i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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played by


he / him
December 28
Snowbelle City, Kalos
6'2" / 188 cm height
6'2" / 188 cm height
Timendi causa est nescire. Ignorance is the cause of fear.
221 posts
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TAG WITH @julien
Julien Demassieux
POSTED ON Oct 18, 2023 1:30:02 GMT
Julien Demassieux Avatar

Snow meandered its way down to earth in gentle, heavy flakes, coating the land in a muffling blanket of soft, crisp white. Julien's Rapidash carefully picked his way through the forest, hooves crunching the fresh flakes. The flames of his mane and tail kept his rider warm.[break][break]

Still, Julien wore a winter coat: tailored wool dyed a deep, dark brown like the trunks of Snowbelle's trees. A knitted scarf wrapped around his neck and tucked neatly beneath the lapels of his coat. Gloves of Dubwool leather and rabbit fur protected his hands as they wrapped around a hunting rifle.[break][break]

Trotting at the side of his steed were several Houndour, each one trained for this exceptional hobby. Their keen noses could distinguish between a scrumptious Farfetch'd, lean Bunnelby, or cooked SLOWPOKE TAIL from a great distance.[break][break]

But nothing of the sort caught their attention. When the Houndour started barking in low, rough sounds, the prey whose scent they'd caught was not a small Pokémon suitable for a single meal. Instead, a majestic winter Sawsbuck emerged from behind a dense cluster of trees.[break][break]

Julien raised the rifle, unhurried. He lined up the shot and waited for the perfect moment.[break][break]

Inhaled. Caressed the trigger. Exhaled.[break][break]

Birds took flight from their roosts as the gunshot rang through the forest.


TAGS – none[break]
– theme: recreation[break]
– word count: 215[break]
– total score: 200



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played by


he / him
December 28
Snowbelle City, Kalos
6'2" / 188 cm height
6'2" / 188 cm height
Timendi causa est nescire. Ignorance is the cause of fear.
221 posts
part of
TAG WITH @julien
Julien Demassieux
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 21:10:44 GMT
Julien Demassieux Avatar

The snowy landscape melted away, receding with great speed to reveal the long, rectangular piste of a fencing arena. No longer did Julien wear the thick, wool clothing of his wintry hunt; no longer did he sit astride his Rapidash and wield a rifle.[break][break]

Instead, he was dressed in a white fencing uniform, a mask tucked under one arm, an épée in his other hand. The metal hilt sat in his palm as if he had been born to hold it.[break][break]

Only then did Julien notice that the seats around the piste were packed with people; the aura of the chamber was so tense with excitement and anticipation that he could slice through it with his sword.[break][break]

At the other end of the platform, his opponent waited, already masked up. In the corner of his eye, Julien spotted his old university coach, speaking with one of the referees.[break][break]

Understanding dawned on him. This was the third and final match of the championship title competition.[break][break]

Julien put on his mask and secured it. The referee turned, nodded at both duelists, and waited until both assumed their stances on each end of the piste.[break][break]

"En garde!"[break][break]

Julien started forward. Épée demanded patience, observation, and swiftness of motion. Just like the hunt. And on this battlefield, he excelled, finding narrow opportunities to strike. The épée made contact again, and again, and again.[break][break]

Time passed in the blink of an eye. The referee called an end to the match—and to the contest. In bright, bold letters, the scoreboard declared Julien the irrefutable winner. He tilted his head back, basking in the deep satisfaction and joy of victory, the audience's cheers thundering around him.


TAGS – none[break]
– theme: conquest[break]
– word count: 279[break]
– total score: 400



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