i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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She / Her
June 10
Ecruteak City, Johto
Ace / ?-romantic
Boba Cafe Barista
May you always know pain as temporary and laughter better.
340 posts
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TAG WITH @xiura
Xiura Balfaltin
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 23:30:04 GMT
Xiura Balfaltin Avatar
[attr="class","game"]SPLASHFEST: MAINSTAGE

The music of Teravolt's song echoed in Xiura's ears as she looked up into the sky.

Never mind, these are horrid times,
I can't let it bother me.

She had only been in one time distortion before, but it was glaringly evident another was occurring, this time in the concert grounds. As and sprang into action, she lowered her hand to touch her waist belt, intending to call Hatterene, but @marshall grabbed her hand, and she accidentally brushed against a different Pokeball.

Her Decidueye appeared, immediately attacking an aggressive, oddly wood-like Voltorb that materialized out of thin air. As the clouds swirled overhead and Marshall rushed Naomi and Xiura to safety, Xiura looked back, and thought she saw Decidueye's form waver and shift, but it was hard to tell between the chaos of the crowd and the violence of the attacking wild Pokemon.

As the group broached the exit of the venue, Xiura looked back, calling out for Decidueye. She turned to Noah, saying, "I'm fine, thank you. But I hope Decidueye's okay." She waited beside , wringing her hands in worry from time to time, her eyes wandering the skies above the concert venue to see if he would appear.

It must have been minutes, but it felt like hours to Xiura before an avian Pokemon flew towards their group, landing at Xiura's side. The bird was bright red in coloration, matching the hue of the shard he dropped off in her hand. "Decidueye?" she said, touching his strange new crest of feathers.

for @marshall, , ,

- Quoted Teravolt lyrics for Crown.
- Decidueye became Hisuian Decidueye, learned Triple Arrows.
- Obtained Red Shard.


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Josh Dragomir
Feb 5
Lavaridge Town
Eyes For Izumi
Exec VP of RaiCorp
Senior Ranger
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
887 posts
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TAG WITH @josh
Josh Dragomir
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 23:34:54 GMT
Josh Dragomir Avatar

Having been patrolling in the background in order to ensure nothing happened during the festivities, Josh had quickly sprung forward to escort people to safety when the distortion would begin to arise. But he had only just finished escorting who he could when he would realize that he had found himself caught in it when it erupted.

"Shit, not again" Josh muttered under his breath. Suddenly, one of his Pokeballs would begin to shake, before bringing out his Dewott. A female he had caught some time ago, but hadn't had a chance to nickname. Suddenly it would begin changing...


Using evo item to evolve Dewott into Hisuian Samurott.

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Arbok Nine
October 31
Shalour City, Kalos
Ranch Owner
Ex-Elite 4
Desiree Blooms
"My guiding light."
6'04" height
6'04" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,737 posts
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TAG WITH @thomasbenoit
Thomas Benoit
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 23:47:27 GMT
Thomas Benoit Avatar

For some reason, Thomas' Quilava rushed towards the Summer Splashfest festivities. It was an odd behavior, since the Fire-type didn't like water. All Thomas could do was chase after the Quilava, before a Time Distortion consumed the area. Thomas looked around in awe at his surroundings momentarily, seeing that other festival goers were sucked in.

As the chaos was going on, a wooden-looking Electrode would roll up to the trainer. His instincts and training kicking in, the Quilava quickly unleashed a Lava Plume to the Electrode, which took it out quicker than expected. Unknown to Thomas, it was because this Electrode had a Grass-type.

Quilava's body began to glow, Evolution kicking in. Thomas instinctively shielded his eye from the burst of light, as a Typhlosion stood before him. In celebration, and a display of power, the Typhlosion fired off a strange volley of spectral fireballs at nothing in particular. Thomas had little time to question it, as he and his newly evolved Pokemon made their way out of the Distortion as quickly as they could.

On the way out, Thomas would pick up a Red Shard off the ground.

tags: @tag
notes: Quilava evolved into H-Typhlosion
H-Typhlosion learned Infernal Parade
Thomas picked up a Red Shard on his way out
Already posted transaction in shop

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,914 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 0:13:24 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
While the Mainstage was between acts, a replay of Commissioner 's speech from the beginning of the festival played on the stage's main vidscreen. Having missed the opening ceremonies of Splashfest due to Ranger work, he took an end seat seat a few rows back, resting his right hand hear his sitting Manectric's neck. He applauded the Commissioner after her words on the subject of the meteoroid. "Saber, perhaps I've been a bit too worried about doing what I can to help," he said to his Manectric, who let out a whimper. "If they're only going public about it now, they had to have weeks or even months to prepare. What are we going to do about it?"

The more his mind swirled on the subject, the more he wished he had qualified for the Major League instead of the Minor League, so he could help directly. Even in his lesser position, though, he had plenty of duties to the people of Hoenn. Even in the Minor League, Josh had inspired plenty of challengers to not only take on his craft, but pass on his skills of split-second decision making. They would help keep the future of Hoenn safe. Furthermore, he had his Ranger duties, which touched the lives of those he rescued every single time he--well, his Pokémoun mount--set foot, fin, or wing from Ranger Headquarters. He really was doing all he could to help.

Suddenly, a boom rumbled across the mainstage like a sonic shockwave, its force sending Josh flying out of his chair and Saber with them, the two slamming into the front of the newly-formed Space-Time Distortion. "Arceus, not this again!" Josh swore, painfully memories of him narrowly escaping death filling his head as the familiar-looking arcs of distorted space flashed throughout the dark hemisphere. In front of Josh, a pair of giant, red-eyed amphibious water Pokémon flashed into view, a Feraligatr and a horned, quadrupedal Pokémon Josh did not recognize. He suspected it was a water-type due to its blue and black color scheme, but could not know for certain until he started fighting.

He barely had time to stand up and climb aboard his Manectric before the giant Hisuian Samurott and Feraligatr took swipes at him. Saber weaved out of the way of the rapier-like horn but could not dodge the other amphibian's SLASHing claws. The sound that came from the electric-type's throat was one that made Josh flinch; his mount had shielded him from the attack by taking its full force for him. While he could still run, another blow like that would spell bad news for him.

The racer reined Saber away from the two foes before sending out his Jolteon and Luxray to handle the wilds. "Blitz, Blinky, let's take 'em down!" The lightning-fast Jolteon ran circles around the two slow Water-types, discharging electricity from her quills before loosing a THUNDERBOLT toward the Feraligatr. The shocking blast grazed the hulking wild and made it hop back toward its comrade, directly into Blitz's DISCHARGE. Blinky was even close enough to stand inside the current and recharge herself with her VOLT ABSORB, ready to loose another strong electric attack the moment the two recovered.

Unfortunately for her, Blinky got too close in absorbing her partner's electric attack, the Samurott stabbing her with its horn's CEASELESS EDGE and tossing her aside. A second DISCHARGE from Blitz would be enough to cause the giant water-types to disappear into the light whence them came, but the Jolteon was badly hurt. He laid low until the Distortion faded, with the intent to take Blinky to a Pokémon Center as soon as he could.


{WC: 611}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Poor
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Blitz         Luxray         Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Poor

OOC notes: Received "Red Shard" x 1!
Claiming CROWN for reacting to Dahlia's speech!

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twenty five
february 24
let us live, since we must die
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TAG WITH @knox
knox prescott
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 0:47:25 GMT
knox prescott Avatar

a string of curses goes through knox's mind, stuck on repeat. people are tripping over each other, stumbling, and knox staggers to the side, lucky that jayden has such a tight grip on his wrist. it distracts him enough that he follows rather than melting into deadweight. 

he lolls, looking sideways and laughing when he realizes jayden has illeana attached to his other hand. they move quickly through the scene, dodging angry pokemon?? that have appeared out of nowhere. 

and when they start to slow, knox crouches, tugging back, patting 's head while he crawls on the ground. "c'mon, spument. jaybur's is take - fuck." he's plowed over from behind. hard enough that he gets wrenched away from jayden. 

a bibarel slams its leathery tail on the ground, hissing, and knox's brows furrow, shoulder tossing and arm swinging down in an arc to punch the fucker in the face.

knox, jayden, and illie find mint
knox punches bibarel in the face
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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 1:44:36 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar









[attr="class","edgethorn-lyric"] i don't think about you anymore


Listening to ask if they looked similar, Aidan himself would quietly nod waiting for the answer himself. After all he was curious to how this assumption had come to be, as far as he could see they could only resemble in hair color and that was really about it. Curiosity mostly being his motive since there was no way Aidan could take that as an offense since Lia herself was a very good looking girl.[break][break]

It was a strange pleasure to meet them indeed, these two had technically been the first people he had a full conversation with or what felt like would have been a full conversation or even the beginning of some form of friendship. Alas, fate that other plans for the three and the people at the venue. The air around them crackled and twisted as the space-time distortion opened above them. Aidan would only heavily close his eyes and take a deep breath. "I couldn't agree more." He would reply to Lia's idea of getting the hell out. He had heard such legends about these so called Space distortions but he had never expected to take part in one so early in his 'vacation'.[break][break]

Before he fully started moving towards an exit hopefully the ones closest to the bar still, he would quietly lobby his pokeball and release Breaker, his Scizor. "You know what to do, my boy." Scizor would nod towards Aidan and fly up towards the distortion and use BULLET PUNCH on a strange looking Avalugg that had just come out from the distortion, clearly being taken by surprise. Along with the hit the Avalugg would spit out a weird looking Red Shard that Aidan would pick up before quickly leaving.[break][break]

"I'll see you two at the bar still, yeah?" He would shout towards and as his Scizor returned to it's pokeball and it's rightful owner. Aidan didn't want to do much to help, he just wanted to stay out of people's eyes for as long as he could. He wanted to go relax and hopefully crack a cold one as if his work had been done. [break][break]

[attr="class","edgethorn-notes-1"][attr="class","th th-chat-bubble"]


+1 Red Shard


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mari, ouroboros
twenty six
june 25
lavender town, kanto
meet me on
the edge of oblivion
5'4" height
5'4" height
and i tried to save a life with these diamond hands of mine; but they're sharper than a knife
495 posts
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TAG WITH @marisol
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 2:05:11 GMT

there's.. something happening, and it seems a little familiar. it's what people call a.. space-time distortion? she's seen it in the news, although there's some safety outside of the dome that suddenly appears. still, her curiosity will always get the better of her, and maybe it's the high concentration of alcohol in her drink that might cloud her mind. [break][break]

and in there, she finds a typhlosion, odd.. looking as it was. it looks more somber, and solemn, than the usual counterpart. so she quickly throws a pokeball at it. it's a beautiful little thing, after all. [break][break]

and with the pokeball in hand, her lips curl into a smile, and she's quick to move right back out of the little dome, back to safety.

form changing typhlosion [break]

total: 3 crowns

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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,331 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 2:42:08 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]a look of drunk confusion rises in the face of their concern.

is someone hurting her? no… she’s just very drunk and trying to find among the sea of people.

her mouth opens to answer as extends another drink. she takes it, fingers lingering on the baggie before pulling away and tossing the shot back.

and when asks, her head turns to find him. a small frown continues to persist.

”no, i was just looking for someone.”

of course she says it right as a distortion rips apart the mainstage festivities… yikes.

they’re submerged in the thick of it and goddamn is she way too drunk for this.

’s hand wraps around her wrist and she all but shoves herself into his side, tugging along because she refuses to let go of him too. he’s already moving in that direction but she holds onto both boys with a vice grip, knuckles white and anxious.

she tosses out a pokemon in the process. a hisuian zorua joins her side but it quickly shifts, body beginning to grow bigger and bigger until it’s a hisuian zoroark instead.

the hisuian zoroark sticks close to her back, snarling at the people and pokemon nearby.

0/150 hp - very drunk, lost the contest
hisuian zorua evolves into hisuian zoroark!

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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October 25
Canalave City
ANVIL General
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,187 posts
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TAG WITH @felix
Felix Gallagher
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:17:26 GMT
Felix Gallagher Avatar
Small flickers of amusement sparked in Felix's eyes as he watched Elisabeth dab at the streaks of red across her forehead. From meteors to ketchup packets, Hoenn never lacked a second of excitement. The admin faded into the background as the two threw comments back and forth, like a metronome, relentless with it's consistency. Only when Skyler offered a glass of tequlia sunrises did he perk up, more than ready for the familiar burn of the cocktail.

"Thanks," he nodded, immediate with his intentions of bringing the glass to his lips. One large gulp later, he turned to face the captain, curious. Unfortuately for all three of them, just as the conversation twisted into one of interest, a space tear erupts in the middle of the stage. A real shit show.

"Huh." The apathic response is coupled with the release of his Gallade. A WIDE GUARD takes it's place around them, defending against any stray attacks. "Wonder if they planned for that to happen."
- +1 red shard

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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:27:32 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose
A long pause answered 's flippant commentary, before Elisabeth reluctantly accepted the Tequila Sunrise in the void her now-empty mojito glass had created. A continual stream of drinks was necessary, at this point, if she was to survive the rest of the event.

"Half a year in, and I'm already feeling rather weary of world-ending phenomena," she remarked -- rather presciently, given the distortion that flared up around them. Alongside 's Gallade, her own Goodra appeared with a PROTECT aimed to protect her mistress -- one that felt a little late given the previous flying projectiles that had hit the blonde.

"Then again, I'd rather be drunk in post-apocalyptic Hoenn than sober in a peaceful Kalos," she said frankly, and soundly downed her drink to cement her point.

At this point, it was the alcohol speaking, not her.

+1 Crown: Reacted to Dahlia's Speech

+1 Crown: Said "Adrian" (hatefully)

+1 Crown: Coped with alcohol

+1 Red Shard: Distortion

MainStage Event ✿ Outfit +
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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triple h
september 14th
rustboro gym leader
champion (hoenn & vct)
now come together, come apart
4,046 posts
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TAG WITH @cian
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:28:56 GMT

before their conversation can continue, cian looks up at the stage only to find himself wrapped up in a powerful distortion. he reaches out for because she's more important.[break][break]

"oh, shit! not again."[break][break]

he looks around for a way out.[break][break]

"i'm too drunk for this shit. let's get out of here!"[break][break]

something comes whizzing by only to hit the back of his head. "ow!" he looks down at what it is only to find a RED SHARD. he picks it up not knowing whether it's naturally red of if it's from his blood.[break][break]

- with and

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:38:43 GMT

Before further conversation could ensue between herself and the twins, something crazy happened! A space distortion tear!
"Holy shit," She muttered, turning to face the distortion, eyes widened by disbelief. By now, this should've been expected, but the reporter still somehow found herself stumbling over this sudden turn of events. A natural step forward drew herself closer to her partner.
"Yeah, sounds like a plan." Even though she allowed her drunken boyfriend to grab her wrists, she managed to help maneuver them through the crowd, issuing the occasional apology and corrective push whenever collusion became possible.

[attr="class","ooc"] + [break]
+ 1 red shard

[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-ditto"]

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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saoirse quinn
october 27th
circhester, galar
physicist / inventor
head scientist
the shadows breathe
whispering me away
5’8” height
5’8” height
every night i burn, dream the black crow dream
4,704 posts
Lulu Flint DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @lulu
Lulu Flint
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:43:21 GMT
Lulu Flint Avatar
between acts, she caught the speech on a screen.

”our region has survived cataclysm before, and will survive cataclysm again” because their brightest and best were on the case. it stung, sometimes, to be on the other side. to feel illegitimate. to be the brightest for the wrong team, and to have ultimately failed in her efforts to devise a safety net for those she cared about.

’s suggestion still hung in her head with heavy regret, along with the day she had met , when she had been so reluctant to share and collaborate with the league’s head professor.

in the end, as someone who had spent so much time blaming the world around her, as the meteoroid careened towards them, she begun to count her own faults instead. not so much repenting, but imploding under the weight of guilt and lost time.

as the familiar colors of the spacetime distortion began to appear, unleashing angry pokémon on the crowd, she shook her head with a vaguely amused huff. of course.

”we’re so fucked,” she muttered to herself.

because even if they were to stop the meteoroid, what about everything else? what about the next attack? the next darkest day? the next alien invasion? the next well-deserved celebration torn down by disaster? the next barrier that divided them further, self-created or otherwise?

there was no hope for this region, only a weary hope for escape.

a pokéball was tossed up, a noctowl swooping down to air slash an oncoming sneasel.
mainstage space-time distortion
mentioned dahlia's speech
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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
part of
TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 4:59:16 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for @persontag

[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



Scarlet eyes dart to the incoming Goodra when lightning strikes, narrowing some on the unfortunate soul. It is judged momentarily before 's Pokeball takes care of it.
When Katherine finally allows her gaze to return to where once stood, she finds there. When did she even get here? "...Huh? Where did he go-"
Although it is practically impossible to ignore the Shaymin that magically appeared alongside Melody, Katherine does not address it. In fact, she'd much rather act as though it wasn't there.
Hopefully her peers will do the same and deny the hedgehog-like Pokemon of the attention it craves.

shaymin learns Ominous Wind and Earth Power, replacing Growth and Energy Ball. [using 2x tutor moves from pc]
+1 Red Shard.


[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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played by


december 12
castelia city, unova
thief / con artist
just a liar
wherever i go
5'6'' height
5'6'' height
but i still haven't found what i'm looking for
734 posts
nina larson DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @nina
nina larson
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 5:08:58 GMT
nina larson Avatar
honestly? nina had no hatred for the league—yet. she hadn’t ever been in combat with them personally, except for extremist onyx lamore, and she didn’t follow politics. she had barely heard ’s speech. they said they were going to solve the end of the world? great. the government had not failed her yet, right? …or maybe it had, and it had just never occurred to her.

either way, she was having a great time. she sang along, moving with the energy of the crowd, “oh, as long as i know how to love, i know i'll stay alive…”

she loved . not only was she beautiful, with a beautiful voice to match, but she was the water specialist of the elite four. very cool. nina could only aspire.

later, when the spacetime distortion opened up, all the fun was sucked out of the atmosphere for her. instead of fighting, she ran in the other direction, remembering the last time she’d found herself in one with @jessica .

as she fled, she released an alolan ninetales.

”do the thing!”

the ninetales turned, a bright light of ruin beaming outwards to knock aside a couple of their raging pursuers.

mainstage spacetime distortion
referenced 's lyrics / dahlia's speech

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP