A Christmas Caper! [M]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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oscar clayton
A Christmas Caper! [M]
POSTED ON Dec 10, 2022 20:09:48 GMT
oscar clayton Avatar
It was an unfortunate fact of life that some people just hate seeing the happiness of others. Unable to partake in their joy, they do anything within their power to ruin joy and slay merriment. This was what went through Oscar's head as he prowled the streets of Mauville, clearly looking as if he was looking for trouble.

Which he was! You see a thief was haunting the halls of his apartment building, and he was determined to track them down and beat the living shit out of them! For this was not just any thief, no this was a Holiday thief! A devious devil that had stolen the decorations of his entire complex--most notably the very expensive reaf Oscar had imported from Galar. Those things do not grow on trees you know! Well, actually they might. Oscar was not aware exactly how reafs were made. He just knew the good ones cost an arm and a leg and he would be damned if he let a two-bit hooligan take away his premium Holiday decorations!

And so he stalked around Mauville, a flashlight in his hand and wrath in his heart. I feel sorry for any innocent bystanders that come upon him in such a state...

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