the sulkfest [s][c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 19:50:48 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“I have… words. I can’t share them so openly, however… you know how the Gym Leaders are the last to find out about what AQUA does behind closed doors? It. I don’t know. Why cut off important information from fellow coworkers?”

He sighed, before spinning the knife in his hand nonchalantly.

“I know at least Fernando is AQUA but is also a Gym Leader, so he’s got a bit of a cheat over most everyone else—that includes you, since you’re a Gym Leader. May I ask—when do you find out about what the rest of AQUA does?”

He was still contemplating doing what he was thinking of… how did the other take to blood, though?

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Dec 13, 2023 7:06:57 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"...The saying, 'loose lips sink ships,' comes to mind," was the Leader's simple answer. "For Meteno, we got the plans as soon as they were finalized. It really depends on how relevant the operation is to Gym Leaders. For the vast majority of it, though, we only find out through the public domain, often years after the meeting itself happens. Freedom of Information, that sort of stuff. Details of the 2021 meetings only just got declassified."

Josh tensed up as soon as Lars started spinning that knife of his, the Gym Leader's right hand covering a Poké Ball on his belt while his left held Hylda's reins. Perhaps he was growing paranoid. They were so far underground and in such a cold area that no one would find him if something untoward were to happen. "W-what's that for?" he shivered.

{WC: 140}
{PC: 16}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      Good
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Laurence Anderson
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 15:57:03 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He sighed, before pinching the bridge of his nose.

“I have… so much to say, but I’d rather keep it to myself. It’s too dangerous as it is.”

He sighed again as he looked around where they were—his own Glastrier grazing some distance away, like some sentient snowmobile left running on standby.

“You know, I believe that the other side… might have an advantage by letting everyone know right away what they’re going to do. How… how do you explain them getting a foothold in Sootopolis and acting like a well-oiled machine?”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
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POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 16:47:35 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
"Rather keep it to yourself, or obligated to keep it to yourself?" Josh asked under his chilly breath. Was it a personal matter, or was it an AQUA NDA? Josh was no stranger to League NDAs. He was still under NDA for details of the Eris debacle, given what such a revelation would do to the League's already waning credibility.

When addressed about Rocket being so vocal, Josh raised his hand, taking it off Hylda's reins. "I chalk that up to spreading misinformation. We have our secrets, and Rocket almost certainly has theirs. Plus, Sootopolis is a natural fortress. The only ways in are underwater and by flight. There is no surface way in. But what does that have to do with your ice phoenix?" Lars still owed Josh a ride on the legendary, right?

The young Gym Leader's eyes shifted toward the weapon in Lars' hand. "You still didn't answer me," he asked, reining Hylda back with his left hand. "What's that knife for? It's not like you can cut your way through ice that thick with it..."

{PC: 17}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      Good
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 18:20:05 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“I’ve been… thinking about something.”

He then turned his attention towards the wall of ice as he squinted into its depths.

“If, on the hypothetical chance, on the tiny, infinitesimal chance I somehow turned and went to the other side, do you think they’d notice?”

…was that what was lurking behind the wall needed to hear?

He then swung the knife around before quickly poking the tip of one of his fingertips and letting the blood well up on his skin before flicking it at the wall of ice.

“And that was what the knife was for,” he breathed out, quickly wiping the blade tip down before sheathing it back whence it came.

“What’s it going to take for you to come out of the damned wall, huh? Is it going to take me—

His words were cut off before a sudden explosion of ice shot outward; if the little Josh didn’t dodge then he may be on the receiving end of a sharp icicle before a terrifyingly cold wind blew through the open hole in the wall.

“Well?!” Lars found himself yelling into the now-open hole that had exploded and tried to take a chunk of him with it.

“Do you want me dead before you come out of there?!”

Due to the explosion of ice, his Glastrier had bolted for safety…

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 18:41:25 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
The freezing wind was numbing. Even in the Ranger's overcoat, the Iceborne Mirage's SHEER COLD chilled the young man to the bone. Even Hylda could not withstand the winds colder than conditions at the planet's poles, the Galarian horse FAINTING on the spot and causing Josh to stumble off. Was this the true nature of Lars' Avatarship: a haughty Patron that treated their Avatar like a puppet? Like property?

It was only the horse's act of bravery and loyalty to Josh that kept him from being speared by ICE SHARDS.

"What is their problem, Lars?!" Josh asked, starting to shiver even beneath the overcoat as he withdrew the Glastrier. "Th-th-they tried to kill me!"

{PC: 18}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      KO
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 19:05:01 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Get behind me,” he breathed out, as he caught sight of his companion’s Glastrier shielding the other before dropping to their knees and eventually passing out—

Maybe this was one of the few times he was thankful that he was immune to the cold…

“This isn’t the first time this happened.”

His mind flashed back to the other time he’d tried this, and was met with similar results…

“Kid, this shit is going to get dangerous,” he continued as he held out his other hand to block the other’s way forward while he attempted to conjure up his own icicles to throw into the gaping hole that was blowing the life-threatening frigid wind meant to repel most everyone else other than Lars away.

This was before the rumbling started, and cracks started racing up the frigid wall…

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 15, 2023 22:15:40 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
It was just like at Meteno. Josh had stood his ground behind when the giant Kyurem's GLACIATE nearly froze half his team to death. Except this time it wasn't a Kyurem that was berserk.

It was Lars' Patron.

Perhaps he was telling the truth to Josh after all. If someone with as steadfast of a personality as Lars could not keep the Kantonian god of ice in check, where would that leave Josh?

Without a word, Josh took cover behind the Composed. On foot. He had Aslan's Poké Ball in hand in case things escalated further, not to fight Articuno with, but to flee. If the Iceborne Mirage's SHEER COLD could fell Hylda, another legendary Pokémon, what would they do to an ordinary one?

{PC: 19}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      KO
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 7:11:24 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The cracking ice was enough to give the other a split-second warning that there was something big coming the moment it exploded into fragments, before being hurtled towards—

“Kid, duck if you want to get out of here alive!” he yelled as the fragments of ice exploded outward like a fragmentary grenade; before he hastily summoned up his own ‘barrier’ of ice; an attempt to protect the both of them from what was going on inside the cavern.

Most of the shards of ice exploded on contact with the barrier that he’d summoned in place; before concentrating and making the wall burst outward, peppering the inside of the cavern with darker-colored ice that contrasted with the lighter-colored ice that stood all around them.

And then, a singular, extremely loud, piercing shriek echoed through the area.

For the little Josh, it would manifest as an immense pressure that would feel like the entire area was caving in around him; but for Lars it would be much, much worse—

“Why are you lashing out against us? Against me?! What exactly are you looking—”

He could feel the blood dribbling down his nose, but he paid it no attention.

“Do you want me dead? Like how you lost control with Senri?!”

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 19:01:45 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
If not even Lars could control his Patron, that settled it for Josh. He was not getting another ride on Articuno's back, and certainly not in any kind of leisurely environment. He was quick to duck behind the Composed as ordered, frost forming all over the overcoat he wore.

The ice phoenix's shriek made Josh's ears ring, making him unable to hear Lars at all. The sacred bird's PRESSURE made the Gym Leader feel helpless. He could not even move, feeling like he was surrounded by a thick wall of ice about to collapse upon him. All he could do was take cover behind the Avatar, trying to bask in as much of his Pyroar's warmth as he could.

{PC: 20}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      KO
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 15:14:45 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

More frigid wind came blowing out of the hole; and while Lars was practically immune to the below-freezing temperature that was blasting out of the opening, his companion was huddled alongside a Pyroar the other had summoned to keep warm with.

“Why are you being stubborn?!” he continued as he felt the blood that was dribbling down his face freezing as he flicked it away and continued to stand his ground—there was no way he was going to allow the other to freeze to death on his watch.

“Are you refusing to come out because of your bruised fucking ego? Or is it because I’ve entertained the notion of potentially flipping sides because of how I disagree with how the League handles other things?!”

The shrieking, piercing noise only increased in intensity after those words.

“Cover your ears as much as you can, kid!” he hollered as he held up another hand to protect against whatever remaining icicles would come shooting out of the cavern ahead.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 17, 2023 17:35:32 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh couldn't hear a word Lars was saying, including the warning to cover his ears. They were already ringing from the first screech. It was perhaps a good thing he couldn't hear; were he to hear that Lars was contemplating joining Rocket, it would be devastating. Possibly deadly. If the two were to square off against one another in battle, the young man would be utterly helpless against the Iceborne Mirage. He knew what THE END OF THE WORLD looked like. It would encase him in ice as thick as what covered the Silent Icelands. Josh Devlin would be no more.

All he could do was cuddle as close to the brave, Shiny lion as possible, Aslan blasting FLAMETHROWER at his feet in an effort to keep them from freezing. Lars may have been able to feel a bit of the heat. Unable to hear whether or not it was bothering him, he hoped he didn't make his former boss upset.

{PC: 21}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      KO
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 15:49:00 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Just how vengeful would his patron be?!

Thankfully, the kid didn’t hear their exchange going on; just what had gotten into them and why were they acting like that dang-blasted spirit who lured lost men up in the mountains—what was that again… right, yuki-onna

The keening, wailing noise continued; and it would be best for the little Josh to keep a flame around him and his Pyroar, because—

“Stay as warm as you can, kid… I’m going in there.

It was the only other step he could take moving forward at this point.

“And don’t fall asleep!” he warned the other as he turned his attention to the gaping hole where the biting, blood-chilling wind continued to pour out of.

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Master of Faster
December 12
Goldenrod, Johto
Mauville Gym Leader
Single; Not Looking
6'1" height
6'1" height
"With great speed comes great responsibility."
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Josh Devlin
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 18, 2023 18:08:48 GMT
Josh Devlin Avatar
Josh's ears were still ringing from the continued screeching, unable to heed Lars' warning. He and his Pyroar followed closely behind the Avatar, the lion's mane radiating heat that kept his heart beating. The lion's red mane was starting to glow from how hot it was getting. Even with that, he still was not sweating beneath all his layers. Were it not for his fire-type, the cold would have frozen him to death. Even a yeti would be encased in a block of ice with how cold it was in the depths of Shoal Cave.

The weight of the frost building up on the overcoat Josh wore was growing, too. It was as though he was wearing a cape of Never Melt Ice. Even reflections of the FLAMETHROWER would not melt the frost accumulating. The question now was which would overwhelm the Gym Leader and his Pyroar first: the cold, or the weight of what was protecting him?

{WC: 158}
{PC: 22}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Hylda         Glastrier      KO
Aslan         Pyroar**       Good
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Laurence Anderson
the sulkfest [s][c]
POSTED ON Dec 23, 2023 8:57:39 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The moment he took a step forward, the coldest wind to ever pelt him blew right past him—and he turned around to look over at where the little Josh was huddled…

“Shit, are you kidding me,” he hissed, quickly snapping his attention back to where his obviously angry patron awaited him.

“You’re going to kill him! Why not take it out all on me instead?! Stop trying to kill everyone I bring down here! You almost got Eli, you know!”

(Why hello there, cousin . Remember that time?)

“Are you really that fickle, and petty?! You think I would really flip to the other side?! Not after what I know of what my dad’s been up to? I’m not dumb, you know this!”

The bitterly cold wind continued to howl inside the cavern; although outside the flames would warm up the frozen overcoat Josh was wearing somewhat—because out of desperation, out of sheer insanity (and most likely mercy as well) there was a wall of ice protecting them from the full fury of what was going on inside the cavern itself.

“If you want to punish someone, then take it out on me, aren’t we supposed to be the ones working together?!” he continued, holding out a lengthened piece of ice that now looked like a sword.

“How much more of me do you want for yourself?! Since I know my blood isn’t going to be enough for you!”

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