doubt, more than ever [s][c]

i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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ex-head ranger
is gonna be the loneliest
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6’2 hair down, 6’4 hair up height
nessuno vince.
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Laurence Anderson
doubt, more than ever [s][c]
POSTED ON Mar 11, 2024 17:30:05 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Sometimes, he was very thankful that the immunity to cold encompassed all of his own Pokémon, so they weren’t going to be easily frozen, all things considered.

However, his companions didn’t have the same protection; while they would bring down the shield of a Z-move to bat back the incoming frigid air that could freeze anything caught in its path, Lars would take a running start and quickly recall the de-evolving Lucario before the Jackal Pokémon fucked up the landing!

The angry, angry force of frigid cold was unamused at how there was another Z-move that had repelled their attack, cleaving it clean in half and causing the incoming burst of cold energy to dissipate and strike the walls instead.

All the while, the darkened wings of cloudy ice would manifest themselves from his back as he took a leap to face his legendary patron head-on, with a lengthened jagged shard of ice that had his survival knife buried at the base; a conduit of the power he possessed, extended into a darkly-colored blade that shimmered as he took the fight airborne and straight towards the legendary that waited to meet him in mid-air.

The two would be safe on the ground due to the protection of the Z-move that the Aegislash had casted; however the final blow would be the one between the two—between disconnected human and legendary patron of ice and snow.

A powerful explosion of icicles would burst from the point where the airborne human and the scorned legendary patron would collide…

Lucario is recalled as the Mega Evolution fades; while Lars takes a running start to meet Articuno head on for the deciding blow!

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