i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 18, 2022 22:29:00 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




She barely reacts to the information dropped on her, there was much expression on her face at all. She sends out her lapras, "Protect." she orders as Lapras creates a barrier around her and . She turns to Rowan, her blank expression still remaining evident on her face. "The answer is Donphan." she explains to him as she turns around and writes her answer into the terminal.[break][break]

"That color scheme is unique to the Pokémon, pink tongue. Grey back with humps." she explains. "You should also attack the hands outside of lapras's protect. She cant attack so quickly after." she says as she stares up at the screen again. She had no idea who those Pokémon were nor what was restraining them. But she felt no pity for them.

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notes about this post

mood music![break][break]
.Recalls her previous pokemon and sends out lapras to use protect. [break]
. Tells that the answer is Donphan as she recognizes the colors on the image. [break]
. Stares at the hologram, unaware of who Palkia and Dialga are.[break]
. recommends to row that he attack since she's defending.[break]

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July 07
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Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 8:42:03 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Like so many others Johanna made her way toward a future unknown.

Digital steps turned into the ashen ground as the hellscape revealed itself to her and her companions. She was not the first, perhaps not even the last. But she would thread into the hellish future all the same.

Eyes fell upon the corpses of Legendary Pokémon, crucified avatars, and strewn about corpses alike. Something in her wanted to recoil and step away. Was it an instinct or was it perhaps the bond between her and the doppelganger that now carried her fear? Either way, the sight did not instill fear, but sadness and sorrow. If this was truly the future to be, was there nothing they could do to stop it?

She felt the sting of ash and decomposition in her mouth as she breathed. It was a bitter taste, but a grim reminder of the world around her, even if she might wish to avert her gaze the world would not let her forget.

And so she shook her head steeling her gaze and resolve. Whether this was a future or not. She had to believe that they could still change it. Giving up was not an option the bodies around them had fought to change their future, and the least she could do was join them in the fight so that this doom would not come to pass.

And as she followed the group, towards the Terminal, she noticed something, someone atop a pile of dead bodies. Her face turned grim. Is that? Her eyes saw the familiar shade of blue hair dangling down like a halted twin pair of serpents upon the rest of the corpses. But alas from this angle she could not confirm the identity of the corpse to which the twin-braided blue hair was attached.

For a moment she halted, she wanted to go over there and check if it was her, but she refrained from doing so, instead continuing with the rest of the group. I guess if this can’t be changed, I WILL go down fighting? She thought, why else would she lie at the very top of the pile? It was a comforting thought, even if it might not be true.

And so she reached the Terminal along with her group. The grim sight of it embedded in a Pokémon she had never seen before, though now its visage had been burned into her mind. Her mind returned to listen to all of their voices, hearing people proclaim Klefki, and Mega Lopunny as their answers, perhaps even some others. Alas, the majority picked the keychain Pokémon. She had to make a choice, and so when the possibility presented itself for her to press the keyboard, she would tap ‘KLEFKI’ into the terminal, just in case they all had to submit.

And she did so just in time as Meteors began to rain down upon them.

and summoned forth barriers to protect them and some other people. Johanna was quick to join underneath their shield as she summoned forth Anat the Blastoise.

“Anat, try to change the course of that Meteor with surf!” The Blastoise nodded confidently. A singly flying rock would surely prove no problem for it. The Blastoise slammed its hands down upon the ground, sending forth water-type energy into the ashen earth.

A few moments later just outside the barrier a torrent of water, the culmination of a giant wave pressed into a smaller beam blasted from beneath the ground shooting with all of its pressurized power toward the nearest Meteor going in their direction.

While it was a fickle hope, Johanna held not the fear to consider using SURF in this manner as a bad idea.


- Johanna goes through the Hellscape.
- Sees what is presumed her dead body, but does not confirm.
- Joins the group at the terminal. Enters: "Klefki" to be sure.
- Joins underneath / 's barrier.
- Tries to have Blastoise use a pinpoint pressurized SURF attack to alter the course of one of the Meteors going in their direction.


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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 13:59:24 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Maybe… maybe it was a good thing Alexei couldn’t see anything at all when they entered the hell scape.

Unfortunately, though, due to the loss of his sight his other senses were now attempting to overcompensate for the imbalance—which then made all the noises he could pick up on too loud, too painful, too…

It was just a sensory overload at this point.

Keep it together! this strange little voice screamed in the back of his head as he hung onto the sweet-smelling threads that was Zuza, the Galarian Rapidash, who was matching their little group’s pace (since she was leading, the equine Pokémon was matching her pace—because well, one member of their little party was blind).

“F-frightened?” he asked her quietly, attempting to turn his head in the direction where the voice came from (and looking in the absolute opposite direction instead).


Maybe it really was an omen that he couldn’t visualize the literal hell scape that the other could see in ridiculous HD glory.

The shapes he could discern amongst the field of black were… certainly disturbing enough, since they only appeared as ominously-glowing silhouettes against the blackness that he could pick up in his distorted field of vision. For some strange reason, why did—were his ears picking up on something that was falling through the sky?

Little did he know that this was one of the many potential outcomes—a Hoenn where everyone had lost.

He recognized none of the fallen human-shaped figures, but there were some Pokémon outlines he could discern—frantically, he picked through what wreckage he could see, skewered like gigantic pieces of meat—

But the ghost of a shape, a very particular shape wasn’t among them.

Did that mean—

“What—what riddle?” he asked the other, because well how was he going to type the answer in if he couldn’t see the danged keys once they’d arrived at their destination?

A fit of emotion wracked his features as she mentioned ‘Klefki’, but he didn’t know why. All that came out of his lips was an angry, angry hissing noise—

And then shit hit the fan, again—wasn’t the fan battered already for it to sustain so much damage from all the shit that had happened so far?! Dang.

“W-wait!” he cried out, his other hand fumbling along the lining of the jacket he was wearing, the sounds were getting to be too much again so he bit his lip before finding something at random from his pocket, a shrunken-down marble, and then throwing it forward—like instinct guided him to do as such.

The roaring of a Salamence reached his ears.

“Wait, what?” he asked her, still looking in the completely wrong direction, opposite of where Kaida was. “The—the wind…?”

With one hand still tightly fisted into the Galarian Rapidash’s mane, his hand fumbled once more through his jacket, fingers scrabbling, searching, searching—no, there were two other small marbles there, what was she talking about—

And then, he found it.

Pulling out two of the purple-tipped green feathers, he continued, “I’m going to need your help aiming—”

It was like divine providence, for fucking once, was guiding them as he felt her touch helping him aim the feathers, before he flicked his wrist skyward and released them, bracing himself for whatever gale-force winds would come roaring from the feathers as they dissolved.

In the span of a few moments, this happened next:

The draconid needed no instruction as he swung his head around and saw an Araquanid summon up an attack that he practiced frequently with Homika, Alexei’s Toxapex—a Wide Guard.

Getting what the arachnid was doing, he roared exactly once—before throwing up a Protective screen, increasing the range as wide as he could possibly stretch it out—

And giving Memo the most disgusted look a Salamence could ever give once he was done conjuring up the defensive shield in the process—he could tell something was up, and he didn’t like it at all either.


• maybe it’s a good thing he can’t see the digital hell scape in ridiculous HD
• unfortunately, though, he can still see discernible human and Pokémon shapes
• for some strange, inexplicable reason, he has a panic attack as his ‘dampened’ vision scours the field of Pokémon carcasses—
• okay, thank fuck, that one wasn’t there!
• sensory overload is gonna get you, Alex
• has a moment of displeasure as Kaida mentions ‘Klefki’ but doesn’t realize / remember why (HAHA)
• and then even more shit starts falling from the sky
• summons his Salamence
• for once, FOR ONCE, things are aligning as he fumbles out two more feathers and with Kaida’s help, aims the feathers up towards the incoming rays of ruin falling from the sky
• Salamence used Protect in conjunction with Kaida’s Araquanid’s Wide Guard!
• and then the Salamence gives Memo this extremely ugly look that means someone is in big, big, B I G trouble after this is over
• all pkmn abilities forgotten! (intimidate for Salamence; steadfast for Lucario, Hydration for Phione)
• feather usage this round: a grand whopping total of TWO
• blind guy’s over at Terminal 6: The Future
• :dorime:

and , mostly Kaida again because. HAHA.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 20:22:38 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

Thomas frowned in disappointment. He had a feeling that he was taken too far back into the past with this one. Still, he kept a level head about him, hoping that he could be proven wrong.

Despite this, their ascent, and the area they'd end up in captivated the Kalosian. There was something - breathtaking about the ancient area.

That was when he spotted a strange, ethereal creature. Though he'd only spot it for a moment, what the former Elite 4 took in was indescribable. He wanted to know more.

As he spotted the terminal in the middle, and the Unown attacked, Gallium popped out of his Pokeball. The Meltan began to fire off Thunder Shocks to clash against the Hidden Powers hurdling towards them. Wasting no time, Thomas made a break towards the terminal. Once there, Thomas quickly answered Magmar


tags: @tag
notes: -Thomas takes in his surroundings, looking on in awe
-Spots Beta!Arceus, is overcome by the sight of it
-Sees the Terminal
-Meltan emerges from its Pokeball, attempts to defend Thomas by blasting at the Hidden Powers with Thunder Shock
-Thomas answers Magmar

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September 7
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 20:36:21 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

The present. It was a choice she would have made for herself too, ceteris paribus. Mina was a person molded by her past, yes, but she was not someone to constantly reflect on it. Though, admittedly, she could hold a grudge if she felt actually hurt. But it was not on her mind all the time. Neither was the future, either. While she took steps towards a better one for herself at times, that was mostly just so she could have a better present, then. Enjoying that was her foremost goal. Thus, it was the one she was drawn towards the most by emotions.
And, well, by Elaine and her Luxray, of course. It was odd, being pulled away like this by someone who at least seemingly cared. That was sort of rare. Usually, she just tended to follow the crowd, move along with the others. Whilst not exactly hiding herself, she was not one to take the lead of a bigger group, or, most of the time, form strong bonds with individual members of it. Usually, she kept most people in it on roughly the same level.[break][break]
Hence, this was kind of different. But it was nice. Especially in a crazy place like this. Following all the time was not completely her style, but she did not mind following someone who knew what they were doing, like Elaine.
Or, well, someone who could pretend to do so well. At some point, the differences became negligible. For the time being, Mina was simply glad to not be alone, even as they were pursued by those reflections, further isolating her by not having an equal there. However, they soon arrived at something else demanding her attention.
A grand battle took place near the terminal they sought. And her first impression of it was…familiarity. Never before had she seen these Pokemon so clearly, so directly. But it felt like Slateport. Something was there, some connection.
It was not possible to put a finger on it. But she just shook her head, trying to re-focus her mind. Zarude and Elaine at her side, along with an assortment of others who at this point fused into a mass she could not decipher right under her mental fingertips, they had to get there. “Right. Donphan seems like it. Let’s just do our best to try and get there without losing anything else,” she noted, nodding towards Zarude and Elaine. “Just Power Whip any nearby Unown, try to not get hit, try to get to the terminal. All else is secondary.”

+ still some internal struggle, agrees to input donny, tries to go to the terminal with zarude and



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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
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you dream of me
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My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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Eva Morales
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 21:05:26 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



The past. A familiar place where many dwell. It shapes who you are and what you have become. Eva’s past is complicated, as most pasts are. It truly shaped her perspective, but also hindered her. There’s a moment in time in everyone, or everything’s, past that led to this point.


Here is where she hopes to find answers.


Determination burns through her veins and when her feet strike the platform, nothing slows her down from ascending the stairs. When she reaches the top, she inspects the circles for a moment, trying to read a pattern if possible. None comes to mind, but her thoughts are broken by the sudden appearance of an ancient god. Mystifying, unsettling, its stare as empty as the cosmos behind it.


Blade stands at the ready, his arm blades flexing into a defensive position. The creature leaves behind . . . eggs? That can’t be good.


“We need to get to that terminal,” it seemed imperative in playing Maldecena’s game. The loud CRACK that shot across the eggs spelled certain doom. Hundreds of Unown burst forward and from them a familiar HIDDEN POWER that shot like a rain of bullets.


There are far too many for their small group to defend against. gracefully swings a sword in an impressive display of strength and agility. As lunges forward for the terminal, Eva follows, “Blade, SANCTUARY!” if there was a time to use a Z-move for protection, it is now. Outnumbered and out-gunned, the Gallade summons an immense power. It radiates from his core and casts a wide dome around their small group. Within it, moves are useless and those outside cannot penetrate. It should buy enough time to enter the answer to the riddle, and hopefully end the onslaught by the ancient pokemon.



+ Abilities DELETED [break]
+ Eva forgets how to LOVE and DOUBT HERSELF[break]
+ Gallade uses Z-Move SANCTUARY to defend against Unown and give them enough time to answer the riddle. [break][break]

SANCTUARY: a temporary, protective dome rises around all creatures within the vicinity of the user, protecting against all attacks including z-moves. within the dome, ongoing attacks and status conditions are neutralized briefly.


-2 Salacs

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peppermint, micha
january 19
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I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
POSTED ON Aug 19, 2022 21:53:19 GMT
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He tried to nudge back to show he understood before looking at the hellscape before them. Vaguely, he registered viewing at him and while normally he should've been hurt by something like that from a good friend there's an absence. He doesn't think on it for long though. Everything is gone. People, pokemon, gods themselves laid to waste on a scorched earth. His grip on loosened as he was distracted by the breadth of destruction in front of them. What exactly was the origin point? What would they do to warrant this domino effect. "It's strange they know the ripple effects, and can simulate it…but not the specific variables that cause it." He noted to no one in particular. [break][break]

People begin striding towards a specific dead corpse while Mint is still looking for his own body. "Is this another everybody answers question?" He asked before glancing at the keyboard. He's hesitant to answer when he heard Josh shrieking once more, arguing with what might as well been an uncaring god. Again, perhaps he would've felt bad for the guy…if only he could feel anything at all. "It's a simulation, a possibility pulled by a supercomputer from data. We aren't looking at some oracles vision of a future." He stated with a small shrug. Tragedy was common in Hoenn, but the place always came out mostly alright. The multiverse collapsing was fine but maybe…if they could find why this happened and snuff that variable out, they could prevent this. [break][break]

The onslaught that followed was immediately dealt with. Or they were trying anyway. "Bucatini, PROTECT." he said, adding his Aggron to the litany of shields cropping up around the terminal. "Justanotherusername4211, Michail, Josh, move to cover please." He asked loudly as his partner sparkled with power, the glowing shield bulking up bigger and bigger with each name. "Sorry. Girly." He added to the Aggron and he moved in close to her. Instead he looked at his phone, focusing it on the rest. [break][break]


tagged ▸ ooc [break]
- no left arm [break]
- no abilities for pokemon [break]
- lost FEEELINGS [break]
- curious about what the thing that results in the collapse is [break]
- trying to keep others calm, calls anna, jayden, and josh to hide with him. [break]
- abstains from answering riddle. Is RECORDINGG




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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
1,207 posts
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 0:53:59 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
What does it feel like to be pared down to the core, to the frequently irrational base notions of a human mind that are so often buffeted by a soft jacket of compassion and empathy? It’s a raw, red nerve, a string under constant tension, like a stomach full of hot oil that threatens to leap up and burn those nearby.

Guillermo walks to the sixth terminal, the one labeled ‘future’, not pausing to care about those who came before or behind him. Hands in his pockets, it’s more of an angry stomp than a true walk-- when you don’t have empathy you stop really giving a shit about other people, and that includes what they think about you.

He is passed, he realizes with a delayed click, like a lightbulb down a long circuit, that he’s passed by the same blue-haired dumbass that got the question wrong and fucked everything up for them, to begin with. Maybe if had a fucking brain they wouldn’t have had to fight Zacian and Zamazenta and a rampaging train and then maybe wouldn’t have gotten messed up and maybe--- maybe--

--he pressed the heels of his hands into his eyes with a groan. He felt like a miswired engine: something kept trying to click (a pilot light struggling to live in the deep recesses of his mind) but it would just spark and flare out again, and it was making him nauseous.

Meanwhile, back in (what villain!Memo would lovingly dub as Loserland, if he could feel love) Zuza can tell that something is wrong with Guillermo, but she can’t tell what. She just knows, in her heart of hearts, that he wouldn’t just act like this, out of the blue. She’d been with him for almost ten years, now. She kept her neck pressed against Alex, catching him in the slight cup of her shoulder, and going slow so as not to lose him. She hung back and kept pace with the sightless man and Kaida, knowing that, in the end, Memo-- the true Guillermo-- would want them to be kept safe at all costs.

Once again, the world begins to change and warp, and Guillermo has to cup one hand over his right eye to stop from falling over; he really did not feel well. With his next step, the ground beneath him shifts, the scrape of his shoes over the silver silt like a sigh. The air is as dry as his mouth. He makes himself take another step and his boot scrapes a thin film of soot off what appears to be the curve of a human skull, sloughing like a second skin.

“What the shit?” he stumbles back, unbalanced weight stepping on something hard, something that snaps with a sickening sound. His stomach lurches and he has to cover his mouth, not in horror (who gave a fuck about these sad sack dead people?) but from nausea. A human hand, bent at an impossible angle, protrudes up from the ash, like a macabre parade wave.

He hesitates long enough in that sprawl of cinder-covered corpses for Zuza, Kaida, and Alex to catch up, somehow. His eyes flick up from whatever dead body he’s standing on just in time to see one of the first meteorites to go burning through the atmosphere in the distance, hot trail a red gash in the bruise-purple night.

In what can only be described as a mercurial happenstance of karmatic chance, Memo gets stuck out in the wilderness under the falling stars; denied protection from Kaida’s Araquanid’s Wide Guard and Gabe’s Protect, he makes a mad dash for the only other source of cover: ’s Comfey’s Hospitality shield.

Whether he makes it or not is up to his own athleticism and desire to live.


t l ; d r
- memo is still sans his compassion and since it makes up such a large part of his personality his body is. rejecting his current ethos.
- makes it to terminal six and steps on some dead people.
- when the meteors start falling he gets stuck between Kaida and Alex's protective sphere and Greysons and tries to make a dash for Comfey's Hospitality dome.
- zuza the galarian rapidash is still with Alex and Kaida.
- wow i didn't mean for this to get so purple. *australian voice* how about get fucked, mate

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,705 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 1:10:25 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar

feeling a total loss of control was never something lulu had been good at. to feel as though her fate had potentially been decided by whatever had entered into the terminal was almost maddening—but she had to collect herself. gather the information from the chaos around her. soak it in.[break][break]

the present.[break][break]

this was what was happening to their home. hoping her porygon was recording was hardly enough, and keeping it safe was crucial.[break][break]

”stop!” [break][break]

she grabbed for it and held it protectively close. phones were dangerous, but no clones were stepping out of pokémon. they were getting deleted whole—but she apparently had body parts to spare.[break][break]

taking a chance on it, she allowed the porygon to peek out from her arms as she continued towards the generator, trying her best to dodge from unonwn’s hidden powers, and hoping was still staying close. knowing the girl, though, she was likely as ever to try something crazy…[break][break]

”record as much of this as you can,” she commanded down to her digital dog.[break][break]

if they made it to the other side, she’d continue to hold the porygon, wary of others as she approached the generator. finding the riddle successfully solved, despite her rage, was more than a relief considering the helplessness she’d felt. being without her patron made her feel powerless.[break][break]

they had to get out, somehow—allowed, or by force. but how?


• lulu grabs her porygon and holds it close to act as a human shield[break]
• attempts to ensure porygon is recording if it can[break]
• hopefully makes it to the generator?[break]
[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-poipole"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-alakazam"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-porygon-z"]

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
554 posts
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 3:09:35 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It was a surreal sight as she was being carried along by Astrape and watching the world slowly seem to blot out into a pure empty void with each step the many people in this group took. But even that was only transient as lights seemed to slowly and faintly start illuminating their surroundings. As surreal as the world they had been walking through before was the seeming view of Hoenn from above, the sight of the two titans clashing with abilities that truly fit the word 'titanic', and the sight of them ultimately being fettered.

It was almost questionable if the two simulacra of legends before them were even real, but it seemed the world around them didn't even afford the time to ask any of the glaring questions out loud. Even simply taking the time to recognize the legends of her home region was far from a luxury she or anyone else could afford.

The next riddle from the seeming overseer of the course of events in this space loomed over before the swarms of Unown had come falling down in a torrent of attacks.

There was no time to simply linger or question the larger picture at the moment. Though she sought answers, it was clear that survival and the surpassing of the obstacle before them held the greatest value.

"Astrape, Discharge again and bounce back the incoming barrage." She said, as she commanded the electric quadruped to create a cage of electricity to allow them all to make it to the terminal safely. Some had seemingly already made it to the terminal but there was no harm in getting their entry in.

"We're of the same mind, then. The answer is Donphan for sure." She said to her partner in crime, before making the attempt to log in the answer as well.

  • A visual reference for Elaine's missing body parts.
  • Scan Result 1: Fear-Erased. Grandiosity-Erased. Courage-Restored.
  • Scan Result 2: Elaine forgets the series of events that led to her trauma. Her Megalomania is erased as a result.
  • Elaine continues to carry with her
  • Luxray attempts Discharge as a makeshift electrical shield.
  • Elaine attempts to enter in Donphan into the terminal as well.

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 3:18:59 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Darkness swallows everything around them, save for steaks of blue and pink dancing across a familiar dome. Of all the colours she's seen thus far, blue and pink is slowly growing to become some of the less interesting colours around. Thankfully, these shades don't belong to Porygon. Instead, they belong to some creatures that she's never quite seen before.[break][break]

But within her, an answer resonates.[break][break]

"Time and space." The components of their fates that have been intertwined with that of other universes. "If they correct it, they're probably able to break the dome."[break][break]

But therein came the strange interference, one that she simply can't explain. Arceus? The creator of all beings? Does realise what she's implying when she puts a name to it? That the DRK Triad has either managed to convince the ultimate being that their existence needs to be destroyed or they've managed to tame some power that should never have fallen into human hands?[break][break]

"Since he's confident in his answer, we should focus on the real threat." She mutters, biting her lips hard enough to taste the rust. A free hand allows her to summon her pokemon, a Luxray taking the field as he lets out a rumbling growl.[break][break]

If this terminal stood for the present...[break][break]

"These aren't the real ones, but we might just learn something."[break][break]

She heeds 's call, readily climbing onto Reiner's back and making her way towards the terminal. A quick tap on his shoulder prompts him to act, digital bolts of electricity crackling through the cyberspace as it follows his trail.[break][break]

"If they're who I think they are, their influence over space and time will help us. I don't think our actions here will change what's happening outside but we can sure learn what makes a difference." She moves closer to the head scientist, a grin slipping across her lips even in this deadly scenario. "Turns out that a trip to space might just be on the agenda."
(Salac: 3)[break]

- Luxray called out[break]
- Eris moving closer to and telling her she suspects it's Palkia and Dialga[break]
- Changing things in a simulation might not change reality but maybe the can attack this simulation to try and figure out what might work in reality[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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The Liberator
April 10
Lavaridge Town
Figuring it Out
I've got a, I've got a
Pocket fulla sunshine
Short King height
Short King height
Turned on my friends and brought them pain. I have no right to show I can change. But I gotta try!
4,402 posts
Isaac Merlo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @isaacmerlo
Isaac Merlo
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 3:19:43 GMT
Isaac Merlo Avatar



[attr="class","skulloverlap"]BUT HOLD YOUR BREATH, GUESS WHO'S RUNNING THE SHOW?

[attr="class","skullbody"]The other groups started to fade away. A few of them, Isaac had strived, fought, and even bled beside. Others were complete strangers, faces that Isaac may have seen in passing here and there. A shame. They seemed nice enough. Hopefully they'd be doing alright, wherever they were going. Maybe if they were lucky, they wouldn't even die![break][break]

They weren't the only thing to fade. The Unown code underlining everything faded. The screens and terminals faded. The very walls and floors faded. Even the clones massed beneath everyone's feet faded. The darkness was hellbent on overwhelming everything in its path, until soon the only things remaining were the group and a pitch-black void.[break][break]

Despite this, Isaac was certain he could see that eye glaring up at him whenever he looked down. It was now but a gleaming pearl, defiantly refusing to be swallowed up by shadows. And when Isaac next blinked, even it was gone. He felt a strange pang of sadness, but he had no idea why. After all, he was always fine enough with the solitude.[break][break]

Then Arceus said let there be light.[break][break]

Arceus made the world. Arceus sealed the world away. Arceus made time and space. And when they tried to interfere, they, too, were sealed away. They screamed in pure agony all the while. It was as if being unable to fulfil their designated purpose in life was more torturous than the golden nails currently digging into their flesh.[break][break]

They were created. They were abandoned. And they were screaming. Hoenn was created. Hoenn was abandoned. Was Hoenn screaming, too?[break][break]

Isaac shrugged. He couldn't imagine why anyone would waste their final moments in such an exhausting fashion. Why put themselves through so much grief? Did they think they could scare the meteor into leaving? Make it too guilty to commit to the act? It was a giant chunk of rock. It thought nothing, felt nothing, and cared for nothing. It was going to kill them all either way. Why not just sit back, embrace the inevitable, and spend your last few moments in blissful peace?[break][break

Maybe he'd take a nap right before it hit. That sounded so much nicer than screaming his head off.[break][break]

Oh. Hands and lasers. With a shrug, Isaac tossed a pair of Pokeballs out. One bopped Duster on the head, quickly returning him. The other sent out Kiryu, who let out a startled grunt and quickly crossed her arms over her chest. A timely Protect could make all the difference in the face of annihilation, and she grit her teeth as she tried to keep the shimmering barrier up for as long as possible.[break][break]

In her wake, Isaac walked, slowly and unflinchingly. He didn't blink as hands whizzed by his head and Hidden Powers exploded behind him. He didn't flinch as he passed first the screaming Dialga, and then the screaming Palkia. He didn't even pay his compatriots any mind as they, too, attempted to weather the assault. All that mattered was that he got to the terminal, so why not take the most direct path and get it over with? Everyone else'd be fine, in and out of the simulation. And if they weren't? Well, shame, really.[break][break]

If he made it to the terminal, it'd just be a few quick keystrokes to plug in his answer. DONPHAN. The tire-tread pattern was such a dead giveaway.[break][break]


TEAL DEER[break]
Isaac numbly accepts all the freaky-deaky bullshit going on around him.[break]
Isaac switches Duster for Kiryu, the Aggron promptly using Protect to shield him from the onslaught.[break]
Isaac calmly approaches the terminal and puts his answer down as Donphan.


[attr="class","skullinfo"]MOBILE POST / M-M-M-M-MEGATHREAD


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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
5'10 height
5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
1,753 posts
Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 4:03:08 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar
[attr="class","rowwtw"]"I know that one." Rowan glanced towards Melody, pointing up at second legend suspended in the sky. "I've seen them before." In Sootopolis City, the night of the invasion. It was Palkia that tore apart the landscape, rending open rifts in space that separated friends and foes alike. He could only assume that Palkia had brought the Tree of Life into their dimension, and therefore was responsible for uniting him with Suicune. This was a debt he couldn't allow to go unpaid, especially since it seemed as though the two of them were attempting to repair their broken world. "You got it." Rowan didn't need to be told to attack twice, and neither did Kotaro.[break][break]

"Set me down, I'll be fine." The Greninja nodded, lowering Rowan to the ground gingerly. "Go on, give 'em a hand." Kotaro leapt into the air, powerful legs carrying them high above the protection that Melody's Lapras provided. Water gathered between their hands, forming the shape of a jagged star, pulling it close to it's body before launching the attack outwards. A single WATER SHURIKEN exploded into dozens as they neared the target, attempting to pelt the ethereal hands with the powerful attack. [break][break]


[attr="class","rowwttag"] [break] Greninja used WATER SHURIKEN on the hands. [break]Salac x2 used.


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 4:41:03 GMT

he's being so direct, and so.. cruel, and vulgar. was he always like this? [break][break]

she tries to rake through her memory, trying to find reason for him to be treating her like this (it's what she's done with many people, in the past. it's what she'd do when she stats to think that she's done something wrong; when she's starting to think that she's the problem). of course, nothing will come up. that's because this has never happened to her before, even with the lapses of herself in her own memory. what was she thinking? "i-i'm r-really sorry.." her voice is weak, and if you looked, you'd think she was crying from how harsh he suddenly became. she'll hold herself back for the situation, though.[break][break]

the world around them shifts as they progress, and if she stares too hard she'll start to feel nauseous again. what comes after them is space, vast and wide. it's dark, but there are a few things around the area. it's so foreign to her, but it reminds her of the night sky - starless and cold as it is. [break][break]

she's only snapped out of it when the stars begin to form, countless upon countless upon countless. she's taken aback, pulling at the pokeball closest to herself. the unown begin to fire, aimlessly - violently - and out comes a white pokemon she doesn't recognize. she looks at her trainer, confused, but wendy is more pre-occupied with the pokemon. then the command comes from her lips so naturally, and easily, it's like she never forget - though maybe it's the muscle memory compensating for the panicked brain. "carci, mirror coat!" she commands the ghostly pokemon, whose body glows with blue, hoping to reflect any blows coming to her trainer's way. [break][break]

she only had a moment to look at the terminal, and thankfully she's seen and taken care of enough pokemon to be able to recognize it; a magmar. it was obvious based on the texture of the arms. "t-try to hold on, okay?" she hesitantly calls out to the cursola, who's already prepared herself. meanwhile, the trainer is quick to go to the terminal, typing in "magmar" as her final response. [break][break]

she doesn't want to leave , his pokemon, and her... what was it again?


𓆙 she's crying a lil bit because wendy's sensitive
[break]𓆙 thoroughly put off by the unown then eggs and the ceature
[break]𓆙 CURSOLA uses MIRROR COAT to reflect the HIDDEN POWER
[break]𓆙 it's a magmar i'm betting my life on this (i'm not actually)

cyberchase conundrum

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2022 5:46:08 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
Être un Mirage

She was one of the last to arrive in the past terminal. To her mild panic, was present here, and she shied her glance away, afraid of what she might do if a sudden impulse to protect him grabbed hold of her again. She saw here, too, and was relieved to see him moving about fine after the state he had been in just minutes prior.

Yet the sight of the swarming Unown soon drew Elisabeth's attention to one person and one only: . The man had been acting strangely since the last scan, something that she had caught even as her own manner had changed and shifted drastically.

What caution had kept her from intervening on Gavin's behalf -- given the man was an infamous criminal -- had no such hold on her when it came to the civilian banker, whose friendship she felt she understood on some level. Who would suspect one of Hoenn's greatest philanthropists of being anything other than an upstanding citizen?

The gaps in her memory didn't prevent her from running to the CEO's side, just in time to see him input his answer: MAGMAR. Like Gavin, she was willing to accept it for what it was.

"Mars, are you all right?" Elisabeth called, her voice uncharacteristically fraught as she approached. There was a fragile, almost gossamer delicacy about her as she drew near him, one that was a far cry from the aloof poise both he and Gavin would recognize in her as a Rocket admin. Her concern came blurted out: graceless, impulsive, and painfully genuine. "You... don't seem well."

She seemed girlish, almost. Unguarded. Her every emotion naked and visible.

Fear in her eyes as she regarded the cosmic being around them anew, Elisabeth withdrew her Aromatisse; in its stead she brought forth her Goodra, who stood beside them both with dripping slime.

The timing couldn't have been more perfect, given what happened next. As the Unown began to hurl around them in a frenzy, Elisabeth grabbed onto Mars's arm anxiously, frank alarm in her eyes.

"PROTECT, Dewdrop!" Elisabeth commanded, and a barrier was erected before her and Mars both, shimmering with a faint, glittery splendour.


  • Disney Princess Elisabeth GO.
  • Oh good, seems to not be collapsing again, rad.
  • Avoiding eye contact with because wanting to protect a terrorist is UNSETTLING.
  • Mars is however a good and upstanding citizen, so Elisa is acting on those friendship instincts and being OPENLY CONCERNED.
  • Accepting Mars's MAGMAR answer.
  • We are PROTECTing with GOODRA in this house.
  • Those that know Elisa well should notice she's being way more emosh and expressive than usual.

  • Upper left thigh is deleted.
  • Forgot her ROCKET ALIGNMENT.
  • Thinks she's just a regular civilian florist.
  • Personality altered to match who she was pre-evil arc: kinder, sensitive, compassionate, emotional.
  • Can remember vague things but not why she knows them or feels them.
  • Is very disturbed by intrusive thoughts that whisper of her evil inclinations and past, because she has no context for them.

✿ Cyberchase Conundrum ✿
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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