i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Dragon-hooded girl
August 10
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
Minor Gym Leader
Ace (Civilian)
5'11" (180 cm) height
5'11" (180 cm) height
I wanna become a Pokémon!
2,059 posts
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TAG WITH @andreavaneau
Andrea Vaneau
POSTED ON Oct 25, 2022 22:40:53 GMT
Andrea Vaneau Avatar
As if Darkrai on its own wasn’t a force to be reckoned with, a new eldritch monstrosity showed up on Team Rocket’s side, waving its eerie tentacles and manifesting a colossal black hole that threatened to swallow the League’s forces whole. Their combined menace was beautifully offset by the advent of two majestic birds: One was icy blue, while the other was vibrant like a rainbow.

Flanked by such overwhelming legends, Chomper may have looked more like an overzealous brat with a sizable chip on his shoulder, but that little factoid didn’t faze his inflated ego. Legendary this, legendary that! He was there to prove that he was every bit as good at them.

and ’s vessel was in the way. That Golurk was also in the way, Protecting against the Hydreigon’s Outrage. Very foolish to try and get in a rampaging dragon’s way. Once he’d started Outraging, it was very hard for him to stop. As such, when the clay giant’s protective barrier wore off, the three-headed dragon went for Anotha One™, ramming his frame into the vulnerable and partially frozen (courtesy of Articuno) ship. “Thanks for the help!” Andrea briefly looked up and waved at the legendary bird.

Whether the ship would survive the assault or not was tertiary. The Brutal Pokémon set his sights back on the main target of his wrath: Darkrai. Unfortunately for his bloodlust, the vessel housing Darkrai’s trainer was getting increasingly out of reach. And now Chomper additionally had to contest the lingering Black Hole Eclipse, as well as several of his fellow Dragon types firing their Draco Meteors left and right.

Singled out by multiple hostiles like an act of karmic justice, ’s ship was completely obliterated. Oh no. Anyway. The shockwave from the resulting explosion sent Andrea and her draconic steed careening off course, the girl wailing as she held onto the Hydreigon’s middle neck for dear life. “No! I don’t want it to end like thiiiiiis!!!”

As fate would have it, they were still headed towards the massive meteoroid’s surface same as everyone else. Whether they landed on an advantageous spot (or at all) would depend on factors such as how quickly Chomper would be able to recover from his shock, how much resistance they would meet in the way and, of course, an itty bit of luck.
//hydreigon attacks and 's ship with another OUTRAGE
//currently careening towards meteno's surface


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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,913 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 0:14:29 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
When prompted him, Josh immediately recalled his Dragonair. "I hope you have a plan, because the number of Pokémon faster than Resheph that can also survive without breathable air are--"

A vicious, freezing wind surrounded the two, a minor miracle that the helmet of Josh's space suit didn't ice over in the process. He would have turned into an icicle if his suit did not protect him from the cold. He felt his weight slowly dropping, seemingly floating in the air on this wind that had come out of nowhere. Seconds later, he found himself behind Lars, gripping the blue feathers of a gigantic bird.

He didn't have time to react as the Titan of Ice launched into a nearly vertical flight, easily exceeding his Dragonair's most extreme of Extreme Speeds. His heart started racing not out of joy, but of fear. The bird's Aura was nothing short of oppressive. his knuckles turning white as the blue bird ascended like a comet but in reverse.

Just let out a loud scream, feeling like Articuno was trying to buck him off with the sheer power of its ICE BEAM discharge. His hands and arms were shaking madly, knowing he would likely perish if he fell. When the path was cleared, he started to calm down, realizing what he had just done.

He was riding a legendary Pokémon.

With little he could do other than hold on tight, he let out a joyous whoop as Articuno raced toward the meteor. "You're... you're incredible!" Josh shouted, lost in his emotions. Articuno's Aura was still as oppressive as ever; when he dismounted after the trip, he was probably going to be sick. And there was nowhere for his vomit to go...except to his legs. He was going to need a long shower when this nonsense was over.

That wasn't the only legendary Pokémon Josh would meet, either; the second would leave him nothing short of starstruck. When the patron deity of Johto, the Great One, Ho-oh, soared atop them all and bestowed the rainbow light of SAFEGUARD that at least offered some protection from Killian's BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE, he completely lost it, taking his off hand off the ice bird's back to wave to .

"O Great One, hallowed bird of rainbow colors, thy will be done," the young Josh started incanting, forgetting to turn off his comms. , , and could hear the entire thing. "Impart me with thine FORESIGHT, thine JUDGMENT, and thine INSIGHT to carry out thy will, and to deliver Hoenn from her certain destruction at the hands of the meteoroid. O Great One, impart your faithful servant with the Blessing of Thunder, and make me a messenger of the new kingdom to come. A kingdom where your Blessed serve your Great Will for ever and ever. Amen."

Josh was still shaking after his prayer to the Great One, breathing heavily underneath his suit. "Lars, I can barely take it..." he moaned, not used to the PRESSURE of a legendary Pokémon beneath him. "Find us a place to touch down. I think once we land... I'll feel better..."



- Josh recalls his Dragonair as instructed
- Josh says a prayer to the Great One, Ho-oh, audible by and
- Josh feels really sick riding Articuno, defers to Lars for the landing
- Used one Salac (Salacs in inventory: 4 -> 3)

{WC: 525}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
Aslan         Pyroar         Good
Twilight      Absol          Good
Resheph       Dragonair      Good
Janus         Espeon         Good
Bladestorm    Skarmory       Good

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Nomi; The Visionary
November 9
Ecruteak, Johto
Head Scientist
I cannot conceive of a universe
without you in it
5'2" / 157 cm height
5'2" / 157 cm height
Curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness.
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Naomi Sato DOLLARS
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Naomi Sato
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 1:08:31 GMT
Naomi Sato Avatar


Nomi barely had time to marvel at the vast, desolate, preternatural beauty of 99943 Meteno as it came fully into view, but in that moment - the few seconds it took for her to suck in a single, sharp breath - time seemed to stand still. Nomi's crimson eyes widened, her mouth parted in awe, and she savored her first true view of their extraterrestrial destination.[break][break]
And then: chaos.[break][break]
"Well done, Poppy!" Nomi yelled over the groaning and rattling of straining metal; 's spacecraft had begun to swerve violently, careening downwards in an ironic, miniature mockery of 99943 Meteno itself as it rocketed towards their home planet. The victorious Meowstic hopped back into the ship and Nomi slammed the emergency exit door shut, then swiftly returned the psychic cat to her Pokéball. Nomi's entire body shook as the Rocket head scientist, aided by Darkrai, attempted to land their vessel safely.[break][break]
This is it! Nomi thought desperately, scrambling to think of a way she might be able to help Lulu slow their out-of-control descent. This will all be for nothing if we don't survive this landing.[break][break]
Then an idea came to her, a sudden spark of inspiration, and she immediately grabbed Saffron's Pokéball and released the Whimsicott. He blinked up at her and she gave him an encouraging smile edged with urgency. "Saff, I need you to make us stronger, okay? The entire ship. Understand?"[break][break]
He nodded, and his eyes flashed a deep, molten gold reminiscent of a blazing summer sun, and then surrounded the entire ship with a vibrant COTTON GUARD. The vessel glimmered with that same golden hue, its defenses bolstered. Nomi nodded, satisfied. She looked over, then, and met 's eyes, confident that her co-passenger would also be able to help them.[break][break]
Then she braced for impact.[break][break]

Whimsicott uses COTTON GUARD


+ Nomi is in 's ship (main Rocket spacecraft)[break]
+ Nomi is awed by her first sight of 99943 Meteno[break]
+ Nomi calls on her Whimsicott to help protect the ship as Lulu attempts to land it[break]
+ Nomi's Whimsicott uses COTTON GUARD, which raises the defense of the ship x3[break]
+ Nomi uses one Salac Berry to re-roll

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he / him / his
july 26
alto mare, johto
don’t know, don’t care
ranger & courier
ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
3,860 posts
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TAG WITH @lars
Laurence Anderson
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 1:43:31 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

For a few seconds there was quiet.

And then, chaos.

The very definition of the word happening as explosions broke out all around them.

Lars grit his teeth, before switching to the Ranger-specific comms and saying this next.

“Give it your all, everyone. I only have this to say: don’t die. Know when to retreat, know when to charge on. I’m counting on all of you.

After that, he’d switched back in time to hear Sky’s proclamation over the entire… oh boy. He could only crack a grin behind the helmet, unable to sass back because he was already internally laughing so hard. Sometimes being ‘the Composed’ had him put those limits to the very test.


‘I know, right?!’

‘Silly humans. Clearly someone had a fun night.’

‘Oh, shut up.’

Not too long after that exchange he would hear another one, and this time he would hiss a sigh before rolling his eyes—thank fuck the protective shielding of the helmet hid the gesture.

“Josh,” he replied, switching over to the League-central communication lines, “…you can nut out later. Focus.”

Switching quickly with a tap to the private line, he added, “Kid, I know you’re floored, but can you freak out later after everything’s said and done? We have to focus. And you have to get used to this pressure as well if you’re dead serious about chasing down what you said you wanted to chase down.”

Maybe that would remind the other of what he was working toward.

With that exchange done, the mirage spoke once more.

‘Someone’s about to get airsick.’

‘Take us down.’

The iceborne mirage then angled their flight trajectory, not missing the evil glare the Darkrai had thrown them (but shelving that for later, because they had more important shit to handle right now) as they attempted to come down to a landing on the meteorite’s surface, quite close to a deep crater.

Eventually the mirage would touch down, and after a brief argument, Lars pulled out a deep-red Pokéball and recalled the Articuno in it.

‘You know no Pokéball can hold me!’

‘I know, I know! Just—just put up with it for me for now! Please?!’


Another shuffle later, and this time he pulled out a Dusk Ball, summoning Amir, his Silvally. He wasn’t going to swap out the memory inside it for now though.

The Silvally then attempted to snap together a Protective screen around the general area where the two had landed, trying to gain their bearings on the alien thing that was determined to destroy them all.


cue SPACE MAN by Sam Ryder
• just watches as the madness breaks out
• switches to the Ranger comms (ty for the shiny toys, time to take this shit up to SPACE and test ‘em!) and addresses all the Rangers in combat regardless of location
• catches and ’s exchange, can’t help but fucking cackle internally
• hears little Josh’s exclamation, switches to private comms and tells him to rein it in
• the two land on the meteor
• (Articuno did not miss the glare Darkrai threw them, but they’ll handle that shit later)
• swapped out for Articuno for Silvally
• Silvally used Protect to help secure the place where him and little Josh are landing

+ other tags mentioned up above

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shiba inu
april 4th
saffron, kanto
inu ceo
and in this hell you'll stay
24 height
24 height
if this is the last night and you're feeling hollow - i'll give you my half life so you see tomorrow
122 posts
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TAG WITH @sheba
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 6:56:19 GMT

she's not going to crash with a failing ship. [break][break]

they're close to the meteor, but she knows that crashing will be devastating. they're hurling towards the rock faster than she'd like, but thankfully he engine failed, and so they aren't accelerating (thank you, gravity). but, you know, she'd like it better if they didn't crash head first. [break][break]

speeding was nice, but it'd be nicer if they could land slowly and without as much turbulence - and that's when she had a great idea. "hey!" she calls out to the pinkette, who already had a hand in the defensive maneuvers. then to the purple-haired man, while holding her vulpix, trying to keep a steady footing. [break][break]

"i'll try to slow the ship down!" she pats the vulpix, caressing the foxy pokemon "so try to keep the ship from crashing!" she's glancing to the other rookies who are brought for the trip, and she narrows her eyes. she's in no position to be barking out orders, but they need to be quick. "anyone else who can slow the ship down, help out!" [break][break]

she can't be the only one with this idea when she has her vulpix coming out, using a blizzard directed to push against their current ship. "just a little more, love." she holds the ice pokemon close, as she does her best. the poor thing might get tired, but it's okay. [break][break]

fingers crossed that this will work. frankly, she couldn't care less about the ship; she just wants a smooth landing for everyone in it; not everyone has a pokemon that can fly through space.



- oh shit o fuck & [break]
- vulpix uses BLIZZARD against the rookie ship to slow down their landing [break]
- grabs any other rookies in the ship who can do the same/use any kind of wind to push against the hurling lump of junk[break]
- pls rookie npcs don't just be fodder.....[break]
- btw sheba is protecting the vulpix in her arms with her life and will hug onto it while staying inside of the ship. [break]
- ngl i had half the mind to just ditch onto a charizard but WE GO DOWN WITH THIS SHIP-- Or not[break]
- hopping thru a hoopa loop to (somewhat) safety



99943 meteno

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dross, captain
she, her
august 17
Lilycove, Hoenn
sailor / treasure hunter
nautica owner
how bold I was, could be - will be - still am
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skyler dross
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 8:48:11 GMT
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At first, when the spaceship starts to veer sharply off course, she thinks it's one of Angelo's many fancy aerial maneuvers. Except that there's no stomach-dropping turn and when she looks, she notices his hands slack against the controls.

"You gotta be fucking kidding me."

What happens next is pure adrenaline-induced, instinct-driven reaction.

Her seatbelt (safety is important, okay?) is unbuckled and thrown aside as Skyler all but dives forward, over Angelo's seat and shoulder. She lands face-first on his lap, frantically reaching for the controls before they crash against another ship. 

Except that her current position, while it provides her with the best view of just how form-fitting Angelo's suit really is (extremely), doesn't really allow her to see outside.

She has no idea what she's doing, which becomes horribly obvious when a proximity alert starts blaring.

Fucking hell.

"Could do this in his sleep, he says," she snarls, reaching an arm back to call forth her Lapras. It fills the entirety of the cargo area, dark eyes blinking confusedly at the whole situation.

"Wake him up!" 

While Lapras are more often known for their enchanting lullabies, when this opens her mouth what comes out is something akin to an unholy screech, reminiscent of what the demonic hordes of hell, should they exist, might sound like.

Skyler startles, and the ship veers sharply in response. 

That was a Heal Bell?

Ah, she'll take it - if it wakes Angelo up and stops them from hurtling into an inevitably blazing end. At least, she thinks, they'll go out in style.


- Recalls Claydol
- Dives forward to take control of the spaceship while Angelo takes a lil nap
- Releases Lapras and has it use Heal Bell to screech in Angelo's ear wake him up
- Used 2x Salac

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angel, rogue bastard
he / him
july 21st
alto mare, johto
nautica owner
starblood ✦
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TAG WITH @angelo
angelo vestri
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 13:25:16 GMT
angelo vestri Avatar
Subconsciously influenced by earlier, enticing comments made by his wife, when the DARK VOID seeps into him Angelo dreams of being crowned 'most irresistible ass in the universe'.

(Some dreams do come true.)

With blurry eyes, reality slowly trickles back from the tight grip of a five second power nap.

Angelo's first realisation is that there's a weight on his lap. A look down confirms that there is, in fact, a certain someone sprawled on top of him. Face down.

Oh. Hello, .

You weren't kidding about liking the spacesuit, were you, Dross?” He obliviously drawls through the comms with a smug grin, before his returning awareness rudely shatters the drowsy haze. “But now's not the best time!

They say in space, no one can hear you scream.

They'd be right. Nobody can hear shit over the wailing HEAL BELLS of hell.

A hand reaches out to push against the Lapras's snout, torn between  shoving her out of his ear or covering her eyes.

Through the cockpit window, another craft drifts dangerously close...

Arceus shit.

Snatching forward, trusting Skyler to buckle up or hold on tight, he firmly takes the controls. Sharply tilting them to the side, the pilot yanks them clear of the other craft's flight path with a stomach-flipping spin.

But there's no time to breathe in relief or take stock. Not when their universe's maker is fast approaching...

Their cargo bay becomes a little more cramped when Angelo brings out the plump, fluffy form of Ankaa. His Togekiss letting out a startled, muffled squeak against the Lapras's shell.

Protect us! This could be a bumpy landing!

As Angelo focuses on guiding them in to land, engines roaring and nose pulled up as it slows into a descent, a LIGHT SCREEN forms a protective orb around the ship.



- haha butts
- woken up by heal bell
- confused if this is a good or bad wake up call
- takes back controls to land
- togekiss uses light screen around ship
- that 3 tho LMAO (1 salac used)
- first roll was a 3 and i re-rolled. then proboards went funky and glitched it. i'll keep the 97 and take away 1 salac still.

[newclass=.samcam] [/newclass][newclass=.samcam b] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam i] color: #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass][newclass=.samcam u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: dashed 1px #95a2b5; font-size: 12px; letter-spacing: .5px; [/newclass]
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December 20
Foretree City
Matt Vice
40 height
40 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @nicodemus
nicodemus unken
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 16:36:50 GMT
nicodemus unken Avatar
(TLDR!: Nico escaped the league rocket via escape pod, his escape pod broke apart. He used a slab of metal from the escape pod and his Typhlosion's Flamethrower to literally surf through space. was trying to help Nico and is now invited to join on Nico's space surf board!)

Nico was not lucky enough today. Much like its parent rocket, his escape pod sustained heavy damage. Not from any direct attacks, but rather from collisions. Debris of all kinds now littered space, pieces of the rocket and other pods were coating the upper atmospheres enough to slam into his small pod. Juvon’s light screen was useless against physical clashes like these. Blaring alarms mixed with Nico getting slammed against the wall, instantly clinging to a convenient handle to keep himself from getting tossed around inside the pod. His Pikachu, panicked and wide-eyed, was quickly returned to his Pokeball for his own safety. Nico could only pray his suit would stay intact, especially upon realizing a large section of the pods outer wall was bent open. ”Shit…”

As his pod careened uncontrollably off-course, gushing thick smoke from its engines the whole way… The trainer came to realize; soon he wouldn’t have an intact pod anymore. Panic could not begin to come close to what Nico was feeling. But it was a calm, uneasy panic. As if he transcended fears and awareness to instead operate on pure survival adrenalin. No rocket, no pod… However, Nico did have an intact suit. He did have a fire-type… As he stared through the glass displays, the smoke trail left by his own pod gave him an idea. The long strips of metal gave him another idea. An idea so simple… ”This might just work…”

Something in the escape pod’s engine had finally given up. The smoke it emitted redoubled as it sputtered and suddenly broke apart, losing its grip on the pod’s shell and dragging listlessly behind the pod. Nico watched as the smaller engine drifted further and further behind before igniting in a second mini explosion, now useless and leaving his pod soaring by pure momentum alone. Metallic walls crumbled and broke apart around him, a seam having been broken open and slowly ripping apart as the pod had no integrity left. An entire wall of his escape pod could be ripped off with the slightest of pressure, even just one good kick…

”We have no choice.” Nico concluded. With no time to panic or second guess his crazy idea, he decided to commit, bringing out a new Pokeball to let Teri take form inside the pod. It was a tight fit with the shiny Typhlosion taking up space, but it wouldn’t be tight for long. ”Teri,” Nico began, grasping the beasts chin to bring her to eye level in front of his suit, quelling any panic that may have erupted from the confused fire-type, please trust me. Hold on tight to this wall.” One of his hands released her chin, letting her turn her head to the long, loose piece of metal still barely clinging to their pod. ”Do not let go. I will be doing the exact same, right behind you. We are riding this wall like it’s a rock on top of raging lava. Your fire will move this rock. Do not turn your head away, be sure to and listen for my command when I tell you to fire. Okay?”

The Pokemon, of course, did not understand. She couldn’t fathom the crazy idea’s her trainer had. It was his tone of voice she understood. His specific instruction and near-desperate conviction were both wordless languages she did understand. A deep throated purr echoed from her throat, shoving her nose hard against his suit in an obvious affectionate display before bluntly moving into position on the wall, claws digging tight into the metal. ”Thank you, Teri…”

Finally, the pod split apart. Nico jumped from one side of the pod onto the wall, knocking it free from the structure and sending both he and his Typhlosion free-falling across the upper atmosphere on nothing but a sheet of metal. ”Fire!” He shouted through his suits speakers, and his Typhlosion let loose a Flamethrower that sent the duo flying through the air, escaping the smoke left behind by his now-abandoned escape pod. Immediately, the blond was shocked to see !! Matthew had literally flew through space just for him! His heart raced after skipping a few beats, and Nico was grinning wide at Matthew as the fire-type and him surfed through the upper atmosphere. ”Matty!! Oto!! Come on board~!”

Even if they no longer had a rocket ship, Nico was determined to still reach the meteor, stretching out one of his arms to reach for Matt so he could join on their rickety space-canoe.


[Nico used his Typhlosions Flamethrower to surf through space on a metal sheet]
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September 7
Spectra Trainee
244 height
244 height
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TAG WITH @lime
Violet Fairbanks
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 16:36:55 GMT
Violet Fairbanks Avatar

That brief peace was nice while it lasted. But, naturally, the League just had to assault them, evidently with murderous intent. Nothing else could describe attacking a spaceship like this, after all. Which was despite the fact that, at least to their knowledge, Rocket did not actually have any plans that might even negatively affect them. They just wanted to kill them out of principle. Obviously, that was messed up as far as Violet was concerned and she glared at the Claydoll that had attempted to strike them down, warded off for the moment by her Aegislash. At least she figured that was what happened. Due to the forces in play, she could not exactly focus on that, much.
Instead, she, too, briefly marvelled at the meteor up close, only for that to be replaced by noticing that it was getting too close, too quickly. That was going to be a rough landing. Flint seemed to agree to that, ordering them to prepare for landing, which probably was more akin to bracing for impact. She would still do it, of course. Holding tightly onto whatever handle she could find, Violet tried to get ready, while nodding at their third partner in crime. She didn’t know the girl well, but they were definitely on the same side and page. That was all she needed. “Once more, King’s Shield. In front of the vessel, if we are coming in too hot. Kind of like a sled of sorts. You can do that, Aegislash.”

+ Scoffs at league, acknowledges 's command, agrees with , has Aegislash use King's Shield again so they can land better



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Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Freelancer/Ex-Ace Child Detective
Violet Fairbanks
--- height
--- height
Let's Keep things a bit clandestine, shall we?
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TAG WITH @elaine
Elaine Highland
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 3:20:43 GMT
Elaine Highland Avatar
It didn't take long for the chaos to unfurl. Though she had, to some extent, taken the more prudent route of trying to take distant interference, that simply wasn't enough. Though her initial attempt to slow down one of the enemy vessels had worked, she could not evade the myriad incoming attacks forever.

"Ginga?!" Elaine cried out as she watched her dear partner take a hit from the distant scattershot of the Dark Void and succumb to its eerie embrace. The straight track that they had been taking had suddenly gone awry as the acceleration that propelled them up suddenly vanished, leaving the two of them inert in motion.

And it wouldn't end there. Her body reverberated as another blast thundered into her Metagross. Though there was some solace to be found in her mount being awoken once again, there was no chance to rest as the two of them were sent spiraling out of control. Moreover, Metagross had taken some damage already.


Worst of all, she was seemingly outside of everyone's support range.

At this rate she would be consigned to the worst case scenario before the true battle had even began.

Though, it was hardly like she was a fighter to begin with.

Maybe it was just the time to...

Crash and burn.




"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH!" To nobody in particular, she roared out. In defiance of the inevitable, she screamed out. Before the cold and unfeeling reaches of space, she bellowed out. "GINGA!"

Not looking beneath her to the blue orb that was the earth or above to the surface of its impending doom, she made one last order that would make or break her.

"Use Psychic on both of us! Get us safely atop the meteorite!"

She would not be put out at the start. She refused.

  • Elaine's spacesuit
  • Metagross uses Psychic on itself and its partner in an attempt to reorient and soften the inevitable landing
  • Elaine refuses to fall. And thus she roared.
  • Space Detective

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March 03
Alamos, Sinnoh
boy genius
Associate Scientist
nature, nuture
heaven and home
5'7" / 170 cm height
5'7" / 170 cm height
sum of all and by them driven
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TAG WITH @kepler
kepler brueshaber
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 19:44:31 GMT
kepler brueshaber Avatar
Earth’s upper atmosphere, and the space beyond, became subsumed in a deluge of data that sent his readings spiraling. The sound up here was dampened due to the thinness of the medium, so Kepler was forced to translate between the spiking of numbers, the flaring and flashing of needles, and the vaulting of stacks of LEDs.

The MONSTER MASH shook a few times, violently enough for Kepler to feel like this was the end, the craft was going to jostle apart and he was going to be either lost in space or ripped apart in the League-Rocket crossfire.

Then, silence. The readings stabilized.

“Holy shit,”
he said, voice barely more than a whisper, eyes wide in disbelief. Then, louder, “HOLY SHIT! WE DID IT, RUBES! WE FUCKING DID IT!” with enough volume to cause the comm link to backsplutter static.

He was doing a little happy dance when Lulu called out to prepare for landing and he finally opened the viewport on the MONSTER MASH. He was staring, impossibly, into the void of space. His eyes jumped from starblip to starblip wondering how far away they were, running through gargantuan numbers.

Looking down, he saw the meteoroid. Saw the cluster of whatever the hell they were supposed to be here to grab (he recognized it faintly from the blurry, pixelated images that had been lecture-beaten into their brains.) He knew where the unidentified material was but he was torn between grabbing it like a good little astro-soldier and his innate curiosity for being one of the first human beings to set foot on a fucking meteor. Also, that spot was going to be where most of the action was, and despite his gung-ho attitude, Kepler did not want to die.

He directed their vessel to land a bit away from the hot spot in question, towards a mysterious dark spot that could’ve been a cave, or could’ve just been striations in the rock as affected by the low atmospheric light.

Back to the radar, he watched the waves of recognition ping off the dark purple blot that was ’s vessel. It was also bouncing back from a number of unidentified forms in space: League interlopers, he assumed. “God, they’re so fucking petty,” he said, a sudden spark of anger and frustration, “they can’t just let us have this.” Whatever this was.

He ran through the protocols to engage the MONSTER MASH’S landing gear, knowing that this was when they were going to be the most vulnerable. A last-minute check made sure his gear was secure, his O2 tanks were full, and he pressurized his space suit.

“Pluto, protect,” he instructed again, as the hydraulics of the door hissed and began to whirr. He stepped out into the protective bubble, appearing remarkably placid for all that he was freaking out inside.


et al
kepler's landing the monster mash closer to the cave/not-cave to be clear of the fighting and also cause he selfishly wants to explore
has beheeyem use protect again on himself and ruby to allow for disengaging from the ship/coming to the meteor's surface in the protective bubble
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Alicia Jewel

October 18
Pyrite Town, Orre
"Freelancer" (Rocket)
102 height
102 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
460 posts
Ruby Garcia DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @rubygarcia
Ruby Garcia
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 23:20:21 GMT
Ruby Garcia Avatar

The battlefield, watched by the impartial lights of billions of distant stars, was chaos. Attacks flew from both sides, including a combination of Dark Void, Charge Beam, and the Z-Move Black Hole Eclipse that damned one of the League's larger vessels. Escape pods darted out from the wreckage, but many of those were obliterated, exploding into eerily quiet blooms of flame and smoke. Ruby swore that her heart stopped for a moment. What a hell of a way to go. She didn't feel sorry for the Leaguers, necessarily, but she knew that now, they had no reason not to do the same to them.

[break][break]No. She refused to go down like that and leave Jade all alone on Earth.

[break][break]"Let's go," she said to Delphi. "We've gotta get on the meteor."

[break][break]The Garchomp growled, displeased by this order. The energy from her Swords Dance still coursed through her, and her claws, teeth, and wing blades itched for an opponent to sink into.

[break][break]"Delphi. Let's go. We can't do shit until we're on the ground. Then we can make those bastards pay."

[break][break]It took a second longer than Ruby would have liked, but Delphi turned around and continued her jet-like ascent toward their target. They were far enough ahead of the action that they were able to dart around the attacks being blasted at them, and as the rocky surface of the region's doom came into clear view, Kepler cheered so loudly that the comms burst into static. Ruby grimaced.

[break][break]"Yeah, big whoop, we didn't get shot. Yet. They're gonna keep trying."

[break][break]Ruby's feelings about approaching the surface of this meteoroid were very different from Kepler's. She still hated this stupid plan. She hated that she was being dragged to the border of the cold void of space to do something that, even by her standards, was stupidly reckless. She hated that she was going to be standing on the stake poised to plunge into Hoenn's heart. (She refused to think that she might get blown out of the sky or screw up the landing. She was going to live, dammit.) But she was here, and she wouldn't back down now. If the League wanted to kill her, they were gonna have to try a lot harder than that.

[break][break]She was surprised that Kepler didn't aim the MONSTER MASH at the crystalline streak that glinted in the sun's too-close light. Instead, it looked like he was trying to land closer to some kind of dark spot nearby. Weird, but okay. Ruby did her best to stay nearby.

[break][break]Kepler's comments about the League's pettiness made Ruby realize something. "Why are they attacking us? Shouldn't they be focusing on our other shit?"

[break][break]She continued to stay as close to Kepler as possible to take advantage of his Protective bubble. "Brace yourself," she said to Delphi, who narrowed her eyes in focus as she prepared to touch down.





  • everything except ruby and kepler is exploding
  • ruby stays close to kepler for protect, and she and her garchomp brace for landing


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march 11th
human resources
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829 height
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TAG WITH @theo
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 7:08:47 GMT

[attr="class","title"]THEO BECKETT




DRACO METEORS explode in a beautiful cacophony that paints the darkened sky shades of crimson. it drowns out the constant screeching of the ultra beast and it provides the rest of the pods enough cover to make it to the meteor.[break][break]

there, the objective is simple: land and mine the material.[break][break]


he yells out as though it would make a difference. naganadel soars, DRAGON PULSING at the very end to cushion their arrival.[break][break]

PF3568q1 -10



flying outside on his NAGANADEL.[break]
uses DRAGON PULSE to cushion their landing.[break][break]



[attr="class","credits"][attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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The Peacemaker
She / Her
January 25
Pallet Town, Kanto
Head Prof / Major
you dream of me
5'3'' height
5'3'' height
My legacy is in the lives I save
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Eva Morales DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dreva
Eva Morales
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 17:36:01 GMT
Eva Morales Avatar
[newclass=.icon]display: inline-block[/newclass][newclass=.icon img]width: inherit; height: inherit; max-width: inherit; max-height: inherit; min-width: inherit; min-height: inherit; border-radius: inherit;[/newclass][nospaces]



Was that . . . Darkrai?! And what the heck was that alien-looking thing?! Brefily, her memories flash back to the most recent AQUA Initiative, where reported on a strange creature attacking her. It’s no surprise now that it seems aligned with Rocket. Great. Another legendary to worry about.


The chaos snaps her back out of her reeling thoughts. She grips tighter onto the saddle that holds her atop her dragon. Mehira grunts in frustration, eye locking with the purple Ultra Beast that tanked her DRACO METEOR. A forked tongue slipped across her leathery lips, looking for a taste of the pest.


“Thanks guys!” she relays through the comms. She turns slightly to the ship sailing beside her to give and a little salute of gratitude. The SPIKY SHIELD and SAFEGUARD kept her form quite the disastrous fate.


But it wasn’t over. The alien’s BLACK HOLE ECLIPSE consumes space. The pokemon is in its element, and it won’t be stopped. The League takes a major beating. An entire ship explodes, escape pods shooting out at the last minute to finish the descent towards the meteor. Some other ships aren’t so lucky, they either aren’t fitted with escape pods or it seems their pilots couldn’t get to them in time.


“Mehira, over there!” she leaves the safety of her flight beside and to aid the ship of , , and . It seemed to be the worst off of the group, “Protect!” she commands, and the dragon soras beside the broken vessel careening towards the rocky surface of the meteor. A shimmering barrier envelopes the ship, hoping to help protect the people inside from a devastating landing. The Salamence keeps a favorable distance as they land, not wishing to be struck with debris on impact.




+ Thanks Noah![break]
+ Somehow, they survive and make it to the meteor[break]
+ Salamence uses PROTECT on , , and ’s vessel because it seems to be the most damaged to try and soften their landing



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golden boy
september 23
slateport city
who knows
najwa essam
311 height
311 height
let's come to terms- and embrace it. concur, admit, concede, and face it. i'm cute~
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kim cole-essam
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2022 23:55:34 GMT
kim cole-essam Avatar
as attacks bombard against the ship's outer hull, kim grits his teeth, hand gripping his suit as he paced his breathing, leg endlessly bounding up and down before he looked out the window.

it's only when his eyes catch the bustle outside that he fully reacts, the sight of ’s fleet causing a exasperated look to form on his face.

this extravagant mother fucker…

said with as much irony as a pot calling the kettle black.

he is only snapped back to his situation when lights and sirens begin blaring in his ears from every direction, kim giving a slight sigh as others tried their best to save a sinking ship. those aboard do what they can to afford their safety, whether it be bracing for impact, slowing their descent, or otherwise, but kim is nonchalant; pulling out a luxury ball and returning the lickilicky with a swift motion before coming to a stand- pointing at

great idea, great idea, but, hear me out.” he draws a circle with his finger, a hoop appearing near the least destroyed part of the ship- the other side mirrors their failing craft falling from overhead but otherwise displaying a clearing lain out for them on mateno. the spawner of said hoop: hoopa appears over kim’s shoulder leaning into the man with a pleased smile. “lets just get off the ship.

he continues with his hands raised, speaking in a completely oblivious yet dismissive tone.

it’s guesswork, it’s conjecture, but… i think it’s quite possible… that this ship is fucked. and maybe… just maybe, we should get off it.

his bit begins to grow stale fast as the impact grows closer and closer, tone growing more forceful than sarcastic. “let’s get a move on. we’re only seconds away from a bad impromptu landing.

kim waves for those aboard to hurry off the ship and into the hoop, choosing himself to be the very last to escape in order to ensure others are not left behind.

(please don’t kill kim shiv, god- i’m writing this before i even roll because i know i’m gonna get a shitty roll and i don’t reroll because i go balls deep 100. (i got that dawg in me.))

ღ kim looks at and is in awe at this                  fuckers efforts to go as balls deep as i do on these rolls
ღ recalls lickilicky and sends out hoopa
ღ hoopa creates a hoop (hyperspace hole if you want it to       be a hoop but just a passive hoop otherwise) down to           "groud" level of the meteno
ღ kim is the last to leave the ship


The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP