i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 9, 2022 22:47:45 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES





With your waiver signed and your nerves steeled, you enter the looming mansion. You find yourself within a bare lobby, another GMH attendant standing in front of four distinct doors. After a moment of waiting, you are directed toward a door with vines hanging off of its frame. The attendant opens the door, and once you enter the door will close and lock behind you.[break][break]

You have entered a ghastly hallway overgrown with vegetation. Scattered ivy drips from the rotting ceiling, with several strands low enough to tickle the top of your head. The walls on either side of you are made of glass, and looking through them you will find miniature greenhouses choked with various plants. As your stare lingers, you swear you can see faces hiding within the foliage—surely just a trick of the mind. Roses growing from the floor mark your way forward, but do not stop to smell them. These Flowers give off a repugnant scent, a mixture of blood and mildew. As you begin your journey, you think that this horrific conservatory may not be as scary as you anticipated. That may change when you come upon a shattered glass wall, the plants that sat within mysteriously missing...



Your journey through the house has begun. It is now up to you to help your character navigate this haunted maze. Describe your character’s experience in as much or as little detail as you desire, but know that creative writing and displays of effort may be rewarded. You need not interact or acknowledge each other, but you are free to do so if you wish. For those who wish to practice their imagination, here are some resources to help you. [break][break]

What do they Hear: Vines shifting, nails against glass, moans in the distance, cicadas chittering, unseen footsteps—what else?[break][break]
What do they See: Hand prints on the glass, faces or body parts in the foliage, mold on the walls and floors, shifting figures in the dark, the vegetation within the glass walls, shattered glass walls—what else? [break][break]

What do they Smell: Rotting leaves, mold, mildew, blood—what else?[break][break]

Use the mood music provided at the top of the post for further inspiration.[break][break]

The actual game occurs at the end of your post. Here is an overview of the rules:

  • Roll three times. At least one of your rolls must meet the win condition of this thread. This Thread’s Win Condition: At least one rolled number must be greater than 50.
  • Every player starts with 50 resolve. Failure to meet the win condition on any of your rolls will cost the player 10 resolve. Reaching 0 resolve will eliminate that player from the game. Be sure to keep track of your resolve somewhere within your post.
  • Continue taking turns posting until there is only one player left standing. Every eight posts I will interject with an event that may modify the game, so stay vigilant.
  • There is no set deadline for posting, however to keep the intended pace there is a penalty for slacking. If you cannot post within two days after the post before you, you will be skipped over and lose 30 Resolve.
  • Unless requested otherwise, your character is entering their area ALONE! As such, you may note if you are open to interaction or not. If someone is not open to interaction, that must be respected. Additionally, just because someone is open to interaction does not mean you are obligated to interact with them.



This is an optional element to give you a leg up in the game. A ghoul hides within this post, guarding a bonus prompt. Fulfilling the bonus prompt and sending the ghoul's link to Hollow's discord will earn you a bonus in the game![break][break]

BUT BEWARE! The ghoul's visage may be too scary for some. If you are easily frightened or disturbed, you can still obtain the bonus by guessing the prompt based off those who have already found it. Just send what you think the prompt is to Hollow's discord and fulfill it in your post. Regardless of the method, you will obtain the bonus upon confirmation from Hollow. Fill in the links in ALL CAPS.[break][break]

Here is the bonus for this thread: Automatically change a losing roll into a winning roll at a time of your choosing.

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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,212 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Oct 10, 2022 20:56:46 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Getting spooked
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]Aurelie always loved a good party, and the specter of the impending meteoric apocalypse seemed to have put the partying mood into much of Hoenn in general. The prospect of a sprawling, sensational Halloween faire in Mauville City drew her in like a moth to a candle flame. One thing Aurelie didn't love, though, was the way she herself tended to react to scary or surprising situations—usually by jumping, squeaking, trembling, fleeing, breaking down in tears, and generally losing her cool. Thus, the prospect of teaching herself to be braver and toughening herself to the effects of fear or dread, especially in a seemingly low-stakes environment like a haunted house, drew her in like a rigorous exercise and diet regimen for someone trying to get fit: willingly, but reluctantly and uneasily.

Taking a deep breath, she forced herself to enter the vine-draped door with her eye directed forward and head held high. The repulsive stench of blood and rot hit her almost immediately, making the red-haired smith gag. She covered her mouth and nose with one hand as she tentatively threaded her way through the lush crimson roses along the floor, their velvety, burgeoning, baleful beauty contrasting sharply with the horrid scent they gave off.

"Ow!" she exclaimed at one point, as her other hand brushed into a long, sharp thorn on a rose stem.

Bringing her hand up sharply, Aurelie saw blood well up in a perfect scarlet circle from the puncture wound in her palm. The color of her blood perfectly matched the color of the roses all around her. As she shook off the droplet of blood and pressed on the puncture to keep it from bleeding more, Aurelie let out a gasp and blinked her uncovered eye rapidly to clear her vision. For a split second, she could've sworn she saw the roses all leaning in toward her, as if hoping to drink up the bit of spilt blood she'd scattered.

A loud rustling to her right, followed by what sounded like the sound of soft, mocking laughter, made her whip her head around sharply. She repressed a shiver when she saw a row of roses parting and then straightening back in place. It looked for all the world like something very small—or, she couldn't help thinking, something invisible—was running through the roses and pushing them aside. She looked toward the glass walls for any telltale reflections but saw nothing in them except the foliage beyond, shifting and shuddering in an unseen breeze.

Or at least, she hoped it was from a breeze, despite being inside a closed hallway with no visible ventilation.

More rustling sounds filled the air to her left, followed now by the faint patter of soft, rapid footsteps and the distant clink of breaking glass. Aurelie gasped again and whirled around to look. "Who's there?" she called out. "Hello? Is someone there?"


Open to interactions

Resolve: Down to 30

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 14, 2022 5:52:49 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

The only thing that's scary about the dark is... well... She can't really say she's been entirely scared of it, only scarred by the memories that come hand-in-hand with such places. Add on the fact that she deals with creepy scenarios in her gym every now and then, you've got a kid that barely bats an eye at the way things go missing right before her very eyes.[break][break]

It's obvious that some kind of ghost or some underpaid staff is in charge of making that happen. After all, this is meant to be a haunted house of sorts and she knows better than to let herself sink too deep into the immersion. Still, there is a sense of discomfort that comes from being separated from Reiner, one expounded as leaves and thorns gently prick at her ankles.[break][break]

"Come on, Rose... you've got this."[break][break]

Resolve: 30


tagged - OPEN

template by punki

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[newclass=.erishopecredit a]font-family: inherit; font-size: inherit;[/newclass]··
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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2022 19:39:34 GMT
luka chêne Avatar


As the door locks behind her, Luka wonders why on earth she thought this was a good idea.[break][break]

It makes for good practice, she supposes. Steady your heart, screw your courage to the sticking place. Leave your fears at the door. If she's going to make it in Hoenn while the meteor looms, she should at least be able to handle a haunted house.[break][break]

Except this is more than just a creepy house with halloween store props and volunteer actors in bad stage makeup jumping out at you. The hallway smells like old fear, like rot and decay, as though she'd stepped into another world entirely.[break][break]

The corridor feels very old, and very slow. Vegetation scratches at her ankles and vines tangle in her hair— she has to duck to escape the ensnaring thorns. Unease bubbles up in the pit of her stomach— not yet terror, but something close to it. It's a kind of creeping dread that crawls up her spine like a spider and has the hairs at the back of her neck standing on end.[break][break]

To combat the feeling, a campy, musical tune hums in the back of her throat. She sings under her breath as she walks down the hall, her voice echoing off the walls in a way that doesn't seem quite right.[break][break]

"But whatever they offer you...don't feed the plants..."[break][break]

It does cheer her up a little. Luka continues to fill the eerie silence with her own twittering voice, singing a little louder whenever there's the sound of creaking or groaning, or a rustle in the rotting flowers alongside her. She forces herself to stare straight ahead and tries to ignore the shapes in the flowers, the vines that look like elongated fingers reaching out to grab her.[break][break]

But when she reaches the glass wall, she stops. The broken, jagged pieces glint menacingly, and she can see something red around the edges. In one corner, there appears to be a clump of human hair.[break][break]

Choking back a retch, Luka staggers backwards just as she hears another voice, human this time, calling out from somewhere along the wall.

"Hello?" she calls back, peering through the broken glass to see if there's another face on the other side, or farther along the corridor. "Yes, there's...I'm here!"[break][break]

GojVYsxl[break][break]open to interaction!


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2022 14:11:27 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



He sauntered into the hallway with a mask of faux-calm, expression loosely schooled as he walked between the rows of pungent roses, only granting the flowers a brief glance before continuing on his way.

Strangely, the smell of fake blood and viscera did little to him; perhaps because he had been exposed to it so many times in his life, he was acquainted with it well enough to recognize the subtle differences between true gore, and an approximation.

It was the shadows in the corners of his eye and the moaning behind his back that got to him.

'It's a Mauville Event', they said. 'You can't miss it', they said. 'It doesn't matter if you're no longer the Major Gym Leader', they said. 'Show your support for the city', they said...

Yes, they said many things, and they were all good points, but he still hated himself for letting them talk him into this shit.

There was no reason to be intimidated by a make believe haunted house, he told himself. He had been to actually haunted places! With ! Hell, he had been to the Church's Catacombs! That made horror movies look like baby crap!

This. Was. Nothing!


He swiveled in place already half screaming, his hand flying for his missing gun and finding nothing.


Nothing. The youth panted, looking around wearily for a moment. Behind some fake wall or something, some poor, underpaid intern probably held their hands over their mouths, muffling out their own screams at the very real threat from the very real military scary man.

"Ack...!" Hissed the youth a moment later when his forearm caught onto a thorny rose, drawing a small amount of blood from him and causing him to release a low hiss. "Really?!"

In something of a bad mood now, the youth began to stomp down the scary hallway faster, eager to get everything done with— looking over his shoulder every other second.

Open for interaction.
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played by


December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,212 posts
part of
TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
POSTED ON Oct 23, 2022 5:49:31 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Getting spooked.
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]The sounds of more voices and footsteps echoed softly along the corridor, and Aurelie couldn't help wrapping her arms around herself defensively as she looked from one side to the other. Which sounds were real, and which were just products of her imagination resulting from the subtle rustling of the leaves and flowers? She wasn't even sure herself if she wanted those sounds to be real people or not. Who knew if those people would be friendly or hostile, helpful or dangerous?

The most haunting sound that Aurelie could hear was a very soft singing, which bounced off the vine-covered walls with an eerie resonance. The voice that was singing was pretty, but the melody seemed muffled or distorted by the glass walls and ceiling overgrown with vegetation. It at least did sound human in origin, which was enough for Aurelie to drift closer toward the sound of the singing voice.

She started pushing her way through the roses, which reached up to her knees and even her thighs in places. Their long, sharp thorns snagged and pulled at her pants and boots, which thankfully were thick and sturdy enough to withstand chilly fall weather and menacing, rotting flora alike. No doubt about it, these flowers definitely felt like they were leaning and moving in directions that ordinary flowers didn't, as if they were trying to grab her of their own volition.

Aurelie's heart leaped when the distant voice suddenly spoke up, as if in answer to her question earlier. "Hello? Yes, there's...I'm here!"

"Hello! I'm here too!" she exclaimed, hurrying toward the end of the corridor. A moment after she spoke up, Aurelie remembered her misgivings about other people in the corridor. But the voice sounded sweet and uncertain, and there was a certain excitement in realizing she might not be alone in here, no matter who else might have come into this haunted house along with her.

She let out a long-held breath that she hadn't realized she had been holding when she saw, much to her relief, a recognizably human, slender figure with long candy-colored hair standing beyond a hanging thicket of vines. Pushing the vines aside, Aurelie smiled out of pure gratitude and gave a little wave of greeting. There was something familiar about the woman, some sort of association with beaches and ocean, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it at the moment.

"I'm so glad to see someone else in here," Aurelie exclaimed. "This place is definitely giving me the cr— Wait, what's happened here?"

Aurelie had turned slightly as she spoke and had finally caught sight of the shattered glass wall on one side of the overgrown corridor. The jagged edges of the glass seemed to be dripping with blood, or at least something red and sticky. The plants that should have been inside the wall were missing, but instead there seemed to be a clump of human hair in one corner.

And in the shadows beyond, was that the slumped form of a body lying on the ground, with one arm stretched toward them?

She drew a long, shuddering breath as she looked back at the other woman and then toward the glass wall again. "Do you know what's going on with that? Or this all new to you too?"


| Open to interactions

Resolve down to zero, nooooo

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.aurelie_tag a]font-size:12px;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred]text-align:center;font-size:8px;color:rgb(132, 132, 132);letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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played by


March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
part of
TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 0:16:19 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'S HOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




You hear the rabid thumping of a human running on all fours. You should have begun running right away, but instead you turn to look at what approaches you. Before you can react. An emaciated creature covered in vegetation launches forward, tackling you to the ground. It quickly grabs you by the legs, dragging you away into the shadows.[break][break]

has been ELIMINATED!

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played by


she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
part of
TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 24, 2022 5:59:55 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

It's not fear that eats at her, it's anxiety - The inability to talk to her closest companion Reiner as she makes her way through these halls. She swears she hears screaming and it's probably some other poor people led into this house, but she's quick to shrug it off in favour of exploring what she can while she still has the chance.[break][break]

Voices call out, familiar ones that draws her to the sight of interacting with another woman... Only to have dragged off by some horrifying ghoul that crawled from the shadows.[break][break]

"You... didn't cause that, did you?" She's cautious, keeping her distance as she waits for a response. "Though I suppose you don't exactly look the part of cursed."
Resolve: 10


tagged -

template by punki

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 7:45:03 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



"Oh, thank goodness!"[break][break]

It's such a relief to see another person here. A real, flesh-and-blood, bonafide person! Luka smiles and returns 's wave, some of the oppressive gloom in the hallway lifting a bit. Blindly trusting as ever, she can only assume the other woman's presence is a good thing.[break][break]

"I have no idea," is her only, rather unsatisfactory answer. "I's a haunted house! S-so it's all fake, right?"[break][break]


It's the most elaborately convincing setup she's ever seen, sure. And the atmosphere is deeply, oppressively real— just like her fear. But Luka forces a fake smile onto her face and holds her hand out to her new companion. "Come on! I-it's not as scary when you're with someone, ri—"[break][break]

Her voice is cut off by the sound of rustling vegetation. It almost sounds like an animal running towards them, but when Luka turns around to look her face contorts with terror. The sound of her own screaming deafens whatever cries makes as she's dragged away by the vegetative wraith.[break][break]

The hand she had extended, still empty, is quickly snatched back towards her side. Luka fists her palm into the fabric of her skirt as her heart races, stomach churning with the sudden urge to retch. And when another voice floats towards her in the gloom, she almost screams again.[break][break]

Instead, Luka lets out a funny, strangled kind of squeak. She sucks in a breath as she regards the child in front of her (she looks so familiar!), but eventually calms enough to speak.[break][break]

"Eh? Me? O-of course not!"[break][break]

Although does have good reason to be suspicious. After all, Luka had been the killer during the last death game they played together...[break][break]

"I heard another voice anyways," she says with a shudder. It was 's, but she hasn't put the pieces together just yet. "It was saying...I'll kill you..."[break][break]

Luka swallows thickly and turns her attention back to the wall. This way, she can keep looking forwards while also keeping an eye on goings-on behind her. Her ears are pricked for the sound of anything else moving in the leaves.[break][break]

Slowly, and careful not to touch any of the glass, she leans forward and peers through the hole in the wall. Just as their fallen comrade had seen, she notices the shape of a body, an outstretched hand. Another one of the things that had snatched their poor companion up? If she squints, she can make out the shape of vines and branches...[break][break]

It's just a plant, then. A weird one. It doesn't move no matter how long she stares.[break][break]

"I don't think we should go through here," she mumbles, "B-but it also looks like the only way forwards. S-so, um. Stay behind me, okay?"[break][break]

Taking a deep breath, she steps through the broken wall. At least, despite her mounting terror, Luka hasn't forgotten her most basic of principles. As always, she's putting everyone else before herself.

RPKwaH4j[break][break]resolve: 10


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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played by

Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 15:31:35 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



This was fake. This was all fake. It was nothing, NOTHING! THE CRIPTS, THE TRUE HAUNTED HOUSE! He had been to real scary places, seen real ghosts, demons, whatever the hell that mass of eyes— he shuddered at the memory on reflex— and he knew it, knew it in his damn hard, that this was all fake.

So why the hell was he so jumpy?!

Step. step. step... Murmur. murmur. murmur...

He's all alone, but he can hear it. The sounds of others, far away. The steps which's echoes reach across the halls towards him. The murmurs that whisper in his ear, just barely too low for him to make any sense of them...

He thinks something moves in the corner of his eye, and he swivels on his heel with a scream half chocked in his throat, suckling in a deep breath as he looks around the foyer wildly.


"Damn it, damn it, damn it!" He shouted loudly as he began to stomp wildly through the halls and pathways. What was he even looking for, again...?! He couldn't remember! Shit!

He would be here forever at this rate!

"S'anyone out'ere?!"

resolve: 30
Open for interaction.
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 19:39:08 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'SHOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




None of you are as alone as it appears. Heavy drops of saliva fall onto your shoulders. You look up to find a monstrous plant emerging from the ceiling, its thorny vines reaching for you! Can you escape?[break][break]

Roll at least one winning number this round: You run/slide/roll to safety! Gain 20 Resolve! Any rolled failures do not count this round.[break][break]

Roll three losing numbers this round: You are captured by the vines and pulled into the plant’s mouth. You are eliminated![break][break]


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she / her
October 14
Vermilion City, Kanto
demolition expert
But I still believe, someday this lie will set me free
5,223 posts
Eris Halla DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @eris
Eris Halla
POSTED ON Oct 31, 2022 10:01:11 GMT
Eris Halla Avatar

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
out of the ruins,

[attr=class,accentborder accenttext]
flowers will grow


[attr=class,charname accenttext]
i can offer nothing, still you won't let go

"That sounds just about right considering that a) we're in Hoenn and b) this is a horror house in Hoenn."[break][break]

If she'd heard the voice, she might just have been able to recognise it. But her attention is far more focused on the way that simply steps through a broken wall without much care for herself.[break][break]

And she might have had a few words to say, if it isn't for the gaze she feels trickling down her spine.[break][break]

Screw the whole heroic, brave thing and taking the lead. With a few bold steps forward, she pushes Luka forward and urges her into a run.[break][break]

"Just keep your eyes ahead and keep moving."[break][break]

Someone has to be a distraction, after all.[break][break]

Resolve: 0


tagged -

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sleeping beauty
July 15
lumiose city, kalos
public relations
rising star
she looks like, if you bit her, honey and milk would flow from her
2,003 posts
luka chêne DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @luka
luka chêne
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2022 6:38:32 GMT
luka chêne Avatar



"Yeah...we need to run."[break][break]

There's no time to argue or try to think of a better plan. Luka can hear it just as pushes her forwards; the sound of something above them, rustling leaves and vines that sounds eerie and unnatural.[break][break]

Something wet drips down the back of her neck. Despite her better judgement she looks up, and screams again.[break][break]

Kitschy horror musicals have nothing on a plant monster like this. Luka grabs the young girl's hand and breaks into a sprint, half dragging the poor little thing behind her. She'd have liked to put herself behind the younger girl and shield her from the monster as best she can, but she can run faster and hopefully, can pull them both out of danger this way.[break][break]

After a minute (has it been a minute? terror has a way of slowing time) Luka glances back at her ward, and her eyes widen in shock.[break][break]

She's gone. Luka's hand clasps empty air and she suppresses a shriek. But she knows, deep in her gut or her soul or whatever, that to stop now will spell out her own doom.[break][break]

So she keeps running. This time aiming, she hopes, to the direction she'd heard another voice shouting in. Whether ends up being friend nor foe doesn't matter— she just doesn't want to be stuck here alone.[break][break]

72vKnvnS[break][break]resolve: 30


[attr="class","name"]luka chêne

[attr="class","subtxt"]I don't know anything with certainty,[break]
But the sight of the stars makes me dream



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 17:43:59 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar



Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, this was all bullshit! Made up! FAKE AS BALLS!

"Nothing to be scared of. Nothin' at al! S'all fake!" The youth reassured himself as he stomped through the halls, head snapping from side to side with far more weariness than someone with no nothing to be afraid of should've had. "Scared, who's scared? I ain't scared. This is baby's first scare house, that's what it is!"

Something fell on his shoulder.

He jolted down the hall.

"OH F*CK OH SH*T OH GOD, I'M OUT!" He screamed, his stomping about swiftly echoing across the home. He occasionally stole glances over his shoulder, his better judgement running even faster him.

On one such occasion, he rounded around a corner—

And ran straight into .


"Aaaaaaaah...!" Wait... this wasn't a sentient plant. "Hi."

resolve: 50
Open for interaction.
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March 18
Heahea City
Gay af
Rosemary, heaven restores you in life.
1,971 posts
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TAG WITH @oscar
oscar clayton
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2022 19:05:21 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar


[attr="class","omgentop"]OSCAR'SHOUSE OF JUMPSCARES




The vines of this carnivorous plant snatch you before you could get away. No matter how hard you struggle, you cannot seem to free yourself as the plant lifts you toward its toothy maw. Soon you will be pushed into its dark gullet, leaving not a single trace as you are swallowed whole.

has been Eliminated!

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing