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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park

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He, Him
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Mar 31, 2024 17:00:36 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

They had just returned from their final excursion in the Ultra Deep Sea, and he felt the place still lingering on his body....He hated it, this suit was good for protection, but once that purpose was served it held no other function. Other than being uncomfortable when the adrenaline left his system. As much as he hated being impolite to his guest, he needed to change.

"Wait here....I'm going to change out of this...." It was half an order, and half a statement. So he walked into the sideroom of his office, and it was there that he stripped out of his suit, away from prying eyes. At least he didn't think she'd try to peep, and after a few moments he was dressed in a black dress pants, and a buttoned up long sleeve shirt. His usual black jacket to finish the suit was missing, but he sighed happy to be comfortable. Sitting down at his desk he stretched out, and motioned to one of the plush chairs on the other side if she hadn't taken a seat already.

"Alright....We should compare notes before I document our findings....To my knowledge there is know proper report for the Ultra Deep Sea, or perhaps there is and I missed one....So many reports show up everyday even I'm bound to miss a few...." However that was the nice part of having become an admin, because he would inform Amor if he had missed anything important. Howard was good like that, and he appreciated it more than the Archeologist could ever know.

"Either way I'll at least write up a document for myself...." He mused out loud. "Oh well....Before I start this....Any thing you want to talk about....?"

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 1, 2024 1:50:20 GMT
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Entering his space was an opportunity to understand him better. He had held his own well over their UDS visits, though she had been concerned about his stoicism in the beginning of the horrors they witnessed as she feared it meant Hoenn held nightmarish events for everyone who dared to look with open eyes. The RKS simulation had already soured her taste for blind exploration. [break][break]

She had been stuck in her thoughts in his absence, nearly flinching as he re-entered. She wasn't sure he was more approaching with the suit off, but the invitation to this space was as good as she was going to get, she was sure. [break][break]

She sat. His observation made sense, as she had certainly be unprepared for UDS and had found no readings for it. "I am still stuck on the evidence that that is... that there is something living in there." Or rather, that they were in something living. Pokemon could not be that massive. It would have been discovered by now, absolutely. [break][break]

Still, his wisdom about believing the impossible rang in her ears. "What do you make of what we saw?" Maybe he had processed it more thoroughly than she had.

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He, Him
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Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 2, 2024 18:48:48 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He leaned back in his chair, and closed his eyes thankful for the ability to relax.

"I think we were inside a very large organism....One large enough to hold an ecosystem within it, but as to what it is I can't even begin to theorize...." He'd need to hold interviews with every Rocket that had been within the Ultra Deep Sea at this point, and get as many of the facts as he could before he even tried to put the pieces together. The question was, would they be able to kill a creature that size? It had to have more than one heart to have the proper blood flow. Or did conventional science even apply to something like that?

Amor frowned a bit the more he thought about it, the more he felt a headache coming on, and he just groaned a bit.

"I think that if I try to make proper sense of it....They will call me a madman, lock me up, and throwaway the key." There was a wry smile on his lips. "If I hadn't heard the heartbeat....Saw what I did...." He shook his head, and gathered up all the information from their expeditions in his mind. "I think the Sharpedo swarm we ran into probably functions as some sort of antibody system, and since we were foreign organic material it's goal was to remove us. As for the hallucinations....Probably a by product of the fumes, and mist that we were traversing through....A sort of organic hallucinagenic if you will...." Was it that easy to explain? He doubted it, but the environment did have an adverse effect on them of that he was sure of.

"I'm just happy we escaped alive, and with two prizes...." That was cause enough for celebration after everything.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 3, 2024 22:40:22 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

If they subscribed to the large organism theory -- and that was a large if -- then his thoughts on the matter made perfect sense. Antibodies as pokemon swarms and hallucinogenic defense mechanisms were viable in a creature so large. The pulse was unmistakable, but it could be happenstance that it appeared to function like a heart. [break][break]

More compelling than the above, it made her wonder about the shipwreck. "Something large enough to host not only pokemon but civilizations inside of it, that we do not know of, is potentially the most ground-breaking knowledge the world has ever seen to date. I do not know what to make of the shipwreck. Is it possible the Megalopolans knew?" She was unfamiliar with their scholarship. She had barely found time to do light reading on them after Aurelie's cannibalism comment.[break][break]

"If it exists out there, it could be possible that our very world is a gigantic pokemon hosting us." That that was not out of the question was mind-boggling. She shook her head, exhausted. "For all the deities that people have sworn by, and even those that we have witnessed in Hoenn, to imagine something larger or greater than them exists... I fear it is the result of hallucinogenics."

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2024 22:52:18 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He just kept playing back the words that Azelf had spoken to him over three years ago.

The Fourth Will Ruin You....

Of course he hadn't told very many people about that, but still what if Eternatus was that size? Could it potentially just eat their planet? That was a horrifying possibility. Though her speculation caught his attention.

"Now that....That was something I didn't consider....Hoenn being on the back of some massive creature, or within it's depths...." It was an interesting theory one that he had never heard before. "It is a horrifying possibility." That was the simple truth, and he just leaned back in his chair, and took a deep breath. "As for if the Megalopolans knew, we could always ask, we have two in our custody if I'm not mistaken...." He said to her with an easy smile. "Should I make an appointment for us to question one of them?" With his position came certain perks, and she was interesting enough that he didn't mind abusing his power a bit.

"Though while on the topic of existential threats to our universe....Should a creature that large turn it's fangs to our home....I'll be honest I'm not sure what we could do to stop it, at least not permanently...." While bigger was not always bigger, that depended on the scale. Humans crushed ants beneath their boots everyday, but what would happen when they were suddenly the ant. The scale of such a difference was almost incomprehensible. "It's a strange feeling to perceive a threat, and flounder for any possible answer towards it....." He was going to need a drink by the end of this day.

"I only know of the four creatures greater than all of the deities we know about, and that's because I watched them hatch...."

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 5, 2024 23:06:50 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

The Megalopolan prisoners were news to her. As much as she instinctively wanted to jump on it, the way he had said it suggested they'd been in Rocket custody for a while. There was no way she would outperform the interrogators that must have already been loosed on them. She shook her head. No, it was a dead end. [break][break]

She agreed with his assessment of the threat. "Could only delay the inevitable..." If the threat was totally real, she would insist Rocket pause all research outside that regarding the dream-realm and space distortions; they needed to produce a way to escape this world, as it would be totally doomed if this gigantic pokemon rose. [break][break]

"What four creatures?" She didn't study religious pursuits, and so there were many deities she was unfamiliar with... Though, she kept hearing about different ones showing their faces in Hoenn, and it was soon becoming time to no longer tie such figures to myth when they were frequently in the flesh. "What are we facing? Is it related to... to what was in the Deep Sea?"

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He, Him
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Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
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POSTED ON Apr 6, 2024 0:01:54 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Ah I forget....You weren't there during the Malcadena incident." He said, and he tapped his desk lightly as he thought how best to put this. How did you put into words that you witnessed the creation of the universe, and the four deities that were suppose to govern it. "In Sinnoh we have a mythos about creation....In the beginning Time, Space, and Death were all created....Each given their own realms to govern how they saw fit as long as they kept the universe in balance. Should the balance be broken Death would restore it by whatever means was necessary...." This was one version of the mythos of course. "I got to witness the birth of those three deities, but I saw something else....There was a fourth egg, and it hatched into a dragon that was not spoken of in Sinnoh's mythos...."

To be both vindicated in your beliefs, and learn there was more to it at the same time was again a strange feeling, and he didn't know how to properly process it.

"It was a skeletal looking dragon, it looked more malformed than the other three....I believe that dragon, the fourth one is more of a threat to our region than the Dark Triad...." At least if he understood what Azelf had said properly. "I fought that dragon as well in....Well in what I can only describe as a parallel timeline....Twenty years passed, but when I came back only a day had passed in this world...." It was jarring to say the least. "It had the ability to control pokemon that were infected with it's poison like thralls...." At least that is how it appeared to him.

"I don't know if it's related to the Deep Sea....But if the Deep Sea is a large pokemon like the other four....That means we have at least 5 calamities that we have to prepare for, and I don't even know where to start." He laughed mirthlessly.

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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 8, 2024 20:32:57 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

Malcedena? No, she hadn't heard of it. And did he say witnessed creation? Her suspension of disbelief could only extend so far. For all the craziness the region held and for all the desensitization Hoenn residents had towards the most groundbreaking experiences, this was just too far. "You expect me to believe you witnessed creation?" He had been rather reliable so far, and he had never needed to artificially inflate his accomplishments to earn her respect. [break][break]

"Has anyone seen this fourth creature before? Outside of this 'parallel universe?'" Forget the fifth, forget the UDS. She couldn't dedicate more time to discovering what it was if Rocket couldn't prioritize it, and she was more floored at the concept of a fourth unnamed deity. Further, could the parallel universe have been a dream realm? How could he have determined twenty years passing? Who else was there that could corroborate the experience? [break][break]

Space-time distortions were real. Hell, she had experienced one in area zero. It was possible to lose time or end up in a pocket, but twenty years? And in a universe fighting against an unknown deity? "What other realm is there for a deity to reign over?" It didn't make sense. She couldn't wrap her head around any of it being true.

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He, Him
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Billionaire, Playboy
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 16:09:32 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

At her question of did he expect her to believe him there was a smirk on his lips, and he gently tapped his lips.

"Ms. Abadi....I assure you the things I've done since then make that seem like a walk in the park....However we can save all that for a rainy day." He explained to her, and when she questioned more about the fourth, he pulled out a drawer from behind his desk, and leafed through a sketchbook. It was something he had shown once upon a time. Sketches of legends that he had met or seen in person, their likeness immortalized with pen, ink, and paint as they were in his mind. Leafing through several he found the skeletal looking dragon with it's violet coloration, and red highlights.

It looked alien like it wasn't suppose to be part of this, like a plague.

"Sinnoh has no records of this creature....However Galar does....They call it Eternatus. However a name is all I could find, and I have no interest in pulling the ear of the royalty to find out more." He didn't want to get further involved with Calcifets than he had to. "I don't know much more than that....As for it's realm....I can only think of one." And he frowned harshly, walking over to the front of his desk, and just sitting on the edge of it.

"Would you like to know my theory?"

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june 8
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i used to dream in the dark of palisades park.
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 18:53:15 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

She hoped he was lying and appealing to some inflated sense of grandeur. Somehow, however, she doubted that was the case. She felt herself drawn in as he thumbed through his sketchbook. This Eternatus was too distinct to be some imagined flight of fancy. It struck some internal cord in her. She felt in her gut that this was real despite a lack of concrete proof. [break][break]

"I have never heard of it in all my time growing up in Galar," she said quietly, as if speaking loudly would summon it. "If information on it does indeed exist in the vaults of the reigning family, then we should make a trip." She was not afraid to return to Galar, though she had told herself she wouldn't unless she was knocking off her list. Too many men had to pay for their part in her mother's passing. [break][break]

She wanted his theories, and she wanted his assistance if a heist was the right move. "Tell me."

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He, Him
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Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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Amor Rose
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 19:37:36 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"We could always just question the two royals here in Hoenn if push comes to shove....But I'm not interested in them despite the intel they might have...." He explained to her, but he kept his gaze on her, and he just smiled when she asked him to tell her. Though his smile quickly faded.

"What if....And it's a big if....What if this Fourth Deity is trying to claim our world for it's own domain? If it wasn't gifted one at the summit creation maybe it decided it'd just take this one. What if these poisonous incursions are just a scouting party essentially, and it's prodding us for weaknesses to exploit." This of course was just a big if. Still he wanted to be prepared for the possibility if nothing else. "If I'm even a percent correct....Then we are screwed beyond belief." He chuckled, and he had never wished so hard to be wrong before in his life.

"A few years ago I got some very valuable intel from a source that is incredibly trusted. Their exact wording was 'The Fourth Will Ruin You'....At the time I didn't know what it meant, but during the Malcadena incident I began to piece things together. Slowly over the years more, and more signs have started to appear, and now here we are....The Ruinous Beasts, these toxic incursions...." All signs were pointing to his prophecy finally coming true, and he wasn't happy in the slightest. "I think that the Dark Triad is the least of our immediate worries...."

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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 20:26:17 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar

A deity without a domain? It was unprecedented. All gods held dominion over some aspect of the universe. "If Eternatus has no domain, where has it been?" The poison connection was interesting. "Do you believe it is a poison type?" It looked otherworldly. It was hard to determine from the sight of it out of a sketchbook. Deadly wasn't a type, but it looked like a harbinger of death. [break][break]

"What source? You speak with oracles?" The skepticism came out sharper than intended. She had, in all her time, had countless negative experiences with people who claimed some sort of psychic ability. It was her due diligence in her studies to seek them out until they proved themselves phony. But really, who else could craft such storytelling? The fourth? That seemed like the work of an oracle. [break][break]

He had yet to lie to her, but the way he was discussing things, it was possible he was viewing things with a confirmation bias. "You believe the DRK Triad is completely separate from this threat?" She knew little about them, all things considered, but their focus on space and time manipulation seemed in-line with a deity that wanted to claim their reality as its own. "I know Lulu is concerned about them..." Lulu was an especially trusted colleague. Ameena had started taking the Triad more seriously since Lulu last mentioned them.

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He, Him
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Billionaire, Playboy
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"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 20:52:06 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

He just smiled at her when she spoke of oracles....If she only knew....There was a reason he hadn't told anyone else. He understood how absurd it sounded, but he had to believe it was a possibility, and prepare for it at the very least.

"If you consider Azelf an oracle then yes." He said to her resting his palms on his desk, and leaning back to relax. "I do, but there is every possibility I am wrong. They were using chains of Unown to control Dialga, and Palkia....So it's entirely possible they are involved in this new incursion somehow, but it doesn't smell like them." He expressed to her. "The Dark Triad possess a certain....Je nais se quois....They are methodical, highly trained assassins, and use their Unown with more efficiency than even ....Not to put down Ms. Sato, but I think in a straight up fight they outclass her in combat." Though the difference was that had allies, and a brilliant mind, and could solve her way through a fight if she needed to, but that didn't matter if you were sniped from three hundred meters away.

"These incursions don't feel like their methods, but again I will leave room for human error...." He explained to her with a smile, and upon mentioning how was worried about them. "Many people are worried about them, and rightfully so, but I can kill the Dark Triad....If I get my hands on one I can make them bleed, I can harm them....But I have zero measures to take against an angry god that wants to make our world it's new home....A god that influences the minds of others, and only certain other creatures can harm....That to me is a more pressing concern, and if the Dark Triad are part of that issue, then it only compounds the problem."

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POSTED ON Apr 9, 2024 21:07:43 GMT
ameena abadi Avatar


His resume grew by the minute. That he was so casual about all of it made his analysis of threat levels all the more daunting. "Unown did not strike me as significant combatants." They were like an alphabet if the alphabet was more runic and cryptic and otherworldly. "Good to know I should run for the hills if I see any of them with an Unown," she commented with mirth. [break][break]

His logic about people was sound. People were easier to kill than gods, by default. But there were more people than gods, and more diversity in skill and thought. People were predictable up until they weren't. "What do you mean by 'only certain creatures can kill it?' What do we know this being is weak to?" [break][break]

Really, every conversation with a head scientist left her with an acknowledgement of a new threat. They were on all fronts, and she had no idea where to put her priorities. She couldn't blame the upper ranks for disagreeing on what to treat as a top priority when there were so many moving parts and interested parties in Hoenn. It was like chess, if chess had countless players and no one knew exactly what each piece was capable of. "Knowledge is power. We should be interrogating Galarian royalty or finding DRK Triad bases for information on Eternatus." Indeed, she was ready to consider Eternatus as a real a threat as a gun to her head.

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He, Him
June 25th
Eterna City, Sinnoh
Billionaire, Playboy
Head Scientist
"I can't take the pressure....I'm gone beyond repair...."
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TAG WITH @solo
Amor Rose
Encouraging Expeditions (Social)
POSTED ON Apr 11, 2024 22:07:16 GMT
Amor Rose Avatar

"Unown are capable of Teleporting their wielders like many other psychic types....You underestimate that skill in the hands of a trained assassin at your own risk." A minor admonishment, and a piece of advice to her. He knew better than anyone else the kind of terrifying results someone could get when they fought alongside their pokemon, and utilized every single advantage at their disposal to win. "Always be on your guard against them...." He wanted her to live, but how much she took to heart was up to her.

"I mean what I said....I don't think conventional attacks will harm it, even the attack I saw it take in the simulation only scratched it...." He frowned a bit, and he realized that she didn't know he possessed Erebus, his Deoxys. "I forget how recent you came to be here....The creature I witnessed attacking it in the RKS Simulation is one I have in my care. A Deoxys....I suspect that beings of similar power can also harm it...." He explained to her, and with a whistle a flash of white light appeared, and in his office was the Deoxys. It was hovering behind his desk outlining him in it's silhouette. It's Pressure was encompassing the room, but Amor turned to look at it, and the Pressure dissipated.

"This is Erebus, my Deoxys....We are still getting to know one another, and I am still learning about his capabilities, but in the simulation I saw, one of his kin at least was able to scratch Eternatus." He reasoned to her, and her final plan was one that he frowned a bit.

"Interrogating the Royalty is complicated....One of them is an avatar, and fighting them is a pain, trust me....The last avatar I faced hurled fireballs at me that homed in on me tirelessly, and exploded....The other is in possession of another extraordinary pokemon....Making enemies of them lightly will just bring us needless trouble. However I agree with your second option, we could always see what the DRK Triad knows...."

The Shula Region
Hogwarts AU
RPG Unlimited
The Enroi Region
Celestial Guardians, AU Sailor Moon RP