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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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POSTED ON Dec 2, 2023 19:12:18 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

The fact that he had way too much time to do things now still astounded him.

Which was why, today on his day off from delivering packages, he was out here just beyond Verdanturf, practicing with his Lucario, Alpha.

While he knew that Ro the Metagross was always the one who took the lead with being all calm and calculated, sometimes there was just some hot-headedness that he had to work with when Alpha was concerned.

…hence why Lars was out here now, sparring with a one-on-one physical session with said Lucario!

Of course he didn’t want Alpha to rely too much on the moves that he knew, what if there was a time that he was disabled and couldn’t use any move?

So there we go.

“Whoa, damn it, you’ll always be faster than me,” he gasped as he’d very nearly gotten clobbered by a paw to the face.

It wouldn’t take too long for him to lean against a nearby pine tree to catch his breath, because holy shit when did Alpha become that fast?!

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Dec 4, 2023 22:27:12 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
At long last, Shalin had received approval from her physician that using her Sygna Suit would be okay. It was a strange feeling, being one with her Flygon and her Venusaur once more. It was also a strange feeling having to learn everything from the top once more. Her skin tingled as Sandy's wings hummed not far above the expansive grasslands north of 117's main thoroughfare.

Within the fields, she spotted a familiar face that appeared to be sparring with his Lucario. Such a feat required a tremendous amount of bravery. As she touched down near them, she was about to remark how much courage it took to fight hand-to-hand with such a Pokémon. She kept her words to herself; was it that different from sitting on her Flygon's wing and holding on for her life as it flapped and buzzed too fast to see?

They really were different ways to express the same trait, weren't they?

Sandy touched down near Lars as the Ranger caught his breath. "Hi, Captain!" she chirped. "At least I think you're a Captain now?"

{WC: 181}
{PC: 1}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Dec 5, 2023 14:52:05 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Several calling birds took off in flight the moment the Flygon landed nearby, while his Lucario was continuing to practice his moves.

“Not quite,” he hummed once he realized who’d come to join him.

“I help train the captains-to-be, but otherwise I float between the rank of a Captain and an Elite. Though on paper, I’m listed as an Elite Ranger,” he explained.

The Lucario then looked over at the Flygon, wondering what it was about to do while waiting for their silly humans to do something.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Dec 7, 2023 5:56:29 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Thought you would be for sure," Shalin replied. "I still don't get why didn't think you made a good Head Ranger. I never had any issues with you. Then again, I don't think we spent a lot of time together; aside from the Dewford mines, I only think we went on the one job together. One of these days, we should work a ticket together. For old time's sake." It felt so strange that the once-Head Ranger was technically Shalin's subordinate now. Never in a million years did she see herself in a position of authority like she was now.

Fate pulls upon her strings in unpredictable ways.

With a nod, Shalin slid down from Sandy's back, her Flygon stretching her wings wide before lowering them. "The doctors at Dewford finally gave me the clear to start using my Sygna Suit again. Gotta ease back into it." As she stood above the insectile dragon's wing and waited for her partner to lift her off the ground, Shalin asked the Composed, "What brings you so far from town? There a ticket you and your Lucario are working?"

{WC: 187}
{PC: 2}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 15:09:53 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Let’s just say after four straight years of doing a lot of heavy lifting, I needed a break,” he would comment—and leave it at that.

There were precious few who would learn about the truth why he was no longer Head Ranger, should anyone ask around about it. Most word on the street (at least among the other Rangers) is that there had been some reshuffling among who held what position, and he was more content to leave it at that,

Better leave it at that rather than letting one tiny little ribbon unravel and the whole truth come out… he thought in the back of his silent mind.

“I actually live at Verdanturf, however I’m out here to let Alpha get some exercise in. He gets… restless when he’s cooped up too long.”

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Dec 8, 2023 18:12:13 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
"Four years without going on a single vacation?" Shalin gasped. "That's wild. Did they at least let you cash out your unused PTO?" What in the world did Lars do to deserve being overworked like that? The League treated her Captains much better than that.

A tingling sensation coursed through Shalin's body as Sandy lifted her off the ground and onto the red and green, translucent wing. The flow of Infinity Energy between the two felt almost foreign after not experiencing it for weeks.

"Didn't know you were from Verdanturf!" Shalin chirped as she grabbed onto the wing with all four limbs, ready to put her suit to use. "Sandy's been waiting to do this a while. Seems like we're out here for similiar reasons. Good luck with Alpha! I'm sure I'll need it with Sandy, too." She tilted her head forward. "Alright, Sandy, ease me into it! Not too fast!" The dragon started to beat her wings, both glowing a faint green. Shalin was still clearly visible as they flapped at the pace of a small bird.

{PC: 3}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Dec 10, 2023 13:49:02 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

“Well. I went to Alto Mare for a few weeks with my cousin, but… well, when two left Hoenn, only one of us remained.”

And it was clear who had decided to stay behind.

“I currently live in Verdanturf, although originally… my family is from Sootopolis. But see what happened there, so yeah. I know I’m not getting back in there, so I decided to live on the mainland instead.”

In the background, the Lucario had settled down to watch the insanity that was about to happen…

“I fucking swear, Shalin, if you get yourself injured again because of what you’re doing I’m going to pop a vein!” he warned her quietly as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Dec 12, 2023 20:23:33 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Sootopolis was a city Shalin did not want to think about. With the knowledge of the Halls of Origin and Ultra Beast eggs rapidly hatching within its depths, plus the relative ease of acquiring them if one had the right tools, Rocket could pilfer an entire clutch of eggs from the Ultra Wilds and hatch them deep within. All because of the mistake she made of opening that Pandora's Box. The Pandora's Box that cost Kiara her life. She still thought about the Pyroar often enough, as did Scar.

"With me being out of Rustboro as their Captain now, I imagine we'll be seeing each other quite a bit more often. Especially when decides we all need to go to Ever Grande again," she mused before things got too intense. And they were about to.

The wing Shalin was on beat faster and faster, making a loud and low hum as Infinity Energy flowed between the two. In just a few seconds, Shalin was a blur of greens and flowery shades of red and pink, the Flygon elements and Venusaur elements of her suit blending in with one another visually. While the feeling of the conduit opening up once again made her shake even more than she did when Flygon vibration coursed through her, it was a good feeling to her. The low hum was Lars' only cue that the wings weren't beating very fast for a Flygon, but they were fast enough to start cleaning and unclogging the metaphorical fuel line!

{WC: 253}
{PC: 4}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Dec 16, 2023 7:02:05 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He cackled quietly.

The mention of his best friend’s name made him snicker for a few moments before he realized—

“Well, yes, I agree we’ll be meeting more often moving forward. In fact I’m helping with getting someone designated over at Fallarbor soon,” he nodded quietly.

As for the next meeting, though…

“You know, I have no idea when the next all-Ranger meeting will be, all things considered.”

Four years later and for once he was glad to not be at the helm of the next one.

And then she had to do her thing, before he pinched the bridge of his nose.

“Shalin, I swear…” he sighed as he thought he saw her receding into a blur. “If you’re not careful I’m going to have the doctors come after you and recommend you even more bed rest for being so stubborn!”

All this happened, while the Lucario continued to watch the two humans just doing their silly thing. And what was up with the Flygon trying to flap the green-haired lady on its wing?!

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Dec 20, 2023 22:49:21 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin and her Flygon began to glow a brighter green, a manifestation of the Infinity Energy link between the two. Even though the vibration wasn't very fast compared to what Lars had seen Shalin withstand, especially if he had heard about what they had gone through in the Galar memory, it still got a blissful shout out of the Captain. It didn't take too much to get her on an adrenaline high after not being able to ride at all for so long!

After a few intense seconds, the hum ceased, the Flygon beating her wings like those of a small bird before lowering them to the ground. She sat there for a few minutes, waiting for feeling to return to her lower body. Her hair was a mess after being thrown about in different directions countless times per second. "That felt so good to do again!" the crazy girl chirped as the glow became more faint, though it still remained for as long as the wing supported Shalin and kept her off the ground. "Still nowhere enough to be useful in battle, but it's so fun! I think we'll have to relearn everything from scratch to get back to where we were, though. Certainly no Boombursts any time soon."

{PC: 5}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Jan 6, 2024 23:53:51 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He felt his eyebrows twitching at the—

Did she just say Boomburst…?!

What in the absolute, legitimate fuck.

Unable to help himself, he pinched the bridge of his nose once again.

“Wind back a little for me,” he continued, before the Lucario behind them snorted, and then began practicing on his own.

“…but what did you say about Boomburst?” he wanted to clarify.

There was no way in hell he was hearing things right. Was he?

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Jan 10, 2024 22:41:24 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Back in the Galar Memory where she first performed the feat, her bond with her Flygon was nowhere near as strong as it was now. If the feats she could pull off in her suit weren't superhuman already, what she proposed certainly would be. "You know Flygon use Boomburst by vibrating their wings, right? It's like what I just did, but faster!" It may have been difficult for her fellow Captain to imagine.

"In the spring, were you... in Balloonlea? In Galar?" she asked, the strange question coming out of nowhere if he wasn't on Route 120 that day when the Ruinous Beasts appeared.

{PC: 6}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Jan 16, 2024 17:47:35 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

He was…thankfully well-aware of how potent a Boomburst attack could be (he always carried a pair of earplugs on his person no matter where he went in case he had a nasty encounter like that) however the second statement… threw him in for a loop.

“I… I don’t think so. My friend, maybe. But not me. Why do you ask?”

While he knew that had told him bits and pieces about what had happened in that ‘alternate Galar’, fact of the matter was that it was… kind of extremely fantastical to believe, so… the skepticism was there.

“I know a little. But not everything. All I know is that there’s a bunch of reports that came in, that have the same mention of getting stuck in what was like uh. A little pocket universe or something? Or another existence? For a rough time frame between… ten, fifteen? Twenty years or so.”

Gods, even he was doubting the reports…

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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Shalin Nariya
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POSTED ON Jan 18, 2024 18:15:53 GMT
Shalin Nariya Avatar
Shalin's reason for asking was simple. "I was there, and that was where I learned what my suit could and could not do. Before I perfected the bond with Sandy, I... pushed my suit beyond its design limits. You see, one of the things that the suits can do is make Pokémon attacks more powerful. Mine can make certain sound-based attacks stronger. That's why I was... riding Sandy by her wing."

Though the memory was faint, she remembered toward the end of the twenty-year journey how much pain her recklessness had caused her. "In that Galar, I tried to do that with her Boomburst before the bond became perfect, and... I messed up my back doing it. But now that the bond is perfected..." she trailed off, already feeling a tingling sensation in her muscles from the anticipation of Sandy subjecting her to the fastest vibration she had to offer.

"I'll make sure to warn you before she fires it."

{PC: 7}

NAME          SPECIES        STATUS
Sandy         Flygon         Good
Saria         Venusaur       Good
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POSTED ON Jan 21, 2024 20:17:02 GMT
Laurence Anderson Avatar

Ah, and so there it was. The reason why he’d been iffy on getting a suit of his own—because who knew what would happen if someone pushed themselves too far?

“Well… it’s a good thing you made it back and there was… well, from what I can see, no lasting harm done,” he squinted as he realized that he may be up for an actual display of power and capability…

“Humor me, then,” he continued as he dug around in his pockets before finding the case that had his earplugs in and pulling it out.

“Just how loud can it get?”

oh look who finally decided to get a sygna suit of his own

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