i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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October 13
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 22:20:10 GMT
shiv Avatar



THERE IS NOTHING DISCERNABLE from the skies or from the coast apart from the distorted voices and the riddle inscribed on the sands. However, when and plea to the swirling sea before them, they hear another curious voice. But it is not of a human. Distorting across the sea waves, they hear a cry:


Certainly, the sea is not sentient and it is a stretch of the mind to imagine that the waters have actually "helped", however. Nevertheless, such a sound seems pertinent to the riddle itself.

don't stare too hard at it, you'll be dizzy.[break]
a nosedive into it is needed to pass safely.[break]
but which one? you can ask for help,[break]
but do be careful and discard your skelp!

NOTE: this is a bonus moderator post and not another round. remember to include tl;drs with your posts! lastly, remember, making choices and actions are important!

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Jul 4, 2022 23:51:34 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
215 for @cyberchase conudrum
"You're a pilot," Locke said aghast. "How do you not have one of these?"

The courier stood beside as he summoned his Probopass a little ways from the group still crowded around the riddle in the sand. He didn't know as much about this whole map thing as his friend did, but word spread fast in Hoenn, especially if it involved anything supernatural or dangerous.

Which, of course, it always did.

He stepped up to the very edge of the beach, peering out at the whirlpools gathered on the horizon. The sea always had a certain draw to him, but it felt strangely louder out here-more tangible than the phantom grip of nostalgia that usually kept him close to the water. Its siren call echoed from somewhere below the surface, ringing out with a familiar voice in his ears.

You tried. You tried. You tried.

Whatever trance had drawn Locke in was quickly broken by the shout of . Their head whipped to one side to catch sight of the young girl and her constant Luxray companion, both in the company of ; a relieving enough sight for them to leave alone and face their Probopass.

"Probo-Probo, see what your noses can find out there."

- Chatting with
- Summons Probopass
- Hears Shaymin in the whirlpools
- Stops listening to the water when he hears
- Sends their Probopass to find the right whirlpool with her mini-noses
- Sticking with
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 4:51:53 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]There's no stopping the series of events that comes next, her eyes widening as she falls butt first onto the sand.
"I-- uhm... did anyone hear that? No? No one? Anyone?"
Her hands press against Reiner's cheek as she looks into his eyes.
"You heard it right, Reiner? I'm not crazy, right?"
And the Luxray can only offer her a pointed stare, not quite understanding what she's talking about. Understandably so, considering the number of time she's been concussed, had brain bubbles pop and nearly died of blood loss.
"I heard a Nosepass in the water!" Her voice grows louder, Reiner beginning to squint at her and gently attempting to pull away. In fact, he even flicks his tail over to 's Probopass, only to get shaken by the shoulders. "Reiner, even you know that's not a Nosepass! I make very bad decisions some-"
A stare.
"OKAY, MOST OF THE TIME! But I swear on the Halla name!! Razz!! I'm not lying!" She stops for a moment, her gaze flicking from the ocean to Razz, then back.
"We uh... no one drowned any Nosepasses, right?"
- Eris is losing her fucking marbles and yelling that she heard a Nosepass in the water[break]
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 5:39:35 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
this is such a stupid idea.
the question has barely left her lips and she already feels the heat of embarrassment crawling up her face. maybe i can pass it off as, like, just —
a cry carries itself over the waves. it's inhuman, but it washes over her with a strange sense of familiarity. it's a nosepass, she realizes, remembering a mission involving them in her fledgling days as a rookie. annalise looks around at the people around her, bewildered, but no one else seems to hear this either.
"did you not hear that?" she asks a group of people near her.
am i just straight up hallucinating?
a small voice rises up in the crowd, claiming she's heard a nosepass in the water. annalise perks up, feeling validated for the first time since she got here and started hearing strange things.[break][break] "i heard it too!" she calls out, cupping her hands around her mouth. "i asked the ocean which whirlpool is the right one and then i heard a nosepass call back!"[break][break]
"maybe — maybe it has something to do with that riddle?" she wonders out loud, wide eyes sweeping the faces around her, her voice lowered back to speaking-level. annalise asked for help, like the riddle said, and got what she thinks is an answer back. the fact that someone besides her heard it makes her more confident that it must mean something.
[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]anna hears the nosepass[break]
anna supports 's claim of hearing it[break]
still no pkmn out

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 8:24:53 GMT

she cringes, though snaps out of her daze at the sudden shouting from one . then she remembers that she can't let her emotions make her sink, no matter how jarring the voice from the whirlpools may be. it will be okay, she tells herself; it's not real. it's all in her mind (like many the delusions and fatigue-induced hallucinations will tell her). with a sigh, she gathers and collects herself. with a sigh, she raises her head to the beating sun above. she should have brought sunscreen. [break][break]

she's heard the suggestions, though that doesn't make her any more excited to be approaching the water. a familiar sight (and a familiar dragon) offer her eyes respite when a shadow is cast over her, and her blissey lets out a (soft) squeak from recognition. she debates on it for a little bit, and ultimately sighs as she keeps a tired gaze above "be careful up there!" it surprises her that he's here. then it doesn't. [break][break]

though she should take a bit of caution as well, but caution never gave results. so carefully, she remove her shoes and socks in favour of walking closer back to the shore, steeling her mind from the phrase that echos in her ears. she stares, and narrows her eyes as.. two girls seem to yell about.. something. ... a nosepass? surely, they couldn't have heard something like that for no reason. so she wonders, and snaps her fingers, as if from realization: "... a compass?"[break][break]

and now she finds herself absentmindedly watching a large, evolved pokemon of the same line.

𓆙 listening into the riddle guesses and is very much aggressively judging.
[break][break]𓆙 shouts to to be careful
[break][break]𓆙 removes her shoes and socks to walk over to the water, and kneels just before it as it hits the shore.
[break][break]𓆙 catches onto what and say about a nosepass, and immediately thinks of a compass.
[break][break]𓆙 very intently watching the probopass

cyberchase conundrum

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 17:37:58 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
he didn't expect a lot of people to come back on a sunday when they the internet told him most went on a thursday, but hey, it's the hoenn experience. one doesn't specifically go to this region to give up easily and not experience the abnormal.

everyone congregates on the riddle, with many of the common people that go out of their way to seek hoenn's main tourist attraction being easily recognizable by face by now. they're stumped with an answer, but he feels like everyone experiences the same disturbing force with the expressions on their faces.

a voice rings in his head. it's nostalgic despite having only heard of it once in a blue moon.

take my power for yourself and explore its true potential.

kyle hasn't really fulfilled that promise. at the moment, it's playing like pichu on smash: it does its job, but even at it's best, it's still unrefined as things can be. it's enough for him to start the introspection. should he take more risks? he's unsure, but he's not opposed to it.

in one way or another, the voice has coerced him into a road he doesn't take often.

the jolteon looks at the sea, watching people piece the puzzle. uncertainty and caution wasn't the wrong move, but tools at his disposal kept him relatively safe to push his limits and go in blind. they already had clues, and the fastest way to test a theory was, well, test it.

he pats the head of the electric-type, knocking it off its forlorn expression. "let's try and meet bailey," kyle tells his jolteon-- one that he got from his predecessor. he crouches, points at 's probopass, and utters "copycat."

electricity accumulates at the jolteon's paws as it begins to magnet rise. it appears to walk on the surface of the water before it turns to kyle and yips. paying homage to the previous champion, they throw everything out of the window and do what they want.

he surfs on the jolteon, their weights supported by magnetism. though the jolteon dips a bit into the water, there wasn't much hindrance for them to reach the north whirlpool.

  • laments with his jolteon
  • jolteon copycats magnet rise from locke's probopass
  • kyle + jolteon surf to the north whirlpool

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 19:41:34 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Seeing so many people stomping their footprints all over the sand is a... strangely irritating sight.

Dozens had descended on the distant piece of fickle land, vying for answers or entertainment. It stirs a protective, greedy part of himself, as if the mystery and intrigue he treasures about the Mirage islands was becoming less Angelo's with each new visitor. A secret passion he'd enjoyed now stripped and displayed to the masses.

But the pilot knows he wouldn't be able to solve 's beach riddle alone...

Save your judgement, Jamison. I've got one right here.” Meeting an aghast with an exaggerated roll of his eyes, Angelo digs into his belt pouch. A moment later, he's displaying a scuffed compass and a satisfied grin. “Works just fine an' I don't have to feed it or trim its nose hair.” 

He'd consider that a win.

Still, the postman's shock has Angelo brushing shoulders with when they turn away to their Probopass. “Hey... You don't have one either, right?” He confirms with the sailor, under his breath.

Walking to the edge of the beach, fond ocean waves gently attempting to drag him towards the depths with a pull oft tempting, Angelo watches the needle on his compass.

Until a whisper, caught on the roar of swirling water and warm summer breeze, draws his eye like a siren song...

"You'll be flying soon, Angel. And the skies will be yours."

A familiar voice echoes in his mind, brimming with unshakeable confidence and fierce support for his dreams. For him.

Hearing it again fills Angelo with the same faith from back then, that made him feel like he could snatch stars from the sky. Blue eyes drift with unsaid appreciation towards .

I don't feel like being the last one there. Do you?” He dares her, instead.

Releasing his Gyarados, Angelo takes to standing upon her crest. There's plenty of room for to catch a ride if they want, and they depart towards the north whirlpool.


- with and
- watching his compass/probopass for NORTH
- gyarados going to the NORTH WHIRLPOOL

[newclass=.angelocam] [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.angelocam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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Blue Star

October 18th
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Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 21:08:00 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo could be fortunate that his mistake led him to being too early, rather than being too late. It did leave him with an awkward three-day wait, but that just left him with the time to make sure he had all his stuff together, both in team and gear. Now that it was the proper day, Hideo was on the shore, along with a ton of other people. Some of which his Beheeyem pointed out to him as familiar.

Though his attention was on the riddle inscribed in the sand (shared with him by ), probably related to those whirlpools he could hear further out into the water. He had a hunch that the riddle was related to them, so he’d probably have to get in the water. He did bring a water-type with him, but he was still a bit shaky about getting into the ocean.

He wasn’t that great a swimmer, but he knew to keep his breath held in the water, and hope that someone or something would guide him to safety. Whether that be where the riddle led them, or the surface. And at the very least, he was dressed for a trip in the water, sporting a striped t-shirt and similarly-striped swim trunks.

But first step first: actually solve the riddle. “We gotta be careful which we choose,” Hideo commented, in response to what said, “I hear whirlpools can be pretty nasty. Go with the wrong one, and you might get stuck underwater.” The consequence of that went without saying.

I guess you shouldn’t stare ‘cause whirlpools spin…and we gotta dive into the right one.” He could hear a familiar voice ( , though he couldn’t recognize her over the litany of others present) voice a similar assumption. “And I guess asking for help means it’s gotta do with a Pokemon that’s good at finding stuff?

He was clueless what the Skelp part meant, though. As he thought it over, he faced towards the whirlpools, trying to listen for them, if by some odd chance he’d somehow hear a difference between them.

He heard a voice.

It’s not your fault

Hideo’s smile opened to a frown, before shaking it off. He was doing his best to keep that stuff off his mind. And it was soon followed by what was definitely a Pokemon’s cry - though it wasn’t until mentioned it by name that he recognized the source. “I heard that too. I didn’t hear anyone toss a Nosepass in there, so maybe it’s a hint?

It took him a moment to recall what was special about that Pokemon “If it’s a Nosepass…their noses always point north, right? So it’s probably the whirlpool all the way north.” Admittedly an educated guess, but there wasn’t anything pointing them in any other direction.

Thinking it over, it was making more and more sense. “Kinda makes sense with the riddle, actually. The riddle mentions a nosedive, and a Nosepass is practically a compass, so it’s perfect for helping you find the right direction. Plus, ‘cause its nose is always pointing north, it’s always staring there.” A brief pause as he tried to think over the last part. “And, uh, I dunno what ‘skelp’ is, but Nosepass is Rock-type, so it can’t handle water well.

That was a reach, but everything else seemed to point in the right direction. As unenthused as he was to get in the water, it seemed like the only way forward.

Carefully, he made his way over to where he heard . She was a part of the group he came here with - and he distinctly remembered her confiding her lack of swimming ability to him. “Guess we gotta get in the northern Whirlpool, then,” he said, retrieving a Pokeball from his pocket. He let out his Sharpedo, who floated ever-so-slightly off the sand. “I got plenty of space on her, so if you want a ride, you can hop on.

Whether or not she accepted, Hideo would make his way onto his Sharpedo, taking a seat right behind her top fin. Once situated, his Sharpedo gently floated into the water - before speeding on over to the Northern Whirlpool.

And once she got there? She gradually began to Dive into the Whirlpool, giving time for her passenger(s) to breathe in.

Hideo muses over the riddle
Ignores the words spoken to him, does not ignore the Nosepass cry
Puts the clues together, decides on the Northern Whirlpool
Offers a spot for fellow-landlubber
Sharpedo heads to the Northern Whirlpool
Sharpedo Dives in

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 21:32:40 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]For all they knew, their sense of direction was actually skewed and North wasn't the true North. Something about being affected by electromagnetic fields or something... but if that was the case, then Nosepasses really wouldn't have any more luck in finding the real whirlpool.
"Skelp means metal of sorts, as far as I remember. So don't hold anything metal while you go in?"
Make sense, with whatever compass shenanigans was going on. Getting suddenly pulled into a whirlpool seems like a horrible way to go. That or they'd end up in the other Hoenn and be trapped there...
But what are the chances of that happening?
"I'm coming with!" She chirps, hopping to her feet as she gives Reiner one final hug. Then, she switches him out for her Quagsire, gesturing for it to follow them. There comes an empty stare, a quiet challenge that dares her to repeat her instructions and for a moment, Eris can't quite figure what to do about that.
So she quickly moves to grab onto 's Sharpedo, believing fully in the fact that while Bernie might just hate her guts, she will still follow. And the Quagsire does, albeit begrudgingly, following them all the way to the Northern whirlpool to ensure that none of them go tumbling into the churning sea.
- Teaming up with Hideo! TEAM SMOL AND UNABLE TO SWIM[break]
- Switching Luxray out for Shadow Quagsire[break]
- Eris grabs onto Hideo's Sharpedo and dives into the NORTH whirlpool with them
[attr="class","adrie-note"] || theme


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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 22:24:05 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar

A familiar voice spurs him out of his thoughts with a raise of his brow. His Noivern, too, pauses from its pursuit of petting to turn its head around like an owl, regarding the young lady approaching with a gentle and curious chirrup. and hadn't seen each other in some time. Not since...

He clears his throat, not wanting to relive that memory and offering a short wave instead.

"Hi, Melody. For once I have some time to fill in my schedule." The royal explains, trying not to think about the real reason behind it. Another host of memories he'd rather not relive at the moment. He, like many others, now sought distraction and fulfillment in the greater mysteries of Hoenn, too. Though one presents itself in the form of Melody's PHIONE, it is only enough to garner a brief, yet thoroughly fascinated, glance.

"If this is somehow related to those criminals who have been attacking individuals using their Unown... then it is part of my duty to root things out for the people of Hoenn. Just as it is yours." He continues, a small but proud smile tugging at the corner his lips. He can't help but notice, however, that something is trying to siphon away her attention all the while.

... The whirlpools.

"You hear something, too." He states. "... What is it?"

Though a cluster of activity nearby draws their attention away yet again. It seems and some others are taking steps to move things forward with the investigation. It is 's PROBOPASS, in particular, that inspires belief in the direction they're headed.

The prince thinks... then begins to unabashedly unbutton his shirt in front of Melody. "Nosedive... Nosepass. I suppose it makes sense." He says, dropping his shirt on the sand below then his tank top next. His scarred chest and back aren't a new sight to the pink-haired lass, of course. Not since they'd shared each others company in a hot spring.

"It seems as though the NORTHERN WHIRLPOOL is out best bet," He adds, standing one-legged as he removes each shoe and sock. When he's done, he stretches his arm for a bit before unclipping a luxury ball and returning his NOIVERN. A HUNTAIL takes its place shortly thereafter. It excitedly slithers around its trainer in the sand, happily chomping its teeth.

"Fancy a dip, Melody?"

With that, Remiel turns and jogs out to sea. His HUNTAIL enters first, slithering rapidly across the wet sand before revving itself up for a SWIFT SWIM. It only shoots off once its master has a firm grip on it, however. Before long, it leaps out of the water with him in tow and initiates a DIVE into the NORTHERN WHIRLPOOL, just behind the kids and

greets and asks if she's hearing a voice, too
♔ Remiel regards the commotion and actions happening nearby; decides to undress a bit
♔ Remiel withdraws NOIVERN and summons ABRAHAM, the HUNTAIL
◓ With in tow, HUNTAIL slithers and SWIFT SWIMs out to the NORTHERN WHIRLPOOL before attempting an aerial DIVE


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Jul 5, 2022 23:51:57 GMT
Deleted Avatar











the riddle was literal. it made sense, now that aries thought about it, but it was still...embarrassing? to be wrong, even if, from what she could tell, she hadn't been the only one to guess thursday.[break][break]

the answer comes to her through word of mouth, and curiosity gets the better of her. as she arrives on the beach, aries can see that she's not the only one. even with the crowd, they're avoiding stepping on the riddle written in the sand. it seems...weird. of course, a lot of things in hoenn are weird, but this is the first time she's witnessed it personally.[break][break]

she doesn't trust the riddles. at all. or the voice, ones that resembles her younger sister's, coming from the water. "we'll all be here if you need anything, okay?" a promise- one that aries hadn't had to take her up on yet.[break][break]

not that they weren't tempted to, now. maybe one of their sisters would know something about the riddle. she's about to pull out her phone to ask, when-[break][break]

two of the literal children ( and , not that aries knows their names) make a move for one of the whirlpools. "hey, wait-" instinctively, she reaches for sable's pokeball- just to realize, with a brief moment of panic, that she didn't bring the salamence this time.[break][break]

what the fuck. if she had known some children would have thrown themselves headfirst into danger, she would have at least brought something that could help. as it is? she's stranded, herself, and nobody else seems concerned about them- which is honestly a dose of what the fuck itself.[break][break]

"is nobody going to go with them?"[break][break]

- arrives on the beach w/ everyone else[break]
- hears her sister promising that her family is there if she needs it.[break]
- almost messages her family to ask about the riddle. is interrupted by being concerned for children.[break]
- asks if nobody else is going after them (is stranded and can't :( )



FOR @tag




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July 9
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5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 0:52:57 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




"Nothing!" she quickly answers as asks her what she hears from the whirlpools. Her heart racing slightly for some unknown reason. [break][break]

She notices shouting about a Nosepass and it seems like Remmy discerns that the northern whirlpool is the correct answer. She pulls out her phone looking up information on Nosepass and it talked about how they always seem to point north for some reason. On top of that the riddle seemingly had a play on words with the pokemon's name. "Yep! seems like Nosepass always point north..close enough to me, besides we can probably just swim right back and try them all anyways." [break][break]

Her phione washed over onto shore and hopped over to Remmy and Melody. she picked her up and slowly moved into the water as Remmy took his shirt off and dove into the water. "You might get a sun burn like that." she laughed as this man was white as snow. [break][break]

Her phione lead her into the water towards the northern whirlpool and used DIVE to send them both together underwater as Melody put on her respirator.


notes about this post

Sends out her Phione

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TLDR: [break]
Melody picks northern whirlpool thanks to and 's information. [break][break]
Goes to the north pool with her phione using DIVE
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July 17
Olivine City
5'4" height
5'4" height
Life isn't a game of luck. If you want to win, work hard.
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Aaron Toral DOLLARS
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Aaron Toral
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 1:21:17 GMT
Aaron Toral Avatar
Aaron also heard an odd cry. But he couldn't identify it. Walking over to and , he listened. Eris was being fairly cute too. "So I've read. I did bring my Frillish, they should be able to disable it if it gets too much. He hoped. He'd spent a good amount of time with it as of late, since he was sort of patrolling the beaches earlier. But that didn't always mean anything. was the one that identified the noise he heard earlier. "No, no one threw a Nosepass out there, and I didn't see anyone bring one anyways. It's definitely a hint." But he didn't know anything about Nosepass, let alone anything special about it. Clearly not a steel or ghost-type, or a common enough Pokemon that caught even a mild interest to him.

Hideo, however, remembered what made the Pokemons so special. It was an educated guess. But it made sense in his mind. Skelp was the only tricky part. But Eris knew what that was. Hideo offered a ride, and Aaron took Skarmary out. "I'm coming with." He followed by air, flying above Hideo. Aaron still had Shuppet themed swimming trunks and a Holloween themed tank top, and was at least decent enough a swimmer. Once he got into position, Aaron jumped, returning Skarmary into its pokeball and releasing Frillish to help him down the center of the whirlpool.


Mused about the riddle. Listened to Hideo and Eris. Confirmed a couple things.
Joined the two in going to the northern whirlpool
But dived directly in the center, using Skarmary to get into position, returning it after he jumped off, and then use Frillish as a guide for him to get there.

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April 14th
Wyndon, Galar
Ex-Rocket Beast
from the storm
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5'10 height
It's a long way forward, so trust in me.
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Rowan Wrynn DOLLARS
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Rowan Wrynn
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 1:30:19 GMT
Rowan Wrynn Avatar

[attr="class","exhausted"]Fly me to the moon
Let me play among
the stars
Let me see
what spring is like
on Jupiter and Mars
A riddle wasn’t what chose Rowan’s path as he waded through the water, Phione swimming circles around him effortlessly with child-like glee. No, instead he followed the voice that called to him from the NORTHERN most whirlpool, one the called out a name he’d become associated with the direction. “Suicune…” The Pokémon hadn’t misled him up until this point, and Rowan was willing to trust the coincidence, imaginary or not.

“You know, I had it in my head that you couldn’t swim for some reason.” Rowan smirked slightly as he jabbed towards , coming upon him and headed for the same set of twisting rapids. “Guess great minds do think alike after all, huh? Oh and Mel too.” Something about an adventure that didn’t involve murder, mayhem or the goals of Team Rocket was exciting, bringing the life back into the husk he’d become over the last few months.

“Well, Phione, we’re going down.” The legend nodded and swam towards Rowan, gelatinous body stretching over his torso with a wide smile on their face as it pulled their trainer into the depths.


(tagged)⏤ @cyberbussyconundrum

(notes)⏤ made some jests towards Melody and Remiel, chose the northernmost whirlpool because he’d associated it with suicune, phione used DIVE to bring him into the whirlpool
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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Jul 6, 2022 4:51:49 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
"It has been. Too long, if you ask me."

Though she had clearly not been trying to bear any malice, Elaine could feel just a tinge of disappointment from those words. After all, at the end of their speed date, Violet had given her a card with her own number--something which she had clearly yet to use. She had always been one to enter the foreground for a splash of color before fading back into the background, but it was definitely rude of her to leave someone like that hanging.

Well, there was no need to get depressed about it here or to try making excuses. She just had to remember to use that number at one point. Though, the priority of that to do list item went up the ranks quite a bit.

"Too long indeed." She simply smiled in response. "That being said, it's only natural that so many colorful figures show up. Especially when matters concern a certain somebody."

A cavalcade of riddles set the bait and the figure whose visage had shown up on the most recent riddle was the pull. Something aberrant was afoot and it was clear she was not the only one who was aware of it yet still drawn to the light much like a Mothim towards a streetlamp.

Violet had alluded that the mass of numbers would probably be enough to solve it, akin to the Infinite Mankey Theorem.

"Yeah, this is probably just a gatekeeper event. Well, whatever is behind those whirlpools, we'll manage." Elaine turned back to Violet while maintaining her smile.

"I’m glad to have you around either way, Elaine.”

"Glad to hear that, Violet. It'll be nice to work with you, too."

It was in the moment where meetings had begin and greetings had been exchanged that the two who had made the (surprisingly smart) decision to question the ocean let out a clamor about what they heard back--the cry of a Nosepass.

"A nosedive into it is needed to pass safely. Nosedive...pass..." Elaine found herself slapping her hand onto half of her face. "How did I miss something so simple so brazenly staring me in the face?"

If that was the case, then the answer to the question of which whirlpool was pretty much deadset. The hand she had covered half of her face with had fallen off as she pointed in the direction of one of the whirlpools. The needle of a compass and the nose of a Nosepass pointed the same direction always. "North."

It wasn't even seconds after she had said that a plethora of people ran in the same direction that she had pointed. In other words, with the name of a single species being uttered, a vast number of people had come to the same conclusion. Shouts were made about the northern whirlpool as she saw another prominent figure jumping straight in. That being said...

Wait a minute. I don't have a compass and pointed in whatever direction instinct took me to. Are you saying that wild guess in direction was right?

That being said, that left the issue of 'discarding your skelp'. The others had interpreted as forgoing the use of Steel, but if that was the case...

My only means of travel over the water is Ginga.

She breathed a deep sigh before looking back to Violet from the ocean she had pointed towards. She held a hand out to Violet as if beckoning a princess. "Shall we go, then? The northern whirlpool awaits."

  • Elaine comes to a realization about the riddle and feels like an idiot
  • Elaine realizes she has no way of getting to the Northern Whirlpool
  • Elaine reaches out to as she hopes to receive help a dire pinch without asking. Will Wondrous☆Detective Elaine succeed in her bluff?
  • Elaine is still cute and dressed for summer. Pls no bully.

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
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Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
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