i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,957 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 20, 2023 10:49:18 GMT
Navy Avatar


Round two begins with a round of applause. Between ’s stellar MC abilities and the performances of the contestants, the crowd is fired up. Navy jumps out into the open, soaking in the applause. Even Hattori is standing tall and proud after their last outing. No matter what happens, win or lose, this is all in good fun.[break][break]
Looks like it’s time for round two, everybody! Who’s ready to see what the Shogun of Squats can do?!” The crowd erupts into mad cheers. “But it looks like the competition’s pretty stiff. This lady’s got legs that just won’t quit. Lady Legs is gonna be a tough one, I can tell!”[break][break]
Navy jumps on the float and waits for the lady to do the same. Once they’re both on, Hattori kicks them off. He briefly jumps off to peddle them out onto the open water before returning to his Lord’s side. Squatting down, Navy waits for the signal. The ceremonial butt touch of good sportsmanship is given. Once it is reciprocated, then the games can begin.




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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 13:45:33 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Yuina 150/150

Wow! She made it to round two? Yuina couldn't believe it! This was all so exciting, and she was definitely wrapped up in the fun and festivity of it all now, she wasn't going to back down now! It was time for her next match, and Crowley waved and smiled big on his toothy maw as the crowd cheered, making their way onto the next platform. Her next match up was already working the crowd, they were shouting and cheering for the 'shogun of squats' and then shouting for 'lady legs'![break]
"You can count on it! Crowley and I got this now," Yuina laughed, going along with the crowd hype! Their platform was situated, and the croc smiled wide at the frog that was to be his offhand adversary, and Yuina turned and met her challenger in thr center of the platform, touching booty.[break]
"Let's get started," Yuina said, ready to begin! She took a step back and thrust her hips, gaining momentum and took her first swing! Time to begin the match!


you +

made by gimmick

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,957 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 23:01:06 GMT
Navy Avatar


Huh?” Expecting a light tap of the butt, the girl’s powerful slam sends him tip-toping to the edge of the raft. Navy’s arms begin to do a rapid helicopter twirl as he sees his illustrious career as a booty bumper almost come to an end here and now.[break][break]
As in so many other things, it is Hattori who saves him. The frog rushes forward, gripping his stomach with strength no creature that small should have. He pulls Navy back, looking up at him and winking. Navy doesn’t know how a one-eyed Greninja manages to blink, but he does.[break][break]
Low blow, LADY LEGS!” He shouts for the benefit of the crowd. Hattori throws down a smoke bomb at her feet. A smokescreen covers them, leaving only a silhouette outline for the crowd. Navy rushes through the smoke, taut thighs and bodacious bump ready to go on the offensive.[break][break]

+ [break]
83 total damage to you.



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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 23:22:43 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Yuina 67/150

The crowd was going wild already with the second rounds beginning, and Yuina was just as pumped to get into the competition! She did her best, and it seemed like she might have had her opponent on the edge of the platform, but his frog was quick, the reflexes were incredible![break]
"Low blow? We're in it to win it," Yuina smiled, and Crowley huffed with a toothy smile, until the entire platform was shrouded in smoke![break][break]
"No way! That's a low blow! Crowley," Yuina laughed, they were trying to get in a good hit while she could see! And she nearly fell off of the platform too! The Croconaw snapped his jaws though and raised his head up high, firing off a hydro pump that rained down on the platform to clear out the smoke! Yuina saw her opportunity and went for her next strike as she turned quick on her heel!


you +

made by gimmick

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played by


Michael Navidson
October 13th
E4; Gym Leader
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
5'10" / 177.8 cm height
In the warrior's code, there's no surrender. Though his body says stop, his spirit cries, "NEVER!"
3,957 posts
part of
TAG WITH @teddie
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 23:31:10 GMT
Navy Avatar


What power…! Today is a lesson in the beauty of the back door. Navy sways at the edge again. The shockwave of their clash sends a rush of energy rolling over the water and through the crowd. She matches him tit for tat…or should he say butt for bat?[break][break]
Slam, slam, slam, on they bump. The match hanging on the edge of a coin. He’s not feeling so good after that hit. If he’s not careful, he’s out here. His ambitions of having Hoenn’s best ass will simply end.[break][break]
But it can’t end here! Not like this! Navy steadies his legs, breathes in, closes his eyes…[break][break]
Hattori disappears. When he reappears, the thief has stolen a fruity drink from someone in the crowd. Offering it up to Navy, he sips. From this sip comes power. The Shogun of Squats does what his namesake demands. He squats. Ass out. A forward thrust.[break][break]


+ [break]
60 total damage to you.



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played by


Ina, Yu, Yuyu, Yui
February 21
Petalburg City (?)
Historian/Anomaly Ecologist
Elite Ranger
I don't want
To imagine a past, that doesn't have you in its future
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
120 lbs. | 5'8" height
To truly know one's self, look back on the marks you've made in history
1,840 posts
part of
TAG WITH @yuinahigashi
Yuina Higashi
POSTED ON Aug 22, 2023 23:47:21 GMT
Yuina Higashi Avatar


Yuina 7/150

This battle was intense! Yuina put everything she had into her next strike, and it looked like she almost had it! Her hair hung around her shoulders in shimmering ribbons, and she leaned forward with her hands on her knees for only a moment, she had to catch her breath! They were really going at it, and he was a true booty bumper![break]
His water type Pokemon disappeared for only a moment before returning, a refreshment for energy!? Yuina knew she was in trouble now! She could barely stand it, the strike was so powerful, she teetered on the edge of the platform trying not to slip on the splashes of water that covered it, she was almost doomed! Crowley cried out, he reached for his trainer! They could keep going, just a little bit longer! The Croconaw screeched, trying to throw them off their rhythm, and Yuina rushed forward with what little she had left to muster, this was her last strike!


you +

made by gimmick

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The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP
Code and Crown: An advanced literate warriors cats RP, set in medieval times
Swords Clashing