i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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dawn grandier
rocket boss
219 height
219 height
i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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TAG WITH @cadis
cadis von klaussner
POSTED ON Aug 5, 2019 21:53:38 GMT
cadis von klaussner Avatar





AN EXPLANATION [break][break]

is the current rocket boss. a complex individual who embodies the phrase "the calm before the storm". a man who is above evil and good, seeing himself to be nothing more than both a creationist and humanist. someone who questions morality and finds fascination within the faults of humanity.[break]

PUBLIC [break][break]

  • as DAWN GRANDIER he is a simple coordinator who was gifted the moniker 'twilight'. is praised by many and renowned for his coordinating prowess. is known for leaving during the final round within a contest.
  • as DAWN GRANDIER he has debuted within hoenn. is said to be retiring or, rather, taking a leave of absence from performing as a participant.
  • as DAWN GRANDIER he has told interviewers that he plans to work under . perhaps, maybe, even become the gym trainer to a current gym leader, is currently scoping the scene of hoenn's talented.
  • as DAWN GRANDIER he has told interviewers that he hopes, on live television, that he hopes to meet the hero who took down team rocket, as well as the other parties involved. wanting to thank them personally for their services.


  • DAWN GRANDIER as a FAMOUS coordinator.

WHAT ROCKET KNOWS[break][break]

  • his fame as a coordinator and second alias is known to only and .
  • his character as an individual who has a "cautious" air to him, but the kindness and gentle touch of a father figure. has never seen cadis exhibit a displeasure or sour look. have known him to be of an oddball, but are aware of the heinous nature behind the facade he portrays before them all.
  • he's, currently, the new rocket boss.
  • that those below the status of UNDER BOSS were told to continue following and every word + order. to act as if they are, still, without a spearhead. to act as if the under bosses are the bosses.
  • those who left rocket are currently being pursued due to possessing abilities he, not rocket, will personally need/want. though they cannot rejoin, he'd be happy to employ them of his own volition. money is no object and he will find/has found need for some of them. there are some he's willing to save, but there are those and wish to be disposed of. he cannot undermine his advisers wishes. although, unless you have substantial usability, he'll gladly do his best to procure no further attempts upon your life. because he's a nice man who values talent, even talent that the many cannot see.


  • has an illness he is soon to succumb to, it is unknown when. could be months, years, days.
  • is searching for the jewel of life. longs for immortality. holds a desire to, also, meet "the original one".
  • his goals are to find out as much as possible about humans, pokemon, too, included. he wants to see the many sides to humanity: hope, despair. he's searching for that one person to show him what it means to be human, for they will be the deciding factor on what he does in the end once he acquires [REDACTED].
  • though it is known to and , he's currently spending his time as a member of the league. planning to become a gym trainer to one of the gym leaders or assistant to . this is so that he may, properly, get closer to AETHER FOUNDATION as well as learn about the respective leaders, elites, and councilmen of hoenn. he wants to learn about them, understand them, as well as judge them. they all capture his curiosity, he simply wants to obtain his personal views of them.
  • has plans to develop new rocket tech with the aid of and the AETHER FOUNDATION. ( they ain't help ). succeeded in creating GENESECT.
  • has potential nefarious plans to disrupt the chain of command.

UPDATE(S) (2020 )[break][break]

  • after the successful creation of genesect and rocket remnants unveiling. cadis' illness overtook him and has made the boss bedridden since february and throughout march. with serving as temporary head and appointing as underboss, per cadis's orders, cadis has entrusted into his care while and temporarily lead rocket.
  • as conducts medical research into cadis' illness. he has slowly been recovering with her help, yet still remains weak at this time. he is able to visit his garden, with acting as his aid and caretaker, and comes to discover an UNNATURAL POKEMON in his garden. the floette, tethering itself to cadis, came to notice his weakened and frail state. [break][break]

    the floette thought cadis, a human, to be no different from a wilting flower. so, with unexplainable power, it would offer to help restore cadis' health, though only temporary. like a wilting flower floette would offer cadis the eternal flower. at first he did not understand, but with 's deduction, she explained how certain flowers were well-known to possess healing properties and were consumable. cadis saw this as a simple gesture of good will as the floette, only wishing to help a broken creature, insisted he take a simple bite from a single petal. with that small bite nothing happened, but he thanked the floette nonetheless.


    it wasn't until the next day that, once cadis awoke, he would come to feel more healthy. but not only was his physical health restored, he would come to appear physically different. a side effect born from a small ingestion of the eternal flower. his mind felt clearer, his body back to its original state, and his hair a different color. still their boss, there was a drastic change from within.[break][break]

    , running some tests, she would inform the rocket boss that his life had been given some form of extension. though he still remained ill, it was unknown when his illness could take effect on his physical health again. so he would need to be monitored from time to time per her suggestion.
  • has plans to develop new rocket tech with the aid of and the AETHER FOUNDATION. ( they ain't help ). succeeded in creating GENESECT.
  • has potential nefarious plans to disrupt the chain of league.
