some people have said I have a cute voice, hehe. Oh, but I stammer a bit if I'm nervous..."


"I'm always always always studying languages and dialects! There's so much to learn! But I've also been interested in the interdream zone lately, and the Pokemon Cresselia. I'd love to learn more about her and maybe meet her again someday."


"Love, of course! I want to give as much love and affection to people and Pokemon. It doesn't matter if I get it in return...I just want to make people happy or smile, or cheer them up when they're blue. That's really all I care about."


"You should ask some things about the zodiac and horoscopes! I love questions like that. Oh, or more relationship ones! Love gossip is soooo fun!"


"I hope it's not cheating if I asked my boyfriend for's a map!"


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Supernova Shredder
march 21
mauville city
music artist
an anxious object
6’3” height
6’3” height
I’d rather watch your star explode
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Callan Young DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @toppa
Callan Young
POSTED ON Jun 24, 2022 17:53:03 GMT
Callan Young Avatar


"Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

"It'd be a deep purple with neon red and green electricity flowing through like veins. Same colors as Bowie."


"All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

"I don't necessarily have a rival, the vitriol that drives me is for everyone."


"Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

"Yes, because I don't want to die."


"What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

"I think being chosen by a Pokemon means that they have an agenda that they wish for you to follow through with. Whether that's good or bad is entirely up to your relationship with them."


"Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

"Money, for starters. But what keeps me going is the fear of the alternative, I want to build a better tomorrow for my daughter. No one intelligent would ever think Team Rocket represents a brighter future than the League. I bet you right now someones cortisol is spiking up with the urge to be contrarian just by reading this."


"Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

"I went bankrupt from the Blacephalon attack, got divorced and fell some terrible times afterwards. I'd rather not discuss this subject further, maybe I'll write a song about it in the future."


"TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist and Lead Vocalist , from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

"Synergy is my favorite. It was fun to make, and that track is where my guitar really shines out. It's one of the most complex tracks on the album, and you can dance to it, if you can stomach the unclean vocals."


"Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

"Well, there's no way to know, but everyone acts under the assumption of free will regardless. How else can you ever be accountable for your own actions?"


"What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

"Mine would probably be my daughter dying. And I don't think I'd be able to live much longer after that."


"What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

"I think for me physical intimacy is a gateway to affection.I'd listen to my partner and do things that I'd know would make them happy."


"If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

"I think I'd be a Shelgon, that's me right now, waiting to be a Salamence."


"How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

"I'd probably call my daughter, settle my affairs, and chainsmoke until the time came."


"How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

"I say Arceus a lot. I'm pissed all the time and I just prefer to keep that to myself. So I'm fairly reserved."


"Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

"I'm always learning to be a better guitarist. I don't even want to get started on training."


"What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"

"I think most everybody has a hole in their spiritual, and sometimes physical, body they'd like to fill. And they're all trying to find someone that can fill it for them."


"Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."

"My suggestion is this: "Who's the worst person you know and why are they terrible?"


"I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

"I don't know... a member of the dark triad?"
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litton wickham
september 25
lumiose city, kalos
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if desire is the heart’s intransigent verb.
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nagi miwa DOLLARS
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nagi miwa
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 16:59:50 GMT
nagi miwa Avatar

scrawled in-person, in sloppy cursive.
ooc answers are (in italics and parentheses).

1. "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"


shirt. pants.

2. "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"


3. "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

i want to think that if the council selected this solution, it was after considering all other options. and even then, i don't know: i don't want to die, but i don't want someone to die in my place.

4. "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

i don't know much about it. it sounds like a lot to live up to.

(curiousity like a keen edge: why are they chosen, and for what reasons? what agendas could these legendary pokemon have? and beneath it, simmering low despite his efforts to smother it, the acrid smog of yearning and self-loathing. he wants, in spite of himself.)

5. "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

[there is a large splotch of ink here, bleeding through the paper, as if a pen had rested here without moving for quite some time. aside from the stain, the answer has been left otherwise blank.]

6. "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."


7. "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

acid rain is good to write to.

8. "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

i don't believe that a higher divinity charts my course. 

(not divinity, but circumstance: paths carved into the soil, though not set in stone and cement, by things beyond an individual's control. his path leads straight and forwards, scenery unchanging. this is all he will be.)

9. "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"


(dying, alone and forgotten. he refuses to think about it.)

10. "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

[there is a small mark beside the question, as if the person filling it out had skipped it, intending to come back to it later. they forgot.]

(a plate of fried rice, cooling on a countertop for his father, who eats it without a word and then drinks until he can't stop talking. he is four when his parents stop holding his hand.)

11. "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

ditto, maybe. transforming sounds fun. 

12. "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

make sure my pokemon are entrusted to someone who will care for them. settle whatever affairs i have left.

(queue up every chapter of tales he's pre-written. sit down and write until he can bring his novel to a close, as satisfying as he can manage. it's the only thing he has to his name, even if it wasn't written under it.)

13. "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

i have terrible posture and perpetual back pain.

14. "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

hoenn's myths and legends; the fleur tea atelier has some intriguing carvings.

15. "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?


(i. to care and be cared for beyond a sense of obligation.
ii. badly!!!!)

16. "Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."


RIDDLE: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

what's this supposed to tell you about me?

a map. i've heard this one before. 
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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 20:19:40 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Survey 1

I'd either have to say Scizor or Pangoro. A Scizor Suit would be a set of mechanical red armor. Pangoro would be a black and white outfit, with a frayed black trenchcoat.

Survey 2

I've been out of the game for a while, but I'd have to say . I've seen his skills during my time in the International Police, and though we clash at times, I respect the hell out of him.

Survey 3

Fuck no. Kicking the can over to another reality that's potentially less prepared than ours would be an action that's just as fucked up as the Megalopolans trying to turn us into their dinner.

Survey 4

The Legendary Pokemon in question tend to choose their Avatars. Though I worry about who they choose to side with, and what they do with that power.

Survey 5

Fuck 'em both. The League is incompetent as fuck, and Rocket is pure fucking evil.

Survey 6

The Slateport Rocket Invasion proved to me that nowhere is safe from Rocket's greed and bloodlust, and that the League is woefully unprepared for what they will do. I will never forgive them for that, nor will I forgive them for Kanto.

Survey 7

Don't listen to 'em.

Survey 8

I believe in free will. I believe we all have a choice in our own lives.

Survey 9

The loss of my Pokemon. I've faced this before, and I responded by training and preparing myself for who killed them.

Survey 10

I tend to express love and affection through physical touch, such as hugging and kissing. And I like to receive it through being hugged and cuddled by my lover.

Survey 11

Pangoro, most likely. A Pokemon that doesn't take shit from anyone, and defends the weak with unbridled ferocity is a Pokemon that I can identify with.

Survey 12

If I die, I die. And if I had one more day, I'd use it to - sort out my own affairs.

Survey 13

I tend to carry myself through actions rather than words.

Survey 14

Yes, but I can't say much more than that.

Survey 15

I want a family, essentially. People and Pokemon to watch my back, as I watch there backs. And I try to bond with them the best I can, create a personal rapport with them.




A map
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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 21:33:22 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar

answered in-person, ICly

1. "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"

Oh! I had one of these once! It was modeled after my Gallade, white with emerald green accents.

2. "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"

Ugh, that stupid masked rocket guy () that keeps getting in my way!

3. "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"

I do not, and I have ben quite open in discussing this. "Out of sight out of mind" is not the solution to any problem, especially when it involves destroying a universe with living people and pokemon. We are not murders, and should strive for better.

4. "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"

This is a touchy subject. I believe there is good and bad in this. It is the legendary's choice to bond with a human vessel and the human's choice to accept the risk. However, nothing is benign. The human body isn't meant to hold such power, made clear by the untimely death of Bailey Cooper. We should proceed with caution. Their agenda is also unknown to us. As someone who has been attacked by an avatar, not all avatars (and legendaries) have the people's best interest in mind.

5. "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"

I support The League. We aren't perfect - far from it, but Rocket's mindless obsession with power and control leads to corruption and unnecessary violence. I saw first hand in Kanto what their organization is truly after. They care about themselves, only. Every one and everything else is expendable. What is it that they say? All for the glory fo Rocket or some shit like that?

6. "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."

Sootopolis Takeover: Quite triggering for me. As a Kanto native and veteran of the war with Rocket, it reminds me of how all that started - one city at a time. The League must be vigilant and regain control as soon as pssible.

7. "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

Dang it! Thanks for reminding me, I need to give that a listen!

8. "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"

I believe in both. You have the free will to choose your own path, but eventually all roads lead you to your destiny. I thought I knew what my destiny was but . . . I guess I was wrong.

9. "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"

Failing to do my job, to save the lives of those relying on me to find the answers. That, and losing someone I love ()

10. "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"

Physical touch and quality time, bit of both!

11. "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"

Hmm that's a tough one! Ditto maybe? Then I could transform into whatever is needed to get the job done and accomplish it to the best of my abilities!

12. "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"

I've done a lot in my lifetime, but none of it has truly made a difference. If I died tomorrow, i'd likely be unhappy with how I left things. What I want to accomplish I can't do in one day. Becuase of this, I guess I'd try and remember all the lives I have saved. Maybe that would make me feel better and left me rest somewhat peacefully.

13. "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"

I probably talk too much and am too emotionally invested in things for my own good. I'd probably be happier if I could take a step back. I'm pretty sure I love my significant other more than he loves me.

14. "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"

You can find all of my current projects on The Hoenn League Scientific Laboratory website

15. "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?

To be loved, consistency, safety. Actions speak louder than words.

16. "Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."

Yeah! Selfishly, I'd love to know what people want out of the government, The League. The previous questions just asks about a loyalty, not about the future they seek. What can we do to help elevate their lives in the direction they wish to go?

RIDDLE: "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"

Haha! What a strange last question. Surely everyone has heard by now: A Map.

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august 12
travel blogger
elite ranger
Travel is the great leveler, the great teacher, bitter as medicine, crueler than mirror-glass.
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jack wainwright
POSTED ON Jun 25, 2022 23:11:34 GMT
jack wainwright Avatar


Answering anonymously IC.

Survey #7

I am so into "The End is Where We Begin". It is emotionally evocative without being sad or melodramatic.

Survey #10

I express love with words of affirmation to bring joy and happiness to my loved ones, but I like to receive love through quality time spent with those I care about.

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April 1
Dewford Town
Personal Trainer
Stay the course
Whatever it takes
6'4" height
6'4" height
Do I lift? Yeah, brah, I lift your spirits!
341 posts
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TAG WITH @beau
Beau Fontaine
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 4:16:59 GMT
Beau Fontaine Avatar










"Easy, brah! Has to be Pangoro in honor of my buddy Torben. I've seen him lay out a Tyranitar with one punch before - you don't get much stronger than that! Plus all my bros say I look good in black, y'know? Classic."
"Oh, yeah, I know you brainy types think you got me, but you don't! My rival is laziness, dudes! If you wanna be better, you gotta push yourself. Anything worth doing is hard, but you gotta get through it! The easy way out is never the way to go - you'll never grow if you just stay where you're at!"
"I dunno, brah, that sounds kinda heavy. Like, I don't wanna get hit by a giant space rock, but wouldn't that, uh, cause some problems for the other Hoenn too? Isn't that just kinda making it somebody else's problem?"
"No, they're awesome! We partner with pokémon for so many things, it's amazing that they can partner with us like that! I feel like you can't say humans are, uh, meddling, because it's not like they're taking it themselves, it's up to the pokémon to give it out. I feel like that makes you pretty lucky, so you just gotta make sure you're doing the best you can for the pokémon that stuck their neck out for you and don't misuse their power!"
"Rocket's a problem, brah, now more than ever. I just wanted to do something productive and help everybody out, y'know, but then this Gym thing sorta fell in my lap. I wanted to help folks do better, learn how to get out of their comfort zone and really better themselves so they can take those lessons and turn around and better the world around them. Rocket just wants to take and take, and they don't care what they're doing to anyone or anything on the way. Somebody's gotta stop 'em, and if I don't take a stand with the League, I'm no better than they are, I figure."
"All of those sound -sick-. Musta been when I was cramming for my finals, you feel me?"
"Dude, is that the same that's whooping my butt in a Gym battle? HE sings with that band?! Man, some guys have it all - I gotta say Synergy is my favorite, you're always better off with friends than trying to go it alone."
"Free will or bust, my dude. If destiny was planned, what's the point of any of us, like, being here? Whoaaa, that's deep. We are who we are because of what happens to us, and if we don't have free will what does that leave anybody? I could decide to dump this tablet in the surf right now, but I won't. But if I did, does that mean you planned for it? Ball's in your court, science-dudes."
"I don't like being alone, y'know? Like, I know some people could stay by themselves forever and be totally happy, but if I don't have people around me I kinda get into my own head about it. Got a couple of bros I can call up if I ever need a mood lifter, but that's why I run a gym and run a Gym, hehe - keeps me meeting people and staying active!"
"Oh this is a hard one. I'd have to say my love language is English. I'm not good with Kalosian and I know some sign language but only the naughty stuff. Kinda fun."
"Dude, you kidding me? Do people even have to think about this question? Machamp, obviously! He's buff like me except he has FOUR ARMS. FOUR. You could wrestle, like, another entire person! Lift double the weights! Think of those sick gains!"
"Brah, why you gotta bring the mood down like that? I guess I'd go visit my mom in Pacifidlog and spend the day with her, if I had to pick one thing. If I had time, well, there's a lighthouse I've been meaning to visit."
"BRAH, I can't hear you over my flexing, BRAH, do you even lift BRAH??"
"Actually, yeah, how did you know about that, brah? I'm starting guitar lessons, and it's going pretty well so far! I just wanted something to kinda pass the time at home, and it's cool being able to hear some music and be like 'I did that', y'know? Hot Cross Buns is a banger."
"You gotta have somebody who has your back. You gotta be around people who make you happy. Torben, Nemo, Klaus, Jack...y'know, you don't go into being around people with an agenda, but you just gotta have fun and trust that they'll be there for you when you need 'em, just like you'll be there for them, right?"
"Dude, uh, you got me. Probably one of those weird video games they're coming out with nowadays."

(All answers IC!)





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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
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Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 5:03:49 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar



8. Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Fate and destiny are bullshit. A person might be inclined to one thing or another, but each of us has to make choices all the time: what to eat, who to speak with, how to live. Every action and inaction is a conscious decision. When something they value is on the line, like their lives, so many people claim they had no choice to do something or that they were trapped into making a decision they didn't want to make. Wrong. They always had a choice.

9. What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
I fear nothing.

12. How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I won't die.

15. What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
Obedience. Though my understanding is it's more politically correct to say "loyalty." I'm well aware that there are two roads to achieve this: love and fear. Sometimes a man needs to employ a healthy dosage of both, alternatively.
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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
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TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 21:15:15 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar



1. Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
An outfit like Hatterene's would be very cute!

8. Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
I believe in free will. Even if there is a destiny someone or something is imposing on you, you have a choice whether to follow it or leave.

Riddle: I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
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maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Jun 26, 2022 22:25:43 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar
SURVEY #1 "Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?"
If its the pokemon I have the tightest bond with, than that would be Azula my houndooom. I suppose they would give me horns, probably a tail, and stuff like that. Who knows. Sounds stupid.

SURVEY #2 "All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?"
I don't think I do. Though, I don't really like the man who took the girl I liked.

SURVEY #3 "Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?"
Who and what now? Man, a guy takes a little time for himself and comes back to utter chaos and destruction.

SURVEY #4 "What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?"
Seems cool, but humans tend to abuse power that isnt theirs.

SURVEY #5 "Why do you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?"
Why wouldn't I? I live here too.

SURVEY #6 "Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover."
It was a headache, that's for sure.

SURVEY #7 "TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?"

SURVEY #8 "Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?"
To a degree, yes. It is what it is.

SURVEY #9 "What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?"
I guess it would be losing myself or my pokemon. And honestly, I'm not sure what I would do.

SURVEY #10 "What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?"
... Is this really an appropriate question? Next.

SURVEY #11 "If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?"
Good question. Azula would be my choice to stand in so I guess a Houndoom.

SURVEY #12 "How do you feel about their own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?"
Enjoy life as I have it. See more of the world maybe. Attempt to be Champion.

SURVEY #13 "How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?"
Hmmm... I've been told I can be rather intimidating, but I feel its just my confidence and conviction.

SURVEY #14 "Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?"
No. My only goal is to climb to the top through earning it. I'm tired of seeing wannabes and nobodies holding high ranks.

SURVEY #15 "What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?"
... Again, I feel like this isn't necessary. Next.

SUGGESTIONS? "Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below."
Questions that are more relevant than relationship crap.

RIDDLE "I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?"
What kind of horse shi- I have no idea. A map or some shit. Who came up with these questions?

- Serenity, (ic)
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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2022 2:49:08 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]"Eh, what the heck. It's been a long day, might as well unwind with some Q+A." (IN CHARACTER ANSWERS BEGIN HERE)


#1: "Pokemon suits? Well, it'd have to be Feraligatr themed. That's not even a question. And, man, a jacket as strong as their leathery hide would kick ass. The bright blue might be a little loud, but, hey. Matching's matching, yeah? A big ol' half-mask looking like the upper jaw of a Feraligatr would certainly make up for it in fearsome factor. Wait, shit, would I have to get some spiky red mohawk to tie it all together? Oh man, decisions, decisions . . ."


#2: "I don't know about rivals. But with everything I've been learning in the last few months, I know I've got one goal in mind. Find the asshole who doesn't deserve to call himself my father and show him I'm lightyears ahead of him now. Guess that makes him my mountain to climb after all, huh? Shame. He doesn't deserve to be."


#3: "The League's plan to . . . what!? I'm not even justifying their bullshit with a response this time."


#4: "Being an Avatar seems like it would be freaking awesome until the exact moment it wasn't anymore. Still, that's probably more due to how people treat you than due to anything about being an Avatar itself. So I'm gonna go with blessing that people are asshats about instead of a curse. That said, if you're not an Avatar yourself, meddling in all that sounds like a recipe for disaster. So I'm gonna go ahead and say 'don't.' Unless . . ."


#5: "What are you, as cop? I'm pretty sure if someone is a formal member of Team Rocket, and puts down why they are on this survey, the League's gonna 'coincidentally' show up on their doorstep."


#6: "I'll admit, I've been doing a lot of wandering around the region, and haven't been able to keep up a ton with current events. But, man. All the shit happening to Slateport. Can't think of a more unlucky city to be in right now. It's kinda heartbreaking, y'know? Makes it feel like fighting to keep even their worst-off citizen safe is even more important. Let's hope the powers that be actually do that instead of fussing over their bottom line."


#7: "We're really jumping from mass deaths to boy bands here, huh? But if we're doing this, I gotta say, Acid Rain. It's always nice when a band shows they aren't just one-trick ponies, so I've got a soft spot for when they take a big risk and deviate from their sound. There are totally hidden gems people miss when they can't handle a bit of a shakeup in their lives."


#8: "If free will doesn't exist, I'm going to tell destiny to fuck off at the top of its lungs and push forward until I make it exist through sheer spite. That answer your question?"


#9: "My greatest fear is being irrelevant. And how would I handle it if it ever came up? Well, probably wandering the region for a few years, burning through what little resources I have, and making ends meet from odd job to odd job until I finally crash into stability in the most unexpected places. Not that I'd know what any of that's like, of course."


#10: "When it comes to love, I feel like the best thing you can do is be there for someone. Ride or die til the end of the line, y'know? Besides, if someone's worth my time, why wouldn't I want to give it to them? Course, actually doing cool things for them with that time is always a real nice bonus."


#11: "I feel like Alolan Marowak's the Pokemon most like me. There's a kind of melancholy to its past, but nowadays? Pure, unadulterated badass. Besides, look how much it's changed from it's roots. It thought it was a ground type, and now it knows that couldn't be further from the truth. So rock on, flaming skeleton dude."


#12: "If I die, I die. It's gonna happen to anyone, so no sense worrying about it, right? I'd just better make enough of an impact on the world while I'm still on it, or I'm calling bullshit."


#13: "When it comes to expression . . . okay, yeah, I'm not really the quiet type. I've always got something to say, whether a good-natured goof with friends or some sass and snark aimed at just the right target. I'm definitely more the type to express myself with my mind than my body, though when I'm turning up the theatrics the latter can put in quite a bit of work. Where's it all come from? I mean, I used to want to be an actor. Now, I think I just like making my presence felt."


#14: "Research is for people that aren't just throwing their hopes to the wind and winging it. You could argue learning how to improvise is a new skill in its own right, though."


#15: "For me, relationships are all about equality. I'm not about to be the do-er for someone that doesn't give a shit about my existence. And I sure as hell wouldn't be comfortable being coddled or fawned over by somebody, either. For me, the ideal kind of relationship is the kind of person I know I can dive into a big, messy situation with and know we can rely on each other through the whole damn thing. Preferably while talking shit at each other all the while, 'cause that just makes it more fun. What? You want to know how I'd find that kinda thing? . . . I'll get back to you later on that."


#Riddle: "Wait, shit, there's a riddle here too? Okay, lets see . . . no, Orre's too hot . . . even a shitty little mountain's still got some height to it . . . wait, hold on! I got it!

A map!"



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January 1st
Snowbelle, Kalos
Search and Rescue / EMT
Ex-Gym Leader
Be kind to yourself
Even though it gets hard
5' 3" / 160 CM height
5' 3" / 160 CM height
The woods are lovely, dark and deep, but I have promises to keep, and miles to go before I sleep
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TAG WITH @mudlark
Georgette Bluebottle
POSTED ON Jun 27, 2022 7:33:21 GMT
Georgette Bluebottle Avatar


#1 Rumors say that the League is developing suits that match the style of a Pokemon a trainer has bonded with. Which Pokemon would you select as the style for your suit and what would it look like?
I would choose Glastrier, and the suit would look something like this

#2 All skilled trainers have a rival! Who's your rival and why?
I do not have anyone I consider a rival at this time!

#3 Do you agree with the League's plan to warp the incoming meteoroid into an alternate universe Hoenn? Why or why not?
I think there must be unexplored options, but I do believe we must look after ourselves first. If this is our best option then we must pursue it for the sake of our continued existence.

#4 What do you think of Avatars, people who have been bestowed powers by legendary Pokemon? Do you believe it to be a blessing or a curse, or is it something humans should not meddle with?
I believe it is a blessing to be that closely bonded to a partner. If the abilities are freely given then there is no issue, no?

#5 Why does you support the League/Team Rocket? If you are a member of one of these formal organizations, what compelled you to join?
I do not believe the League is perfect, but they are doing the best they can with what there is to work with. Rocket may be appealing to some due to its looser organization structure, but I believe the League is ultimately where real stability for Hoenn will emerge - that is not to say Rocket is made up of 'evil' individuals, but those who clearly care deeply about our Region as well. I think if we worked harder on bringing the organization into the League's fold, we could all benefit from one another.

#6 Select one of the following events and explain how it affected you. The Slateport Rocket Invasion, the Slateport Night Market Blacephalon Attack, the Ultra Beast Attacks on Mossdeep, The Ultra Beast War, the Sootopolis Takeover.
These were all events that happened before I moved here!

#7 TERAVOLT, a Hoennian Rock Band comprising of Guitarist CALLAN YOUNG and Lead Vocalist ADRIAN MALCOLM, from Slateport City, have been finding massive success in recent years. Out of their DISCOGRAPHY, which is your favourite song and why?
I prefer classical and Kalosian music, I am afraid!

#8 Do you believe in free will or fate/destiny? Why? If the latter, do you believe you know what your destiny is?
Free will - destiny is an illusion of control to make sense of such a chaotic world.

#9 What is your greatest fear? If faced with said fear, how will you handle it?
Being unable to help - feeling useless. I know I would be frustrated if I could truly do nothing.

#10 What is your love language? How do you express affection and how do you like to receive it? If you are adverse to intimacy, why?
When I want someone to feel cared for I cook for them, clean, and help when able. I suppose when receiving affection it would be the same - I have never thought about it too much. I would simply like to enjoy their presence.

#11 If you could be a Pokemon or have a Pokemon represent who you are, which Pokemon would it be and why?
If I could be a pokemon I would be a Yamper. They are too cute!

#12 How do you feel about your own mortality (or immortality)? If you were to die tomorrow, what would you do today?
I am not rushing to embrace death, but I recognise it is an inherent inevitability. It does not scare me. If I were to die tomorrow I would return home to Kalos and spend one final time with my family. We would share stories, laugh, and cry.I would feel loved.

#13 How do you carry yourself? How vocally expressive are you? How bodily expressive are you? Are there any catchphrases or verbal ticks that you find yourself repeating? Where do you think they come from?
Calmly and confidently. When I am excited I speak with my hands. I find myself adding 'no?' to questions, it is a habit from childhood that I have never shaken.

#14 Are you in the process of learning a new skill or researching a curious topic? What are you studying and why?
Nothing so fancy - I like to read about the outcomes of Pokemon Contests I have not participated in, and keep up to date on agriculture and pokemon husbandry periodicals.

#15 What do they need and want out of relationships (humans or Pokemon), and how do they go about getting it?
We all want to feel connected with someone don't we? Humans are not meant to be totally solitary. To find a connection is to bear your heart, for even just a moment, to see if someone else will look at it. It is really beautiful, no?

SUGGESTION. Do you have a suggestion for a future survey question? Please submit it below.

R̵̖͎͐͐I̸͓͘ΙḒ̵̭͒D̷͈̀͌L̵̹͋̿Ȇ̶͕.I have rivers without Basculin and roads without cars, I have deserts without heat and snowlands without cold, I have mountains without height and canyons without depth. What am I?
A map!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing