Play with Fire [DW]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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The Drift King
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POSTED ON Aug 21, 2022 23:56:07 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
Cold eyes looked over the path ahead of him, hand raised and resting against Sepkat's side to keep her settled and calm at his side. Allegedly, there had been sightings of Fire-types in the area. Matus didn't know how reliable such claims were, but he wasn't going to turn down the chance to find one further from the volcanic region of Mt. Chimney. It wasn't that he hated the area, but he didn't feel like sweating through any of his clothes within minutes of touching the ground.

"Sila." Matus started, hearing the soft hum of the Togekiss beside him as the large fairy drifted just enough to the side to be in his peripheral. "Take to the skies, be our eyes. Come down to us if you see anything similar to a fire type." voice for the Pokémon was soft, watching for understanding to dawn in its eyes as an understanding chirp would answer him. The Togekiss spun a few quick times in its spot before darting upwards, away from the man and Liepard to follow through with the order given.

As the Togekiss steadily grew smaller in the distance, Matus turned his focus towards the feline at his side. Drawing his hand towards her face to rub gently along her cheeks to prompt her forward. "Come, Sepkat. We have a search of our own to begin. You know what to look for." An answering purr was all he needed to proceed ahead. Naturally, if he had been on the route for any other reason than searching for a potential fire type to bring into the fold, Matus would've chosen to ride on Sepkat's back. But on the off-chance such a decision caused him to miss a fire pokemon, well.

He was walking for a reason.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 6:12:40 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh was still on the recovery from his bitter battle inside the Mirage Palace. While he came prepared for extreme heat, he didn't come prepared for extreme cold; all the skin from his knees to his ankles was still tender, recovering from frostbite. While it wasn't painful unless a lot of pressure was put on it, the swelling was still there, and he had to be especially careful not to get hurt.

For once, Josh wasn't in his Ranger uniform; he was off-duty, on the way from Lavaridge Town to Trainer Hill, where his Gym was located. He had fallen behind on challenge paperwork, and with one of his secretaries on vacation, he would have to fill out a lot of that paperwork on his own. After all, if there were a bunch of unregistered Quick Badges out there, director would have his head. And his license. That could not happen; he had challengers to teach about his hobby, and connections to forge to get access the upper echelons of the League. They would be the ones that would truly help him fulfill his dream of sitting atop the purple thundercloud belonging to the fastest land creature ever to roam the planet.

As his Absol cantered south, Josh squinted when he saw an incredibly large and tall Liepard walking in the distance, a trainer with an apparently larger build than his own next to the dark-type cat. As the two got closer, he could recognize more details. When he saw the man's skin tone and hair color, his jaw dropped. "...I don't believe it!" He had Twilight speed up, the Absol in surprise to see the man that had tried to run both of them off the road in the not-so-distant past. Once they were alongside him, Josh tilted his head. "It's really you, isn't it?" he asked the familiar traveler.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good

{WC: 312}
{PC: 1}
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Y'feel the pumping adrenaline?
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Matus Baran DOLLARS
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POSTED ON Aug 23, 2022 17:26:05 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
Matus had been enjoying a relatively peaceful walk; basking in the comfort of the moderate weather that currently graced the desert-touching route. Enough that he'd almost forgotten what he'd been out there for—if it wasn't for the nudging of Sepkat's nose into his side. "It's really you, isn't it?" Lost as he'd been in his mind, Matus hadn't even noticed the approach of the Ranger.

If it wasn't for the protective stance from the Liepard at his side, Matus would've simply pretended that he hadn't heard him. Though he'd finally look towards Josh proper, the once-over not exactly subtle as he took in the other's condition. There was some leg swelling, but that was about all he could see. He couldn't even try to feign ignorance, not when Sepkat was standing as tall as the feline possibly could to stare as threatening as she could over his shoulder. "What, are you here to try and drag me by my hair to the cops, pipsqueak?" As neutral as he could keep his voice, it still held a smidgeon of mistrust.

Though he could see the blot of Sila's form in the sky hovering there, either watching to see whether or not the Togekiss was needed, or surveying the route for any signs of a fire-type.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 1:12:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Seeing the Liepard from this close up, he saw the four spikes on the corners of its saddle were filed down to the point where they were merely ornamental. The evidence was conclusive; before him stood the Liepard and the true identity of the Drift King he had raced across Red Canyon before he had become a Ranger. "Never!" Josh replied, holding his hands up and lurching back a little in Twilight's saddle. "I'm just surprised to see you is all! This must mean you were acquitted! We'll have to have a rematch some day, you know!"

Josh took a long pause to let his words sink in. "If you meet all three of my conditions, I promise you that I will do everything I can to prevent the Verdanturf Rangers from pressing charges against you."

If anything, Josh looked a bit too happy to see a known dangerous criminal running around a free man. Was he truly reformed? The racer seemed to believe so. "It appears both of us have held up our sides of the bargain, and have come out far ahead for it." As the conversation continued, the hardness of his Absol's forehead blade dropped. "Name's Josh, and this is Twilight. You probably know her already. I'm a semi-professional Pokémon racer, but I'm sure you were already aware. What's yours...Drift King?" He wasn't sure whether or not Matus had renounced the title, but Josh figured at the very least it would make a good laugh.

{WC: 250}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Y'feel the pumping adrenaline?
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Matus Baran DOLLARS
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Matus Baran
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 2:07:07 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
A hand on Sepkat's snout had the Liepard beginning to settle, bristling fur gradually smoothing out as the feline glanced between the pair with a low grumbling huff. A false annoyance towards him easily betrayed with how the cat was leaning her shoulder into his back. Though his brow would raise at Josh's tone, watching the hands lift in an attempt at showing innocence; something that caused a marginal lowering of his shoulders. Not entirely trusting, but it was enough to have Matus easing up a bit, even if Josh was being almost painfully excited about him walking away from the trouble he'd been in.

The mention of the Absol had his attention shifting towards her; staring at the Dark-type's face a moment as he waited for it to click. He'd seen so, so many pokemon. But, after a few moments he'd give a slight nod. "I recognize her." And if he didn't, at the very least Sepkat did from her original reaction. As Josh prodder for his own name, Matus could only offer back a grin, showing more tooth than anything.

The feeling of the Liepard beginning to start moving again was enough to prompt the man to follow; tossing a look over his shoulder towards Josh and Twilight. "You don't get my name yet, boy. Now c'mon, don't just stand there flappin' your gums, pipsqueak. You can walk and talk, can't you? Don't gotta use your legs when you're riding that girl right there. We're lookin for fire-types."

Was that him offering an olive branch? Not quite. More like keeping the starving jaws from snapping on the feeding hand.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK

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October 13
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POSTED ON Aug 24, 2022 8:30:57 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD PIGNITE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]HEAD SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DEFENSE CURL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FLARE BLITZ
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD BARBARACLE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] MALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] PICKPOCKET
[attr="class","wildtabox"]ROCK POLISH
[attr="class","wildtabox"]SHELL SMASH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]WATER GUN
[attr="class","wildtabox"] NIGHT SLASH
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 0:24:51 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Sepkat and Matus were a tough crowd to impress. Though it was clear the two remembered each other, the Drift King appeared somewhat hostile toward Josh. It was completely understandable, though! The Ranger had forced his fellow racer into making a big lifestyle change that, at least in the short term, would be much harder than the underground racing scheme he had left behind. His cold acknowledgment of his Absol made Josh take a mental step back.

Josh wanted to make a remark about how rude Matus was being, but his better judgment told him to keep his mouth shut. "All business, I see," were the first words out of his mouth after a long pause. Terse, but it got the point across. "Then let's ride and find some!" Certainly not the Pignite staring at them from the side of the arid road, but this part of Hoenn was a hotbed for Fire-type Pokémon, just as the traveler suggested was the reason he was there. He encouraged his Absol to pick up the pace, both their eyes shifting back and forth for a Pokémon that met their fancy.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good

{WC: 190}
{PC: 3}

ooc note: This encounter is a pass.
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Y'feel the pumping adrenaline?
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Matus Baran DOLLARS
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Matus Baran
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 2:28:43 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
A sharp hiss from Sepkat had the man glancing in her direction—watching the posture the Liepard had taken, and allowing his gaze to shift a little further over towards what had her attention. A Barbaracle that had inched marginally too close to the path—though now it had taken a couple steps back out of its own precautions from the hostile feline.

Of course that wasn't the type of Pokemon that they were searching for, so he wasn't going to stop her behavior. Simply continuing on with a nudge of the Liepard's harness, and another glance back towards Josh as he spoke. Though there was the look again towards Josh's legs, before he'd speak, a faint note of concern there despite the cold treatment Matus was giving him. "Don't gotta race for it right now. Take it slow, looks like you need it."

There was a begrudging respect there, nothing would be a 'fair' race in Josh's current state, when it looked like even slightly too much effort to keep him on the saddle would actively cause the man harm.

A much softer chime had Matus turning his head back again—blinking a few times towards where Sila had apparently decided to rejoin them; circling excitedly around the Pignite that Josh had already noticed. "Fire, yes. But not what we need." The tone Matus took towards the Togekiss could easily leave how he spoke to Josh as being glacially cold, a softer rumble to his voice as he'd approach it to shoo the Pignite away himself—and gently shushing Sila's softer whine.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK

OOC: Skipping this round too!
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 4:15:07 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The Drift King's Liepard still seemed to be a bit on edge around Josh. It didn't surprise him; Twilight had pushed the fellow dark-type to her limits before. While he was being stern, Matus seemed to genuinely care for Josh in his own strange way. "I'll have them looked at once I get to Trainer Hill, I promise," he answered, slowly getting more comfortable in the almost authoritative presence the former gang leader gave off.

Sila had flown in from above, Josh immediately taking note of the Togekiss. "That's an impressive one! One of only three such Pokémon capable of the Sacred Arte, Extreme Speed," he showcased his knowledge of the dangerously fast move. There were others, but only three were ride Pokémon. The other two were Arcanine and Dragonair...and Josh had both in his rotation. Togekiss were normally quite shy around humans, which would make the process of not only catching, but fitting and training the Pokémon for the high speed flight far more difficult than the dragon-type or fire-type.

"So, have you been to your first race yet?" Josh asked. "I went to one in Mauville Bay a couple weeks ago, but I scrubbed out so badly. Finished in eighteenth place...out of twenty. It's way different being in the water, I can tell you!"

{WC: 221]
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Matus Baran
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 4:41:52 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
Even if he pretended not to heard Josh's answer, the further easing of his shoulders would give it away. Some distant part of him satisfied with hearing he'd at least be going to get medical attention, even if it was just someone looking at a leg and going 'yep thats swollen'. Matus had pointedly not looked back towards Josh as he'd spoken, like he was trying to enforce the idea of him not having a single care towards the other.

At least, he'd been 'ignoring him' until he'd started talking about Sila... Which had also drawn said Togekiss's attention as the huge Fairy seemed to teleport between them, disappearing from Matus' side in one moment, and appearing practically in Josh's face the very next. Though, whether it was just the Togekiss being particularly fast, or happening to use a very short burst of an Extreme Speed—albiet for an incredibly dumb reason.

"Sila." That time, at least; the tone Matus held was a bit more warning, though the Togekiss seemed to just... entirely ignore him, instead busying itself with the worried hovering closer towards Josh's legs; evidently fretting in its own way about the swelling it was seeing. "Ignore Sila, He does not understand boundaries." It was almost like he was trying to avoid the questions Josh had asked, but honestly, not the entire truth. Rather, he knew just how alarming and offputting a sudden massive blimp of a pokemon suddenly appearing in someone's face, actually was.

"... To answer your question... No, I have not." Well, there was the answer, finally. "I have been spending more time handling... Other things," Matus didn't exactly feel the need to elaborate there, it was probably obvious from the other terms Josh had set down that even allowed him to walk around freely like he was. "... I do not want to run Sepkat ragged, so we are searching for others who can handle it." Oh, well. There was the Liepards name, for the first time, and the actual reason he was out there aside from just 'fire-types'.

Baby steps.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK
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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 6:06:15 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
As if on cue, Sila demonstrated his Extreme Speed, disappearing from his trainer's side and reappearing directly in front of Josh and Twilight. The Absol reared in fright, Josh hissing in pain from her fur and skin rubbing against her rider's swollen legs, once when she ascended to her hind legs, and again when she lowered them to be on all fours. "Aaaaagh!" he cried as Sila gave the two room again; it was clear now that he had been shrugging off quite a bit of pain.

Josh frowned at first when he heard Matus had not gotten the chance to race yet, but his follow-up statement explained everything. "If it's what I think it is, then it's got to be a gargantuan task." He let out a sigh.

"Second, I want to see personally that you return every last Pokémon you've stolen to their rightful owners."

"Once the racing season wraps up and I have more time to myself, if you need a hand with it, just holler." He noted the Liepard's name as it probably slipped, but didn't repeat it; he figured the man was in deep thought as things were. He could not stop thinking about their last meeting ever since the two reunited. "You've got a lot of talent. You really do. And I'm glad to see you're starting to use it to help people rather than hurt people. That you actually listened to my words that day means a lot."

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Good

{WC: 246}
{PC: 5}
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
Mauville City
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Y'feel the pumping adrenaline?
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Matus Baran DOLLARS
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Matus Baran
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 6:23:13 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
The effort was monumental, the restraint Matus had to show to not slap a hand against his face and sigh with the force of thousands of tired men. Even as awkward as it was, that pain wasn't intentional; which meant an apology was needed if any of those... behavior... helping... classes... were to be listened to— But, well. It seemed Sila was, once again, beating him to the punch.

As the Togekiss would startle backwards at Twilight's reaction; wings barely twitching with a sharper whine in the floating fairy's throat at Josh's cry, to then creep closer as slowly as he possibly could to not trigger any other abrupt and sudden reactions from the Absol. The very body language of the Fairy-type practically crying 'I'm sorry! I'm sorry!', hell it even had tears already streaming from its eyes.

"Sila-" Once more, another attempt to get the Togekiss to listen— usually he listened perfectly fine! but now he was just being stubborn— and once again, Matus was ignored in favor of Sila starting to frantically shake its head, even though it looked more like the Togekiss' entire body was shaking from side-to-side instead; scattering the gleaming tears sporadically around the group, as if hoping the Life Dew would be of any help to soothe Josh's pain.

The commotion at least had brought Sepkat padding back over; the feline having already gone a bit ahead without seeming to realize she no longer had company. Just, calmly settled back and watching the show with the same guarded expression that a Liepard could wear.

But even as Josh would continue to speak, Matus would keep his attention focused on Sila, already well-versed with what the Togekiss was trying from the many time it had panicked over the small scrapes he himself would end up with on the... less than ideal racing tracks. "... Times are changin' pipsqueak, gotta be a fool not to see it." Though what the ranger said was cheesy as hell in all senses, it was a small reassurance.

Hell he'd tried to kill the kid when he met him, and he was still being this nice? Despite the fact he was being as welcoming as hugging a Cacturne? It was almost enough to make a ground-type swim. Ah, there it was. There was the sigh of a thousand eternally exhausted men, complete with Matus' attention going anywhere else aside from the current subject of conversation, and the entire just... tired posture properly coming up, slumped shoulders and a slouch that seemed to make him lose a couple inches of height.

"... Call me Matus."

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK

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October 13
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Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 25, 2022 8:53:56 GMT
shiv Avatar


[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD SHUCKLE APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] STURDY
[attr="class","wildtabox"]GASTRO ACID
[attr="class","wildtabox"]STRUGGLE BUG
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]POWER TRICK
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?



[attr="class","wildtitle"]A WILD TYPHLOSION APPEARED!


[attr="class","wildtabox"] FEMALE
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] BLAZE
[attr="class","wildtabox"]DEFENSE CURL
[attr="class","wildtabox2"]FLAME WHEEL
[attr="class","wildtabox"] ---
[attr="class","wildtabox2"] ---


[attr="class","wildnote"] WHAT WILL YOU DO?

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
Play with Fire [DW]
POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 6:22:58 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Sita's LIFE DEW was enough to ease Josh's pain substantially, and even the swelling itself dropped noticeably. Pokémon were amazing! When complemented with the marvels of modern medicine, there was little that couldn't be treated! "Thanks so much...Sila," he slowly mentioned the Togekiss by name aloud. It was then that Josh understood that Matus was serious about the task he had been assigned. He had truly given up his criminal lifestyle to turn over a new leaf, and perhaps even a new identity. It was a story that tugged at the strings of Josh's heart; the danger he had placed himself in that fateful day was well worth it.

The Drift King's namedrop seemed to echo through Josh's surrounding like a royal Pyroar's bellow. The single introduction, a true introduction, resonated louder than any other words that could have been said. "Matus, a name I will never forget." The Ranger had a good understanding how hard it must have been to be forthcoming with the man who, no less than a month or two ago, had the potential to ruin his life forever. "If you told me that day we would see each other eye to eye like this in the future, I wouldn't have believed you. Once I'm feeling better, I want to, fair and square--"

A familiar-sounding explosion rocked the air around them as a nearby Typhlosion's fur exploded, spooking a nearby Shuckle into withdrawing into her shell. While it would be far from traditional and a bit of a rough ride compared to his other fire-types, Josh was not going to turn down the Johto-native Pokémon as an addition to his roster. He grabbed a Poké Ball from his belt and released Blinky, yet another Pokémon in full riding gear. She was a Jolteon, and a huge one at that; on the cusp of the maximum possible size for her species.

"Blinky, soften it up with your THUNDER WAVE!" Her quills pointed straight up as the swift, yellow Pokémon loosed a weak jolt of electricity intended to tense the foe's muscles, much like a stun gun. The fire-type shrugged the electricity off completely, going on all fours and charging the Jolteon with speed that even surprised her, She tried to leap out of the way, but was still broadsided by the wild's FLAME WHEEL. Letting out a hiss, the Jolteon retaliated with a brutal THUNDERBOLT that left the Typhlosion convulsing. Josh sidearm threw an empty Poké Ball toward the fire-type, recalling Blinky to keep her from being hurt further.

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Twilight      Absol          Good
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good
Blinky        Jolteon        Poor

{WC: 427}
{PC: 6}

ooc note: Catching Typhlosion!
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The Drift King
He / Him
September 04
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POSTED ON Aug 26, 2022 23:50:01 GMT
Matus Baran Avatar
"T'anyone else, you don't know—" At the explosive sound, Matus would turn just enough to catch the Typhlosion. Watching with a raised brow the scene that played out before him, patient enough to wait for the dust to settle before he'd continue on; turning his focus back onto Josh with a curious glance towards the other Pokéballs.

"... As I was saying. To anybody else, you don't know my name. Even on paperwork, I'm usin' the Alias. You're gettin' a special privilege here, pipsqueak." The harsher tone to his words could almost be ignored with the way Sila kept bobbing around in concern.

"Once you ain't keelin' over at the thought of touchin' the saddle at those top speeds, you owe me a rematch." A marginal pause, as he'd think for a moment. "... I'll even be so gracious as t'let you pick the course, squirt."

There, that was fair, right? Surely if Josh picked a place he couldn't possibly be tempted to fall.

Sepkat — Liepard — OK
Sila — Togekiss — OK

Note: Skipping this round
The Shula Region
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RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP