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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2023 20:31:06 GMT
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[attr="class","contestTitle"]RED REVEL



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
- REFORMATION (Ado - New Genesis)



The scene opens up to a blaring stage, already in full motion. Onlookers had been kept in the darkness before this moment, their glowsticks not even cracked and ready until the first note of the contest song started up. Performing center stage was the BPM CEO accompanied by back-up dancers who were other recognizable faces in the company that had made its public debut just months prior to RED REVEL. This was as much of a debut for them as it was the contest itself kicking off the SILVER CORPS RELAY CONTESTS of the year.[break][break]
As the performance pushed on, the ANNOUNCER was allowed to make her way onto the stage - a familiar person hidden behind once again unfamiliar garments. Wearing the get-up of what one could only describe as a race-ready goomba (mask and all), @micah applauded off the performers who gave way to a pumped sea of YELLOW, GREEN, BLUE, and PURPLE. Each contestant had their own color as per the usual SILVER COMPANY CONTEST protocol and they waved wildly for their corresponding representatives.[break][break]
"NOW WASN'T THAT A WONDERFUL PERFORMANCE? GIVE IT UP FOR BPM!" @micah called out, the sea of colors rippling with excitement and hoots and applause in agreement. Shortly after, she took a breath and pointed out towards the right-sided entrance to the stage. "But that's not all! We have our contestants ready to give it their all. Are you PUMPED UP and READY TO BURN RUBBER with us?!" Thus came the INTRODUCTORY STAGE of the contest where each contestant would give their name, introduce their pokemon, and give whatever interesting tidbits they wanted about themselves.[break][break]
There was no specific rhyme or reason to the order the contestants came out but there seemed to already be fans for each one given how many of them were waving their glowsticks wildly for their favorite.[break][break]
YELLOW glowsticks waved for the 'wildly fresh', . Some fans went so far as to call out 'WE LOVE YOU, PEPPERMINT MOCHA' as if they had already deemed a fan-oriented drink after the poor rocket beast who had fans that were likely of the same group, though some onlookers seemed to be simply admiring Mint for the way he looked and the pokemon he brought to the competition. There was a large number of said fans and they looked to each other excitedly, squealing with joy.[break][break]
PURPLE glowsticks seemed to be held primarily by young men and young women alike - maybe around their early to mid-20s. They seemed to have fallen for the adorable looks of , who they sponsored by waving their glowsticks wildly and scream-crying when she came onto the stage. She seemed to be a newer addition to the contest scene, but many of the contestants were so there was a pretty good heft to the amount of people Vanilla attracted. "VANILLA IS THE BEST FLAVOR!" some of them screamed, others arguing it was the flavor with most ability to be varied and other such things, playing upon her name. Others still were just crying about how adorable the contestant was, herself.[break][break]
BLUE glowsticks were present for @gaultier . Almost 90% of the glowsticks were held by women of all ages and they were perhaps some of the most frantic to scream and cry for their favorite contestant. The 10% that were male-presenting seemed to be crossing their arms, not partaking in this. They seemed to have been dragged here by their girlfriends and wives who seemed to have had their hearts stolen by the charming Kalosian.[break][break]
And finally, GREEN glowsticks were used for @esmee who seemed to have the opposite spectrum of fans when it came to comparing to Gaultier's. A majority of men waved their glowsticks and yelled out in baritone voices, clutching their figurative pearls as the other Kalosian half made her way onto stage. [break][break]
With this, the INTRODUCTORY PHASE was on!



[newclass=h1]color: green[/newclass]

ROUND ENDS: 03/05/2023 at 11:59PM CST

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Mar 4, 2023 20:39:56 GMT
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perhaps last to the stage but also perhaps the first to introduce herself, esmee paraded forward proudly with her tyrantrum in tow. the large dinosaur pokemon wasn't what most people would think of when imagining a 'cute' pokemon, but she would prove to everyone that large, scary beings could also be quite endearing if they really tried to.[break]
"my name is esmee lechance and this is rocky." placing a hand upon her tyrantrum's strong jaw, it seemed to give a close-eyed smile and kick its little right back leg in joy at this. it was nothing short of acting like an oversized dog who was ready to roll over and get its stomach rubbed. "we are both new to contests, but felt obliged to join and try to see what we could provide." with a glance towards @gaultier as if to say she was there primarily for him, she offered him a polite, almost challenging smile as if to challenge him personally. it wasn't often that the two of them were pitted head to head with one another, though that was arguably how they met - in a game of cat-and-mouse that turned more tom and jerry than anything seriously detrimental.[break]
casting a glance at the rest of the contestants, she couldn't help but wonder ... how exactly did two flavors come to be in the same competition? it was rather adorable to her. [break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

@ contest!

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 4, 2023 20:51:40 GMT
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Gaultier was one well adjusted to masses. Given his legal work, he'd stood before a large gathering of those who opted to witness a trial firsthand. But this was far different from a courtroom -- to act on stage was a far different show in itself. Gaultier flashed a wink to his fellow contestant and better half @esmee as she glanced back at him, then turned his attention forward to take the next introduction. A flash of white teeth and a courteous bow with a hand upon his chest, Gaultier kept his head low and stance humble. While competing was exciting in itself, he didn't want to jump to conclusions and insist that he'd win. But perhaps that modest charm was what made him more appealing to the crowd as those with his colored glowsticks had begun to wave them around.

"A pleasure to be here, Miss Steel, and might I say that it's quite the coincidence they chose you to host a cute contest."

An attempt to schmooze the judge in his favor perhaps? Nonetheless, his choice for the contest was his faithful Falinks that marched forward one by one until it completed its set, then clanged its armor together in tune with the audience's applause. Once the applause died down, Gaultier glanced to the set of miniature ball-shaped soldiers and chuckled to himself mostly.

"I've brought with me my Falinks. In Kalosian, I like to refer to him as mon Soldapetit."

Another cheer from the crowd. It seemed they loved to hear the Kalosian dialect from a native himself. He held his composure as he took a step back and allowed the next contestant to step forward.

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2023 9:32:26 GMT
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"For an all over refreshing experience, none other than Mint Frost must take the stage!" The blue bobbed coordinator stepped onto stage, dressed his best in dark blues decorated bright shining golds. Flanking him, with a freshly fluffed fur coat was his shiny Absol.

"Joining me, Pomodoro the menacing guardian of paw paw power." He adds as the red Absol poses to match his stylish owner, only to drop the act and nuzzle into Mint. He hides his nerves in the Rocket's leg, as Mint let's out another laugh.

"I'm excited to see what our newcomers can do. And I hope my partner and I can put out a performance everyone can enjoy!" He adds as he takes the time to wave to his fans before snapping his fingers at Pomodoro and ushering the Absol to the side while the contestants continued their intros.

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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Vanilla Kingsley
‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 5, 2023 10:08:41 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
U-Uwaaaaah! S0 many people crammed in to see the four of them! Vanilla jumped as the people screamed her name, having fiddled with her glasses silently while observing the other contestants. The competition would be fierce, no doubt. There were certainly a lot of Pokemon that were present on stage that Proxii likely hadn't scanned before, but would be unable to flip out of her pocket and do so due to her Cinderace being present with her as her partner. She inhaled as her body shook out of her anxiety for doing well here. Anxious hands smoothed down the hem of her dress that resembled that of an Alcreamie, as two faux strawberries sat on either side of her bangs.

Esmee's Tyrantrum was certainly fearsome in its own right, and the Falinks that marched up one by one had made Vanilla a little homesick for Galar. She had always wanted one from a friend, finding their mass shape adorable. But what caught her eye was the man who had introduced himself to the crowd as Mint. Was he a long lost sibling or something? She had been fairly certain that only her family had a quirk of naming their kids something odd, but it was at least nice knowing some other poor soul stuck with their name. She would have mulled more on that but it was her time to shine, as she was pushed on stage by one of the staff and slowly took her spot up on stage. The mic was passed to her as she took a step forward and...


"U-Uh....Hi." she murmured in a soft voice before the looks from a couple of the crowd would make her panic and pick up her volume. "Ah-I'm Vanilla...This is my first contest, so sorry if I'm a bit nervous. Eheh..."

Vanilla swallowed down what she could of her nerves and fear before looking over to the stage right and seeing those familiar eyes of her partner. She tried calming herself but it would take a bit of time. Out of all the people on stage, she was clearly the person with the least amount of experience in front of a huge crowd of people. Maybe it would be best to play off of their cries about the flavor of vanilla?

"I-If there's one thing any Pokéchef knows, it's that Vanilla goes with anything! That's why I've brought a close friend of mine with me from Gah-Galar! Joining me today is, um, Kicker! Former primary forward of our own Blazing Aces!"

The Cinderace, true to his namesake, hopped on stage in a flash. It seemed to enjoy the attention being given to it, waving towards the sources of cheer and applause during his way on stage. With a quick flourish her and showing off its kicks there, Kicker rounded it all off with a backflip after coming to the girl's side. She did have to feel a bit better about Kicker being nearby. A paw even helped her correct her posture as she tried to stay strong and true.

"Let's give everybody a good show. And, um...good luck to the other contestants!"

The mic was passed on and Vanilla breathed a sigh of relief, being the one person who was a bit lacking in the self confidence department. She was desperate to return to her comfort zone with Proxii, but the Rotom had been taken from her for the time being, said that her stage persona would need her actual voice. Vanilla just hoped she could hold her own against everyone else.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 0:28:50 GMT
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[attr="class","contestTitle"]RED REVEL



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
- REFORMATION (Ado - New Genesis)



God dammit. God dammit all. @micah WAS SO IN LOVE WITH THE CONTESTANTS IT WAS UNFAIR! They were all so CUTE or CHARMING in their own regard that she wanted to cry, but a good announcer never lets their feelings get in the way -- right? ... RIGHT?[break][break]
Tears streaming down her face but her smile still intact and unmoving as if she wasn't bawling her eyes out, @micah continued to rally the 'troops' made of the different fan groups. They also seemed to be crying out even louder now, deafening in this enclosed space. When @micah went to go calm them down with a few movements of her hands to shut the hell up, they obeyed for the most part. The volume lowered, she could speak up and announce the FIRST ROUND. [break][break]
"Our chic @esmee , our charming @gaultier , our refreshing , and our sweet ! All lovely, but WHO WILL COME OUT ON TOP?!" This rose some speculations among the fans who were arguing amongst themselves, those wishing for or particularly at each other's throats. If one looked really closely, they could see two rabid fans in the middle of biting each other in a brawling match in the background with how heated it was already between the two 'FLAVOR FANATICS'. Indeed, it was funny how two flavor-labeled people made it to be in one contest, but Micah supposed this is what happened when such a strike of weird quirky luck happened.[break][break]
"Contestants, REV YOUR ENGINES!" and with this, @micah pulled on a string on her own costume which let down a large green screen in the back that displayed a compilation of MAUVILLE CITY famous races to inspire the idea of a speedy race-based contest. "AND MAY THE BEST COORDINATOR, WIN!" In order to perhaps break it down for the newer coordinators, she whispered into the mic like it was a secret - obviously a joke as she half-laughed her instructions to the contestants.[break][break]
"First round reminders: please use one of your best CUTE moves and impress the judges!"[break][break]
All the judges seemed to be MOTORHEADS belonging to the same gang of sorts. They all wore RED JACKETS labeled 'RED RIDERS' and they were a mismatch of bald women and men alike with out-of-the-world buff arms and legs. They stood waiting, arms crossed and brows furrowed. They seemed out of place in a cute contest, but who knew?



[newclass=h1]color: green[/newclass]

ROUND ENDS: 03/06/2023 at 11:59PM CST

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 0:37:27 GMT
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with her brows knit downward in an angry manner, esmee seemed to be perturbed at both and ... but it was quite the opposite.[break]
had esmee entered this competition because she, too, secretly adored cute things?[break]
"it's going to be a tough competition if they account for the trainers as well, rocky," she said quietly to her tyrantrum who just wagged its tiny tail at her - completely oblivious to that idea and just ready to prance and trot as ordered. breathing in deeply, she regretted her simple black dress that was meant to allow her red dinosaur stand out with her as the backdrop. miss vanilla was adorable in her cute get-up and mister mint was so dapper in his outfit. what a tragedy. as someone who admired fashion, she could not forgive herself. perhaps rocky would make up for her lack of forethought and so she let out a hand in a dramatic manner, true pokemon anime style:[break]
"go on rocky, CHARM the crowd! show them what you're capable of!"[break]
with an uncharacteristically dog-like yap, the dinosaur flew into the air - small arms extended as if he was about to body slam someone into the ground ... then fell gently on his back with little to no impact as he rolled into an almost fetal position and showed how he could rock back and forth like a rocking chair. esmee promptly sat atop the dinosaur's stomach, showing the intent behind this move. "a pokemon who is practical and cute cannot be beat!" she said, proud of their little stunt.[break]
⚰︎ divider made by milky!

@ contest!

PLw7L04s + 15 (red - 5, within 5hrs of announcer post - 10)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 0:49:41 GMT
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Gaultier found himself in competitive mode, unable to focus on any of the other contestants on the stage, instead turning to the group of Falinks at his side. He flashed the team a smile to show that he held the utmost confidence in the troupe. After the first display was given, Gaultier joined the crowd with a polite clap. Once the crowd turned their focus to the Falinks and Gaultier knew then it was their chance to wow the crowd. The two stepped forward and the Kalosian urged the Falinks to perform PROTECT.

It wasn't long until the sixlet group began to make solo attacks with each member of the troupe participating as they clashed against the barrier. Once the sixth and final member of the Falinks made its attack, the pokemon posed in a fashion in which each member of the formation stood atop each other in a pose as the protect barrier shattered into sparkles that rained down upon the stage.

"Perhaps the cutest display is that of a fine soldier ready to defend its comrades at any given moment. They are quite proud of their unbreakable formation, and I must say that I am proud, as well."

7BOu4m1s + 15
(5 for red, 10 for 5-hour window reply)

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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January 3
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 1:37:23 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
Vanilla side eyed the woman on the other end and felt fearful of her pissed off look she was giving her. The tiny competitor couldn't help but feel as if she had done something wrong to step up and just be within @esme 's presence. But at the very least, she did get to see a look up close at the competition. The Tyrantrum was a fearsome, ferocious looking beats of a Pokemon that- was it seriously rocking back and forth? And the Falinks were adorable as ever! "Great job, little guys!" Even Vanilla clapped for them. But as it came time for her, she'd look back at Kicker as the two tried to come up with a game plan.

Kicker started things off by created a Pyro Ball, condensing the heat in the room into a fiery orb and them kicking in between both feet. His skill was put on display as the ball was kicked on top of its head, rolled along the lengths of its arms and returned back to its foot. Then while balancing it across his body, kicker began to create more and more. one by one, they'd be juggled on his one foot at the display.

"Give 'em a show, Kicker!" He ended with a flair, opting to combine all smaller orbs into one as it grew to a medium size, then to a melon sized orb, and so on until it was like a miniature model of the sun. With a bump into the air, Kicker would use a Double Kick at the orb above the crowd. The resulting explosion of harmless embers would scatter down in a brilliant display of fire, sizzling down into harmless cooled pieces.

"U-Uhhhh...Cute can also mean being the best football player you can be!"

+5 - Red Pokemon
+10 - Reply Within 5 Hours [/blockquote]
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peppermint, micha
january 19
hearthome city, sinnoh
ig baddie
rocket beast
I can get by the days just fine but the nights, 🌙
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mint frost DOLLARS
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mint frost
‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 6, 2023 5:24:58 GMT
mint frost Avatar

The competition would be fierce if the fans had anything to say about it. Mint stays smiling and happy despite the raucous between his fans and @vanilla's. He watches the other contestants, grinning playfully and winking when @esmee catches his eye. He doesn't seem intimidated. The claps come with ease as @gaultier moves next. Pomodoro stands at the ready. Once the embers of Kicker's flames expire, he moves towards the stage.

Graceful steps are followed by an excitable, oversized pup. Pomodoro rushes first, dashing around his trainer in circles before jumping forth in front of him. Large paws slam down and claws clacl loudly as he barks at the crowd after using ME FIRST. "It seems Pomodoro is beside himself to show off his charms." Mint says with ease into a mic. For flourish, the Absol chases its tail before the crowd only to stop at the sound of a soft snap of Mint's fingers, dutifully sitting at the ready next to his trainer. "Hope everyone's ready to play with us!"

+5 red pokemon
+10 withing 5 hours of annluncer post


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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 1:14:10 GMT
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[attr="class","contestTitle"]RED REVEL



[attr="class","th th-quote-down"]
- REFORMATION (Ado - New Genesis)



To put it simply, ate.[break][break]
While the other contestants also did well, the amount of PURPLE glowsticks seemed to have somehow grown in the time it took between the introductory phase and the first round. It was still anyone's game, however, so as soon as Vanilla's name was being chanted above all others, it was also muffled out by the rise of a familiar voice - the announcer's.[break][break]
"ALRIGHTTTT! These are some cute pokemon indeed. I'm wanting to adopt them all, it's really unfair." She whined in an overdramatic manner at this, looking to the side as a theatrical tear dripped down her face to show her eagerness to make good of this slight promise. "Let's see what our panel of judges has to say!" And with that, there was a cut to the different members of the RED RIDERS who seemed to be crying openly, their eyes and jaws unmoving despite their obvious exposure to some of the cutest shit they've ever seen in their lives. [break][break]
Once the judges were done with their blubbering and arguing, the next round started. @micah announced the proper steps: "PLEASE USE ANOTHER CUTE MOVE TO WOO THE JUDGES! THIS WILL BE THE FINAL ROUND, SO MAKE SURE TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR POINTS, EVERYONE!"



[newclass=h1]color: green[/newclass]





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@esmee : [RED RIDER GRUNT] seems to be in favor of ESMEE. He holds up a thumbs-up, eyes watering uncontrollably at the adorable but strong tyrantrum. "My favorite part of this pokemon's performance is that he makes me feel like even I, big and scary as people say, could be considered cute too some day!" He seems to have fallen for the CHARM of the dragon.




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

@gaultier : [RED RIDER GIRL] seems to be in favor of GAULTIER. She is one of the smallest of the group, but she stands on the tip of her toes to fully look at the CUTE falinks that the Kalosian brought onto the stage. She holds up her scoreboard proudly, overjoyed by the first round of display of cuteness. "It's true! The cutest thing anyone could do is fight for their comrades! That's what true friends do, isn't that right guys?!" Her spirits are riled up and the other RED RIDERS behind her cheer out a resounding 'YEAH, RED RIDERS, WE RIDE TOGETHER FOREVER!'.




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

: [RED RIDING LEADER] seems to be in favor of VANILLA. He stands amongst his followers, arms crossed tightly over his chest. He is the only one not crying openly, his tears long-since dried up. There seems to have been something stirred in him by the cinderace and Vanilla, however, and this is shown by him bowing his head with a low 'I see ...'. "Just as advertised, Kicker shows the appeal of a true fighter! An athlete! A star in the making! Cute and strong, Kicker will be the winner!" he announces with certainty, roaring out this prediction as if a command.




[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

[attr="class","contestAppealIMG yes"]

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[attr="class","contestAppealIMG no"]

: [RED RIDER BOY] seems to favor MINT. He's moved beyond words by the absol, for some unspoken reason. The poor lad seems to be one of the youngest of the group and he puts his face in his hands, giving his shut eyes a good hard slap as if to tell him to pull it together. "MINT WILL WIN!" he yells out with utmost confidence, pointing almost desperately at the red-tinted absol. "IT'S EVEN A SHINY! WHO CAN BEAT THAT KIND OF COOL AND CUTE COMBO? NOBODY!" He seemed inconsolable, so sure of himself and his words.

ROUND ENDS: 03/07/2023 at 11:59PM CST

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 1:26:13 GMT
Deleted Avatar
"one final chance to ROCK the crowd, hm?"[break]
this pun fell on silence and esmee simply cleared her throat, ordering her tyrantrum to do one final move before the end of the speedy contest. "attract them all with your powerful charm. let's go, rocky!" the large dinosaur wiggled happily at the order, shyly approaching the edge of the stage with his arms outstretched towards the crowd. it seemed to be mesmerized by the embers that had been left in the air just moments before and the dinosaur admired all of its contestants alongside it much like esmee had come to do as well, flashing an approving half-grin towards the others as her large pokemon gave out a big hug to the crowd as if to insinuate he'll hug them all if they desired along with a somewhat well-enunciated 'ruv u'! speech therapy for pokemon still had to come a long way, but the dinosaur pokemon did his best and then returned to esmee's side, shy and trying to bow to make its eyes less visible. that would do, rocky. that would do.[break]

⚰︎ divider made by milky!

@ contest!

xR1oS3Zy + 15 (red - 5, within 5hrs of announcer post - 10)

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 1:42:27 GMT
Deleted Avatar
It seemed the displays that had gone on had been enough to bore the poor Falinks to sleep. The battalion simply sat upon the stage as an animated snot bubble grow and shrank as the troupe snored. Gaultier couldn't help but bite back a laugh as he hummed thoughtfully at the sight of his Falinks in a deep slumber.

"Ah, desolé, it seemed Falinks wasn't impressed with the others, it can be a fickle pokemon. But did you know, it's capable of SLEEP TALKING?"

With this said, the pokemon seemed to register the order given by its trainer. Rather than offer a move that would typically go in place of SLEEP TALK itself, the Falinks' dream itself seemed to project above the crowd to show the sixlet set traveling from its beautiful home in Galar, to the foreign lands of Kalos, and eventually to Hoenn. In all of the settings, the pokemon seemed to fight valiantly for its trainer, celebrating its victories and training harder at its losses. All in all, the dream above showed just how much love the pokemon had for its trainer, and just how much they revered him.

"Oh, mon chouchou," he whined as he knelt down and gave the sleeping Falinks a gentle stroke atop the head. "I truly don't deserve such a cute pokemon as you."

Z0ZrCb9i + 15
(5 for red, 10 for 5-hour window reply)

⚰︎ divider made by milky!


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January 3
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TAG WITH @vanillakingsley
Vanilla Kingsley
‹ red revel › [bc]
POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 2:24:14 GMT
Vanilla Kingsley Avatar
The sea of glowsticks seemed to be going towards her, as Vanilla was pretty surprised at her support. She jumped at the shouts and cries, a bit energized but still anxious about the performance. This would be one last chance to wow the competition before the final score, so this had to count! Kicker bounced up and down as Vanilla gave him a nod. This would have to be good enough.

"Kicker! Flame Charge!"

The Cinderace would soon rushed forward, covered in a crimson fire until the second command came from Vanilla. "Now use Agility!" Immediately, it would come to a stop and begin to backflip into the air. A trail of fire followed the Pokemon as it dashed all around the stage, twisting and contorting lines across one another. He'd take off into the crowd, recalling the flames away form his feet as he bounced off of heads, balloons, even walls! Kicker's form was a speed red blur until he'd come to and end beside the small trainer. With the lines completed, the final art piece was unveiled to the crowd:

It was a cartoonish rendition of Vanilla giving a wink to the crowd, two fingers in a "V" shape.

+5 - Red Pokemon
+10 - Reply Within 5 Hours

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POSTED ON Mar 7, 2023 6:08:20 GMT
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Pomodoro seemed a little sad but determined by the results. Meanwhile Mint simply crouched beside the red tinged furball and grinned at the judge's feedback. "You're on track Pommie." He assured the Absol as he scratched the Absol's head. They waited for their turn eager to perform for the crowd.

Once back on stage, Mint waves to the crowd and panel with both arms, one hand holding a tennis ball. "If there's one thing I love the most, " He began as he bounced the tennis ball in his hand as Pomodoro's eyes stayed glued to it. "It's the refreshing feeling of WORK HARD, PLAY HARD." the tennis ball goes off and Pomodoro is on it. Pouncing, batting and herding the tiny green ball across the stage. He PLAYS ROUGH with it. The sound of the ball smacking the stage but never quite getting out of range of the Absol as it speedily covers it from going wild. The Absol makes a show of it, sending the tennis ball straight for Mint only for his trainer to easily dodge with a cheeky grin on his face.

It flies past once, twice. And on the third? A resonating smack as he caught the tennis ball back and Pomodoro skids to a halt. Resting his head on Mint's shoes. "Thanks for playing!"

+5 red pokemon
+10 withing 5 hours of annluncer post


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