i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 19, 2023 7:15:57 GMT
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The mist rolled in through gaps under doors. His bedroom was what you think it'd be, dear reader. Horror movie posters and OSHA workplace signs fought for attention on his off-white walls. Chairs were all backed, and shaped like coffins. A laptop was adorned with several Crobat stickers, sitting on a desk with several half-melted candles in little cocktail dishes. His bed was no different. As he fell asleep, his breath ran heavy, that pink haze creeping in.

He "awoke" to, curiously, a sleeping position. Slumped over on the couch in a green-room. Curiously, his usual black denim ensemble was gone. Dylan patted at his chest, finding a skull-pattern button-up and creased-front, cowboy-style black jeans. His usual heavy platform boots hung off the fake leather upholstery, and a belt around him sported crushed black crystals laid into the leather, as well as a big gaudy horseshoe buckle. As close as he could get to his mentor's style, filtered through him.

A perfect semi-circle of people cheered. All the while, he was dazed. A hand decked in rings pulled him to his feet. was atleast a head taller than him, and glanced down at him. "Did you enjoy your nap?" He said with a smirk. His face didn't even look half his thirty years. He had on that outfit he wore when they met, a black button-up with feathers, cowboy-style jeans, and enough jewelry to sink him if he walked into the water.

Dylan looked up at him, offering a smile. "...I could use another ten minutes." They both laughed for a second, as the door cracked. Off-white light flooded in, steps to the stage brightly lit. Dylan moved to shut the door slowly. He looked back, his faćade dropping infront of not one person, but everyone who'd played that night. He set his eyes on Callan, a chill running down his spine. "I don't know about this. I put so much effort into filtering people out. People that I don't think would... get me." Those boots clicked, until the two of them were face to face. He gestured to Ciprina, Vyce and her backing band, and Desiree, in various states of decompressing from their big night. "Play the monster all you want. You won't scare everyone away from you."

And with that, a ringed hand chimed like a bell on a cat, pushing him up the steps. He stumbled up, and a microphone was pushed into his hand. Rumbling guitars and pounding drums grew in volume, and his eyes widened. That dandelion head of hair fanned out, as he walked towards the center of the stage. He hummed, leading into a note as he brought the mic to his face. "We'll scatter you across the e~e~earth... Boy, we here to do the devil's wo~o~ork..." He droned, failing to hide his widest, most earnest smile yet.


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Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 21, 2023 7:42:35 GMT
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The mist lingered on him. He'd gone about his day as usual, but Dylan slept like a baby that night. Atypical for a man with eyes as ringed, as indicative of insomnia as his. His breaths were immediately relaxed, with the faint scent of whatever knocked him out last night all over him.

He "awoke" to a beach. His usual denim ensemble was bright red this time, with a lasso-ready length of rope clipped to one hip. The horseshoes stitched on all the pockets were intact, a compromise between his "look" as it were and the red/orange of the Rangers. His head laid on the sand, hair splayed out in all directions.

stood over him, reaching a hand to pull Dylan to his feet. "...You still with us? You were out for a minute there." He said, a brow arched. A number of other trainees stood there in similarly colored denim outfits, waiting for a response. There was an audible beat.

Dylan looked up at him, offering a smile. His phone went off. He glanced down at it, seeing a request for a second in the forest just outside city limits. "...We have more than enough people on the beach." He said, sprinting off without another word. Navy smiled, shaking his head. All the while, Dylan's bulky boots clapped the ground. Every now and then, the metal grills on the front of the soles would catch a rock and make a loud 'ding'. Reaching the edge of the treeline, he called his Trevenant.

Acting under the assumption that there was a threat, he continued his run through the woods, tailed by his own tree. His heart raced, eyes wide. He was then met with the sight of a fellow ranger. A young woman in drab workwear, with a shovel in hand. She glanced up at him, adjusting small metal glasses with a raised finger. Nearby, a large pallet of saplings sat in plastic pots, with another shovel nearby. "You nearly bowled me over. Are you good?"

He looked down for a second, slowly walking over to grab a sapling in both hands. Dylan walked over to a recently dug hole, cradling the thing in his hands like a baby. He set it down, carefully prying the plant from the pot and setting it in the space given. The forest already had something of a root system, they weren't leaving it to die. He glanced up at her and smiled. "I used to pray for times like this."


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played by


Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 27, 2023 3:49:13 GMT
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The mist seemed as natural to him as breathing. While it clung to Dylan's lungs, it was no more dangerous than his beloved vaping. He only seemed to benefit from it, drifting off right away.

He "awoke" to the Mechanical Kingdom again. His ranger-red denim ensemble returned. Horseshoes on every pocket, hair down like it was wet. He grasped at the side of his head with one hand. With the other he propped himself up and entered a sitting position.

stood over him, reaching a hand to pull Dylan to his feet. "...You've been out for quite some time. And you couldn't have woken up in a better moment." She said, with an expression every bit as placid as his. That awful, clock ticking rung out through the entire kingdom. Smoothed, polished floors were under their feet, a clock-tower looming over them in the distance with a face as big as the moon.

Dylan looked to the side, more or less seeing the exact same scenario they were in last time. Dylan walked out onto the fire escape. Under the grate he stood on, there were, again, three Volcanion. "...I'll kill em all. Hold me to it." He said with a smile. He'd made that declaration before, but this time he was truly good for it. "Are you trying to get yourself killed again? You haven't changed at all. And we are not going to save you this time."

And, like it was last time, he leaned over the balcony. Dylan pinched a pokeball clipped to his belt, calling his Grimmsnarl. He made an X with his hands, and then the two leapt off the balcony together. "You were there for me when I was nothing. The "bad" son to a boring, spoiled family. In a seaside town nobody could point to on a map. We got to see the world together. And this is OUR moment."

He fell down, only to land on a wide, dense pad of neck muscle as Grimmsnarl slowly expanded. He grew much taller, each muscle growing easily ten times as long. Grimmsnarl stood as tall as the apartment they just disappeared from. It charged the three, using Foul Play to bowl one over. As the four of them traded blows, Dylan and his beast could barely hold back maniacal laughter. While the clatter of dense muscle on steel rung out, the three Volcanion fell to scrap. "That tower is next. The next "king" of this ball of dirt is gonna be ME."


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played by


Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
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dylan sayer DOLLARS
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dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2023 0:20:19 GMT
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The mist was more inviting than ever before. He didn't need any other sleep aid. Matter of fact, Dylan threw out his melatonin supplements. He felt like he could finally rest his head. He could finally feel something strongly, more than anything he held back in public, and feel rested.

He "awoke" to an apartment balcony. Unlike the previous calls to action on his part, there was something tranquil about this evening. There was a partial lunar eclipse over the horizon. He looked like he'd just dozed off in... one of two lawn chairs parked out there. He had on a pink shirt adorned with crosses and a horseshoe with matching, lightweight pants.

He blinked, rubbing his eyes. When he looked to his right, to the other chair... sat there? In what looked like the bulky crocheted dress they'd met in? What in the... Even thinking about this terrified him. Dogged him. Would he really roll over for anyone who's nice to him? Was he just that lonely? He snapped-to when she spoke. "You dozed off for a minute there. You good?"

Dylan glanced aside, reaching in his shirt pocket. A pack of cigarettes and a lighter? Bingo. "...I dunno. I'm not used to this kinda... peace and quiet." He murmured, digging out a cigarette and sparking his lighter. She looked at him and winced. "...Something's eating you."

Ribbons of smoke trailed off into the sky. He slowly passed his carton of cigarettes and lighter over, before laughing a little. "Whatever it is, it's gonna have a stomach-ache. ...Thanks for being here." He looked up at her with a smile. "You don't have to do that.♡ I have my own. And... it's fine, really."

Everyone he knew fought for days like this. He'd even said as much at the kingdom. He said as much in his training with Navy. For the fighting to end and for everyone to get on with their lives. He'd spaced out a few times here, but there was a warmth there. A cigarette being lit off of his. 


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played by


Prince of Darkness, DJ Sorrow.
he him
spikemuth, galar
don't even try it
5'7/170cm height
5'7/170cm height
I Live I Die I Live Againnn Im Coming With My Army Of Skeletonsssss
176 posts
dylan sayer DOLLARS
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TAG WITH @dylan
dylan sayer
POSTED ON Oct 28, 2023 20:29:07 GMT
dylan sayer Avatar

Was he perhaps leaning on that mist a little too much? Perhaps. But, there were no more nightmares from here on out. He could visualize, with perfect clarity, where he wanted his life to go. All there was left was manifesting it.

He "awoke" to his apartment, again. The scents of the previous night lingered, a mix of filter cigarettes and some herbal, fruity perfume. Some tincture of orange zest, allspice, and lavender. His typical all-black denim outfit was on, horseshoes on every pocket. And there wasn't just a knock at the door, there was a loud, urgent knock. Back of the hand to the hardwood. He laid on the couch, seeing some dragon in the distance through the glass door to the balcony.

He blinked, rubbing his eyes. There was that incessant knocking again. let herself in, nearly bowling him over. He had the vague impression that she was building a profile of him while they talked the past few times, and this is where his subconscious wandered. "Are you free? Do you mind if I let myself in?"

Dylan blinked, his usual morning murmur coming through. "Make yourself at home." He said, barely above a whisper. She walked past him, subtly leading him around the house like some kind of sheepdog. "...Why don't you give me a tour."

His kitchen was immaculate. Perfectly polished marble surfaces, with a spotless sink and several sharpened knives by a whetstone. One even looked to be his personal switchblade. "...That's supposed to be there." He looked up at her with a smile. "You're like a lot of boys; your home is messy, but you know where everything is."

Then came his bedroom. That dragon again came by the window. A smile crept across his pace. Dylan lost all patience, throwing open the drawers below his computer desk. Below his laptop and drum machine, and monitor speakers. Several bottles of promethazine and powders sat there, wrapped in foil. His walls were adorned with pictures and posters of acts he'd worked with. Everyone from the Teravolt roster, and even one of that pop-punk outfit he'd been cajoled into joining.

"Like what you see? I have one last thing I'd like to show you."

He was at this point far past "off his rocker". His floor had less a pile of energy drinks as they were immaculate stacks. His bedsheets had Gengars lining it, and a Grimer pillowcase. His closet held all of his platform boots and outfits. Every color of the rainbow of horseshoe-marked denim, and streetwear. $400 belts hung off every jacket like a necktie. A hockey mask sat there at the head of a nightstand, whose drawer held an assortment of knives and box-cutters.

She stopped, raising a brow. "You said that you had to fight sometimes. But, I think I've seen enough. You can play innocent, play dumb all you want."

And he snickered. Every dream of his thus far couldn't simply be a perfect day for him. Some subconscious fear manifested. Some note of doubt in the midst of his fantasy. And here it was, someone coming to the correct conclusion that he was a bad person, in some regard. As he ran out to the balcony, that dragon drew closer, falling to a hover over the railing. Yujin gave chase, watching with bated breath. Dylan once again started with that maniacal laughter. He started to shout, his voice cracking. He started to cry.

"No more pleasure! No more pain! No more anxious thoughts! No more uphill battles, just to see people I love have their little moments wrenched away from them the second I turn my back! No more waiting for the other shoe to drop, the second I know joy! Take me away!"

And then, Giratina "ate" him, putting him in that Distorted World. Hills where nothing ever grows, water is still no matter how you try to disturb it. Finally, an eternal peace and quiet was found, without having to put him in the ground first. His innocent, peaceful smile would never fade. He truly got everything he wanted this time.


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