i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 2:19:52 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



Heavy fog falls upon Mount Pyre, carried to the summit by a gelid wind. It’s not a rare occurrence at the mountain, but it only serves to heighten the general sense of uneasiness caused by the looming meteorite enroute to destroy Hoenn.
'IMPACT' The Unown whisper over and over to a masked man who, within the fog, looks up at the world-ending threat that darkens what would otherwise be a perfect autumn midday. Just as claims, ships rise towards it, almost too miniscule to see even from the mountain’s peak. He allows himself a heavy sigh and looks away – towards where he knows the primal point awaits.
One step is taken, and beneath red boots, a reflective platform appears as if a floating mirror to stand on. Then another, causing the last one to fade away – this time higher. Another… and another… A mirror staircase that rises in the mist. He only pauses once he’s a few metres off the ground, granting himself a visual advantage while still remaining hidden.
He sees allies and enemies alike.
He sees those he recognizes among those guarding the primal point, like , , and , and those he’s unfamiliar with.
He sees the first signs of a struggle showing themselves when steps out of hiding. The end of the calm before the storm coming their way. Underboss is close, so it shouldn’t be much of a problem. He wonders where exactly is at this moment.
”I count almost ten. There’s likely many more. Looks like they’re expecting us.” He calls over comms. If anyone were to overhear him, the voice they would hear would not be that of Martín del Mar – it has been altered by his mask. There’s static behind his words. ”There’s interference. Comms might stop working.”
Just like how comms suddenly stopped working when Necrozma attacked Sootopolis. It gives him a strange feeling. Then again, maybe he’s just peckish.
”Disrupting the primal point is just as important as retrieving the crystal. We need to buy time. Do as you must, you’ve all been chosen to excel at this task… For the glory. ”
All emotions are dulled at that moment. Beneath, he can see , and with a snap of his fingers, he commands the Hatterene that had been dutifully following him. Something changes in the air around him: TRICK ROOM is now in place in this vicinity.




[break]+ Being dramatic about the world ending because world ending
[break]+ Moves to C-11. Standing metres off the ground on a mirror-like platform.
[break]+ ROCKET COMMS: League is likely expecting them, comms might cut off, remember to disrupt the primal point to buy time, and some mild words of encouragement?
[break]+ HATTERENE uses TRICK ROOM... Idk what the range for it is but yeah.



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ollie, oliver
august 5
pallet town, kanto
bi (complicated)
head ranger
ruin us, ruin me
and i'll let you
6'5" height
6'5" height
everyone's a sucker for a taste of glory
2,663 posts
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TAG WITH @ollie
ollie morales
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 2:51:46 GMT
ollie morales Avatar


[attr="class","mainbox"] tasked with protecting the crystal alongside , , , and several others, ollie stands atop his dragonite staring down at the surrounding mist below. it's difficult to see anything from anywhere, though he's sure that the others are with him, standing strong.

[break][break] there was no way that they were going to let rocket win, not when so much was on the line.

[break][break] the sudden news of rocket's upcoming attack had filtered through the natural league channels and it eventually reached the ranger captains. since there was more than enough adequate protection at evergrande (thank you police force!), ollie was tasked at accompanying several others at mt. pyre. honestly, it creeped ollie out a little. he had never loved ghosts.

[break][break] hearing the words of his other friends though warmed his heart. especially . "you heard our captain!" he chimes into the ranger comm. "we got this guys."

[break][break] hearing 's voice crackle through the speakerset, ollie tenses. already? well, at least they were quick.

[break][break] made sense. they were all on limited time after all.

[break][break] 'i hope sis is okay,' he thinks of briefly, just as a shadow appears not too far away. was that a bird? ( ) "pistachio, let's go!" gripping onto his dragon tightly, he remains upright as his pokemon beneath him lets out a torrent of twister that ripples through the air, hopefully to either disperse the fog or further spread penpen's misty terrain.





[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] short post GL EVERYONE!! [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] is at E-3 on top of his dragonite [break]
[attr="class","fa fa-heart"] dragonite uses TWISTER towards 's corvilknight



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Epic BugCatcher

He, him, his
March 31
Freezington, Galar
Officer / Gym Leader / INTERPOL
Lieutenant Officer
Feels like
I've known you for a lifetime.
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
119 kg (262 lbs) / 196 cm (6' 5") height
Was doing swords and shields before it was cool.
1,485 posts
Gwyar Wledig DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @gwyar
Gwyar Wledig
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 3:08:47 GMT
Gwyar Wledig Avatar


Here we go.

"Understood." He said at the many reports coming through his comms. "Please do not think twice before requesting assistance if needed, Councilwoman Livy."

No effort was made to hide the man standing besides the primal device with a blank faced smile on his lips, his hands rested comfortably upon the pommel of his sword as he stood silent and unmoving, the sculpture of a guardian hovering overs its charge.

A sash wrapped around his chest loosely, a shield hanging off the fabric across his back, emblazoned with three-eyed symbol.

He couldn't see them— not yet, though he could hear their bumbling about well enough to know far too many were getting far too close; yet, he couldn't help the quake in his shoulders, the quirk in his lip.

Here came the heroes of Hoenn, ready to save the region at any cost.

Including the region itself.

He couldn't help the chuckles in his throat.

The shadow underneath the primal device shimmered almost imperceptibly as its blackness deepened, the change in values nearly lost in the heavy mist.


-telling to ask for help if needed.
-Gwyar is lol'ing in F-0.
-Galatine used shadow sneak.

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leo, leon
september 30th
rustboro city, hoenn
demirom. bisex.
ceo, inventor
save a little
love for me
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
6 ft 5 in (~196 cm) height
i wish i were better, i wish i had strength. i wish i had anything to prove i was brave.
468 posts
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TAG WITH @leonidas
Leonidas Stone
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 3:19:19 GMT
Leonidas Stone Avatar
He inhaled deeply.

He’d always been no stranger to the mountain beneath his feet, though he’d never deigned to dream of visiting under circumstances such as the given. Nevertheless, he’d found himself there, just as everyone else had. Those present all had their reasons for attendance, as did he— and yet, regardless of his own motivations, there had been a shared goal amongst many present.

Regardless of what waited ahead of them, he fully intended to carry through whatever needed to be done.

And so did he remain vigilant, crouched low behind the guise of rock and other terrain, idly listening to ’s words, alongside that of those who chimed in within the interim. A low hum escaped his lips all the while, hues of amber remaining ever vigilant as he gazed as well through the fog as he possibly could, although before long, he noted a faint form ( ) moving from beneath the veil enveloping the area.

His gaze shifted through the area once more in an attempt to catch any other figures before he turned towards a familiar, clawed drake of his, saving his common whistles to garner attention and simply nudging the beast gently.

Swords Dance," he murmured softly. ”We got at least one coming up.”

He glanced towards soon after.

”You see anything?”



  • we out here tryna take advantage of the rocks and shit
  • sees coming up the pathway
  • draco (garchomp) uses swords dance, atk. x2
  • checking in with
  • x2 salac used to no avail, brb shitting myself
  • staying put and outta sight if rng permits :dorime:
  • ignore pokemon below again, will update later tonight or tomorrow
  • haha shoutout to the people i tagged in meteno, ily pls ignore my goofy ass oop
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Grey / Connors
He / Him
October Thirty-one
Oldale Town
Bee Enthusiast
Elite Four
1061 height
1061 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,437 posts
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TAG WITH @greyson
Greyson Connors
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 3:54:49 GMT
Greyson Connors Avatar
thicker than the eerie fog around him, was the silence that came before a battle.
greyson watches mutedly as his pokemon peppers TOXIC SPIKES at the entrance to the stairs, his gaze slowly drifting upwards to see the impression of a man. ? he'd need to make sure the ranger didn't accidently step on any of these in what will likely be a chaotic battle.

he tosses a glance behind him, to and her icy demeanor, noting how tense the woman was, even from here.
he sighs dejectedly, wanting nothing more than to avoid the coming conflict. not simply because he was afraid — and he was afraid — but because this war held no purpose, now of all times. this line of thinking sparked the faintest flames of anger inside of him.

his normal reaction was to quell them, but... would that anger not be useful here? a measure of it; an ember, not a wildfire. silently he stokes the flame, even as his greninja finishes his tasking.
"thanks," he says, breath misting in front of him. the water-type croaks in response, nodding once. it was all the sentiment two warriors needed to share before a battle.
rather appropriately, their work temporarily complete, they fall as quiet and still as the dead.
> litters GH-H8 with TOXIC SPIKES[break]
> makes note of and 's presence near him (IAW the map)[break]
> makes no move to hide himself, but if i have to roll to hide something, make it the toxic spikes?


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Mad Dog of Rocket
May 8
Pyrite Town, Orre
Night Club Owner
Marionette Accardo
6'00" height
6'00" height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
822 posts
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TAG WITH @dorian
dorian westcliff
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 4:05:00 GMT
dorian westcliff Avatar

Dorian took a moment to collect himself. It wasn't the fact that he was risking his life that got to him. No, he had been doing that for Rocket for years. It was his argument with his beloved @marionette in the days leading up to the attack that shook him. He hated having to tell her to back off, and watch their son. But he'd rather leave his son with someone to raise him, especially the mother who was always with him.

Dorian, donning an unmarked black outfit, with a ski mask to match, would begin to fly in on the back of his Charizard. The Charizard let out a bellowing roar in order to get the attention of League Forces. The Charizard would begin to spew smoke from her maw, creating a Smokescreen to hopefully provide cover to the other Rockets in the group.


tags: @tag
notes: Dorian, wearing a mask over his face, begins to fly in on his Charizard, attempting to gain the attention of League Forces
Charizard uses Smokescreen in order to provide his allies cover

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the malevolent / kat
twenty three
october 7
sootopolis city
full-time bitch
council member
good girls go to heaven, bad girls rule the world
2,258 posts
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TAG WITH @katherine
Katherine Fairburne
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 6:41:16 GMT
Katherine Fairburne Avatar

[attr="class","kat-tags"]for PAAA. MT PYRE

[attr="class","kat-lyrics"]All of this [break] is temporary



Katherine is dressed to kill.
Not in the literal sense of the word, though. She wields no traditional weapons; she lacks a combat-fitting outfit that many of her allies (current and former) opted to wear. She is, however, donning a killer look instead—a dress fit for the coronation of a queen.
If this was the end of the world as they know it, then she might as well give everyone watching an adequate show.
MT. PYRE is her runaway. Rocket and the League are her captive audience. But there was a better time for her grand reveal. Contrary to her outfit, the Malevolent made no attempt to draw attention to herself just yet.
Hidden in the fog, she only gestures for her Scolipede to discreetly spread her TOXIC SPIKES.
It's then that she sees and . The first of the two isn't recognized thanks to his disguise, but the latter... There's no mistaking who that is. Adrian Malcolm. The man who dared to defy her inside Regirock's tomb.
Now she's excited.

- Katherine's fit. (HBO please don't sue me)[break]
- Scolipede and Katherine are both hidden in the fog.[break]
- Scolipede spreads TOXIC SPIKES west of Katherine/Illeana (J1/J2/J3?).[break]
- Katherine notices Rowan and Adrian, but she only recognizes the latter of the two.[break]
- 5 Salac used (it begins)



[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick

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the crown prince
may 20
hammerlocke, galar
born under a bad sign with a blue moon in my eyes
4,693 posts
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TAG WITH @oslo
Remiel Calcifet
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 6:55:30 GMT
Remiel Calcifet Avatar
[attr="class","ltr-tags"]for PAAA: MT. PYRE
[attr="class","ltr-lyrics"]born under a bad sign [break] with a blue moon in my eyes
[attr="class","ltrhead-text"]If the world would end tonight, then he would go out with a roar, not a whimper. Though his true objective most certainly differed from the one WALSH has assigned them. His own wants and needs had taken a drastic shift. It seemed great cataclysm truly brought about great change.[break][break]

Another checkmark for the archaeologist.
His hood and cloak were the same he'd employed when he'd gone under the guise of ADMIN FOX. That old kitsune mask, however, the one he'd picked up and placed on during the explosive NEW YEARS FESTIVAL at SLATEPORT all those years ago, had since been left behind. His mask was plain now, except for the royal-esque vine engraved on its heat-resistant surface.[break][break]

Having silently traversed the fog atop his SHADOW DRAGAPULT's back, Admin finds himself on a secluded ridge. He dismounts before examining the area a bit more closely. Then, in a shadowy spot surrounded by rocky cover, the man raises his gloved hand and summons a small LIGHTNING STILETTO. He casts it down so it embeds itself into the ground there, quietly crackling.[break][break]

Afterward, he sets his hand on the hilt of the KATANA blade resting against his hip. Then he turns to briefly regard the monstrous Dragapult on the ground behind him. Worry hoped to sprout from memories of how the shadow Pokémon at the TREE OF LIFE had turned on their masters. But the admin made sure to mentally smother that worry. There was no room for doubt in this relationship; no room for weakness.[break][break]

Thoughts drift to his somewhat recent breakup with and the reasons for doing so. But he's quick to smother those, too.[break][break]

It was time to go.

Mounting his horrid beast, the masked man prompts it to summon a shadowy portal (PHANTOM FORCE) in the direction of the PRIMAL POINT. They don't intend to cross the distance in one single jump, however. They emerge just a bit ahead (F12), silently scouting for unsuspecting enemies in the thick fog.[break][break]



📝 TLDR[break][break]

sets down a LIGHTNING STILETTO[break]
mounts SHADOW DRAGAPULT[break]
SHADOW DRAGAPULT uses PHANTOM FORCE to cross distance and reemerge with atop its back at F12 in the next turn[break]
♔ Both remain on high alert for enemies in the fog (likely a run-in with )[break]
🍒 using x2 SALAC BERRIES

[attr="class","gimcredits"]made by gimmick
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May 24
Sootopolis City
Rocket Grunt
5'10 height
5'10 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
3,612 posts
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TAG WITH @razz
Raziel Beckett
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2022 21:09:06 GMT
Raziel Beckett Avatar

While he wants to say he is surprised by this turn of events, he sadly isn't. Seems like even when the end of the world is at stake Rocket want to get their hands dirty and make things worse. Least it wasn't like the league wasn't prepared as it sent the group it did. Razz here as a member of AQUA rather than his usual Ranger duties. [break][break]

Because of it he has a slightly altered look with a new white jacket, and for fun even has his hair dyed white. Had it not been for his scar he and his brother might actually look more like identical twins. Along with it he wears both his orange googles and a neck gaiter face mask. All partially to throw off who he was, it wasn't like those behind him ( and ), but mostly because he knows rocket, and interfering with one's sight or ability to breath is 101.[break][break]

Though through the fog it seems like one of them isn't bothering to hide themselves, and Razz doesn't care too much for the sword they have in hand. So with a snap of his hand sparks turn into flames as they shoot out at the masked man with a sword (@amor) and circle him with his TERRAIN OF TRUTH. "Unless you plan to use that against Rocket I suggest you turn back," he tells the other, doubting they would, but knows at least should he try to leave without his permission, or lie that the sword wasn't for the league. Well he wouldn't be the only one with burns. [break][break]

While he does that Yellow LASER FOCUS' in on the intruder's pokemon waiting for orders.



[break]+ Razz is bears mask, googles, Stun Baton, and Standard Ranger Gear
[break]+ Razz sees masked man (@amor) and uses his TERRAIN OF TRUTH to trap him and his pokemon.
[break]+ Yellow the Bisharp uses Laser Focus on the Sceptile.



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October 13
808 height
808 height
40,751 posts
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TAG WITH @shiv
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 5:48:05 GMT
shiv Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]PER ASPERA AD ASTRA[break]



🎼 Mt. Pyre Exterior: Remastered (feat.@mudstep) | ZAME


IN THE DISTANT HEAVENS, the remnants of smoky plumes can be seen falling away from launched ships. Their tails fade toward the vague image of the meteoroid. By now, the League and Team Rocket face on 99943 METENO, clashing over the mysterious mineral vein—and an encounter unexpected.[break][break]

The fog is heavy today. Although, fog is no foreign phenomena to the mountain, how fitting is its presence? Oh, how it masks the uncertainties and possibilities underscoring the primal point's defense... and the volatile fate of this dimension.[break][break]

ELITE FOUR and his COMFEY, WANDA, conjure a SAFEGUARD for his nearby allies. A protective glow against STATUS CONDITIONS surrounds him, GYM LEADER , Agent , and .[break][break]

Similarly, COUNCILWOMAN asks her MR. RIME to summon a MISTY TERRAIN. The blushing mist spreads, tickling the ankles of ELITE FOUR , , Agent , HEAD RANGER , Ranger Captain , , ELITE FOUR , HEAD SCIENTIST and even ROCKET BEAST , who remains disguised. Her radio message comes through the earpieces of the League. A slight crackle interrupts it, but does not disrupt the message of defense rather than offense. Likewise, UNDERBOSS reminds his syndicate of their objective.[break][break]

Within that balmy terrain, laces her HEALING MIST, the remnants of her previous connection with TAPU LELE. To the League, she says MEDICAL AID WILL BE BY THE PRIMAL POINT.[break][break]

's SCOLIPEDE spreads TOXIC SPIKES quietly into the fog. While she notices and , she can only recognize one of them, for is by HOWITZER'S GRAVE, the final resting place of his Arcanine—the one from this universe. and his GRENINJA move to the cliff, waiting.[break][break]

Others near by the primal point prepare, for the drumming dread of imminent conflict can be felt churning in the thick air. summons her SMEARGLE, while 's AEGISLASH SHADOW SNEAKS; his service to and to the League is reiterated on these hallowed grounds.[break][break]

Nearby, and text their loved ones—while they can. In the conjured RAINS from 's KABUTOPS, they wait alongside UNDERBOSS . The Underboss remains hidden too, discreetly radioing into for a STATUS UPDATE while his SHADOW EELEKTROSS prepares alongside a LUNATONE.


Many remain stationed carefully among gravestones, cliffsides, rocks and the fog. While 's GENGAR scouts around, it finds its movement slowing within ' HATTERENE'S TRICK ROOM.[break][break]

Nearby, 's HOUNDOOM scouts with its nose. It too, feels the effect of a TRICK ROOM; however, it catches the scent of and a hidden nearby.[break][break]

Far away, waits alone in the cold of the mountainside. She would be unable to witness @elio and his PYROAR, who remain wreathed in fog.[break][break]

Meanwhile, GYM LEADER and stand their ground in the central path leading to the summit. Although revealed to all, the latter's GLASTRIER prepares an ICICLE CRASH, condensed air billowing from its icy muzzle.[break][break]

ADMIN sets a LIGHTNING BOLT at his original position before merging with his DRAGAPULT'S PHANTOM FORCE. He reemerges, unnoticed. However, only the keenest may notice the glow of his electrical javelin pierced into the ground.


TO THE EAST, follows through the fog. A PHANTOM FORCE is prepared by his DRAGAPULT should it be necessary, and while he remains covert, his partner lacks the same grace. Her CORVIKNIGHT scouts ahead.[break][break]

However, her CORVIKNIGHT is met with resistance from 's DRAGONITE. Immediately, the dragon unleashes a TWISTER towards the steel-plated bird, while 's DITTO approaches her and . It assumes 's form, walking eerily towards them, perhaps, providing enough distraction until attempts to snipe from the peak after giving notice. The sound reveals his position at the peak by .[break][break]

Lower, AQUA INITIATIVE MEMBER confronts a disguised . Disguised as "Seraphim" after his defection from the League, he draws his sword alongside his SCEPTILE. However, flames of truth surround the man (A TERRAIN OF TRUTH) as the Ranger's BISHARP LASER FOCUSES the CEO's SCEPTILE.[break][break]

FORMER GYM LEADER moves toward , GYM LEADER and ; however, he is unsure of their presence until he comes close enough. Although he is not disguised, his presence isn't among the list of League stationed here, prompting suspicion from those who see him. 's SKARMORY USES DEFOG, relinquishing a crown of fog away from their position, forcing it to billow forth like unraveling carpets. calls for his arrest: a safety measure, for the stakes are the highest they've ever been. Nearby, 's ROCKRUFF USES STEALTH ROCK around him and may approach too...[break][break]

approaches up the central path too. As the fog shifts, he would be able to see —but remains hidden in a tendril of fog with her DUSKNOIR. 's GARCHOMP PREPARES WITH A SWORDS DANCE; however, and may be unsure of the other has spotted them among the graves. A sudden SMOKESCREEN conjures between them and across the mountain. Above, an unknown source ( and his CHARIZARD) provide cover despite the loud flapping of wings.


SEVERAL TRAINERS attempt to gaze into the future. However, to do so is to confront the possibility that they may witness their ends. The end of Hoenn; a failed meteoroid plan. However, they witness the following...[break][break]

's BRONZONG hears a turbulent wave of water and the smell of salt.

's MEOWSTIC sees a blinding light before a quaking earth.

's GALLADE sees glimpses of an ensuing battle and the sound of a coin being flipped.


A HARSH CRY rumbles from the peak; the primal crystal seems to amplify its volume. The roar rolls down the mountainsides, forcing the earth to rumble—but curiously, and her MEOWSTIC would understand this shaking to be different than what has been gleamed.[break][break]

The cry trumpets again with the shrill pitch of conquest or the end of days. As the godforsaken sound reverberates, everyone's footing (or balance in the air) is shaken. However, those CLOSE TO THE PRIMAL POINT will find themselves tossed away from the machine several feet: , , , , , , , , , , and .[break][break]

As 's SMOKESCREEN spreads through the mountain it is clear: TEAM ROCKET has arrived.


THE MERIT POINT PHASE has begun. During this phase, you must post in this thread ONCE, determining who your trainer LOCKS EYES WITH for your first and initial battle. This can be multiple trainers or one. Please BOLD/TAG THE NAMES OF THE TRAINERS YOU ARE FACING IN YOUR TL;DR.[break][break]

If you can not find a partner, please let know, and he may either find you a partner or create a separate, modded thread for you and/or a group of unpartnered characters.[break][break]

After you can create a SPIN-OFF THREAD WITH A THREAD TITLE TAG (MP) in the MT. PYRE BOARD.[break][break]

More rules are contained within the MT. PYRE MP FUND THREAD linked below.


@elio [break][break]

  • Those who engage with must contend with obscured TOXIC SPIKES.
  • Those who engage with must contend with obscured STEALTH ROCKS.
  • Those who engage with must contend with obscured TOXIC SPIKES.

CHARACTERS WHO HAVE BEEN HIDDEN can redeem 10 MP for a SURPRISE ATTACK against a character.[break][break]

Hidden characters can surprise attack other hidden characters with communication. In those situations, only one character can redeem the SURPRISE ATTACK bonus.[break][break]




PLEASE HEED THE FOLLOWING RULES. Failure to comply with these rules may result in the failure or dismissal of your actions.

  • before you post, you must lock in your pokemon selection in sign ups.
  • you can only use ONE MOVE and ONE POKEMON at a time.
  • please include a TL;DR (too long; didn't read) note summarizing your important actions.
  • missing a round/or too many rounds may result in being RETCONNED OR EXPELLED OUT OF THE EVENT in some way.
  • please POST ONCE this round.

There is an UPDATED MAP that can be seen here: CLICK HERE. Remember, maps are just approximate representations of where your characters are.[break][break]

Do note, there are many characters participating. Moderator posts may not be able to reference every single character or go into specific detail at times due to the sheer work needed.



NOTE: the moderator post may not always come immediately after the deadline.[break][break]

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Mars | Tuesday
August 4th
Canalave City, Sinnoh
Bi / Demiro
Veni. Videre. Vincam.
4,525 posts
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TAG WITH @mars
Martín del Mar
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 7:43:30 GMT
Martín del Mar Avatar



Prepare as they may, the battlefield will always brings the unexpected sooner or later, and on this final day of Hoenn, it’s soon that the sight of draws the underboss’ gaze away from the primal point. What is Aidan doing here? Does he work for the League now? Does he know what he’s doing?
The masked man clicks his tongue in what may sound like an innocuous response born of irritation, yet beneath the levitating platform on which he stands, the Hatterene hears the command. A witch’s gaze wanders over fog, keen senses picking up on the emotions of humans and pokémon alike. Fear, worry, hesitation, stress, anxiety, anger… It all serves to put the Hatterene in a terrible mood. She senses the Gengar's approach, readying an attack.
A blood-curdling roar rings through the mountain at that moment, and there and then, a masked man appears on the rock had been leaning on. He wields a blade, pointed at the P.I’s neck. Beneath the mask, golden eyes fix on those of Aidan, and a simple command is spoken by a distorted voice:
”Don’t move.”



[break]+ Hatterene prepares to attack Gengar
[break]+ Mars appears on the rock Aidan had been leaning on, pointing a knife at him and telling him not to move
[break]+ MP Spin-off Thread: BLOOD OF THE COVENANT



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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
0 posts
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TAG WITH @Deleted
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 12:37:41 GMT
Deleted Avatar

His Pyroar gave a soft rumble as it sniffed the air. Its eyes catching a shadow cut swiftly through the fog. Bumping up against its master's arm - Elio gave a slow blink before carding a gloved hand through its soft fur.
"Eh? You noticed someone run past us?" The mafioso questioned as a grin began to stretch across the masked man's face. "Let's go introduce ourselves, then." His eyes gleamed in the obscuring fog - glittering like gems in the light.
Finally, some action! Keeping close to the enemy's trail he kept a fair distance downwind in case their pokemon could sense them with scent.
It was when the fog eased just the slightest bit. Elio found his opponent had stopped - then he pounced. Gun drawn, he cocks it with an audible click resounding around them. "Got you~!" Grinned the taller man with some twisted childish glee.
"Oh~? And my target's such a beautiful lady too! I should count my lucky stars~!" He spoke with a mocking and teasing edge. [break][break]"Come on missy, let's dance~! I promise it'll be worth your while!" With that said, his Pyroar walked silently to his side before giving a loud roar. Only for its own roar to be drowned out by a louder one.
"What the hell?" Elio stopped shocked for a moment as he instead let out a sigh and withdrew his gun, holstering it. "I guess I'm not cut out for intimidating as much as I thought..." He gave a mocking sigh. "But my point still stands -" He stated his tone gaining a serious edge to it. "Fight me." [break][break]

[attr="class","woo5"]words; xxx


[attr="class","woo5"]notes Disguise (With Mask)[break]
Has Pyroar out.
Moves behind to Surprise Attack.
Locks eyes with Vivan.
Challenges Vivan to battle.


[attr="class","copyright"]new york station

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he / him
September 5
Fallarbor Town, Hoenn
paralegal / special agent
6'1" / 185 cm height
6'1" / 185 cm height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
1,445 posts
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TAG WITH @gunner
Gunner Graves
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 14:27:52 GMT
Gunner Graves Avatar


The DEFOG from Gym Leader Hoffman blew away the obscuring fog for just a moment — long enough to expose Gunner and his transformed Ditto. From their movements, he could easily see two figures among the headstones, masked to conceal their identities.[break][break]

From somewhere above them, Pokémon screeched, the sounds of a Dragonite and Corviknight clashing. A single shot from a sniper rifle echoed around the peak, the bullet slamming into something dangerously close by.[break][break]

But then a SMOKESCREEN rolled in before Gunner could sight any other individuals gathered around the graves. Still, he managed to lock eyes with one of the two persons crouched there, a dark-haired and dark-skinned woman wearing a wolf-like mask ().[break][break]

Moving swiftly, with an economy of motion born from years of hard training and missions abroad, he caught up with Dagonet, his Ditto. As soon as they were alongside each other, both man and Pokémon burst into a run straight at their target, their movements completely in tandem, a disturbing sight.




+ Wearing black tactical gear + mask covering his face for anonymity[break]
+ Running straight at Marza alongside his Ditto, preparing to attack[break]
+ Also has his pistol in hand

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July 07
Ever Grande City
Theme Park Owner
170 CM height
170 CM height
A Beacon of Safety during times of War
784 posts
Johanna Joy DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @johanna
Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 14:35:40 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Why am I here? She was definitely starting to think she would've been better placed somewhere else.

If she had been spotted, then she didn’t know just yet. Still, the sound of battles, even gunshots announced the starting of conflicts around her.

Calm down, calm down. Calm down.

Her hands were shaking, her knees weak, palms sweaty. She needed to get going. The glint of the Primal Point gave her a direction to pinpoint. But she needed to regroup. Perhaps if I go towards the central path? Johanna pondered or was it perhaps fear speaking?

Her feet quickly carried her in the right direction, quickly traversing over what rocky obstacles were in her way, whether they were tombstones or natural rock formations. Either way, she found the way but in doing so her eyes met with . Standing in front of the enemy, she found herself paralyzed.

Little did she know that in traveling her path there she had made her presence known to the sharp eyes of just about anyone else who was paying attention.

After a short battle with , to whom the victory goes. Using a short-distance Teleportation to escape Johanna now tries to sneak back to her prior position, hoping to regroup with another group of rockets or perhaps hide. Alas, fate would not be kind as she stumbles upon and locks eyes with ... The two meet in battle Hyper Beam meeting with Flash Cannon. Klefki vs Claydol. Johanna Vs Gun. Alas Johanna's right shoulder was the victim and she would once again teleport away hoping for safer pastures.

After teleporting and running away. She finds herself weakened by the wound and blood loss. Resting for a moment she unfortunately locks eyes with ... Too be continued.

MASK: Smiley Mask
- Starts moving to the middle path
- Eyes lock with an enemy # Hello-there-General-Councilwoman
- First Encounter: (Penny wins)
- Second Encounter: (Paxton Wins)
- Third Encounter:


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May 21st
Jubilife City, Sinnoh
Private Investigator
Open-eyed, burn the page, my little dark age.
202 posts
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TAG WITH @aidan
Aidan Hereford
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2022 15:34:54 GMT
Aidan Hereford Avatar

Who would have thought that staying in the same place hoping that the fog would give him enough cover to stay out of trouble while taking a breather from the incoming chaos. After all, the only thing Aidan wanted from being here would have been the addition of "Meteor survivor in Mt. Pyre" in his resume, surely that would have looked great when getting hired. Having others perceive him as a hero could make him money and that would very much fix the issues he had in Hoenn, for the most part. Money may not buy happiness but he had never seen a sad man in a yacht. [break][break]

How wrong he was, how wrong he was indeed. As a roar broke through the fog, like a signal for the hell that was about to brake lose through the mountain, perhaps as if one of the trumpets signaling the end of everything. Along with the chilling roar something else happened, the one thing Aidan hadn't wanted to happen, he was found out and he was being help... At knife point, he had no idea he had accidentally walked into Galar, knife crime had reached Hoenn and that was a problem that he had to deal with now.[break][break]

"Moving wasn't exactly in my mind." Aidan would slowly raise his arms as he spoke. The masked figure really had brought a knife to a pokemon fight, what a sight to behold. Despite his Genger clearly failing to scout the area well he still had a little hope that his pokemon was close enough to do something about the situation. "If it makes you feel any worse. My wallet is in my back pocket buuuut it is rather empty." Trying to buy himself time with a little dark humor never hurt anybody, as far as he was aware. Little did he know that his own pokemon might have ran into some troubles itself.[break][break]





  • Stays in place once more.
  • Hopes his Gengar is around.


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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing