i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 19:14:41 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar

cyberchase conundrum

You're either perfect, or you're not me.

What is that?

He cannot recognize the creatures that have originated from the eggs. No- he can recognize them vaguely, despite their grotesque, lovecraftian forms, there's a familiarity to be found in the blue and pink hues of the centaur-like creatures.

But he has not a clue as to what the skeletal monster is.

Dialga, Pakia, Giratina... Arceus? Such is how it was supposed to be, according to his limited understanding of the religion. But Arceus and the three others were not equal. They were not born of the same egg- he realized after a moment, that the creature with void for eyes... that must've been Arceus.

But then, what in the world was this bony creature?

"Who would've thought." He said to himself. "Arceus had an even bigger reject son."

And then, they were done. The simulation over, they all simultaneously appeared on what was (hopefully) their last stop in this so called Cloud.

Except apparently not.

"That doesn't sound right. Did I forget something...?" The man pondered; as he could not recall his failures, much of what had occurred within the cloud remained obscured to him.

, however, cleared things up rather well.

"What the gentleman said." Gwyar said simply, ignoring the people throwing themselves in the circles. One, he didn't care- two, there were more damned Unown trying to kill them again!

He swung his sword around himself in elegant arcs, repelling blasts from the alphabet fuggers while cutting down all which dared fly too close to the glorious brightness of this sun.

"Stick close, young ." The knight said as he brought his sword back down to his side and readjusted his sunglasses. "Nothing good awaits those who needlessly throw their lives away."

A cursory glance at the holes of light revealed the doppelgangers within them, creepily reaching out like damn bodysnatchers.

All save his own, who looked like he wanted nothing to do with his CHad-esque self...

"Hmph. Your loss."

I doubt that.

-wonders what part of the old testament spoke of bony neon dragons
-stands by
-tells to stay close.

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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 19:32:05 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
He somehow manages to dodge all the meteors, but he eats mad shit, landing awkwardly and hitting his face in the ash. There’s a wet gush of blood and he can tell his nose is broken, great. This is all so bothersome.

Guillermo pushes himself, shakily, to his knees, as destruction continues to rain down around them. He wipes blood on the back of his hand, turning to look back the way he came, just to watch Alex’s Salamence get eighty-sixed-- and Zuza, soon after.

His chest constricts. It’s an odd feeling, loss, when there’s no heat to it. Again he gets the feeling that something in his brain isn’t connecting, touching. He’s just angry.

A blip, and everything resets-- again. So stupid, so foolish. What’s the point to any of this?

He looks up at the asshole with the fancy blue hair and all he feels is rage. He’s still on his knees, blood pouring down the front of his face; the vertigo of the rising platform doesn’t assist in him getting to his feet. Then the crackpot on the screen asks for sacrifices; because, of course he does.

Memo is angry, but he’s also-- something else. When you’re someone who is normally full of love, empathy, and generosity, and then it’s all cut, snipped, a spacious void, there’s only a few emotions left. Anger is one of them.

But so is a horrific, overwhelming sadness; a soul-sucking mire of depression. Because-- and he’d told Alex this, that first (second) night they’d spent together (they’d been together, remember, Guillermo)-- he’d been in a bad place.

Meeting you saved my life.

He struggles to his feet, breathing heavy.

And makes his way to a mark.

Not because it’s the right thing. Not because he’s sacrificing himself. Not even because Alex did it (he’d watched, and felt that squeeze in his chest, the one that told him something wasn’t quite right).

No, he did it because it was the easiest way to die. A tool, a means to an end; freedom from this life without love, empathy, where all he felt was rage and sadness.

Kaida wouldn’t be able to hand off Alex’s parting gift because there will be no Guillermo to receive it.

(And had he been in his right mind-- well, he never would’ve let Alex sacrifice himself to begin with, but this is how he would’ve preferred it. There’s no one without the other, not anymore.)

He steps into the light, locks eyes with his duplicate.

“Yeah, fuck you, bud.”


t l ; d r
- memo is a coward and blue pills it
- chooses to stay and be deleted vs. continue to suffer and be miserable

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 20:43:55 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar
271 for @cyberchase conundrum
The first to step forward is a boy his age, and it's of all people that calls out his name in protest. Though it won't matter in a few moments, he still couldn't help but note the interaction, wondering what kind of relationship the two had that could summon that kind of reaction from the notoriously stoic Rocket.

But not long to follow was someone who he might've called out to himself, if her name didn't choke in the back of his throat.

Frustration and concern mingled in his chest, and he used that to fuel himself forward after the girl, reaching out desperately for her arm, or a hand, or even her coat-if it wasn't wrapped around his own shoulders at the moment.

"Hey!" he shouted. "What was all that about dying not being an option?"

"Dying here isszzzn't an option-"

Their clone appeared in the light after she disappears inside, mocking their double with the words of the same girl they were trying to save. and 's voices rose above the desperate shouts and tearful goodbyes, trying to bring the group to reason.

"And you think you have a-a-a choice?"

The voice from the doppelganger was now at once their own and someone else's, and hearing them again sparked a certain indignation in the courier.

They could quote themselves too.

"I'm choosing anyway."
"I'm choosing anyway."

And they plunged their still-flesh arm into the light after .

- Tries to stop from going into the light
- Sticks their remaining arm into the same light to try and reach her, though the rest of their body is currently still outside of it
[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz

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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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Eris Halla
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 22:44:02 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar
[attr="class","adrie-lyric1"]To the monster you became
[attr="class","adrie-lyric2"]I'll be your CONTRADICTION
[attr="class","inner-finally"]Oh, so people still do think that she's someone special to them. That headpat from , the well wishes that he murmurs even though she's sure he thinks she's dumb.[break][break]

"I'll be waiting for the ice cream!"[break][break]

Nothing would stop her from cracking a joke right in that moment, bravery coiled around her heart just like how Reiner holds her hand.[break][break]

And in that fleeting moment when she's stepping in, she sees desperation - An unwillingness to come to terms with mortality or goodbyes. Her gaze turns to in those few seconds, a cheeky grin slipping over her lips as she sticks her tongue out at him.[break][break]

"It's not death if you find a way to bring us back!"[break][break]

And her belief is strong as she shoves him right back out.
- Cracking one last joke for [break]
- Believing in the rest[break]
- Shoving right back out
[attr="class","adrie-note"]a hohohomicide but its not december || into the cyberverse


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Blue Star

October 18th
Gym Leader
Ace Trainer
smol height
smol height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,667 posts
Hideo Kino DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @hideo
Hideo Kino
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2022 23:08:15 GMT
Hideo Kino Avatar
Hideo had managed to avoid the Unown blasts, his Beheeyem included, in part due to the 's protection. Others hadn't been so lucky, and just as he'd feared, those struck by the blasts disappeared, just as his Ariados had.

As quickly as the Unown appeared, they were gone. And Hideo soon found himself transported again, reunited with everyone.

And then what they were told left him with a pit in his currently-missing stomach. Not just from needing 10 people to sacrifice, but by how readily some people seemed to be to volunteer.

"Why? Why are you all just gonna let yourselves die?" It was a statement to all that went towards or into in the light, but it was pointed towards ▇▇▇▇ most of all. "What about all the people close to you? Your Pokemon? Are you just gonna leave them all behind, just like that?!" They must have families, loved ones that would have to find out they sacrificed themselves.

And for what? "How can we even trust that guy anyways? The stuff he's left here's already tried to kill us a lot of times! How can you think this isn't just another?" How would their sacrifices even help save everyone? "You all heard him too! He's just playing with us!"

There was no way to trust that guy. A defector that still took part in what they did? It made no sense.

But Hideo knew he couldn't actually stop people from entering the light. Yet perhaps he had the means to help: he'd listened to what had said, and if that had been true, then he had a Pokemon that might help.

He retrieved his Beheeyem's Pokeball, recalling it and cutting off any more information it gave him (though he felt like he'd had enough). It was the best way to keep Elga safe, and he could rely on Gwyar's protection for the time being.

In its place, he let out his Rotom. "My Rotom here might be able to help," he said, to 's suggestion. "Rotom, go in the main terminal and do…something. Find out what's going on, stop it. I dunno, something!"

There was a worried expression to the Rotom's face, yet it did as it was told, flying towards the main terminal and trying to enter inside it, to gain control and try to find out what exactly the lights were going to do.

:oof: for everyone that got Pokemon deleted
Hideo not up for sacrificing self. Or anyone else. Stays with
Tries to convince ppl not to go in light (especially , whose name he still can't remember)
Switches Beheeyem for Rotom (Psionic Sensory Sharing cut off)
Sends Rotom to try and hack main panel (will try to find out what light will do and reveal to everyone else)

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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
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Melody Miro DOLLARS
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Melody Miro
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 0:02:12 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Melody grabs onto rowan's collar much like a mother cat grabs onto her kittens scruff. "Stop." she says with an emotionless expression as a tear drop falls from her face. "Stop being dumb. Dont believe everything he tells you." she says as despite her emotionless manner of speech she still somehow managed to convey criticism. [break][break]

Her gaze turns towards deciding to comment on his little speech. "You just told us a whole lot of nothing in that entire speech." she says as she realized she lost her filter on how she speaks. Melody realizes something, was maldacena also talking about the doppelgangers? [break][break]

She looked up "Fight. It's what we're good at. It's what we always end up having to do." she tells as her words despite lacking the tone of inspiration hoped would reach him. "Force that stupid man to spit us out before we destroy his domain." she tells . "Primarina. Springtidestorm." she orders as Primarina fired a flurry of cherry petals at the porygons who's tri-beams were descending upon all of them. at this moment.

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notes about this post

mood music![break][break]
. grabs rowan @ his scruff. [break]
. Tells him to stop being dumb [break]
. Calls amor dumb. [break]
. Attacks the porygons who are firing at them with springtide storm

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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 3:54:18 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It had only worked for a moment. Just enough to bring her and to some modicum of safety. Yes, yet another one of her Pokemon had been deleted protecting her. Yet, it was only after she had inputted her answer that the death throes of her Pokemon had penetrated her soul. As if the very action had forcefully started to drive back open the cracks that erasure of her memories had seemingly sealed up, Elaine found a steady stream of tears falling from each of her eyes.

They may have solved the riddle, yet another sacrifice was made for her.

It was always the things she cared for most that ended up falling apart to protect her. That's how it always ended up being...was it?

Her memory seemed to be missing and yet, the more she peered into the depths of the soul, the fractures remained. It may have been a forgotten reason, but the reason she sought power had displayed itself in full force before her. But she could not realize it yet. Without the memory that held it all together, all she could do was palpate the cracks ever so slightly.

No. Not yet. Nevertheless, the world would not wait for her to grieve, much like with Ginga, and there was no time to forget the need to reach safety first. Moreover, there was the possibility she had deduced. There will be time to grieve when we're finally safe. may still be transient. There's still a chance.

Using her wrists, she once again wiped away the tears and stared down at the world around the group shifted in titanic proportions. The legends of Sinnoh. The state of the world, no universes around them. The immeasurably complex existence that was the space-time of the present.

All of it seemed to blend together before she and the group around her seemed to materialize once again at the very starting point they had entered.

And in those few moments, the spectacled man spoke one last time before the platform they were on shot back upwards, knocking Elaine back to her knees for a short moment. Nevertheless, she stood up as she watched multiple people walk towards the lights created for the sacrifices.

No! You can't do that yet! Elaine gritted her teeth as she struggled to keep herself balanced against the upward momentum of the ground she stood upon. And it seemed like it wasn't just her who was objecting to the insanity of this situation. She could hear 's own objections to both everyone's actions as well, so she let him finish his piece while she regained full balance and chimed in.

"You're right. Not to mention, even if we were sent back right now, a good chunk of us would die. Just look at me. The only reason I'm probably still alive at this point is because of this space, so the moment we resurface, if I don't regain what I lost, then I'll simply die the moment we return. That is an absolute. But there's more."

Elaine was growing more and more accepting of the idea that deletion wasn't a permanent situation. Perhaps the solution lay in the doppelgangers that had been scattered about throughout the space. She clearly wasn't the only one here who had lost something, be it a Pokemon, a memory, or a part of their body. Perhaps the doppelgangers may have functioned as a back-up for everyone, in which case there was a chance that the solution was for everyone to...

That, too, was a possibility of being judicious with who walked in.

Of course, that was also under the assumption that the effects of the scans and deletion weren't permanent. Besides, that wasn't the only inconsistency in this situation.

"There's still one loose end that's bugging me." Elaine's mind flashed back to a certain impetus that she knew had to be common for everyone. Something she knew everyone here had encountered at some point before arriving.

Come find me... on the correct day.

The voice and visage of a woman long dead.

"I don't know what other events there could have been leading up to this before the strange survey, however, I can guarantee that there was something everyone here had encountered. Or did people forget about the buoy? For all the metaphysical explanations we've seen here, the initial impetus has not even been mentioned. Not once. Based on that, I can only guess there's still more left to this. Plus, I don't know how many other loose ends you guys might have noticed even before this."

And so radical as the idea was, she would put forth the proposal she had come up with, an idea so ridiculous and out of the box, it would likely anger a good chunk of everyone in the area.

"And so, I propose a solution. And this requires everyone's cooperation if it's correct. Think of it like a large-scale Nash Equilibrium where the optimal answer is for all parties to either all cooperate or all betray. That is to say, either everyone enters the light or nobody does."

Yes, this really wasn't over just yet.

  • A visual reference for Elaine's missing body parts.
  • Scan Result 1: Fear-Erased. Grandiosity-Erased. Courage-Restored.
  • Scan Result 2: Elaine forgets the series of events that led to her trauma. Her Megalomania is erased as a result.
  • Elaine bottles up her trauma once again. For just a bit longer.
  • Elaine responds to
  • Elaine proposes the crazy idea of either everyone taking a pillar or nobody taking a pillar.
  • Elaine is still by 's side.

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 5:35:42 GMT

between people wanting to sacrifice themselves and others wanting to stop those from doing so, matias can do no more than watch in relative amusement that he keeps hidden well enough. every now and then a chuckle does escape, however, and it isn't until he looks back at does he finally say anything.[break][break]

"seems like everyone else is. why not?"[break][break]

- gl everyone...[break]

[attr="class","ooc"][attr="class","pkspr pkmn-charizard color-shiny"]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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dog boy
october 24
private investigator
Join my dream it's just the right time, woah
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kyle lopez DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kyle
kyle lopez
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:39:45 GMT
kyle lopez Avatar
maldacena has been true to his words since the start. the other possibility would have him lying to them, which meant that they would have been deleted regardless of what they do.

kyle doesn't think they're being tricked, though he can't be bothered to argue against the louder personalities. that was just too troublesome to change the mind of anyone stubborn enough to remain hopeful in this situation.

pessimistic thoughts bring a delay to his response to . "alright."

he gets up before motioning for his smeargle to use the move it used last. it waves its tail around as it slashes the air with spatial rend. the first try forces the smeargle on the floor before it stands back up, this time working its technician magic to make better use of its weakened state under the hands of a smeargle.

as if it's being drawn to life, each stroke of its brush opens a rift of space at each porygon that approaches them. they're small, tiny cracks, but it's better than nothing.

"what do you think happens next?" he asks as he watches his pokemon protect their platform from the porygon. "that these scars on space leak data back to us, or that doppelgangers use it as a point of entry to take over."

kyle's answer was neither.

"if all of this is just a simulation, then i guess it wouldn't matter." he looks back at the crowd from their corner, still maintaining a conversation with the elite four. "should we even try? this is just a waste of energy, don't you think? it's not like our actions would change the outcome on the grand scheme of things."

he's pretty sure that things would've ended up the same regardless of whether he was a variable in the equation or not.

  • smeargle uses spatial rend at porygon
  • 241 deal with opening portions of space
  • kyle has existential crisis
  • personality alteration > reverts to season 1 hoenn kyle
  • pokemon abilities deleted

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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 9:07:48 GMT

"you sound very apathetic."[break][break]

though it isn't particularly unusual from the champion, some may say it's uncalled for during a situation like this. matias doesn't think much of it, however, and simply shrugs a shoulder at the question.[break][break]

"call it a simulation, test, game, whatever, but i don't think it matters in the end. at least in this instance. if people want to die, let them. the rest of us can go back home and live to fight another day."[break][break]

's SPRINGTIDE STORM billows in the foreground.[break][break]

"you bring up a good point, though. i wonder just how many doppelgangers already exist in our world. i thought melody was one for a moment because of her weird black veins thing."[break][break]

he looks back at almost as apathetically as the champion is presenting himself to be.[break][break]

"who do you think is one?"[break][break]

- gl everyone...[break]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Alex / Lexy
he / him / his
december 22
Mistralton, Unova
homosexual demiromantic
sanctuary owner
дождь крови
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TAG WITH @alexei
Alexei Ivanov
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 12:09:32 GMT
Alexei Ivanov Avatar

Funny, was this what it felt like to die—

As he turned around again, he saw—or at least he thought he saw—

Oh, no.

Oh, hell to the no.

“What… are you doing here?!” were the first words out of his mouth as he heard a familiar voice cut through the eerie data scape his warped field of vision could pick up—sightless eyes staring at the uncaring ones that belonged to .

“Are you just… going to follow me wherever?!” he continued, not knowing why his tone was rising, there was anger bubbling in his voice as he did so.

“Why aren’t you out there with the young lady?!”

Unlike the other, who was still pretty much physically whole, he… well, wasn’t.

“If I go back out there, and I’m still missing my eyes and this strange gaping thing in my chest—I’m literally going to die no matter how you look at it if whatever that disembodied voice said was true and everyone else gets a chance to escape! You have a better chance of surviving out there because you’re still in one piece!” he continued, fingers already reaching into his jacket as he was looking for something.

“You… you better get out of here. You… you still… have so much to look forward to. To… to do. Out there. I… I don’t even have a family to return to out here… what even is a family, what am I saying? I don’t even know anybody here!”

He was, for lack of a better word, seething.

Yet he didn’t know why.

Even if his memories were gone, the emotions tied to those memories were… still there, so the deletion may have missed a few things.

Someone has to go back, and it can’t be me! I’m literally missing my fucking heart if you haven’t noticed!” he went on, giving up as he decided that whatever it was he was looking for, wasn’t worth using on the other.

Instead, he then proceeded to try and shove the manlet other man back out of the bright light, back to where was waiting.

“Grab him! Don’t mind me!” he shouted in her direction as he took the chance to take a guess and look over the other man’s shoulder, hoping his voice reached Kaida’s in time.

“Grab him, and keep him away from here!”

• oh you did not just—
‘what are you doing here?!’
• 2.0!Alex then has an argument with uncaring!Memo, trying to emphasize that if he (Alex) goes back out there and gets sent out back into the world missing certain parts of himself well he’s dead jim!
• proceeds to shove the other man back out of the light, yells at Kaida to grab him and keep him outside of the area of light
• :dorime:


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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 17:06:00 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

This time, the loss was only Elaine’s. But Violet once more sought to squeeze the girl’s hand a bit, reassuringly, as if to reinforce her theory that this might all just be temporary after all. She certainly still believed that to be true. Yet, seeing the other lightly cry like this simply triggered her empathy. For this, the ranger-in-training could not help but want to reassure her, help her along. It did not seem like any words were necessary in that regard, since they had all been said, but if she caught the other’s eyes she would give a simple, yet meaningful nod before taking in what was happening around them. After all, the whole cataclysmic scene played out – neutered by her by then being quite convinced that it was a simulation at best, not the real thing, even if it felt similar – their answers were taken and judged correct and, well, there was another complication.
Of course there was. And of course he did not give them any time to think and grasp their current situation before throwing them around like the dolls he seemed to think them as. “You would think an apparent higher being had more patience,” she grumbled to herself while he spewed some more, well, nonsense. Sure, it sounded as if it made sense at first. Until one gave it a second thought. Naturally, her mind did not target the lore or the specific rules that might be in play or anything like that. Instead, she focused on the person, his motives, and how that did not make sense.
All while the people around her started to jump the gun immensely. Which, certainly, was something this man at least wished to encourage. Bastard. Elaine did seek to speak some reason to the others, but she seemed to employ somewhat similar methods. Mina furrowed her brows when she thought about the Nash Equilibrium. It certainly was one. But it was not a stable one. It had some strokes of a prisoner’s dilemma, at least in one direction. If everyone did step into the light then the last person had an optimal choice not to. Because that way, they survived either way. And since the person going before them would have the same optimal play, it reverse induction would suggest that only ten would still go.[break][break]
But the other probably knew that. This was not about academics, this was about convincing the others that it would indeed be the correct choice. And that was something she could do her part with.
“Elaine is right. This is all kinds of fishy. We can’t all be brought back at once, but he wouldn’t just want to stagger the return? Plus, it can’t be that much more difficult to return us than to draw us in, especially given everything else that happened. And as for the dark triad deception, that is pointless too. If they are observing this, then they would not be deceived by that. And if they are not observing, then the deception itself is useless. No, this has to be a trap or another test. Just stepping into the light and accepting his words is the most foolhardy thing one could do.” For once, the strange woman that pretended to be her opposite nodded in agreement. Odd.

+ stays with and tries to console, agrees and calls BS on this whole scenario



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August 26
Spikemuth, Galar Region
Ranger Captain
Elite Ranger
it gets lonely in this gangster's paradise
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TAG WITH @memo
Guillermo Marceliño
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 0:52:48 GMT
Guillermo Marceliño Avatar
says something to him which he just ignores. The fucker can’t remember him anyway! What does it matter! What does any of this matter? Either it doesn’t, and it’s just a simulation, and he’ll be fine and miserable for the rest of his life, or it does, and he’ll die, and he’ll be fine and dead. Who gives a fuck!

He doesn’t look at Alex, but he does scowl, bloody-faced, at his duplicate.

“Not everything is about you, Ivanov.”

But Alex is still railing at him, and Memo’s fists can’t close any harder; he’s digging little half-moons into his palm.

He still doesn’t say anything, just lets Alex yell, until the larger man starts getting physical, at which point Guillermo grabs Alex by his flailing wrists and holds him at arm's length.

“No! Fuck you! Fuck you and your noble sacrifice. Fuck you for thinking-- that my shit is easier just because I’m not missing anything visible!” He grinds his proximal phalanges into the rounds of Alex’s ulna. “I have a whole fucking very important piece missing and just because you can’t see it I can feel it!”

He pushes Alex away with a violent shove. “This is so fucking stupid and dramatic. You don’t get to forget about me and then dictate what I do with my life. Just nut up and let’s die already.”

He points at , not looking at her. “And don’t you fucking touch me.”

t l ; d r

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November 6
Slateport (Technically)
Elite Ranger
You're the pulse in my veins, you're the war that I wage, can you change me?
818 posts
Kaida Adachi DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @kaida
Kaida Adachi
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:02:32 GMT
Kaida Adachi Avatar

The Salamance and Ponyta are gone in a flash of judgement, and Kaida feels like her heart is crumbling as she returns her Araquanid. She couldn't even feel properly guilty, it wasn't like she or Alexei could do anything more to defend themselves, but she could refuse to look upon the blue-haired man as he manifested.

More sacrifices were needed. Of course.

Her mind told her to look away, to let everyone do as came naturally. To ignore the lectures (to lecture these people was to chide a storm for blowing a house apart). She had nothing to prove, not here...not in death. Her heart felt lighter, not in like with the church, where she had acquired so many new scars chasing after that "nobility'. That humanity.

She just forgot that she wasn't all that mattered here.

turned to her, and made his request, putting some kind of memento in her hands. She didn't know how his memories were gone, but he still saw her as a reliable was almost flattering, if not for the fact she realized what was going to happen.

"I refuse!" Her snarl reverberated through the air as she stompted forwards, only to find had the same idea, struggling against each other for the chance to die first! Dumbfounded, Kaida looked between them, and her vanished shame allowed her yell to pierce the skies.

"You absolute fools, I have more to say to both of you! Dying's very scary, I know!" She had half a thought to just pull Alexei out, but Memo's own rage to her was enough of a challenge to spark her ire. "Fine. Ormr! Grab him!"

As she reached out to grab and pull Alexei out, spitting words like venom, "I am no good with words. My heart isn't good, so I will hold it against him if you die!" she threw down a Pokeball. Almost tauntingly, an Ekans emerged and stared down Memo. It was clear the serpent wanted to try this against a human once or twice, and never got the chance. It leapt for his arm, ready to Bite and pull him down and away. "You're the reason the Salamance and Ponyta died, you have to pay for it...and dying isn't enough!

TLDR: Kaida doesn't know what to do about 's request and incoming sacrifice, and even more about 's...she chooses violence, and is getting Ormr to pull out as she tries to grab .

Pokemon: Ekans: Male, Shed Skin. Bite, Glare, Acid Spray, Stockpile, Giga Drain, Swallow. Has Z-move Rattlesnake!
Yamega: Female, Speed Boost. Ancientpower, Uproar, Detect, Bug Buzz, Air Slash, Double Team. Can use Z-move Overspeed!
Araquanid: Male, Water Bubble. Soak, Wide Guard, Mirror Coat, Bubble Beam, Leech Life, Aqua Ring.

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
2,345 posts
skyler dross DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @skyler
skyler dross
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 13:29:17 GMT
skyler dross Avatar
Skyler would've felt compelled to pray for their continued existence, had she a drop of faith in her. Instead, the captain briefly glances at the fading pixels of DELETED Dhelmise, acknowledging the sacrifice before turning her back on it.

Its purpose erased alongside its existence.

The same can be said for those who've elected to step into the light. Most of them are unfamiliar to Skyler, but others evoke a faint flutter of sadness - quickly drowned out by a relentless desire for her own continued survival. 

She makes no attempt to stop anyone, except for the hand that flashes out to grasp 's wrist. She's seen and from the corner of her eye, can guess at what's about to happen. The fingers squeeze, a cage unapologetically woven in affection and selfishness. 

"We've got enough to leave," she tells him, her one remaining eye burning into his own. Commanding his attention. No time for heroics, she means, not when we can both leave here with our skins intact.

Latias will survive without her newfound postman. And even if she doesn't, we will. 

Over 's shoulder she can see a Cheshire-wide grin, beckoning her closer within a visage like her own. The doppelganger's gaze flies from her to and and , among others - grin widening into a mockery of her own.

'Aren't you going to help?' It seems to say.

Skyler steps closer to Angelo, close enough that her chin fits nicely over his shoulder. Sneering at the blonde-haired copy, she gives it the finger.


-skyler's pokemon lost their abilities
- skyler loses one of her core characteristics: her loyalty
- loses her left eye and attempts to replace it with aqua rings
- forgets about her childhood and her family (sorry, mr. dross)
- dhelmise has been DELETED

- skyler does not sacrifice herself
- thank y'all for your service guys, you're doing great 
- stops angelo from trying to help anyone else
- gives her doppelganger the finger

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing