i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
1,904 posts
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
POSTED ON Dec 1, 2022 21:52:20 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar
No matter how cutting edge his tech was, how durable he made his armor. In the face of a literal god it was just as useful as paper, and the many cuts that now adorned his body like tattoos were proof of that. Using his sword to steady himself as he tried to stand in the aftermath of everything. Belus, his Gallade, was still at his side shielding him from any would be attackers, and with it's ability to Teleport he wasn't worried. So he watched a little before he heard a familiar voice of one of the rocket bosses. A sigh of relief left his lips as he managed to send his own message to all the rockets who could hear, or wanted to respond.

"We need to protect as they leave this mountain. They have the primal shard which was our objective after all...It would be a shame to lose it after all this." He didn't know what the Leagues forces were like, but if they tried to fight still it was going to get ugly quickly. Especially since he had learned of the existence of two more Avatars among their ranks. His theory on being proven correct, and the woman of the Elite Four named .

However perhaps due to sheer luck, or misfortune it didn't seem like Palkia was keen to choose anyone yet which put his mind a little at ease. The last thing he wanted to do was have to fight a Leaguer who just got access to new powers. Still after everything he had gathered so much useful data to add to his files, and beyond that. Palkia was free...Which meant that perhaps Dialga was free as well somewhere. His heart skipped a beat for a single moment as he thought of the possibility of meeting it face to face.

There was admiration, and....Anger. If he truly did get to meet his god, would he finally be able to put everything behind him? Was he truly over that memory he had seen in the Star Soiree incident....

He would find out one day perhaps.

So he stayed to make sure if nothing else that got away safely. That shard was more valuable to him than any single human life because it would allow him to further his research, and perhaps find a way to reach the presumed dead Dragon Titan. Which was far more valuable than any Leaguer's Life.

If someone attempted to touch him that wasn't an ally Amor would have them teleported a mile into the air, and watch them fall at terminal velocity.

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October 19
Sootopolis City
in my solitude
6'1" height
6'1" height
I picked the stitches, now I can't stop bleeding
2,624 posts
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TAG WITH @fonz
Adrian Malcolm
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 0:13:35 GMT
Adrian Malcolm Avatar



[attr=class,charname accenttext]
fuck around and find out...

[attr=class,bulk][break]They don't arrive on the summit as he might've imagined. To his alarm, Adrian and Yveltal find themselves in a world of aurum—where a golden moon waxes overhead, and the world itself teeming with, in a word, ambrosia. The furnishings of an otherwordly plane, and although they were brought here at the site of battle, he feels himself slipping into an almost peaceful bliss...[break][break]

"...Then I've... died?" Yveltal shakes its head, rejecting the conclusion before offering this one insights it did not posses. It guides him along—what distance is covered he cannot begin to guess—through the fog and ardor, until the aspect stops abruptly. Adrian steps ahead of it, as yet unaware... But as he casts his gaze along the winding road ahead, an implaccable fear takes hold of him.[break][break]

Something is amiss... The seals have been broken... All of humanity's grudges—their envy, hatred and fear... They are now gone from this place. Quickly, we must go...

The jump to this place is enough to make him forget the likewise golden aura of HOWITZER tailing after him. As Yveltal turns to take their leave of this place, he reaches out to her, to make sure she finds the way back—something Yveltal would find contrary to their mission... "Wait, I—" But Yveltal magicks them away before he can say another word or reach for a pokeball. And so her likeness faded...[break][break]

Though perhaps she will find her way back, as she had before; only time would tell.[break][break]


tags [break]
notes adrian is a border enjoyer[break]yveltal drops a plot hook[break]where is 'howitzer' going in all this?


template by punki

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harper beck
august 11
stow-on-side, galar
rocket admin
in any universe
you are my dark star
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
6'0 (it's 5'8) height
long black tulips, born in your blue tints. lemongrass eyelids, smoke in your slick lips.
1,040 posts
fern delaney DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @fern
fern delaney
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 16:05:20 GMT
fern delaney Avatar

The strange shadows that lift from the spatial rends blow by him, and even as Fern instructs his dragapult to follow, the auras that they kick off settle with him. Like cold dread, negativity seeps under his skin in a way that makes him shiver. It's foreboding, it's disheartening. But it's still interesting. So he can't bring himself to fall back just yet - not until it's clear that the effort is futile.[break][break]

As everything breaks up, Fern finds himself chasing nothing at all. The shadows that he had such a clear image of just moments before are unreachable. They dart away as quickly as the v-shaped flames, and no matter how fast Ceci or Morty are, there is no catching up to them. A pang of disappointment follows when the shard in his hand doesn't draw him to what he was chasing, but as the shadows dissipate, so to do the ugly emotions that swirled around them.[break][break]

Sighing, he pockets the primal shard and pats Cecilia on the the top of her wide, flat head. Silently, he makes the promise to himself that he will follow up on this. Chasing shadows sounds like a fruitless endeavor, but it's like he's been bitten by a bug and instantly has an itch that won't go away. He'll even do so without the shard, if he has to. Something else he tells himself as he hears 's voice in his earpiece. The commms connecting them all had sputtered back to life, but Fern had largely tuned anything said out until Amor said his name, and insisted protection of himself and the shard were essential.[break][break]

So someone had seen his catch. Huh.[break][break]

Fern isn't keen to turn the primal shard over, but he's sure it will come up in reports now that it's been announced. Like a little gremlin, though, he'll hold onto it until he can't seem to avoid it any longer. Still, he appreciates the back-up. "I'm on my way out, the support is much appreciated." he chirps back over the communication line in response to his fellow Rocket. His eyes scan the mount, though, and he lingers. Only for a moment longer until he spots who he's looking for."Just gotta make a quick pit stop first!"[break][break]

Swooping back down, he finds on the ground in bad state. Kuru stands sentinel beside her, and cocks his head at Fern as they descend. "Marza, you don't look too hot." No shit, Sherlock. Sliding off of his dragapult's back, he stoops beside her. "Gonna get you out of here, okay? Hang onto Ceci. I'll explain later." Once she does so, Cecilia opens a PHANTOM FORCE portal to his home, and drops in, letting the opening close up behind him. Fern then turns to her corviknight and scratches the underside of his beak. "Alright Kuru, let's get back to Sootopolis."[break][break]

They take off moments later, shuttling away from the mount, shrouded by the lingering fog and smoke.


[attr="class","ooc"] mask[break]
+ is disappointed the shard doesn't draw him to anything[break]
+ feeling some major bad feels tho. y i k e s.[break]
+ makes a personal note to go in pursuit of those shadows later, with shard or not[break]
+ acknowledges 's message of prioritizing his safety thanks bestie!![break]
+ he's not ditching tho so doubles back and finds her and her corviknight[break]
+ phantom force teleports marza home, and then flies off with kuru. fern out!![break]
[attr="class","poke-sprite pokemon dragapult"]

[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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Jan 1
castelia city, unova
hella lesbian
rocket beast
give me grief, give me violence
239 posts
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TAG WITH @marza
Marza Volchitsa
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 16:25:23 GMT
Marza Volchitsa Avatar

Truthfully, by that point, she wasn't anticipating getting off this fucking mountain. All of this for nothing, it was beyond aggravating. It was because she was weak, of course. She hadn't been strong enough to make it this far. Of course, she hadn't known she was gonna get shot or stabbed or fucking eviscerated by a dude with a bad haircut.
She'd managed to stand for only a moment, putting all of her weight and balance on the raven pokemon beside her. Dark shadows glinted in the sky above, no more than bleary nightmares. The feeling of dismay and dread — she felt sick with it. Though, really, she didn't know if it was the visions above or the mounting feeling that she might still very well die. You already have, not a fact she was ready to come to terms with. She felt like she was fucking dead though.
"marza, you don't look too hot."
Fern. She wasn't anticipating his return, but even then her rebuttal was instantaneous as it was natural. "Fuck off, I'm fine." Not exactly the most convincing of words considering she'd, at some point, fallen back down on her ass. "I think I—" Died, she almost said, but cut off to look at the ghost pokemon. One she was certain was also quite dead not long ago. Maybe she had veered into the realm of delusion. It was quite possible. Even then, she felt herself move, clinging to the ghostly salamander thing. What even were dragapults? Fucking weird, that's what.
Okay, maybe she was a little out of it, but there was no time to question her sanity before she was gone. The mist of the mountain vanished. The light of the comet was gone. Maybe she had died after all.

- mask[break]
- marza not feeling so hot[break]
- gets a little sick from the weird ass depression shadows[break]
- straying into the realm of being delusional when saves her :3 isn't he a lovely jerk?[break]
- phantom forced away by 's dragapult[break][break]

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkycredits"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]



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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 19:23:08 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

With their final onslaught, the battle ends with Palkia being freed from its shackles, and fleeing to parts unknown. Sadly, Dorian couldn't make good on his threats to Father Winter, as the mysterious man had been killed in their final onslaught.

But the most important part was that the meteor had been taken care of, and they lived to see another day. The first thing he'd do once he got home was apologize to @marionette, and to give her and Demetrius the biggest hug he could muster.

The masked man regrouped with , and without missing a beat, began to help his superior evacuate their fellow Rockets from the area.

notes: Dorian laments that he couldn't torture Father Winter himself
Dorian begins to aid Gavin in evacuating Rockets

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 19:43:50 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Living was surprisingly painful.

Each scrape, each cut, punctured blood vein, and torn muscle. They all screamed for the attention of the spirit. Even the brief moment of death had sent her body spiraling into emergency mode.

But when her spirit returned, it promptly began to ignore the screaming cells in favor of turning her worry to Megan.

Though she should not be moving as she did. She quickly scrambled over to her friend, even if her body would not let her stand, she crawled, dragged herself even, unfortunately making a pretty convincing display of living death.

Unfortunately, she was all a jumbled mess of scrambled movements and emotions. But she did her best, trying to check if Megan was all right.

Even as the whole event reached its climatic conclusion. None of it mattered, but Megan’s safety.

She would not leave Megan’s side, even as Dragapult rejoined their little group, joy, and surprise shining in its eyes as it saw its trainer no longer dead. And as Team Rocket escaped... She would stay behind consequences be damned.

But Perhaps Megan would save Johanna from such folly and force her to teleport away with her Claydol?

MASK: Smiley Mask

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Dec 2, 2022 22:35:32 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



That which is beyond us, [break]
which is greater than the human, [break]
the unattainably great, [break]
is for the mad, [break]
or for those who listen to the mad, [break]
and then believe them.

While the man masked in red stands upon his levitating platform, it’s utter chaos that surrounds him and his companion. It’s destruction, it’s fear, it’s anger, it’s hatred, and it’s pain. To him, none of it matters. When the Unown-D’s gaze meets that of his own Unown-?, it psychically meets his as well, and at that very moment, Mars understands its intent.
The chain dissorbs with its approach, countless Unown scattering. It’s not exactly what he had asked of them, but Palkia is freed. Freed from the DRK TRIAD’s control. Free from the League. Free from Team Rocket. For now, at least. It manages to escape and return to roam the Hoenn from which it had been banished. Good. Now it can return to keeping the balance in space, and hopefully Dialga will be able to return to keep the balance in time as well. This world has been fractured for too long; it needs its stability or it will destroy itself before the DRK TRIAD can even come up with another apocalyptic threat.
”Thank you.” He whispers, low enough for only the Unown to hear. Unown-? and Unown-D, but staring directly at him. It’s then, as he stares at the Unown-D that Mars hears it: the soft beep of the device in his pocket.

He could laugh, and apparently that would be fitting of the name this Unown has. Behind the mask, a soft smile tugs at his lips, listening to 's call and the information shared by people like and . It’s over. The meteor had been teleported away, had managed to retrieve a portion of the primal crystal, legends had been restored, Palkia had been free, Hoenn had been forever changed, and Father Winter had been defeated.
Is that why the Unown-D had decided to join him or its defection part of what caused Father Winter’s defeat?
Mars looks up at the skies, and with a sigh, he teleports off the platform that shatters to dust the moment he’s gone. Both Unown follow along.
”Good work, Rocket. We have achieved great things today.” He calls over comms. ”Medical attention awaits at Sootopolis for those who need it.”
Now, all that’s left is to find , make sure he’s safe and well, and then go write his EXTENSIVE REPORT ON TODAY’S EVENTS. Just as it always goes, as if the world hadn’t just been about to end. Mars’ work never ends.



[break]+ Azul quotes THE BACCHAE bc Dionysus (I'm dramatic, SUE ME)
[break]+ Mars is glad Palkia is free and that it escaped being control. He hopes it can help bring Hoenn some of its lost stability bc he thinks it's in risk of destroying itself
[break]+ Thanks his new Unown friend
[break]+ COMMS: Tells Rocket they did good work today and that there's medical attention awaiting in Sootopolis for those who need it.
[break]+ Will write a report about today's events
[break]+ Song is thematic, you're welcome OSLO



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he | him | his
27 (now 31)
october 21st
lavender town, kanto
ex-gym leader
a heart like a lion, burning like fire
1,199 posts
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TAG WITH @maverick
maverick noah ryder
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 0:23:07 GMT
maverick noah ryder Avatar

It was an all out attack on the mountain peaks. Anyone who was within range, attacked the chains that bound the legendary and the unowns that protect father winter. The cries of Saitama mega evolving could be heard throughout the battlefield, but got lost in the chaos. His iron fist slams into the chains that bound Palkia, forcing some of the unown to shrill in pain and scatter. It wasn’t enough.

However, the barrage of attacks from all seemed to have done the trick. Thousands, if not millions, of crystalized shard shattered out in all directions. The burn scarred man ducked, his mega evolved urshifu braced himself infant of his human. Arms rose to shield his won face, feeling the prick of many tiny blades on his arms. He grunted, dark red warm liquid dripped from his wounds but did not budged until the explosion stopped.

Crimson colors orbs fell upon the beast, facing the creature once the shards has settled. “Thank you,” the man mumbled to the beast, giving him a nod. Saitama nodded in return, his serious eyes fell upon the legendary. And, so did Maverick. They watched as the unnown fail to hold their grip, the chains breaking and letting free the beast. It’s roared with life, cracking into space and leading into its own rift. “See you around Palkia,” the man mumbled, letting out a heavy sigh. Great. Another one.

His gaze searched for Father Winter amongst the chaos, but there was no sight of him. Maverick cursed under his breath, he got away.

It has seemed that there was nothing left to do. And with such, the ex gym leader thanks his beast one more before recalled him back into his sphere for safety. HIs crimson colored orbs find Azula, the massive hell hound back on her feet though new scars (and… crystals particles) imbedded in her fur. Despite her rough look, the rare sight of a smile spread across the burnt scarred man’s lips. He approached her, resting forehead to forehead with her. “I thought I lost you too.” The canine let out a low grumble, long arrowed tipped tail twitched. “Let’s go home. I’m tired.”

for @paaaraid at mt pyre. urshifu shields maverick from the blast of shards. mav notices father winters has disappeared but doesnt investigate further. he says 'see you around' to palkia. recalled urshifu and tell azula lets go home. THANK YOU SHIV FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK!

[attr="class","wizzcred"]❤ wizz
[newclass=".ryder"] [/newclass]
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[newclass=".wizzcred a"]font: monospace; font-size: 10px; color:#7a7a7a;[/newclass]
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illie, sap sipper
september 23rd
snowpoint city, sinnoh
bi curious
geneticist, alchemist
head professor
with what's to transpire.
5’8” height
5’8” height
you caged me and then you called me crazy; i am what i am 'cause you trained me.
4,333 posts
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TAG WITH @illeana
illeana reyes
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 1:25:47 GMT
illeana reyes Avatar
[attr="class","illeana b"]
[attr="class","illeana i"]chains begin to decay beneath a volley of attacks. each one hits with desparation, with furor, with defiance.

and as they finally break apart, palkia is free.

she heaves out a shaky sigh of immediate relief. her expression relaxes away from anger and morphs into something different, something more. her devotion holds strong despite the chaos mt pyre dissolves into once the spatial god is released from it’s prison.

for a moment, she feels a sense of pride: she had predicted this correctly to in mossdeep city and she had followed up on the promise she uttered to him. and isn’t that the point? proving herself correct, proving herself devoted?

perhaps… but what has it cost her?


the world spins as father winter is promptly cut in half. she stares, for a mere moment, at the carnage before her feet are slipping out from under her and she’s crumbling into hallowed ground.

her golurk catches her injured body with a large clay hand and turns them away from the halved corpse. the automaton looks for a friend, for an ally. it finds the fallen in its endeavor and picks his unconscious body up gingerly, bringing him and illeana both toward league personnel for medical attention.

when the golurk finds either , , , , , or even , it offers an exhausted yet friendly coo and two full hands for further medical assistance.

paaa: mt pyre.

tl;dr |
- pp head palkia is free yay!
- illie passes out from exhaustion/blood loss
- golurk picks up illeana to bring her to league personnel
- golurk also picks up and brings him to league personnel as well
- we need medical attention pls friendos!

[newclass=.illeana] text-align: justify; text-transform: lowercase; font-size: 12px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana b] color: #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
[newclass=.illeana i] text-decoration: underline dotted #E37474; font-size: 13px; [/newclass]
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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 2:00:36 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Here we go.

It was over. It was done.

The region was saved. Hoenn was freed. They had Palkia's gratitude. And the path back to Galar was now open to him.

All in all...

"I need a raise." He surmised succinctly into the League comms as he pulled at the scraps left of his shirt, huffing as he turned his eyes away from the other side and towards the spooky ghosts that had escaped earlier instead.

The vague general directions they had flown to anyway. He briefly pondered what that was about, before shrugging it off as something for someone else to worry.

He had a home region to check up on.

"Officer Wledig here. I am pursuing fleeing rockets." He informed over the comms as he turned towards grunts and higher rockets alike, rolling his stiff shoulders and pained joints briefly before sighing.

"Best to make this quick."

-Raise, please?
-Bonking fleeing rocket grunt heads together.

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july 4
mauville city
matias silph
5'4 height
5'4 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,527 posts
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TAG WITH @annalise
annalise henderson
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 2:20:13 GMT
annalise henderson Avatar
they did it.
the chain of unown break and palkia takes advantage of its freedom to escape rather than retaliate against the fragile humans in front of it. father winter is gone, out of view, but it becomes the least of her worries as those around her find the last of their strength depleted.
a familiar voice makes her turn away from the rift crackling at the mountain's peak, but the masked face looking back at her, bloodied and packed with seaweed on one side, is almost unrecognizable for a moment. then it clicks.
she can only nod, if he even sees that before he slips back into the residual chaos on mt. pyre.
[break][break] her mega altaria returns to her side, head tilted at the grounded .
"we need to get these people to a hospital asap!" she sweeps an expectant look over those who were still conscious and able. cotton candy could airlift the most critical case to lilycove hospital and calzone, as injured as he is, could at least phantom force people to the mountain's base.
she moves to meet 's golurk with a swiftness that belies her injuries, quick to assist the professor and .
[attr="class","annalooc"] + tldr [break]+ sees briefly[break]
+ me help heal / transport and

[attr="class","fas fa-bookmark"]


[attr="class","milkcredit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]


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Penny, the coveted
September 25
HBIC Director
I'll leave you
5'6" height
5'6" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
2,909 posts
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TAG WITH @penelope
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 3:14:55 GMT

Spell of the unown, teravolt turnabout, the unown chain, father winter, the border -- it would take wide scope camera to capture it all. Back-and-forth attacks fired off from both sides of the field, causing Penelope's head to spin as her eyes flicked back and forth with them, doing their best to follow each arc that cut the sky.
Once the dust began to settle and the end of their story flowed into its final arc, Penelope's eyes franticly began to sweep her surroundings, caring more for the men that stood by her side than a conflict that spanned far beyond her tenure. "Is everyone okay?" Voice hoarse, she first looked toward -- down on the ground, head struck by a rock. Fuck fuck fuck. Then, to her right, where Illeana now lay, limp in the hands of her golurk.
" --"
Before she could finish her sentence, the ranger had already sprung to life, readied to drag the bodies back to the hospital. Good, great, amazing. Her thumb sought the trigger of her radio.

"Everyone, we're done here. Make sure everyone leaves here safe -- if you need assistance, call for it."

She stowed away the radio in her pocket, tapped her metagross, then looked toward , who was still close by.
"You good," she called out weakly, "We--" But, as she attempted to slip down from her metagross, the world faded to black, crashing her to the ground.


[attr="class","ooc"] [break]
- calls for the league to BACK UP!!!!![break]
- faints next to

[attr="class","credit"] [attr="class","fas fa-cookie-bite"]

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may 26
vermillion city, kanto
intel and accountability officer
deputy director
then i'll become the monster, i will deal the blow
1,665 posts
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TAG WITH @paxton
paxton concordas
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 3:37:12 GMT
paxton concordas Avatar

"Just shoot them. They might come back to life." Paxton answered over the comms, as he heard speak up. Jpules gave him a look, having returned to float aprund its trainer looking the new man over. With Palkia freed and DRK Triad murdered, he was left woth the devastation of battle. Mainly, he turned an eye to his own corpse, this. [break][break]

He felt something gurgle up inside him. A sickness within- something gross and disgusting. His body- the one that held him upright- felt weird. Less stiff. Old pains are and sores gone and replaced with whatever the aftermath had left in him. He felt strange, and a touch of his neck revealed no scar tissue from his almost demise in Kanto. It's just gone. All of it is. Scars healed, tattoos gone, piercings missing. He lets the sickness take over, turning his head to the side without a thought and retching, dry heaving sick beside himself. "I need a fire type for body disposal." He announced after wiping his mouth. "Please." He added as Joules floated between the pair to block the sight of it. [break][break]

He's more than happy to see 's golurk, laughing slightly at the unorthodox transport. "Good work." He murmured to the ghost type, noting it carrying , another casualty in the fight. He nodded at as she approached. "I'm just scuffed up, I'll help-" he said moving around the field. He gives a glance at , moving in when he saw her dropping. Though thankfully is with her. "You ok?" Its a general question, he's already looking for easy fixes he can provide.



- tired



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July 9
Top Champion
5'6 height
5'6 height
3,541 posts
Melody Miro DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @melody
Melody Miro
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 5:21:03 GMT
Melody Miro Avatar



If it’s war that you want then you got it. If it’s pain well I brought what you need.




Suddenly there was..peace? Well...a loose definition of peace. She was fine for the most part, her body was injured but nothing she couldn't recover from. She stumbled onto her butt, losing her balance afterwards as Cobalion swooped in to stop her from falling over completely. [break][break]

She looks towards , confusion eminent on her face "You realize what you've done now right?" she says as anger filled her eyes. As she tried to stand up but she stumbled. "You idiot!" she shouts at him as she slams the floor. "Why do you keep showing up like this.." she says as tears filled her eyes as confusion filled her heart. [break][break]

She wanted Cobalion to seize him, but Cobalion shook his head no. She tried to grab a pokeball to arrest him but she knew it was pointless. "Just...just get out of here..before the others see you." She was in no position to stop him. "Find me later." she said as Cobalion laid down and let her rest on him. She was exhausted and in pain, she looked over to 's golurk. "Please. Bring Illeana here. I need her." she asks of it.


notes about this post


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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Dec 3, 2022 7:52:25 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] they attack.

[break][break] all of them — league and rocket, united as one, for once against this mysterious threat. ollie watches as his pokemon's THUNDER WAVE shackles a stray unknown, saving from potential and allowing the former gym leader the opportunity to assert his own assault.

[break][break] the spoke disperses and the red chain disappears. wisps vanish atop the mountaintop, and then - suddenly - it's all over.

[break][break] ollie turns his head when he hears call for the injured. he opens his mouth to back her up, but then he blinks when he spots hobbling towards him.

[break][break] he jumps to her, startled as she collapses in his arms.

[break][break] "penny!"



[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] ollie doesn't die but his pokemon don't revive :'( [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] ollie is like omg penny!!!11



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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing