Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 8:03:01 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar

[attr="class","omgentop"]HOENN JOB FAIR




It's been a week since the impending meteor impact was successfully averted, and the barrier cutting Hoenn off from the rest of the world mysteriously dropped. Old and new frontiers alike have opened up to the region, but many civilians find themselves concerned with a problem a little closer to home.


The whole end of the world thing might've encouraged a few people here and there to enjoy their remaining days without the pressures of capitalism weighing them down. A week after the averted meteor impact, however, and the effects of these mass resignations-followed by several more citizens seizing the destruction of the barrier to flee the danger-prone region-are beginning to take their toll on many of Hoenn's businesses.


Facing the threat of a full-on economic collapse, several business owners have come together to set up an emergency job fair in the middle of Slateport Park. Booths have been raised as far as the eye can see, and despite the dire circumstances most people seem to be having a good time perusing the stalls, getting a bite from the various vendors, and reacquainting themselves with their local businesses.


  • This is a relaxed megathread that exists to spotlight Hoenn's many businesses, corporations, and nonprofits in the aftermath of the events of PAAA.
  • There are no rewards for participating, this a purely social event that exists to connect people with local business owners and potential employers, for those interested in those kinds of plots.
  • This thread is mod-less and there will be no updates until it closes on December 31st (or the morning of January 1st, depending on my work schedule lol).


  • Set up a booth and pass out some brochures or samples of your wares or hoard samples from other stalls
  • Discover a business you've never heard of before
  • Apply for a job or make a pitch to a potential employee
  • Establish a rivalry with another business or bond over the effect recent events have had on your profits

[newclass=.ynospace li] padding: 5px;[/newclass]
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 8:23:52 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- setting up a stall for delibird deliveries
- open to interaction!




"Where are they?" Locke grumbled, glancing out at the crowd of people. The trees of the park were doing their best to shield its patrons against the autumn winds, but the poles of their tent still needed bracing, and he was pretty sure his hand was going freeze in place if he had to hold this one down any longer.


Finally, De-De returned, though notably alone and with a pair of hotdogs instead of the sandbags he'd asked her to get. Something in his face must of tipped the penguin off to his displeasure, as she approached with a footlong outstretched between them like a shield.


The courier accepted their lunch with a sigh, resigning themselves to sitting in place while the rest of the flock unsteadily towered themselves to pin a waving sign above them.




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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 9:33:38 GMT

still recovering from the many injuries sustained during the battle of littleroot, matias still finds his way to not only attend the job fair but to also host a booth for THE HOENN MILITARY. he is, after all, their poster child, being a decorated war veteran.[break][break]

but while some of his staff tend to the booth, he is allowed a moment to step away to peruse the other tents. he comes across a familiar face, and it's the first one he decides to visit.[break][break]

it's with a smile that he approaches.[break][break]

"think i could apply for a job at delibird deliveries, locke?"[break][break]

- attending on behalf of THE HOENN MILITARY[break]
- visiting 's tent


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-dodrio"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 19, 2022 16:34:54 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The destruction of METENO 99943's barrier changed Hoenn, and the entire world, yet again. In the long term, it would be for the better, but Hoenn and her businesses had many, many growing pains to work through first. During the months Hoenn was locked away, the new Mauville City Gym had gained a reputation for being one of the most fun, yet tough, Gyms in all of Hoenn. He had a reputation to live up to, after all; , , and before him were some of the toughest and most successful Gym Leaders of their time. Unbeknownst to him, all three of them were also Avatars. If he knew, he could only have hoped that trend continued, despite the very real looming danger the DRK Triad posed. To Josh, that was yet another reason to seek out Raikou. There was way too much nonsense going on in Hoenn, and he felt it was his duty and destiny to put it to a stop.

But that was not today. Today, Slateport City was hosting the largest job fair in Hoenn's history. As soon as the destruction of the barrier made national news, Mauville City Gym received a flood of calls from all over the world, inquiring about appointments. His queue had ballooned from two weeks to three months, and his staff were overwhelmed. In particular, he had received a large number of applicants from the Paldean Cyclizar Racing League.

He needed staff.

Fortunately for Josh, he had the day off. No Ranger contracts, his Gym was closed because it was Unovan Black Friday, and it was the racing off-season. He could spend the day trying to bring new hires in. Five Gym Trainers wasn't enough to keep the place running. The Gym Leader took the opportunity to set up a booth with ample signage advertising his Gym's openings.

Not long after Josh was set up, he asked his secretaries, SHELLY SPIEL and MISSY JAMISON to attend to the booth. He wandered about, the reins of his Manectric, Saber, in hand. Noticing and making both idle chatter and business talk, the Leader and Electric-type approached the two. "How goes, Matias!" Josh greeted the standing Elite Four member. "Brand new world, huh? Did I tell you I'm already getting calls from Paldeans looking to challenge my Gym?"

He turned his attention to Locke. "Good morning! Senior Ranger Devlin or Gym Leader Devlin, but I go by Josh. Does Delibird Deliveries take contract work? With the racing season over and Ranger work being slow this time of year, I'm looking for some contracts to fill the gaps." He want on to describe the myriad of Pokémon he had, all trained to bear a rider, that would be quite helpful for the job, and some of his history with delivery operations from the Hoenn Rangers' VALOR Initiative.

MAUVILLE RACING GROUNDS - The fastest Badge you'll ever get!


  • Full-Time or Part-Time
  • Flexible Hours for Select Positions
  • Competitive Wages
  • Full-Time Benefits (Medical, Dental)
  • Membership Discounts


  • Gym Trainers
  • Schedulers
  • Data Analyst
  • Landscapers
  • Legal Analyst
  • Office Maintenance
  • Paramedics
  • Security
  • Stage Managers

Inquiries by web, email, or phone.


- Josh sets up a booth to expand his staff at the Racing Grounds/Mauville City Gym.
- Josh greets and .
- Josh inquires about contract work with Delibird Deliveries.

{WC: 527}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 3:53:53 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- setting up a stall for delibird deliveries
- open to interaction!




Prickling apprehension soured Locke's appetite as he saw approach, but he managed to pull together a mask of customer service before the other man arrived.


"Seems a bit beneath you doesn't it?" he joked good-naturedly. "Is the League not paying its Elite Four enough?"


It wasn't necessarily that he hated or never wanted to see Matias, but their previous conversation hung even heavier in their mind now with the resurrection of , their discussion with on the events of the Darkest Day, and their brief confrontation with both brothers in the cyber dimension.


So it was with secret gratitude that the two were suddenly joined by a third person-one with a more serious interest in applying. This guy came on strong, with a confidence Locke might've tried to match if he wasn't forced to stare up at him from the grass.


"W-Well," they began, after hearing out the man's frankly impressive qualifications. Honestly a little too impressive for a relatively menial job like postal work.


Maybe the League really wasn't paying enough.


"We're not really looking for any inland contracts at the moment, and I already have another business in mind for our inter-regional deliveries..."


But there were certainly other benefits to be considered for partnering with this particular person. Recognition had settled in over the course of the conversation, and there were few better people to have on their payroll than an actual professional racer like .


"But I think we could figure out a part-time or seasonal position that works around your schedule," they offered. "There might not be much racing going on during the holiday season, but it goes without saying that this is the busiest time of year for us. Any little bit helps really.


"Actually," they added, "I'd been meaning to look into how to go about sponsoring a racer once the next racing season starts. I guess you'd be the person ask about that?"


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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
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TAG WITH @matias
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 9:46:32 GMT

their previous interactions seem to not have affected matias, or at least that's the way he wants it to appear. he does well to present this stoic facade but the weathering signs are visible to those who look close enough.[break][break]

"beneath me? nah, i think i'd fit right in. virizion would love it."[break][break]

but the arrival of signals an end to their personal conversation. he turns, nodding his head at the gym leader in greeting.[break][break]

"delibird deliveries would only be sponsoring one of the best racers in hoenn!"[break][break]

he places a hand on 's shoulder, squeezing once for emphasis.[break][break]

"locke's good people. i hope you two work something out."[break][break]

and then he steps away to browse the rest of the fair.[break][break]

- attending on behalf of THE HOENN MILITARY[break]
- leaves 's tent[break]
- wandering around the fair; open for interaction!


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-dodrio"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes blockquote"]width:350px; margin:0px auto; font-size:12px; line-height:15px; border-radius:0px 0px 10px 10px; border-top:none; padding:30px 50px; [/newclass]

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[newclass=".sixeyes .top"]background-color:var(--accent); padding:10px; height:15px; background-image:url(https://image.ibb.co/dMFuMc/flower.png); background-repeat:no-repeat;background-position:bottom right; width:430px; margin:0px auto; border:1px solid #232323; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc"]border-top:1px solid #222; padding-top:15px; text-align:center; margin-top:15px; [/newclass]

[newclass=".sixeyes .ooc a"]font:bold 15px 'Poppins';[/newclass]

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
6,920 posts
Josh Devlin DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @joshdevlin
Josh Devlin
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 18:19:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh remained silent through the duo's conversation. It seemed the pay bump between Gym Leader and Elite Four member was middling at best. When the previous Mauville Leader had urged them to unionize, he wasn't kidding. If he wasn't already famous from being in sports, Josh would have had a hard time, what with everything in Mauville being so expensive.

The young racer smiled when his friend started upselling him to , flinching when the Volatile squeezed his shoulder. The confident one had the strength of his Patron, that much was for certain. "See you around!" Saber barked toward Matias to say hello-and-goodbye.

Next, the two turned back toward the Delibird Deliveries manager, Josh resting his right hand on his Manectric's saddle, crafted in the likeness of Raikou's thundercloud. It was the one thing from the costume contests last month he liked so much that it would simply be a permanent part of the electric-type's looks now. "Thank you for working with me," Josh replied, the Gym Leader and racer grateful that even if he couldn't do gig work, there were at least low-commitment positions available. "A seasonal position would be great to have in the off-season. And with Ranger work being contractual, the only thing I need to schedule around are my Gym challenges. With the barrier gone, the number of out-of-region challenges I've received is...absurd, to say the least." Many of those challengers weren't even interested in Hoenn's Pokémon League; the vast majority of them were PRF superfans or just liked the uniqueness of his custom challenge.

Josh's eyes lit up when Locke mentioned the idea of sponsorship. He looked like he wanted to give the man a hug. "I..." His heart skipped a beat, stunned. "I...would love to discuss that with you. As the Pokémon Racing Federation's Hoenn ambassador, it would help immensely not only personally, but our region as a whole. Imagine being able to send a few of our best to an inter-regional meet!"


- Josh waves goodbye to .
- Josh discusses the idea of seasonal delivery work with , then is just floored by the possibility of sponsorship.
- Still open to interaction!

{WC: 334}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Saber         Manectric      Good
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 22:20:57 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose

Elisabeth's setting up of a stall on behalf of Fiorelli Floristry had become second-nature. Months of ingratiating herself to the locals of Petalburg City had more than paid off in that respect.

Which was to say, this routine was old hat.

The rose-pink tablecloth of the florist's booth was crisp and clean, embroidered with flowers and embellished with the name of her flower shop. Several bouquets had been set up for admiring, showcasing the wide range of assortments available for order.

Her Roselia stood close by her with free flowers to hand to passerby, while her Bellossom manned the booth itself with a winsome smile, small cups of lavender tea and bite-sized macarons stamped with flowers available for consumption. An Aromatisse twirled about with a sample Kalosian perfume, the glass atomizer glittering enchantingly in the light.

It was possible that might come by later to help run the booth, but the Instagram postings that she had done to spotlight the event were more than enough to advertise. If Cyg wanted to spend the day working on a motorcycle with or something, Elisabeth could hardly blame her.

Socializing could be exhausting.

The blonde stood behind the booth with quiet poise, a practised smile forcing a sense of pleasantness and affability that, to be honest, she didn't exactly feel at this moment in time.

This was work, plain and simple.

  • We chilling at the flower shop booth.
  • Free samples of desserts, tea, perfume spritzes, and flowers available for taking.
  • We have NPC smiles ready and are open to interaction!

Megathread ✿ Fiorelli Floristry Booth ✿ Open to Interaction!
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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December 12
Anistar City, Kalos
Blacksmith, bladesmith
Art is risk
Tempered by wisdom
5'7"/170 cm height
5'7"/170 cm height
A keen mind cuts deeper than even the sharpest sword.
1,212 posts
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TAG WITH @aurelie
Aurelie Lefevre
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 20, 2022 22:48:08 GMT
Aurelie Lefevre Avatar

[attr="class","aurelie_lyrics"]Here for the job
[attr="class","aurelie_body"]At first glance, a job fair didn't seem like an event that should normally attract Aurelie's attention, let alone attendance. After all, she wasn't looking for a job, nor did she particularly want to hire anyone at the moment. (Well, maybe a receptionist or accountant eventually, but not now.) This particular job fair, though, also seemed to welcome businesses who wanted to advertise their trade and work, and Aurelie was all in favor of promoting the Iron Lady Forge whenever she could.

Thus, on the far end of the fair, Aurelie set up a small booth, slightly more elaborate than the booth she'd used at the Slateport Splashfest. A three-sided black tent provided shade overhead and kept off most of the chilly autumn wind, while a large banner depicting an adorable Flareon next to the words "Iron Lady Forge" in fiery red lettering hung just above the tent's entrance. Inside the tent, Aurelie had assembled a few folding chairs and tables to hold leaflets and brochures advertising her bladesmithing business, as well as a sample case containing some of her favorite knives and bladed products. Posters describing the forging process from start to finish decorated a bulletin board in the back, along with photos and testimonials from some of her customers.

Last, but not least, Aurelie had ordered a few more crates of bottled water with a miniature version of the Flareon banner as the label. Hydration was always important, and visitors to the fair would probably appreciate a free bottle of water while they moseyed about the stalls and booths, right? It might not be the most original giveaway idea, compared to the raffles and prizes she saw other stalls doing, but it was a classic.

She sat behind the tables in her tent, huddled inside her peacoat with her hands in her pockets, and watched people wander through the fair, chatting and looking around. Being utterly normal, in fact. It was strange to think that something close to "normal life" might resume in Hoenn for a while, now that the meteoroid apocalypse had been averted and the barrier around the region had disappeared.

Of course, for all she knew, there would be another catastrophe in Hoenn next week, or next month, or next year. Who could tell what the future held? But Aurelie had to admit, the thought of returning to normalcy for a while was seductive.

Her Flareon was in attendance for this particular fair, sitting curled up at her feet and radiating warmth as effectively as any heating pad, for which Aurelie was grateful. Every now and then, the smell of sausages, fries, and cheese wafted through the air, making the red-haired smith's stomach grumble. At one point, she thought she saw a penguin-like Pokemon carrying hot dogs waddling past, which made her chuckle and her mouth water simultaneously.

"Maybe I ought to consider getting something to eat too. What do you think?" she remarked playfully to her Flareon, reaching down to pat his warm fur. "After all, it wouldn't be very tasteful to become known as the Slobbering Lady Forge, would it?"


Open to interactions!

- Manning a booth for the Iron Lady Forge
- Giving away free bottles of water with the forge's name and Flareon on the label

[attr="class","cred"]VEL OF PIXEL PERFECT

[newclass=.aurelie img]height:100px;width:100px;padding:15px;border:1px solid #fff;border-radius:100px;[/newclass]
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[newclass=.cred a]color:rgb(132, 132, 132);font-size:8px;letter-spacing:1px;font-family:verdana;[/newclass]
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november 14th
elite four
with you
i am born anew.
1321 height
1321 height
i'll try to find you in mountains made of ash and clouds of smoke.
8,445 posts
part of
TAG WITH @matias
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 8:19:18 GMT

his memory fails him—not that it could be blamed as the last time they saw each other, he'd been riding the fading waves of adrenaline and instinct, unable to register much beyond ally or foe—but the sight of is a familiar one.[break][break]

perhaps, it's for that reason that he decides to approach, straying away from his original course towards 's iron lady forge.[break][break]

"hello there."[break][break]

he offers a faint smile as his eyes peruse the vibrant flowers laid out before him.[break][break]

"fiorelli floristry sounds familiar. are you guys from around here?"[break][break]

- attending on behalf of THE HOENN MILITARY[break]
- approaches 's tent


[attr="class","pkspr pkmn-dodrio"]

[newclass=".sixeyes"]--accent:#5d464e; [/newclass]

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September 20th
Vermillion City, Kanto
295 height
295 height
wage war on gravity
1,080 posts
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TAG WITH @locke
Locke Jamison
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 12:34:09 GMT
Locke Jamison Avatar




- setting up a stall for delibird deliveries
- open to interaction!




Two men turned away from him to exchange goodbyes, and Locke let their expression fall into uncertainty and the slightest hint of guilt. Maybe it was just a Silph thing, but was every bit as unreadable as his brother.


"That sounds like it'd be fun to watch," they agreed, their face once again masked with politeness. "Hoenn doesn't have as much land to work with as other regions, so I was amazed anyone had managed to set up a track at all here."


He briefly turned away from their prospective employee back to the table, calling for his Delibird companion. "De-De, clipboard?"


The papers were passed from table to penguin to Locke, who held them out to .


"Go ahead and fill out those. My email's at the top, so we can work out scheduling and talk more about the sponsorship through there.


"Oh! And if you're in the market for more of those," he added, indicating to the Manetric's decked-out saddle, "you ought to swing by the Iron Lady's booth. I've heard 's stuff is high quality, if you've got the money for it."


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The Devourer
he / him
January 8
Lavender Town, Kanto
general of war
god general
nenet nzingha
starstruck ✨
6'3" / 190 cm height
6'3" / 190 cm height
Murderers are not monsters, they're men. And that's the most frightening thing about them.
3,051 posts
Zev Harcourt DOLLARS
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Zev Harcourt
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 13:15:09 GMT
Zev Harcourt Avatar



Even without the dome vanishing and many people leaving Hoenn for a safer life elsewhere, or quitting because they thought the apocalypse was well and truly happening, Howling at the Moon was no stranger to the steady flux of employees. The hospitality industry saw high turnover at all times, and a few of the people attracted to the bar after Splashfest had since quit for other work. So, as soon as word reached Zev of the job fair, he signed up for a booth for his bar.[break][break]

Like their setup at Splashfest, Howling at the Moon sold drinks and offered free food samples to fair attendees. Their menu that day included beer on tap, an assortment of liquors and mixers for cocktails with fewer ingredients, soda, and bottles of water. Every employee working at the booth that day, including Zev himself, wore a black jacket with the bar's logo over the left breast.[break][break]

"I'm going to take a break to walk around the fair," Zev told his staff, which might include one , if he had volunteered to be there. He flashed them all a practiced smile. "Be back in a bit. Luna, you coming?"[break][break]

The Lycanroc emerged from under the table where she'd been resting, her tail wagging and her ears perked up with interest. She fell into step beside Zev as he walked off, a map of the fair in one hand and a plastic cup of beer in the other. In no time, they made their way to 's stall, Zev's first stop. Upon arrival, he offered the cup of beer for her to take.[break][break]

"Hey," he said cheerily, keeping up his mask of a very normal human bartender since they were in a crowded, public space. "Brought you this in case you were thirsty, but I'm guessing you aren't." He chuckled at the crates of bottled water at the back of her booth.



- Open to interaction![break]
- Has set up a booth for his bar, Howling at the Moon[break]
- Stopping by Aurelie's stall first with a cup of beer



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Epic BugCatcher

Dr. Doug
20 (40)
March 3
Viridian City, Kanto
It just works
Lt. Colonel, Medical Corps
AQUA Initiative
of our future
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
5' 11" (181 cm) / 180 lbs (82 kg) height
You're being healed. Please do not resist.
3,064 posts
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TAG WITH @bugcatcherdoug
John Sullivan
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 14:13:08 GMT
John Sullivan Avatar

Hoenn Job Fair

Only real poster children in this house.

If walked about, someone still had to watch over the booth.

A poster child for the boomers, another one for the zoomers, if you will.

Said zoomer poster child was the freshly promoted Lieutenant Colonel John Douglas Sullivan, hard at work and demonstrating how he got the job with his utter calm in the face of the public.

He was so calm in fact, one might mistake him for being asleep. What with how far back he had reclined in his seat, and the fact he put up his boots on the booth's table, and was occasionally releasing low, snores, all while maintaining his cap's brim strategically placed to cover his eyes...

... Wait a minute.

-Open for interaction and junk!
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Lisa Bortiforte
August 30
Camphrier Town, Kalos
Black Widow
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
5'9" / 175.26 cm height
Bury me in the roses and rot; I'll come back thorned.
4,742 posts
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TAG WITH @elisabeth
Elisabeth Fiorelli
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 21, 2022 14:35:25 GMT
Elisabeth Fiorelli Avatar
La Vie en Rose

...Well. This was unexpected.

Elisabeth blinked at the Groudon Avatar who had almost killed her, , and not so long ago in Littleroot, and flashed him a perfectly manicured smile that betrayed nothing of the unpleasant memory his face invoked in her.

"We're located in Petalburg, actually," she said politely. "But perhaps you remember us from our opening sale during February. We were working regionwide at that time." A brief pause settled, before she added with a soft laugh, "Or it's possible I have dunked you at Splashfest. I was a bit overzealous in that activity."

Her Roselia, ever the professional, handed the Elite Four member a single red rose for him to sample.

"I have to say, you're an unexpected sight at a flower stall," Elisabeth teased lightly. "It can't be to recruit florists to the military. Are you looking for a gift, maybe?"

People talked, and she distantly remembered hearing something about him and . Another unexpected pairing, if she was to be honest, but who was she to judge someone else's taste in men?

  • We chilling at the flower shop booth with .
  • Free samples of desserts, tea, perfume spritzes, and flowers available for taking.
  • We have NPC smiles ready and are open to interaction!

Megathread ✿ Fiorelli Floristry Booth ✿ Open to Interaction!
[newclass=".elisafont b"]color: #7bb661;[/newclass]
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July 11
Hau'oli City
CEO of Adebayo Holdings
Wealth doesn't corrupt character - it makes it visible.
234 posts
Ozni Adebayo DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @ozniadebayo
Ozni Adebayo
Hoenn Job Fair [Megathread/O]
POSTED ON Nov 22, 2022 4:36:53 GMT
Ozni Adebayo Avatar

The newest branch of Adebayo Holdings had seen its fair share of troubles. First, the apocalyptic nonsense happened. Then, a bunch of new competitors took the revived region by storm. Worst of all, however, was the CEO’s shoot-from-the-hip approach. At least, that was what the old guard whispered behind the new owner’s back. The loudest of these voices had originally spearheaded local recruitment efforts.

But one look at his job fair proposal got him kicked back to doing payroll. The booth had been boring. All the company-approved talking points fell between dishonest and banal. Then, of course, you had the decorations. The final nail in the Cofrarigus, though? The fact that the guy used transitions in his PowerPoint. That was the real travesty. Who the heck wanted to work for a company that took its tech advice from computer science teachers circa 2010?

After a few days remodeling the booth—and ordering a little bribery in the form of new tablets—Oz felt much better equipped to tackle the job. Which is why he insisted on manning the booth himself. It made great social media fodder and he bet kids these days would love taking photos with an honest-to-goodness billionaire. Even the ‘Down with Capitalism’ crowd could get a few followers out of it.

Decked out in the newer, more fun company merch, Ozni peered out at the crowd in front of him. Around him, large televisions broadcast the company’s culture in a series of fun training videos. A few plushies of the company’s mascot—a big pink Furret—lay at the front. Piled up behind him like a Black Friday blowout sal were about a dozen of the world’s top-end tablets. These were being raffled off via a company-branded raffle.

Looking up from his game of Angry Birds, the CEO found himself facing an empty space in front of him. Apparently, no one wanted to come down to the medical area. Probably because he was sitting next to a proctologist. It was a real—hah!--pain in the arse. Figuring they’d be quiet for a bit, he turned to his Eelektross with a trademark grin. “Hey, Stasia. Babe.” The eel looked up. “Can you man the ship for a little while?” Slim, scaly shoulders lifted in a shrug of assent. “Poppa’s gotta network.”

The suited woman beside the eel watched him leave with a tight little frown.

With his piece said, Oz rose from his seat and browsed the other booths. The military booth--manned by --immediately caught his attention.

Blue eyes sparked with mirth as he offered up a grin. But it wasn’t exactly his friendliest one. He might have defected to the dark side, but at least he didn’t treat kids like bubblegum.

“Running out of blood to grease the gears?” He snapped a picture.

Baby blues dropped back to his phone as he typed. Above his shoulders, his Porygon-Z flickered in and out of focus.

#jobfair #recruitinghell #antiwork #onlywhois left #MIC

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing