i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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A Beacon of Safety during times of War
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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 15, 2023 8:08:37 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar

Johanna looked wearily out onto the sandy dunes. War had come and here she was, this time upon the lawful side. It still didn’t feel right.

In the distance, high in the air and out into the sea, early signs of battle began to sound. Artillery fire, battle cries, the whole shebang. Luckily she had been spared for now.

But she would not sit idly by. Oh no, she was digging trenches and raising sandy hills alongside her Pallosand, hoping to perhaps create a place of safety for those who might come searching for it.

+ 10 (Post)
+ 50 (Participating in RT Mission)

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 7:07:38 GMT
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'Lawful' was not a side. It was simply a concept thrown around by those who wrote the history books. King Mau'lia III of the Melemele Kingdom in Alola had been a tyrant, yet his power and authority had risen from long-established institutions, such as the crown that had been set upon his divine head.

His word had been lawful, but his iron fist was not. That was a story for another time, though. It was not relevant to the war going on.

Howard trekked through the sand. It had been a grueling trek to make it onto the shore. Even more grueling to allow Team Rocket to breach into the island. He had worked harder on this day than he had in several years of grad school. He felt tired. His Team Rocket uniform was black and had a helmet, courtesy of his newfound contract with . It still scorched in this sun, and with this sand.

Luckily there was a sandbar, made of massive hills. With a groan, he fell onto the sand to catch his breath. He checked his map of the island, roughly sketched from the minimal information that had been gathered when it had been drawn. Then, he looked up and almost gasped.

Was that... No, that wasn't a member of Team Rocket. Howard didn't know them all, but he had worked closely alongside many members to make this battle possible. He didn't want to fight this person. He was a bad fighter, and yet... If he was seen, he would be attacked.

Better to strike first, and be labeled a coward then die a brave man.

Hand shaking, Howard reached for his Pokeball. Who did he choose? What did he do? He couldn't... All Howard could do was silently pray that Johanna Joy, Gym Leader, did not look down. As long as he didn't drop anything... Thud. A ball dropped into the sand.

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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 16, 2023 15:12:01 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
His prayers weren’t heard.

From her position she took stock of her surroundings and noted the man approaching. Had he not been dressed the part she might have assumed him a member of the League. But no, clad in black and wearing a helmet surely meant he was a part of Team Rocket.

While Johanna was hesitant to take action the Palossand by her side had no such reservations. Its sand flew forth as quickly as it could, dragging along as much of the beach as it possibly could as it summoned a wave of EARTH POWER aimed at dealing with Howard.

+ 10 (Post)

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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 17, 2023 8:59:37 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Wait! Waitwaitwaitwait!" Howard stumbled backwards in the sand as he pleaded with the Gym Leader. Now, he could recognize her. He was about to be crushed underfoot by a Gym Leader. The same one who had organized that carnival a short while ago. Fate was a cruel thing. He had gotten this far, only to be crushed underfoot by a Gym Leader.

"Please! Don't!" Howard's voice was a static blur as he pleaded from within his helmet. Yet his cries meant nothing before the Palossand's wrath. There was no need to care. It didn't matter how hesitant Johanna was, if her Pokemon would act either way.

The sand wave blotted out the sky, and Howard's dropped Pokeball burst open.

"Eh?" Howard opened his eyes.

A massive Golurk, sparkling in its unique color scheme, appeared before Howard like an ancient sentinel. Such automatons would always follow orders to protect their patron. This one, dug up in Granite Cave with 's help, was no different. It took the Earth Power staunchly, the lights on its body blinking in response to the damage.

It blinked again, before breaking apart the sand hills with an Earthquake, sending Howard scrambling away as the formations on the beach were compromised.

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+20 (posts)

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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Sept 18, 2023 10:32:53 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
Howard might’ve pleaded for a ceasefire. Johanna might have listened. But his words were not given a moment to settle as their respective Pokemon flew into combat.

Earthquakes broke the grainy waves. Seeing how ineffective its attack was, Pallosand changed tactics, and in doing so allowed Johanna a moment to seek cover from the battle.

In front of the Palossands face purple hues of energy gathered into a sphere. The SHADOW BALL was quickly formed and fired at the Golurk with deadly intent or at the very least something that seemed very close to it.

+ 10 (Post)

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Sept 21, 2023 0:57:05 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
There was no easy way to avoid Palossand's Shadow Ball without activating thrusters and flying away. This was not a valid option, given it would leave Howard at the Gym Leader's mercy, of which there was little available. Instead, it lunged forward, taking the strike head-on. It was a strong, powerful strike, worthy of a Gym Leader, but it did not stop the Golurk.

As the strike landed, the Golurk's mechanisms let out a grinding sound, as if something was beginning to break, but it continued onwards. The Shiny Golurk was one of Howard's most powerful Pokemon, and it would likely stay that way for a very long time. Getting close to the Pallosand, the giant raised a fist.

The Golurk's rapid beeping translated roughly to "DECISION: THROW HANDS", resulting in a firmly thrown Ice Punch. Even though the Palossand could twist and appear anywhere on the beach, it would offer No Guard before the Golurk's flawlessly calculated attack.

Meanwhile, Howard had been flung down a sand dune. He rolled several times, before stopping. "Guh..."

+50 (mission)
+30 (points)

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Johanna Joy
POSTED ON Oct 7, 2023 14:39:10 GMT
Johanna Joy Avatar
The power of the Golurk was clear. Johanna saw it, and Palossand felt it. For all its attempts at dodging the Palossand found itself unable to do so. The grains of its sand are simply too slow.

A sandy grainy groan escaped the spirit as it turned from trying to dodge the attack to trying to wrestle the angry machine with its whole body in an attempt to cover and GIGA DRAIN all of its energy.

+ 10 (Post)

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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Oct 26, 2023 8:54:21 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
After the fight with Johanna Joy...

Howard hated his job, he hated his fight with Johanna, and he hated his life. All in that order.

He had been in several fights on this island, and they had not gotten easier. Not only that, but the Pokemon League must've learned that Team Rocket had someone who could breach the island's interior, because every man, woman, and child soldier between here and Dewford had wanted a piece of Howard Slayte.

He was running out of pieces to offer.

His feet continued to sink into the sand as he trudged towards the nearest Team Rocket holdout. Several grunts had created a forward base in order to wage war with the League's landing points. If he could make it there, he could rest. It was just over this next dune. Just a few more steps, and...

"Oh, COME ON!" Howard shouted, looking at the destroyed ruins of a base. Several unconscious grunts were passed out in the sand, face down. They were breathing, but they had been beaten badly into submission.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuuck." Howard moaned through his helmet as he looked around the remains of the base.

+50 (mission)
+40 (points)
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Nov. 25
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2023 4:09:08 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

From behind a pile of bodies was a line of marching soldiers crossing Howard's path and as they marched the top brass stopped in its tracks making its troops bump into it as they all turned to face . Then came the battle cry of war. What they saw was another enemy and ran up to him, circling around his legs and looking up at him with the eyes of soldiers ready to strike down the enemy faction. In fact they were so ready to strike him down that they let out another rallying cry to scream that they would not retreat from this man.

A pile of rubble shifted from the ruins of the base and rising out of the mess with a groan was a towering and wide figure with their back turned towards Howard. Turning back only their face was visible and covered in scarlet "paint" as they asked one question. "Is that another one?"

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 60 [post + participation]
MP Total: 60 MP

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[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Nov 1, 2023 9:40:02 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"If I say no, will you let me go?" The electronic voice modifier rang out, exasperated and tired. It was clear that the suit and helmet was a remarkably advanced piece of technology rarely seen in Team Rocket. Perhaps this one was a higher up, or even someone worth bringing in?

Howard knew the answer: no.

Arceus above, this man was massive. Howard knew several strong men and women. Grigori Sokolov, Tempest Quinn, Michael Navidson, and Amor Rose came to mind. Each of them could likely thrash Howard into oblivion. Then, there was ■■■, with his black crystals. Howard stopped thinking of him quickly. This man, however, could crush them all into dust as he rose above the bodies. Even Grigori would have a hard time with this one.

A Volcarona appeared behind the man, hands raised defensively as his Volcarona danced, its scales Quivering as it did so. "Let 'em go, man. You already thrashed everyone within a few miles anyway."

Apolle is using Quiver Dance

+50 (mission start)
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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 2, 2023 9:50:41 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz turned to face the masked man from his angry expression it turned quizzical as he looked at the field of bodies before him and the man in question. When the Volcarona appeared the Lil' Busters took their own defensive stance as they backed away and raised up their shields ready for a fight. "Hold up." It was all that Kaz had to say to get them to lower their shields and share glances between Kaz and the masked man as Kaz did his best to step around the unconscious bodies of the grunts around them.

"I'll let ya go if you promise to just get out of here. Go on home and don't come back. You and your buddies here." He nudges one of the grunts on the floor with his feet. "This whole mess is getting messier and messier and the second. I might hate you Rockets but that ain't no reason to let you guys throw your lives away. Specially the bottom folk like you and these bozos."

He approaches the man, even looking at the Volcarana behind them and gives it a smirk before turning the same one to the masked man. Only he'd see that there was some hint of an apology in there, right in his eyes. "So I'll let ya go man. Just don't let me see ya back here. All this fighting's tiring both of us out yeah?"

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 70 MP

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
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[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Nov 5, 2023 9:31:27 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"Oh thank Arceus." Howard slumped his head in obvious relief. Kazimir looked like he could punt Howard all the way back to Dewford. Maybe his Pokémon could win against Kazimir's Falinks, but in the meantime, Howard would have to fight up twelve weight classes.

Sure, he could throw hands, but Kazimir could throw him. Off a cliff.

"You're a warrior. I salute you." Howard's mechanical voice blared out through the helmet. He thumped his fist against his chest and pointed towards Kazimir. "I will take them to safety, and I won't fight you, but I will be forced back to the field."

The glint of sunlight bounced off the helmet. Howard's Volcarona floated behind him, scales fluttering in the wind. He would be honest. Completely honest, as he was with . He wouldn't be a liar like those that made up all of Team Rocket.

"I could be instrumental in Team Rocket's plans. Would you still let me go?"

+50 (mission start)
+60 (posts)

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Ballonlera, Galar
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Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 6, 2023 8:52:55 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

"Well..." A hand falls on the masked man's shoulder and grips it, "Truth be told I don't want to let you go. But I'm not in the best shape to chase after ya. So again I'm asking ya, don't come back." In one part he didn't want to add more to his plate that this whole grudge match over this island was giving him. Secondly...the guy didn't seem too bad if he was that worried about his team mates. Kaz had to admire that even if it was from a Rocket.

"Cause no Rocket would be trying to negotiate like ya. Normally they just go in for the kill. So I'll let ya off with a warning. If you come back here you might find worse than me. Lots of league people are willing to try their best to take you down. Think your up for that?" If it wasn't old veterans mopping up the place it was hot heated newbies who knew their stuff, the whole theater was full of people ready to pull the trigger on their enemies.

And all Kaz wanted to do was to minimize casualties where he could.

"So like I said, just get your buddies and stay at home buddy. Call it warning from a concerned party." Yeah that sounded right. Or did it sound like he was being too high and mighty?

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 10 [post]
MP Total: 80 MP

[newclass=.pokkenger] [/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger b] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger i] color: #18d13f;[/newclass]
[newclass=.pokkenger u] text-decoration: none;border-bottom: solid 1px #18d13f;[/newclass]
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Admin Fox
May 9th
Rustboro City
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An observer of eons cannot feel the warmth of another.
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5'9 (with hat) height
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howard slayte
POSTED ON Nov 8, 2023 8:21:49 GMT
howard slayte Avatar
"No, I'm not ready." The voice blared out, and Howard shook his head. "I'd lose."

There was a brutal honesty to the way Howard spoke, and the mask offered no hint of emotion to contradict that claim. Howard wasn't lying. From his experience in this war, honesty had gotten him further than deception, betrayal, and lying. If he was honest with the Pokémon League's muscle, they let him go. Why mess up something that was working so well?

That was the average grunt's biggest error. They all thought they were the best in the business, as if they hadn't been dragged off the streets to bolster Team Rocket's numbers. They fought hard despite being nobodies, and they lost hard. Kazimir's cleaning of this base proved that.


"Buddy, with all due respect, even if you're tired, you're massive! I don't mess with guys as buff as you who also wear face paint. It's a bold look on the battlefield." Howard slowly reached for his Volcarona's Pokeball, before returning Apolle to her ball. He reached for another ball, before tossing out Ad, his Solrock.

Several of Kazimir's victims began to float under the Solrock's psychic energy.

"Thank you," Howard walked forward to pick up the final grunt, and to offer Kazimir a hand. "For letting me take them. If you betray me right now, I'll be very mad at you."

+50 (mission start)
+70 (posts)

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Nov. 25
Ballonlera, Galar
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TAG WITH @kazimir
Kazimir Wynter
POSTED ON Nov 11, 2023 23:04:25 GMT
Kazimir Wynter Avatar

Kaz wiped his face of the "face paint" he mentioned off of the side of his cheeked at stared at the red smudge that was left on his hand. He wondered how he looked right now, if the guy really was just off put by his appearance. He knew he was big and intimidating but like, in the way that an Arcanine was. Probably.

"Well...good. Cause I would indeed kick your ass." That sounded weird when the other guy both agreed and was on the other side. It left a bitter taste on his tongue. Ew. "Don't worry I won't betray you man. I wanna take down Rocket but I'm not gonna stain my hands with your guy's blood to do it if I don't have to." His last run in with and a certain bear really brought a more sympathetic side to him lately. It didn't show very well on a battlefield like this but silver lining and all that.

"Here, let me help ya. Busters give me a hand." Turning back Kaz walked over to two more bodies and picked them up by their shirts, throwing them both over his shoulders and carrying them following the Solrock. Meanwhile his Falinks gathered together under one body and dragged it along the sand carrying it like little creatures plucked from the ground. "The sooner these guys get better, the sooner they can hopefully learn their lesson right?" He said with a smile on his face.

tldr; falinks uses no retreat!
MP: 20 [post + assist]
MP Total: 100 MP

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