Can we pretend that Ledians are airplanes [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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oscar clayton
Can we pretend that Ledians are airplanes [M]
POSTED ON Dec 8, 2022 22:12:46 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
Everyone has different ways of managing stress. Some people play violent video games to get their aggression out, or punch bags/actual people, or perform yoga and meditate. Oscar's secret stress relief technique was a lost form of exercise, and after the week he has had he would be itching to partake.

Down in route 117, in the early hours of the night, swarms of Ledian would emerge from their hiding places to glow and mingle. Usually they would go undisturbed, but tonight Oscar Clayton had a fair bit of fury to work out and they would be his unfortunate victims. Do not fear, Oscar is not going to fight these Ledian. Instead he shall partake in the ancient pastime of his bug catching forefathers: Bug Catching.

With an oversized net in hand, Oscar would run out into the middle of the Ledian community and begin swinging wildly. Whether any were actually trapped in the net was inconsequential; bug dancing was a dance, it was all about the chase! And before he could chase these glowing fuckers around they needed to be scared, so here Oscar was screeching and swinging his net like a baseball bat.

It was quite the sight to see, hopefully no one would happen upon him during this most secretive of rituals.

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